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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2588563 No.2588563 [Reply] [Original]

What do you NEET fags do all day to pass the time?

Personally, I've resorted to WoW to give some sort of pathetic meaning to my life. When I'm not playing WoW I'm watching whatever watchable anime is out, playing VN translations as they spurt out and watching Fox News and Stewart/Colbert (and previous Conan ;_;).

When I'm not doing those I'm browsing this shitty excuse for a forum in the hopes that something besides idolfags, "touhou x is mai waifu", and ancient VN discussions (YMK and Shiki can kill ORT) are being discussed.

>> No.2588572

>Fox News

Enjoy watching insane men spout nonsense.


>> No.2588568

I fap, post here, watch animu and play games

>> No.2588587


>> No.2588595

Better than watching boring shit like CNN or MSNBC.

It's entertainment. Glenn Beck is my favorite since he always pulls a couple dumbass stunts in each show and causes his guests to pass out.

>> No.2588602

You should stop being so lazy, egocentric and self-indulgent. More than likely, your apathetic and wasteful behavior has consequences for more people than just yourself. For instance, your parents. Whatever your relationship to them might be, the only way by which you can maintain your comfortable lifestyle without working is through their help - to which you aren't legally entitled after you're an adult. Or are you completely incapable of exercising any sort of gratitude or decency?

inb4 "I didn't ask to be born etc"

>> No.2588603

I fap maybe once a month since I regard it as wasted time... as ironic as that sounds.

>> No.2588601


>causes his guests to pass out

That was only once and I'm sure it wasn't his fault.

>> No.2588608

>I've resorted to WoW to give some sort of pathetic meaning to my life
You should probably kill yourself now, nothing is going to get better for you.

>> No.2588610


I watch Rachel Maddow because I think she's cute.

>> No.2588623

Who let the advicefags in?

Is /r9k/ still down?

>> No.2588625


>Rachel Maddow

That's not funny.

>> No.2588633

I play guild wars all day long. When I'm not, I'm either masturbating, or masturbating while browsing /jp/ and /d/.

>> No.2588632

Why would I kill myself if I'm happy?

Being MT for a top 1% guild has its pros.

>> No.2588628

Fap, download movies/tv shows, 4chan, l4d/tf2, SF4 on 360, cry myself to cry.

>> No.2588643

>When I'm not doing those I'm browsing this shitty excuse for a forum in the hopes that something besides idolfags, "touhou x is mai waifu", and ancient VN discussions (YMK and Shiki can kill ORT) are being discussed.

Nice to see I'm not the only one. /jp/ is terrible.

>> No.2588646
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Just as I don't care about what you school/workfags do, I don't care about what you NEETs do, either.

/jp/ - Japanese porn games and mediocre doujin shooters


/jp/ - your fucking blog

>> No.2588651


>> No.2588655

Summer vacation here so I'm kind of a NEET for another month. I spend my days playing the vidya mostly since I missed a lot of games when I was busy with end-of-semester projects, and watching the anime that I'm currently following when subs come out, and IU sometimes play on tenhou.

I went to a friend's birthday party once though, and only because he only invited our close circle. I can't stand huge parties.

>> No.2588657


That's nice, dear.

>> No.2588661

Lets see...

Read some books, read some manga, watch some animu, browse /jp/ and /a/, browse some other forums, maybe play some vidya (L4D or TF2 usually, haven't touched my consoles for months..), fap, get a bath/shower, prepare some decent food or talk to 2 friends on xfire. I'm also playing Aion right now, it's a pretty good waste of a few hours when I rarely get bored.

I'll eventually get around to looking for a job.. sometime..

>> No.2588664

>Why would I kill myself if I'm happy?

Because the primeval source of sorrow in the world is the search for happiness itself. By striving to be happy, all you've ensured is that one day, fortune will rob you of whatever gave you that joy to begin with and all that'll remain is despair. Save yourself the trouble of finding out this conclusion firsthand and man up.

>Being MT for a top 1% guild has its pros.
Enjoy your sense of false achievement as a result of spending more time grinding than other people.

>> No.2588669
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>I'm kind of a NEET for another month

>> No.2588672


>false achievement

Just because you don't think it's a big deal doesn't mean it's false. Also, stop trying to tell the man how to live his life.


Stop telling me about what you do. I don't care.

>> No.2588677


Add in reading/playing some VNs too.

>> No.2588678

Advice? I'm merely asking him to justify his ways, which he apparently can't do. Though if he tried, it'd undoubtedly come off as "It's my life, I can do what I want!!1" or a string of vulgar ad hominem attacks against me.

Awfully sensitive, eh kid? Can't provide a rational defense, so you hide behind either the report function or ad hominem attacks? I bet you're from Gaia.

>> No.2588679

Oh boy it's the wannabe Freud of the night. I wonder if he's a newcomer or one of the residents.

>> No.2588685

VNs take up most of my time as most of them are long enough as it is without my shitty slow Japanese making them even longer.

Other than that, anime, films, the occasional game.

>> No.2588688

>ad hominem attacks
>I bet you're from Gaia.

>> No.2588693

>Because the primeval source of sorrow in the world is the search for happiness itself. By striving to be happy, all you've ensured is that one day, fortune will rob you of whatever gave you that joy to begin with and all that'll remain is despair. Save yourself the trouble of finding out this conclusion firsthand and man up.

Uh, what? I'm not searching for happiness you dumbass, I just said that I already am happy. You're trying to sound smart and simply coming off as a retard with no reading comprehension.

>Enjoy your sense of false achievement as a result of spending more time grinding than other people.

I am, thank you very much.

>> No.2588695

4chan, downloading anime I'll probably take a while to watch, downloading games I'll probably take a while to play, downloading music I'll probably take a while to listen, fapping and sleeping.
Maybe I shouldn't be so lazy...

>> No.2588704

I've been trying to get through Umineko to pass the time but I keep falling asleep.

Is it just me or is the pacing and repetition in this game even worse than Nasu?

>> No.2588712

Shepard Smith here.

/jp/'s a faggot.

>> No.2588716

Video games, 4chan, other websites, reading (books), anime, manga, VNs, talking to people online, writing, photoshop, movies, comics, composing music in FL Studio, playing with my pets, listening to music, etc. etc.

There's a fuckton to do. I plan on changing my lifestyle eventually though, I'm nearing a year without having any life whatsoever and confining myself indoors for months and months at a time.

>> No.2588743


I love him.

>> No.2588748
File: 148 KB, 874x840, flan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fap
I sleep
I browse /jp/
I watch animu
I talk to the girl I fell in love with on a korean MMORPG.
I tell myself to get a job but only get as far as looking around on monster.com for 15 minutes.
I procrastinate my plans on going back to school and actually try to make myself worth half a shit.

>> No.2588756

>Uh, what? I'm not searching for happiness you dumbass, I just said that I already am happy. You're trying to sound smart and simply coming off as a retard with no reading comprehension.

You said you're not searching for happiness, but that seems at odds with the question and language in your original post, whatever else you said afterwords.

Furthermore, consider that part of "searching for happiness" entails that you have a desire to be happy (or otherwise thinking that being happy is somehow a good thing). As long as you hold onto this feeling, your life's going to mostly be characterized by short bursts of euphoria interrupting long periods of malaise, boredom and dissatisfaction, which seems to characterize your life, judging by your choice of adjectives.

Is that an ad hominem attack to anyone other than elitists?

>> No.2588981

Seriously, they fixed ROBOT9000, what part of that don't you get?

>> No.2589012

Right now i just sit in my pit of depression playing games all day. I'm getting sick of it though so I'm going to start to go fishing every day all day.

>> No.2589055


So true is poetic.

>> No.2589058


I stopped WoW quite awhile ago due to retardins and DKs. Near impossible to move past the 2000 mark at 300ms.

I'm a shaman

>> No.2589147

Haha, oh you're that fag. I remember you from another thread.

>> No.2589153

Christ, start a garden or something, people.

>> No.2589157

I'm not a NEET, but I just stopped by to say hi.

>> No.2589183

I'm not a NEET.

I go to school, work, hang out with friends, watch animu, play vidya, and read VN. Oh and I troll /jp/.

>> No.2589240

I watch DBZ transformations on youtube... Kill me now.

>> No.2589319

so.... all fo the fags who are actually jealous of NEET life should thank me now with this next question "how the hell did you get your parents to agree to your current life style ??"i seriously wanna know cuz i have been wanting to live like that but.... my parents would probebly kick me out

>> No.2589326

Underage b&

>> No.2589336

I ahte being here. I hate not having a job. I hate not having real friends. I hate this damn little room.

>> No.2589347

My bf got me into WoW a few months ago, wasn't really my thing (I'm more of a Starcraft kind of person), I have no idea how people spend days at a time playing that thing.

>> No.2589363

Stop that.

>> No.2589366

No really, it wasn't my thing. Sorry if you're one of those 12 hour a day players, I didn't mean to insult you.

>> No.2589370

cool story bro

>> No.2589371

Funny, but you know what I meant.

You're doing it wrong, bro.

>> No.2589377

My boyfriend got me to try WoW too. I didn't really like it. And before you retards say something lame like "no girls on the internet", I'll tell you that we're both guys. And if you hate gay people, fuck you.

>> No.2589379

I'm not a NEET, but when I'm not at college I am full on hikikomori.

>> No.2589382

Well, sorry for trying something new. I still play Touhou nearly everyday so I don't see what your problem is.

>> No.2589383

I bet gay relationships between gamers are awesome.

>> No.2589384
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>> No.2589387


>> No.2589390
File: 192 KB, 879x704, 0055a9430bade7689a3eb378f7fa114d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pretty much just pass the time talking to people. Sure, I play games a lot but I wouldn't be playing them if I wasn't on vent with people doing the same thing. If I'm not playing games or on vent then I'll be browsing /jp/, talking to people on MSN/IRC, watching episodes of stuff that's airing etc. I haven't touched WoW in a bit, because I was guildless as the Ulduar patch launched and I don't really feel like looking for a guild at the moment.

>> No.2589392

What's your problem with someone disliking wow? Didn't know there were so many /v/ faggots on /jp/. Shouldn't you all be playing FFXI anyway?

>> No.2589394

It's easier to understand someone of the same gender, and I don't believe I could ever be happy with a girl.

>> No.2589414

Why are you hating on 12 hour a day players, man?

>> No.2589452

I exercise a lot, most people think I go to gym but I actually just do a shit load of bodyweight exercises in my room. Internet aside, I also drive to borders and read often. I have no idea what to do with my life, I was thinking about doing engineering but I don't think I am smart enough. I just want a decent paying job so I can support myself but I don't know where to begin. Give me some money for a motorcycle and enough to travel to other countries sometimes and I'll be quite happy with life..

>> No.2589459

>I didn't mean to insult you.

>> No.2589486

Read manga, lurk, talk to myself, imagine senarios that would never happen to the likes of me, most of the time.

>> No.2589553

i drink alone. every day.

>> No.2589620

I use to play WoW alot too, but this deathknight shit just ruins everything for me. Plds and dk's....lay on hands should be far far down in the holy tree their the only ones who deserve it. Very sick of wasting a large amount of time getting a prot pld down to nothing and he just instant heals back to full. I guess i shouldnt be one to complain though i got a twinked 69 pld with a macro for glyphed avengers and lit gen trinket, highest dmg so far was 9.5k instant. That game is just ridiculous now, I found it alot more entertaining before TBC.

>> No.2589639
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I have a pretty large backyard, so I'm beginning to take up gardening with my father, who has been doing it forever more-or-less.
Ore wa nippon.

>> No.2589658

>Ore wa nippon.

Get out of /jp/. Try again when you're at least 18.

>> No.2589658,1 [INTERNAL] 

T didn't listen to this guy and now he's dead.

>> No.2589658,2 [INTERNAL] 


I seriously doubt that's T.

>> No.2589658,3 [INTERNAL] 

He hadn't fully established his persona at the time of this thread. He was just a passive-aggressive 20-year-old college kid.

>> No.2589658,4 [INTERNAL] 

OP wasn't me you literal dipfuck. Do you seriously think I could ever be that pathetic and homosexual?

I also haven't used an emoticon in at least a decade (unironically).

>> No.2589658,5 [INTERNAL] 

>I also haven't used an emoticon in at least a decade (unironically).

Go check your Hard Hot Forum posting history, secondary.

>> No.2589658,6 [INTERNAL] 

Like I said - unironically.

>> No.2589658,7 [INTERNAL] 

You didn't even know what irony was when you were 16.

How do I know this? Because you still don't know what it is.

>> No.2589658,8 [INTERNAL] 

Oh, and OP was obviously you. The image is yours and everything else matches.
