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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2591473 No.2591473 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think your life would be better if you were born Japanese?

>> No.2591486

That would mean I would have grown up in Japan, right?

Then no!

>> No.2591481


>> No.2591487

my life would be neeter.

>> No.2591488

Nope. In fact, it would propably be much worse. NEET is one thing, but being a complete hikikomori might just bee too much for me.

>> No.2591490

No, the key ability that I'm missing the most is "networking", which is a nail in your coffin in Japan.

>> No.2591492

I was born Japanese.

Nobody cares.

>> No.2591493


>> No.2591497

Its' impossible to tell, too many factors.

>> No.2591498
File: 13 KB, 251x198, 1242190978342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2591501

inb4 hundreds of replies of weeaboos in denial saying how grim and dark japan is.

>> No.2591502 [DELETED] 

But...I was under the impression that most of use were practically hikikomoris here?

I guess just me.

>> No.2591500 [DELETED] 

i stay in my house a large percentage of the time, and i see no need to flow with the grid, because it is pointless.. my parents still have their pride of imagery in some ways.. things like that. no, i don't really think i'd have a good time if i were born japanese, particularly not in japan.

>> No.2591511

hell no

>> No.2591517

wouldn't it be the other way round? weeaboos saying that it was wonderful and lovely.

>> No.2591518


But...I was under the impression that most of use were practically hikikomoris here?

I guess just me.

>> No.2591545


>> No.2591545,1 [INTERNAL] 

If I was Japanese I would probably wish to have been borned USian so your point is moot.

>> No.2591545,2 [INTERNAL] 

> I would probably wish to have been borned USian
Your American impression is pretty good, but you got one thing wrong.
We say 'Merican, not USian.

>> No.2591545,3 [INTERNAL] 

But "'Merican" seems just a word from "Mexican" so USian would be better so that no mistakes while reading are made.

>> No.2591705

It's 'American' you stupid fucks. Our military, economy/GDP, and culture is vastly superior to Mexico, Canada, and South America combined. When referring to us, simply call us Americans. Canada is filled with stoners and the third world Nations beneath us don't matter.

>> No.2591705,1 [INTERNAL] 

Isn't that what I said?

>> No.2591705,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2591705,3 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

was that posted on the main site? to reply to a ghost site?

mindfuck and a handful of stupid

>> No.2591705,4 [INTERNAL] 

Japan is undoubtedly one of the greatest countries on earth if not the greatest, but I'm too lazy to cope with their school system, as good as jumping through the arbitrary hoops of formal education as I am.

>> No.2591705,5 [INTERNAL] 

I wanna be Usanian

>> No.2591705,6 [INTERNAL] 

Gee, we sure got told のヮの

>> No.2591705,7 [INTERNAL] 

What's another word for an Asian American?


>> No.2591705,8 [INTERNAL] 


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>> No.2591705,9 [INTERNAL] 

If I was a yank or a rootless immigrant I would understand the glorification of japan.

But gladly I have my own culture already and I would not want anything else in this world.

No, you would not want to be usanian. Rather move in some third world country than yankland.

>> No.2591705,10 [INTERNAL] 

Aww, Meru's jealous~

>> No.2591705,11 [INTERNAL] 

Jealous of your worthless existence. Maybe or perhaps not. Who knows?

Anyhow, oh noes someone called USA out in its own ridiculous valuelessness. Are you ready to throw a baby hissyfit again, Jones?

>> No.2591705,12 [INTERNAL] 

Call me an uncultured immigrant pig dog, but I would rather have a far higher standard of living than a thousand years of peasant ancestry to masturbate over :)

>> No.2591705,13 [INTERNAL] 

Higher standard of living in USA? hahahaha seriously now I do enjoy my public healthcare for one

>> No.2591705,14 [INTERNAL] 

Whoever heard of going to the Czech Republic for an advanced medical procedure?
That would be like going to Britain to get your dental work done.
In fact, it's exactly like it. You see, everyone in your nation gets the same substandard subsidized health care. It's not exactly a great selling point for standard of living, Meru.

>> No.2591705,15 [INTERNAL] 

american = pig

>> No.2591705,16 [INTERNAL] 

Say, how many of your petty american dollars you are in depth for receiving subpar education in some poor yank college.

I mean, the idea that education costs, quite silly one is it not? In the real world you succeed according to your skill, not by how much your dad can pay up.

Then again, perhaps you regard being in depth as "higher standard of living". I would not be surprised, knowing the assbackwards crap that flies in USA.

>> No.2591705,17 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2591705,18 [INTERNAL] 

You meant debt, and the answer is zero, since it's impossible to have a negative amount of debt.
I actually get more money in scholarships and grants than it costs me to go to class, pay for books, and pay for rent.

Protip: things like financial aid are based on merit. I scored high on the tests, so I get paid to go to college. Joe Dumbfuck on the street barely passed the entrance exams? Well, he doesn't really merit much government aid, does he?
At least that's my view. Of course I'm biased, since I'm "smart enough" to "deserve" college, but that's life. In America, there are winners and there are losers, and if you win or lose depends on brains and determination. In your shithole, there are only losers.

Guess which one I'd chose to live in, pig American that I am.

>> No.2591705,19 [INTERNAL] 

Funny that you should mention depth, though.

I think the American Way is just too DEEP for you, Meru-chan.

>> No.2591705,20 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, the society in US is quite the piece of work, is it not?

I find it amusing that you oblige yourself to defend such nation. Can you successfully find value where there is none? Perhaps by delusion.

I must say that in comparison to US even the third world can feel pride. I have relatives in yankland and I do not envy them at all. Actually, I find them repulsive more than anything.

>> No.2591705,21 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, the society in the Czech Republic is quite the piece of work, is it not?

I find it amusing that you oblige yourself to defend such nation. Can you successfully find value where there is none? Perhaps by delusion.

I must say that in comparison to the Czech Republic even Korea can feel pride. I have relatives in slavland and I do not envy them at all. Actually, I find them repulsive more than anything.

>> No.2591705,22 [INTERNAL] 

> Actually, I find them repulsive more than anything.
That's called jealousy.

> I find it amusing that you oblige yourself to defend such nation.
It's a great nation, so it's not very hard to defend. Besides, I'm bored and this is fun.

Are you out of things to gripe about?
I'm disappointed. Next time you post, please include at least one reason why the third world can feel any pride.
No, ethnicity does not count.

>> No.2591705,23 [INTERNAL] 

No, ethnic pride would not count for you, you mixbred monkey.

>> No.2591705,24 [INTERNAL] 

A real reason, please.

What have the Czech people accomplished?
What have they to be proud of, but their miserable past?

>> No.2591705,25 [INTERNAL] 

Well, Kafka was a czech person for starters, if you are familiar with such author.

He even wrote a book about the ridiculous oddness that is know as america.

>> No.2591705,26 [INTERNAL] 

Can we take away the /ck/ archive?

>> No.2591705,27 [INTERNAL] 

Kafka always wanted to come to America.
Amerika seems like a point in my favor, not yours.

>> No.2591705,28 [INTERNAL] 

I take it as a grippingly accurate portrayal of american rootlessness and mental blight.

>> No.2591705,29 [INTERNAL] 

It was going to end on a high note, with an uplifting "moral of the story", but he never finished it.

Other than Kafka's works, can you name anything Czech to be proud of? There have been plenty of American authors.

>> No.2591705,30 [INTERNAL] 

Do you have medieval castle? Do you have wrds wth n vvls?

No, you do not. And this thread is a bore.

>> No.2591705,31 [INTERNAL] 

You ran out of criticisms of America in two posts and you couldn't come up with any backing for your ridiculous little ethnic claims. Of course you're not happy with this thread.

>> No.2591705,32 [INTERNAL] 

On a side note, that is one adorable asian.

>> No.2592695

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>> No.2592695,1 [INTERNAL] 

actually I respect each and every nation equally and hope we can all prosper as humanity.

Has it right.
BTW, isn't that the :3 girl?

>> No.2592840

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>> No.2592939

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>> No.2593014

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>> No.2593040,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why are those ∧_∧ faces hovering over their heads?

>> No.2593040

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>> No.2593062

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