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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2580964 No.2580964 [Reply] [Original]

Slowpoke here,

After receiving a 2 week ban 2 weeks ago i decided to spend the time I use browsing /jp/ to finish one of the VNs on my waiting list so i would at least be doing something /jp/ related.

So i picked up Chaos ; Head


Did /jp/ like this? I only got the AA ending so far and I feel left in the dark on over half of the horribly underdeveloped cast.

>> No.2580976

We're waiting for Noah. It ought to take care of the bitter taste on our mouths.
Post a related image next time.

Also, general opinion is first half alright, latter half train wreck. Seriously, Noah is better.

>> No.2580974

>Did /jp/ like this?

/jp/ doesn't like anything.

>> No.2580986

Is that being translated?

and sorry for the image but i feel it best depicts my reaction, emphasis on the thick sunglasses.

>> No.2580994

touhou and tripfriends

>> No.2580999

Fuck yeah, it's the great saiyaman!

>> No.2581001



Get in the know.

>> No.2581003

Reaction faces are best left to the lesser boards. Be a proper gentleman and word your reaction in a good post.

It's being worked on, mostly in hacking the 360 game so they can add the relevant scenes to the PC version. Shows promise, but it won't be fast.

>> No.2581016

Noted, Thank you Gentlemen.

>> No.2581019



All but (insert favorite here) are shit


All but (insert favorite here) are shit

>> No.2581023

Why didn't you just evade your ban?

>> No.2581024
File: 62 KB, 266x223, 1229079667321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reaction faces are best left to the lesser boards

>> No.2581026

Fuck off, BOOF.

>> No.2581031

I used proxies for a bit but got sick of them, though in the end i would visit the archive now and then. though from what i hear the DDoS has kept 4chan down for the majoirty of my ban anyway.

For some reason unknown to me I have a static IP, So when i called my ISP in regards i was answered by an obnoxious black woman who spoke what vaguely resembled English.

>> No.2581033

One can easily chart the current decay of a board with the number of tripfags, number of reaction posts, average post rate, average poster age, and senior:newcomer ratio.

/jp/ remains pretty high. For now.

>> No.2581037


This "decay rate" must've octupled in the last 2 weeks.

blaming Katawa Shoujo of course

>> No.2581039


>> No.2581040

I vaguely remember a chart that rated /jp/ on the number of "Japanese bird cooking spaghetti" reposts.

Also, sage this. Op's question was answered.

>> No.2581043
File: 9 KB, 511x494, 1238312020825.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.2581049

Don't forget the /b/ overflow.
But yes, decay numbers got pretty high in the last few week, reaching levels close to post-split /a/.
Agreed. sage.

>> No.2581049,1 [INTERNAL] 

Don't forget Summer has started for quite a few people. You can expect it to get a lot worse

>> No.2581049,2 [INTERNAL] 

I would play a VN for the next two weeks that I'm banned if there was anything left. I can play untranslated stuff too, but it's a chore and can only keep going for periods of an hour or two at most.

>> No.2581049,3 [INTERNAL] 

Just evade your ban and post anonymously for two weeks, man.

>> No.2581049,4 [INTERNAL] 

It's hard to find good proxies, and their speed and content size limits make it a less than enjoyable experience.

>> No.2581049,5 [INTERNAL] 

Proxies aren't even the best way to dodge a ban.

>> No.2581049,6 [INTERNAL] 

reset your IP

>> No.2581049,7 [INTERNAL] 

And God said "Let there be dynamic IP!" And there was, and it was good.

>> No.2581049,8 [INTERNAL] 

I have static...
Anyways, don't you guys ever stop to think that one day you're gonna get all the IPs your ISP has to offer B& and you'll no longer be able to browse 4chan.
What then?

>> No.2581049,9 [INTERNAL] 

Change ISP?
Anyway, in such a doomsday scenario, it would be best not to th∴∴∵::.:∴∵i.:∵∴∵∵.:.
∴::∴∵∴∴∵∵:. tanasinn
-''"::::::::::::::::\     なるほど、tanasinn は    けしょうけーす ではないんだな。
ヽ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\                最悪だな、tanasinnってえのは
 |::::::;ノ´ ̄\:::::::::::\_,. -‐ァ     __   _____   ______ 
 |::::ノ   ヽ、ヽr-r'"´  (.__    ,´ _,, '-´ ̄ ̄`-ゝ 、_ イ、
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 ,'  ノ   !          i .レ'     L.',.  'ー=-'    L」 ノ| .|
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>> No.2581049,10 [INTERNAL] 

For someone who can't read moon, you sure do post lots of jap references.
Who are you?

>> No.2581049,11 [INTERNAL] 

I am your father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate.

>> No.2581049,12 [INTERNAL] 

If they are only temporary bans, it won't matter.

>> No.2581049,13 [INTERNAL] 

Static IPs can be changed too.

>> No.2581529 [SPOILER] 
File: 63 KB, 440x420, title.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2581049,14 [INTERNAL] 

He's a little black girl.

>> No.2581529,1 [INTERNAL] 

Multi-board drifting?!
