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257785 No.257785 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, /jp/, you convinced me to give Phantom of Inferno a shot. It's now steamrolling across the interwebs at a decent clip for having no seeders whatsoever.

So I declare Phantom of Inferno thread.

>> No.257796

Is it good?

>> No.257802


I'll find out in about a day if my speed remains constant and it doesn't stall.

People here recommended it though, so I hope it will be.

>> No.257811

can u link me to said torrent plz?
I really want to play this but I suck at searching for shit.

>> No.257867

The game is fantastic, that is, if you can get it to run properly with no issues. That is the main flaw to the game, but the game itself is absolutely amazing in content.

Makes me want to play it again, except it's such a bitch to make it run properly.

>> No.257883

What player are you using?

I'm using powerDVD and rewind/fast forward are completely not working for me.

>> No.257910

I'm using this torrent

However, I'm stuck at 90%. Does anyone mind seeding?

>> No.257916
File: 74 KB, 800x600, waytoruinthemood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delicious Ein.

>> No.257934

Ditched it for Phantom INTEGRATION when I actually started to play it. No matter how amazing a game I don't want to deal with passwords and load times in my VN.

>> No.257940


Oh wow, so it plays like a DVD movie, or something? How weird.

>> No.257956
File: 897 KB, 1280x960, 1183491943619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drei > Ein

>> No.257969

Phantom of Inferno was fucking epic. It almost made me cry.

But yeah, getting it to PLAY is something entirely different. I may still have my DVD of it, but it was difficult to get working.

>> No.257983

Yeah, it's basically a VN movie. You'll sit there for very long periods of time before you get to make options. So I just sit, read the subtitles, listen to the Japanese, and drool over Ein and Drei.

>> No.257986


OP here, that's the one I'm using too. Seeders would be awesome.

>> No.257988


Wait what? Are you saying it's difficult to make it work with the actual legit DVD? Or are you talking about an .iso? I'm waiting for mine which I bought a few days ago and I'm gonna pissed if I actually have to try to make it work.

>> No.257999

The DVD. I bought it years ago. I could play it on my DVD player, but being how it is, you couldn't move chapters at all. They gave you codes to put in to move between chapters.

On my PC, it worked differently, but you could fastforward, move in between some scenes, etc.

It's been a while since I played it, so I'm a bit rusty on the details.

>> No.258010

The iso I downloaded, none of the choices in the first third of the game worked at all. I eventually ended up playing it along with INTEGRATION so I could figure out by trial and error which chapter corresponded with which choice. Still was annoying because the chapters aren't in order at all so you had to search quite a bit.

>> No.258102

Is integration japanese only?

>> No.258527

I believe so.

>> No.258593

should i attempt to buy this if the Hirameki store near my house still exists?

>> No.258676

we srsly need someone who is willed to seed this.

>> No.259275

Which torrent are you guys using? I will try to seed it, but all the fucking ISPs in my country are fail and throttle bittorent.

>> No.259725


See >>257910

>> No.260603

Ah see it now. .ace? Wtf. I have the .iso by itself.

>> No.260815


Mind throwing up a torrent or something then? Would really appreciate it, especially since I just stalled at 90% like everyone else apparently.

>> No.260858

since my cd drive's fucked, I've tried reading this on my ps2, but god it's almost unbearable. Either I'm doing something wrong or the ps2 fastforward option is the slowest thing on earth.

>> No.260912

I have no idea if i did it properly, but i made a torrent and am seeding it now. Its going to take forever though, my upload rate is pathetic.


>> No.260961

Thank you.

>> No.261136

This game is really good.

Actually, Phantom of Inferno >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Fate stay night.

>> No.261176

That's, like, two different genres of eroge.

>> No.261234

Not really, and that guy is right.

>> No.261329

both trying to be for adults and have a good plot and dark mood. the only difference is that FSN is fucking overrated. not bad, but still, FUCKING OVERRATED.

PoI on the other side is ubderrated in the north for some reason. This is a great game.

>> No.261431
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Worthless character, only merit she had was being raped by a far superior character.

>> No.261559

Did you creat this iso yourself, or is it from that collection of VN's from that company whos name I can't remember?
Because if it's from that pack, and judging by the size it is, it had this problem where whenever a choice was supposed to come up, you just got a blank screen instead.

I can vouch for the one compressed in .ace format working because I have that one, and I know it's the same one I got since it's roughly a gigabyte smaller than the one in >>260912 for some reason.
However, I used that torrent for getting the ace file too, but it never got past 90%.
In the end I resorted to emule.

>> No.261904

in the nitro+ 8gb pack i dl'd from a torrent, there was a phantom integration.

what's the difference with "of inferno" ?

>> No.261940

trying to get my friend who hates all things asian to play. I SHALL SUCCEDE, but great either way, found at a bestbuy 3-5years ago and i loved it

>> No.261953

Integration is compatible with AGTH , so fuck yeah, standard VN !

>> No.261969

Integration: Remake of Inferno with new CG, IIRC.

>> No.261976

AND NO VOICE, sorry but I'll pass.

>> No.261995

so playing Integration is same as playing at Inferno?

shit, the voice lack is kind of hard problem indeed

>> No.262046

Especially since the VAs in Phantom are really high class.
Integration only has about 2-3 new CGs anyways and the H-scenes of course.

>> No.262068

if the dvd version wasn't such a pain in the ass I would agree with you.

>> No.262078

also Integration has the ero scenes that were removed for the dvd version.

>> No.262121

mostly i hate the fukken chapter password system.

i like to play bit a time, usually i can't do whole chapter session.

>> No.262149

I ended up trying to marathon it as much as I could to keep from having to get back to the place I was at. Also I ended up getting a few bad ends because I tried to use the chapters to jump back to were I was.

>> No.263187


If you have it, could you please seed it? You would be loved forever.

>> No.263238

the reason the torrent probably has no seeds is because it was in 7z(at least the one I got) and most people don't want to keep a 2gig 7z file around just to seed.

>> No.263258


The torrent I'm nabbing is a 3.52gb .ace file, not a .7z, so I don't know. Just frustrating to get to 90.4% and then have it totally die.

>> No.263408

oh that sucks I would seed it if I had the same one ;_;

>> No.263525

Sadly it seems to be a different file.
The size is the same on the torrent, but basically mine isn't password protected.
It's a different file.

>> No.263734
File: 28 KB, 488x404, Scary....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is a tall order, but would it be too much to ask to zip it up and upload it to Megaupload or sendspace?

I apparently have horrid luck with torrents, because I grabbed an INTEGRATION torrent figuring I would just use AGTH and ATLAS to read it, but that one got to 10% before tanking. Between these two torrents, I have one whole game.

So if Anon feels like being a saint, it would be most appreciated. If not, understandable, breaking something like that down is time-consuming.

>> No.263778

What was the size limit on files?
Well, I'm sure it's not enough anyway.
I'm just not going through the trouble of uploading 15-35 .part files, depending on the size limit of course.

emule is an option, that's how I got it, but it could be a few weeks before it finishes.
Better than a torrent that wont finish though.

>> No.263793


Sendspace has a 300MB upload capacity.

>> No.264226

send space has pretty slow download speeds though.

>> No.264255


Is it slower than zero? I think not. :|

>> No.266594

Some guy uploaded a whole bunch of Hirameki games last year, but the torrent for that is missing now. The torrent site that used to have it just gives a blank page. I played this one through without any problems.

>> No.266628


5GB per file upload limit. Don't know the specifics as I just found it on digg today.

>> No.266642

Btmon should have it but it might be down.

>> No.268166

Btmon has it but no seeds.

>> No.268202

With powerDVD?

>> No.268238

Yea, powerDVD.

>> No.268264

Yea, powerDVD.

>> No.269069
File: 136 KB, 1372x540, 1206117218953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump for a seeder.

Also I tried the iso version from the hirameki collection and it didn't work. Specifically none of the choices menu could be loaded by powerDVD.

>> No.270126


>> No.271160

went to Hirameki's store today. they're selling all their games for $2 but obviously nothing good was left. getting PoI for that price would have been nice.

>> No.271178

It would probably be much less hassle for me to just download it in original japanese off share and struggle through with limited moonspeak skills.

Opposed to praying for a seed and then not being able to get the DVD to work with anything.
