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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2583785 No.2583785 [Reply] [Original]

Sup EU-guys, if someone missed it last night but intrested: Noteworthy stuff from the Q & A about KS, thanks fakku.

-There will be multiple H scenes in each path, and some paths will have more than others.
-Rin's footjobs are mean indeed
-Misha won't have a route of her own (well, fuck)
-As for Misha, you probably find out something about her later in the story, but getting that intimate... well...
-H-scene music http://f.imagehost.org/download/0404/Moonlight
Eri +Rin threesome? -Emi and Rin are unlikelier to be that intimate than Shizune and Misha. Their relationship is very different.
-KS won't be voiced. It's completely unfeasible for us to do.
-Yamaku is a school for kids with physical disabilities. Mental ones would require a completely different environment. (so Misha isn’t retarded or something afterall..)
-The base personalities were decided with a vote, back when there still was a big amount of 4chan anons throwing ideas around. Of course all characters have gone a long way from there, especially Emi, Shizune and Rin. They are for the most part the work of their respective writers.
-Every story will have multiple endings, some might be sadder than others.
Things regarding Akira: -She'll be seen in Lilly's own story quite a bit. / Akira will play a... medium sized part.
- Half of the main characters were born with their disability so don't know what it is like to be "ablebodied" and the rest have had time to get adjusted to it
- Act 1 does not use a point system as such, though any flow control system like this is always equivalent to one. The way it's coded, various choices rise "flags" which might not affect all girls (why would Hanako care how you play Risk against Shizune?) which then decide how the story progresses.

>> No.2583786

What do you think a "footjob" from Emi would feel like? – Like getting kicked in the groin by a mannequin. that miht be yur thing, or maybe it isn't. (FEELS GOOD MAN!)
- All girls have a little yandere inside. (FUUUUUUUUCK YEEEEEAH)
- all stories have at least two endings.
- will the genitals of the characters in the hentai scenes be censored? – No
- You will find out more than you ever wanted to know about Hanako and her circmstances in the full release.(i have a baaaad feeling about this)
aside from Yuuko and Akira will there be any other non-pathed girls that your waiting to surprise us with? And Misha's disablity is obvious ADHD lol jk -yes
-I'm sure the girls are into different things, some of which you might encounter in the game, but most of all they are just highschool girls taking their first steps in these kinds of relationships. We probably will try to instill some kind of a common theme into the the H scenes as well, to draw more attention to that side of things.
Anything for us yuri fans? - Mostly I think we have cocktease, at least so far.
- You can get locked out of several paths very early on (it's possible to lock oneself out of every path except Emi and Rin by Tuesday morning). Conversely, you can stay from being locked to any path until at least Friday, Saturday in some cases. You also can go down some paths and switch within Act 1, but from Act 2 on you can't change paths anymore.
-The story with Kenji ends there, after Hisao falls off the roof.
- I'm sure Act 1 will be changed, but not significantly. The savedata transfer is unknown at the moment (it depends on a lot of things)
- The paths are separate stories

>> No.2583790

- The difficulty of getting the routes seems to be very personal. From the feedback I gather that Rin is the trickiest one to get for a majority, but because of coincidences, she can be one of the first girls for others.
- People who look forward to KS to fulfill their specific disability fetishes (stump pegging hooray) are likely going to be disappointed. And while most of the suggestions are the same old indeed, every now and then there are some pretty fresh and creative ideas.
You already told there shall be no Misha route... won't you reconsider? Or at the very least allow for a threesome in Shizune's route. - we won't reconsider.
Where is Lily's dog? - Her dog was deemed unnecessary, and removed from the game.
4chan is asking for anal and ballgags, is any of them happening? - Only if someone is brave enough try such things... (wtf?)
to which languages this is already being translated - Hungarian, Lithuanian, Spanish, German, Chinese (two variations), Dutch, Brazilian Portuguese, Croatian, Italian and French (this is pretty fucking much if you ask me)
- Hisao learns sign language in the course of Shizune's story, but it does not mean that Misha is pushed to background.

>> No.2583794

when the full game releases when you take kenji's route will it ultimately end up the same with nakai dieing? –yes
Will we get a full CG of Hanako's face? -only if someone draws it.
-The H scenes might be out of the ordinary, but maybe not in the way you'd expect.
Threesome? -I'm sure that whenever two or more females gather, someone, somewhere starts thinking about group sex (again, fuck yeah)

omg, wall of text..troll me

>> No.2583797

Not interested, quit this shit out all ready. If we wanted to read the fucking "interview" wed go to the irc and do one ourselves, or wed go to Fakku and read it.

>> No.2583807

I bet Misha has a dick, that's why she doesn't get a route.

>> No.2583811

It is pretty obvious by now that /jp/ hate KS when KS thread in /a/ has more replies than when posted in /jp/.

You guys can stop hyping up KS on /jp/, it wont work.

>> No.2583841

Rather, I think it's pretty obvious that /a/ has a larger userbase, because it seems pretty popular here too.

>> No.2583853

>The story with Kenji ends there, after Hisao falls off the roof
I ain't playing this shit anymore

>> No.2583860


Your interest died there, then?

>> No.2583863

>-As for Misha, you probably find out something about her later in the story, but getting that intimate... well...

She's a lesbian?

That's a physical disability, right?

>> No.2583866

/a/ is composed mostly by idiots that didn't know this was in development.
We played it, we discussed it plenty, we already know all of this. I don't see the point of more threads except to troll us with the idea of an /a/ migration.

>> No.2583883

>Threesome? -I'm sure that whenever two or more females gather, someone, somewhere starts thinking about group sex

I'm probably alone in this, but I hope they don't go overboard in that department.

>> No.2583888


>> No.2583892


You could say his interest dropped off.

>> No.2583911

The yandere comment meant all girls and women ever, not the KS girls specifically. None of them are really any more or less yandere than your average girl.

>> No.2584244

No gay sex with Kenji?
No yandere Misha slaughtering the protagonist after being dumped when you learn sign language?
No Misha route?

feels bad man

>> No.2584254

I doubt they will overdo it.

>> No.2584271

But I don't want to have sex with them. I just want to hug them.

>> No.2584293

you perverted sickfuck

>> No.2584322

Man, I don't even give a fuck about Misha, but to do that with Kenji too?

Hell no, man!

>> No.2584335


>> No.2584351

In OPs picture, why is the blind girl looking around?

>> No.2584361
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These wishes aren't really realistic.

Sure you like Gaysex but i doubt that most of the fanbase have the same interest as you do.

>> No.2584388

BEEP BEEP Anon! They ALL yandown here. When you're down here with us, you'll yan too!

>> No.2584397

languages this is already being translated - Hungarian, Lithuanian, Spanish, German, Chinese (two variations), Dutch, Brazilian Portuguese, Croatian, Italian and French (this is pretty fucking much if you ask me)

>> No.2584419

i bet she heard something.

>> No.2584449
File: 14 KB, 287x315, 1241816278612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It is not an unknown country (if you live in EU) but i am sure surprised that there are guys that translate it to their mother language.
So KS for almost all Important EU countries, fuck yeah

>> No.2584468

>Misha won't have a route of her own (well, fuck)
First Lelouche, now this
I'm dropping this shit

>> No.2584506

Yes, I know what Lithuania is. Thank you.

>> No.2584541

I'm surprised no one is going to translate it into Japanese. I thought the Japs were interested in this shit.

>> No.2584546
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I'm a gerfag and appreciate this thread.

>> No.2584547

Last time I checked Act 1 WAS being translated.

>> No.2584552

It is

>> No.2584558

I really don't understand how you guys love the yandere character trait. I can understand liking the dere part, as I would also like a devoted and loving waifu, but I really can't see what good the crazy bitch part adds.

>> No.2584576

Japs in 2chan have short attention spans so don't count on it.

>> No.2584637
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KS had better have yuri scenes - even if there's just one of them

>> No.2584668


>> No.2584669

>-As for Misha, you probably find out something about her later in the story, but getting that intimate... well...
>Misha has a penis

>> No.2584683

why the hell would we care?

>> No.2585215


>> No.2585261

I want to see Misha drilling two girls at once with her hair. You can probably imagine the grin on her face as she does it.

>> No.2585352

>-As for Misha, you probably find out something about her later in the story, but getting that intimate... well...

Remember how Mitsha had trouble climbing stairs and also refused to throw those balls? Misha has twice the heart condition your main character has, and anything activity more than loud talking will result in her heart exploding.
That explains the jelly rolls.

>> No.2585653

Oh, remember that scene with Hisao's meds? That happened because Misha recognized some of the meds.

It all makes sense now.
