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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2592971 No.2592971 [Reply] [Original]

Post here if you have actually spent time in, or currently live in Japan.

>> No.2592979

3 months as exchange student in high school

>> No.2593029

why would I go to a shit country?

>> No.2593031


How do the women seem to view western men?

>> No.2593033


I'm with this guy, can't wait to leave

>> No.2593036

>why would I go to a shit country?

The food is really good?

>> No.2593039

It's shit right?

>> No.2593051

They find white guys "exotic". Not necessary all over your junk, but "curious" is the right word. I was 15 at the time though, so fuck if I really know.

>> No.2593090

Any Japanese/East Asian Studies majors planning on studying abroad soon?

My school doesn't have a Japanese major per say, but I'm studying Japanese history and headed there this fall for senior thesis research.

>> No.2593093
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They are scared shitless until you can speak some Japanese.

Plus they really hate pakis and sand niggers, so I think that's awesome.

>> No.2593117

Spent like 2 weeks there on a school trip.
I don't even remember where we went so I suppose it doesn't really count.

>> No.2593145

They view you as little more than disposable playthings.

They're like cats, they don't actually love you, they just act cute so you'll pet them.

Except they're not cats, they're aliens. In a way, we're like house pets to them. Cute little things they keep around to show off to their friends and keep them company.

>> No.2593151


After a year in japan I had quite a few experiences with them. My friends and I found there's almost a bell curve to getting them.

If your japanese is shitty you might have a hard time, and if it's rather good their expectations can be fucked up. Now if your moonspeak is in the middle, you're bound to have alot of fun ;)

>> No.2593154

Stayed there with my cousin's family for 2 3-month periods when I was younger. Several weeks of the first time were in Okinawa, though.

>> No.2593172

you kinda remind me of Yamazaki from N.H.K.
