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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2577718 No.2577718 [Reply] [Original]

I know most of you probably aren't THAT lonely.

So how do you do it? do you go out often to friend's places, do you hagn out at places of interests, do you constantly have phonecalls with buddies?

If you aren't lonely, is it because you have friends who are also into the same hobbies and interests that you are?

I had a thought today and I don't think I have many if any friends who are "normal" in the sense that they aren't into animu and mango, or japanese culture.

>> No.2577722
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>> No.2577732

I have no friends and I'm not lonely.

>> No.2577738

I wish i could have friends into anime mango and weabaoo...

But you all fucking suck. =(

>> No.2577742

I have had a group of friends for 13 years now. Some are normalfags, one is so racist (including Asians) that is is almost embarassing sometimes. 'Normalfags' are of course the minority.
On top of that I've made a couple of new ones in the last few months just randomly meeting people while gaming.
In the last month I've been to lunch with friends twice, gone to a wedding of two friends, and I play mmos/fighting games with friends on a daily basis.
It's just about not being a douchebag and being perceptive enough to communicate properly with people.

>> No.2577744

So what? friends but none into the stuff you like?

>> No.2577746 [SPOILER] 
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And now proceed to fuck them all.

>> No.2577751
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Luckily, I have lots of friends that, although they are "normalfags", are completely accepting of my interests. My only problem is that they become so comfortable about it that they sometimes accidentally (at least I hope) make jokes about it in larger social events. Because of this, there are probably at least 20 people that know I masturbate to pictures of drawn little girls.

>> No.2577754

I guess what I'm asking is, do you have anyone that you can really communicate anything with, a shoulder to rely on. I dunno, perhaps I'm thinking too hard.

>> No.2577755

Thanks and no thanks, but how do you define perceptive?

>> No.2577756

I have no friends. But I'm not lonely either.

Yes, this is possible.

>> No.2577757

I dont really care about other people as long as i can keep myself entertained.

>> No.2577762

Remember one way or another your "friends" will betray you in the end.

>> No.2577764

Alone but not lonely.

>> No.2577768

Yeah. I've known some of these people since I was 12. When you know someone that long it's hard not to realize something is up with someone and talk about it. People generally stop being embarrassed about stuff after high school.

>> No.2577769

I have a lot of friends. Only few are into anime & games, the rest are normal. It's amazing how much you don't need to have in common to have fun with another person.

>> No.2577773


>> No.2577775

So you guys who are alone...why aren't you lonely? do you communicate with others online to feed this need? Or do you reassert yourself somehow to be independant?

>> No.2577780

There was a girl who liked me. She was really cute, very smart, had a great figure, had long hair that smelled nice, and was pretty shy/awkward. She asked me to help her with math homework (even though she's much smarter than me) just to have an excuse to talk to me. None of us had any experience in relationships before (college) and eventually we told each other we liked each other. It seemed to start off okay but our inexperience and lack of preexisting friendship with each other led to really awkward encounters. Time went on, the relationship didn't progress, and we became more and more distant. Eventually she told me it wouldn't work out and I was torn, but knew I agreed in the back of my head.

She lost her virginity to another man, and now is a slut who's apparently wild and hungers to be pleased in bed. 5 years later, I haven't been in a single relationship. I blame only myself, of course.

>> No.2577785

Protip: There's a fundamental difference between being alone and being "lonely." The former is a state attained by men and the quintessential anon; a person who has contemptuously cast aside the vulgar trappings of desire, normalcy and insecurity in favor of following a path dictated by his own will.

Being "lonely," however is a trait possessed by normals masquerading as the enlightened and most women. Paradoxically, both of these groups have not only a constant need for self-affirmation, but also a constant need for ignorance of the self - by surrounding themselves with the trivial concerns and prattle inherent to relationships, these cowards hope to stifle any sort of inward questioning as to the value of their life, mores and actions. Those who are simply alone don't do this. They've seen the ultimate futility of everything and proceed unshaken on the course they've chosen.

>> No.2577793


Because being around people makes me sick and angry. Im a misanthrope sorta.

>> No.2577795

OP pic is fucking epic.

>> No.2577796
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I've never been actually lonely, but I feel that "roneriness" is a different matter, as it has connotations of solidarity with my fellow solitary, anonymous otaku.

>> No.2577799

The story of /jp/s life. Ill have a double whisky to that

>> No.2577802

Sounds similar to my relationship history actually...

>> No.2577807

Super smart enough to pander to other people's needs.
If you're dumb, follow them around like yes men so that you can beg them to accept you. Most of /jp/ aren't that good at sucking up to other people and knowledgeable about >9000 socializing topics. Also, the doucebags are the normalfags. You faggot.

>> No.2577809

Fat weeaboo here. Ronery is the icing on the cake.

mmmmm, cake

>> No.2577810

I'm actually starting to think i'm becoming one, but still, I'd like to think there's hope left.

>> No.2577813

I have a group of friends who I used to play an MMO with when I was in high school. We always used some sort of voice communication while playing so we got to know each other very well. I'd probably be a full hermit by now if they didn't nag me to go out every couple of weeks.

I've been friends with this one guy since childhood and he's the only one into animu. Our tastes are miles apart though so we almost never talk about any of it. I also tried pushing Tsukihime on him but he said it was boring.

The rest of the group make that face when you mention anything /jp/ related. You know the face I mean.

I hope you enjoyed reading my blog as much as I did writing it.

>> No.2577815


Ouch. I feel for you anon. In hindsight you should have made the most of it. But alas that is hindsight and hindsight only.



>> No.2577816

I'm not that ronery. And I don't socialize with anyone except my mom in real life. How I do it? I get used to it. You simply stop minding after a while.

Though it helps a little to have someone you talk to on the internet once in a while.

>> No.2577819

So touching I cried. Good speech, anon.

>> No.2577824

Well, main reason why I made this thread is too see if people on /jp/ actually have friends who are also into /jp/-like things.

For the past few days I've been especially ronery for some reason and I can't put my finger on it. Sure I have friends, friends which I could prolly talk about anything with, but I'm still feeling ...alone.

>> No.2577828

You mistake the volatility of these "roneriness" threads for accuracy with regards to /jp's sentiments. Many, many more people are simply uninterested in relationships than lonely, it's simply that a coalition of egocentric migrants trying too hard to fit in, attention whores and women give these threads undue prominence and as a result, give the false image that /jp/ is lonely. In truth, /jp/ doesn't really care - we're alone, but not lonely. See above.

>> No.2577833
File: 48 KB, 496x814, 1241767769142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final Fantasy Japan Tour Concert - "You're Not Alone":

Never forget, that no matter how isolated we become, we shall always be united by a common dream for the two dimensional.

>> No.2577842

Funniest people are always people that claim they have such a hardened shell they are invulnerable from feeling anything anymore because they don't realise the implicit irony of claiming this given how feminine a thing it really is.

Deep down if you are totally alone then you're going to feel like shit sometimes. Only a narcisssist would claim that they don't feel loneliness as a result of this.

I'll accept there are some people that are perfectly happy with how they are at this present time, not everyone is a manic depressive, but what I'm trying to say is you and I both know that such feelings are pretty transient and can shift and oscillate quite easily. Also, the reason its feminine is because that is what women do, it is about the image for a lot of women, not what is on the inside, so this obsession with image means that the way they present themselves is more important than how they actually feel.

It's good to be stoic, but when you're stubbornly covering up your real feelings in an effort to look cool and dispassioned it is really transparent to intelligent people.

>> No.2577845

But what about those of us who actually are lonely at times? Most of the time I shrug it off, but sometimes it gets to me and I wonder why.

>> No.2577846

Because one dude clamming up and telling himself everything is going to be alright and fortifying it with ego in order to stop inward questioning is far better? Neither method is good for you, but at least when the extrovert begins a collapse they have lines of relationships to break and act as safety nets. When the introvert's ego snaps there is nothing. That's why they constantly seek to reaffirm it through narcissism and self-righteousness.
You'll feel a lot better when you take it easy and let things come and go freely instead of building a wall of solitude or a wall of relationships.

>> No.2577847


I also noticed the "ronery" /jp/ers are pretty articulate and process a rich lexicon at their disposal. I am impressed.

>> No.2577848
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>intelligent person

>> No.2577852

I sometimes suffer some consequences from denying it when I feel depressed, but it's worth it to feel like someone of strong moral fortitude.

>> No.2577857

Like you, I do that most of the time.

But it's getting old and I tire of telling myself that.

>> No.2577860


You need to reread his post dude.

>> No.2577863

Not gonna work if you're poor, dude.
Enjoy your fake safety nets.

>> No.2577864
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I'm alone, but not lonely. And that's just the way I like it.

>> No.2577866

No friends. Sometimes I'm happy to be alone but other times I feel lonely. Recently I've been playing some bishoujo games after a month of Umineko so I've been pretty lonely.

>> No.2577867

What are you talking about, we achieve a new high score.

>> No.2577871

I've stopped playing those games....when I finish them I feel empty inside

>> No.2577874

i have friends but am ronery in the sense that i will never find the perfect woman for me, i.e. someone who is not obese and also they have to like touhou so we can fap to it together and

oh god

>> No.2577875

Don't fap. It makes you feel ronery.

>> No.2577876

Any weeaboo worth his salt would have the orchestral version of You are not alone already.

Will you still be posting reaction pics like this when I'm training to be a barrister?

>> No.2577880
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Probably because I'm so used to it. I'm just generally a very confident person as well; I haven't had any negative emotions in years.

Plus I'm so obsessed with my hobbies that I'm the happiest when I'm staying in my room all day and just taking part in them. I love people though, and I enjoy talking to others whenever the opportunity arises. But I love taking part in my hobbies even more.

>> No.2577882

> introvert's ego

These Introverts we are talking about in these sort of threads don't have egos. Try again.

Again you missed his point. Reread it.

>> No.2577884
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>> No.2577886

>But what about those of us who actually are lonely at times? Most of the time I shrug it off, but sometimes it gets to me and I wonder why.

Someone with a degree in neurochemistry could probably explain it to you, but my guess is simply that it's relative deprivation at work - you desire something simply because you don't have it. I'm certain that when you stop and consider the cost of relationships against the benefits, you won't feel so badly any more.

>> No.2577888

My hobbies are the only reason why I can remain a sane person. The pressure from school would have crushed me years ago otherwise.

It's a vicious cycle of introverted/unwelcoming behavior, ronery hobbies, and being a bad student.

>> No.2577889 [DELETED] 

Good good, I expect to see you here in a few years from now then.

>> No.2577900

Dunno, still feel kinda bad.

but oh well

>> No.2577901

Pretty much what I was saying, narcissism is all about image above the self. I don't think it is exclusive to introverts, I just expected /jp/ to be a bit more realistic though, /a/ and /v/ honestly aren't like this. Same with Japanese, haven't you noticed Japanese are way more self-deprecating and constantly beating themselves up? That isn't a bad thing, it means they aren't kidding themselves.

Good, good.

>> No.2577902

Why would an introvert's ego snap? They're not so heavily invested in other people's liking of them that they'll throw a tantrum because something damages there precious social reputation. The only "introverts" that have snapped, i.e. the school shootings that happen every so often, have been those who were cut off because they didn't fit into society, but they were jealous of the very people who rejected them, wanting desperately to be able to fit it, and resenting the popular kids for doing what they wanted to do. They weren't introverts, they were the very definition of extroverts- being irrationally obsessed with their image in the eyes of other people, and despite the soullessness of that way of life being shown to them first hand, they still idolised the image of being the lead ape in the social cliques, with the others below them hanging on their every word.

Stop calling failed extroverts introverts, they're still extroverted as fuck. Shut-ins aren't all introverts, some of them are just extroverts who couldn't cut it in society. Take Satou from Welcome To the NHK as an example of an extrovert.

>> No.2577905

No friends.
No dreams.
Despair only.
Manly picnic.

>> No.2577908

I believe that it's a basically instinctual need for all humans to be social. But part of being civilized is ignoring instincts. It's impossible to ignore them completely, but putting lesser priority on them is what allowed us to move beyond primitive hunter/gatherer tribes.

>> No.2577918

>I'm certain that when you stop and consider the cost of relationships against the benefits, you won't feel so badly any more.
For awhile. When I take a realistic look at how much work having a girlfriend would be (for example) I feel glad to be alone. But the feelings will return at some point.

>> No.2577926

I don't think anyone on /jp/ is trying to build a wall of solitude. We just don't care too much about such things anymore. Same interest? Cool, let's be friends. Otherwise, no big deal. No need to endure pretentious shit in real life anymore.

>> No.2577927

In that case, is it because you once had friends, family or close relationships and now that you've lost them, you can only look back bitterly upon your former hopes?

>> No.2577928

Just like consumerism. When you realistically consider whether you need [awesome electronic gadget #77087843], you probably won't find enough reasons. However, marketers work day and night to create an unreasonable urge in you to get it anyway.

>> No.2577938


Anyone got a link to the Orchestra Version of You Are Not Alone?

>> No.2577942

You're in luck.

>> No.2577948

>For awhile. When I take a realistic look at how much work having a girlfriend would be (for example) I feel glad to be alone. But the feelings will return at some point.

They'll cease eventually under the weight of years and the force of habit, assuming you weigh the benefits against the costs each time you're afflicted with melancholy. If anything, be proud - the ability to place our heads above our hearts is what places us above beasts.

>> No.2577949

thanks, but the mediafire link doesn't work.

>> No.2577958

Working fine for me. Just try again.

>> No.2577961

>narcissism is all about image above the self

I'm afraid I don't follow what you mean by this. Could you explain?

>> No.2577962

I'm not lonely because I live with my parents and attend language classes.

>> No.2577964
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Athens, are you a woman?

>> No.2577966

I dunno. But this ff song sure isn't relevant as shit to /jp/.

Rainbow girl is superior

>> No.2577971


dammit why you do that ;_;

>> No.2577975

Let's hope so.

>> No.2577987

My best friend is my brother, he's probably the only person I can share all my interests with.

Lots of people say I'm really lucky to have such a good relationship with him, I guess lots of people really fuck up their relationships with their siblings.

>> No.2577996

You still entertain your doubts? You should be able to find a precedent for what I've described in your own experience - assuming you've ever had a crush or lost touch with a friend after going separate ways. Isn't it the same thing? You feel sorrow at first, then occasional regret and finally; nothing, save for occasional nostalgic reminiscence thanks to the passage of time.

>> No.2578002

I have a half-brother (same father, another woman), a dead half-brother (same father...another woman again)
and a step-sister (who's the half sister of the still alive step brother, same mother).

The half brother is still young so I can't really hold a conversation with him, the step sister is a tomboy to the point where she could prolly be more "manly" than me... I talk to her sometimes but nothing close between us like other siblings should have.

I don't really have any family members I can casually talk to so I rely heavily on friends.

>> No.2578003

Yeah... sibling relationships can be hair tearing at times. Most of them won't last long.

>> No.2578005

As narcissists, women are paranoid, have victim mentalities, feel humiliated, have explosive personalities, are vengeful, lack empathy, are oblivious of the pain that they cause to others, lack conscience, consider themselves superior to others, demand preferential treatments while they deny the basic human rights of others, are scornful and abusive of others but expect respect and undeserving recognition. They lack self- esteem but are most concerned about their image. It is not that they love themselves, in fact they don't, they are ashamed of themselves but they are in love with their own reflections. What matters to them most is not how they are and how they feel inside but how others see them. The image is more important than true self. Their world is in shambles but they are most concerned to protect the image of sanity, that's why women constantly talk about how fun-loving they are all the time in descriptions on year books and so on.

Image > Self.

For a lot of /jp/sies it is similar. They put image above the self because they act like they are above love, which is stupid. Or that they wouldn't take a relationship with one of the exceptions if offered.


>> No.2578009

>the step sister is a tomboy to the point where she could prolly be more "manly" than me... I talk to her sometimes but nothing close between us like other siblings should have.
You fucking failure. She sounds fucking awesome.

>> No.2578011

I'm not ronrery because I have an active and popular social life with girls.

>> No.2578018

She's pretty clearly a woman.
Athens, I never understood why you lie.

>> No.2578019

>As narcissists, women are paranoid, have victim mentalities, feel humiliated, have explosive personalities, are vengeful, lack empathy, are oblivious of the pain that they cause to others, lack conscience, consider themselves superior to others, demand preferential treatments while they deny the basic human rights of others, are scornful and abusive of others but expect respect and undeserving recognition. They lack self- esteem but are most concerned about their image. It is not that they love themselves, in fact they don't, they are ashamed of themselves but they are in love with their own reflections. What matters to them most is not how they are and how they feel inside but how others see them. The image is more important than true self. Their world is in shambles but they are most concerned to protect the image of sanity, that's why women constantly talk about how fun-loving they are all the time in descriptions on year books and so on.

Holy shit, you just EXACTLY described this girl I used to uh.. talk to.

that's right

>> No.2578024

Sorry, troll. You're wrong. So pretentious I wanted to puke.
Talk all you want about narcissism, but don't associate /jp/ with that term. Troll.

>> No.2578025

I go clubbing every week and (attempt) to pickup girls.I hang out with the guys there also if they are cool.Wouldn't mind a cool friend to hang out with now and then, but am not lonely really.
Had friends in the past, but many of them have moved away or I'm just not interested in talking to anymore.

>> No.2578029

Galge doesn't count. At least not for the sake of this discussion.

>> No.2578037

>I used to uh.. talk to.


>> No.2578040

Way to fuck up this thread with your bullshit, athens.

>> No.2578041

She sounds awesome, but having lived with her for a few years she can be quite ...norrow minded and unthoughtful. Though, she's prolly one of the only few girls I've actually had skin contact with.

I think I'll talk to her now for the hell of it.

>> No.2578043

Hoo boy. Sounds hot like Chris.

>> No.2578044

Some people fell for it, so I gave you a little credit

>> No.2578046

scratch that....she's not online.

>> No.2578048

>>Deep down if you are totally alone then you're going to feel like shit sometimes.

This is true. It's rare for someone to be totally alone though. I doubt anyone here is. Or at least that's what I hope; I don't wish that fate on anyone.

I may not have a single friend IRL, but I still have everyone in my family. If I were to lose every single family member then I'd probably want to off myself really quick. But for the time being I still got my family and healthy amounts of self-confidence. That's why I never feel lonely.

If a person lacks self-confidence and has no friends, then yeah that person would probably get lonely really easily.

>> No.2578049
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I am routinely alone, but I'm not lonely.
I have friends that're into anime and galge and shit like that, it's not a big deal. They're not as deep into it as I am. I tell them I'm getting into scanlating and they get sort of a puzzled look on their faces.
I routinely go to LAN parties with coworkers and trade files, anime, play games, etc. I go to the bar, go to restaurants, I have a girlfriend and decent job. I work out at home and hit the gym on weekends. I walk three miles a day, except on weekends, where i walk fourteen. (seven to the gym, seven back)
I make a respectable wage, I'm paying off my condo and car, and I think I'm doing pretty well for myself.

>> No.2578052

hurr durr ratings

>> No.2578053

Just because most psychopaths are narcissists doesn't necessaily mean narcissists have psychopath traits, you're grouping them together.

>> No.2578059

I'm not saying it is psychopathic or sociopathic, I'm saying that it is an act. Same way women act. Everybody acts because everybody wants smoke and mirrors, that is what confidence, and allure, and seductiveness and all that stuff in the dating game is all about.

It's not that I'm criticizing this out of some moral vantage point. It is entirely observational. Human beings whomever they are do not like reality. Why do you think so many women develop a stockholm syndrome over abusive partners and will end up attacking their own friends if the reality of their situation is pointed out to them?

>> No.2578062

Most of the people who I hung out with in High School I don't talk to anymore. Kind of funny because a few of them tried to contact me after wards, one even called me on my birthday to wish me a happy one, after months of me not talking to him. But really I'm the one who wanted to break off my ties to them. I had lied to them a lot about this and that and felt ashamed to really keep my (what I saw as a false) relationship going.

I still hang out with about 3 guys though, men I would refer to as "true-bros" the only ones I didn't have to wear a mask to be around. I also have a few internet friends who I play games with (along with my real life friends) and talk about animu, visual novels, ect.

My love life is a different story though. I can recall at least 3 or 4 girls I knew were interested in me but I gave the cold shoulder to. I always regret it after wards, and lately I've really been hoping for another girl to come along that I can relate to. I've been waiting for a year now and no such luck. I can't say I'm really desperately searching for love right now though. I've already prioritized school and my career over it (probably as a result of the bad luck though, not the other way around). I've had a couple of relationships before, but I didn't see them going anywhere outside of me (eventually) having sex with the girl and then leaving them. I find going out with a girl that you cant imagine ever marrying, or having a long term relationship with, kind of pointless.

Overall, I'm happy with my life.

>> No.2578067

>For a lot of /jp/sies it is similar. They put image above the self because they act like they are above love, which is stupid. Or that they wouldn't take a relationship with one of the exceptions if offered.

IYou seem to be operating under a mistaken assumption. While there's certainly a group of retards and trolls who loudly and obnoxiously proclaim the superiority of 2d to 3d, spam pigdisgusting, etc - you shouldn't take them as being representative views. The gaia migrants, internet tough guys and other human detritus comprising this clique are the only ones who claim to be above love and you've mistaken the vehemence of their spam for accuarate board representation. I'll explain further down.

My guess is that most people here simply refuse relationships because they aren't worth it. As you've suggested, trying to find a good woman (or more generally, any good person) is like searching for an ounce of gold in a mountain of slag. Add to this the costs in time, money and emotional investment, and it's unsurprising that pragmaticly inclined people would just wash their hands of relationships, unless they're handed to them. Which is why many on /jp/ like eroge/VNs, I'd wager. This in itself is proof that if anything, most of /jp/ isn't what you've described.

>> No.2578072
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i would consider myself at least relatively normal, i go out, hang out with normal folks, even had a girlfriend at one point. But i also hang out with some folks i "made" into anime fans. it feels good knowing that i ruined 3 lives, because they became the obsessed fan type.

>> No.2578075
File: 462 KB, 630x840, cthugha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ronery? I'll tell you all about ronery.

>Ithaqua periodically treads the winds of space between Earth and Borea, bringing helpless victims back to Borea to worship him among its snowy wastes. He frequently attempts to reproduce with humanoid females, hoping to create offspring which can surpass his own limitations, imposed by the Elder Gods, and so help free the rest of the Great Old Ones. It is suggested that Ithaqua has the ulterior motive of desiring offspring to assuage his bitter loneliness, as he is the only one of his kind. None of his surviving offspring to date has accommodated him, all turning against him at some point.

Try to beat that. Though a hairy, cold, large humanoid who desires to mate with females of another realm (2D) to alleviate his loneliness (or in hopes of his offspring surpassing his limitation of being 3D) sounds a lot like Anonymous.

I have no Ithaqua pictures at hand, so here's Cthugha instead.

>> No.2578076

I agree with most of what you say, I think a lot of us haven't even made the effort in the first place and we operate under theoretical assumptions rather than from anecdotal experience though.

Anyway, I need to go to classes. Bye.

>> No.2578077

I think the problem is that you are blanket defining an entire gender.There is definitely a sizable minority of women (and men) that act this way, but I wouldn't conclude that ALL women do this.

>> No.2578083

Good riddance, you fucking troll.
(You smell like an aidorufaggie too)

>> No.2578084
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>Human beings whomever they are do not like reality. Why do you think so many women develop a stockholm syndrome over abusive partners and will end up attacking their own friends if the reality of their situation is pointed out to them?

I had that happen to me, except the reverse. I tried to point out to her that her friends (which are her only friends, whom shes been with for a few years) were bad, manipulative people and provided a myriad of solid evidence to try and prove it to her. She reacted in an extremely offensive (and explosive) manner, as you said and still chose to remain in ignorant bliss after.

I won't say anymore on here because I know /jp/ must be annoyed already with my cool, normal story.

>> No.2578086

You seem to think that the goal of interacting with women is solely to be in a "long term relationship".This is the reason you are not getting anywhere with women.Learn to love and appreciate all women, and the fun you can have , right now, instead of turning everything into some future goal.

>> No.2578095
File: 132 KB, 175x150, reg11661290605.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>As you've suggested, trying to find a good woman (or more generally, any good person) is like searching for an ounce of gold in a mountain of slag.

I for one feel that good people are quite common. I think that's the key to living well and enjoying life really.

In a way it's a naive mode of thinking, but then again so is the "everyone is shit" mode of thought. One attitude has benefits though, and the other really doesn't. That's how I feel after trying them both anyways.

>> No.2578097

I both agree and disagree with you.I think that following your own path, without apologies is the way to go, but that doesn't mean you should cast off all other people.

>> No.2578101

>As narcissists, Muslims are paranoid, have victim mentalities, feel humiliated, have explosive personalities, are vengeful, lack empathy, are oblivious of the pain that they cause to others, lack conscience, consider themselves superior to others, demand preferential treatments while they deny the basic human rights of others, are scornful and abusive of others but expect respect and undeserving recognition. They lack self- esteem but are most concerned about their image. It is not that they love themselves, in fact they don't, they are ashamed of themselves but they are in love with their own reflections. What matters to them most is not how they are and how they feel inside but how others see them. The image is more important than true self. Their world is in shambles but they are most concerned to protect the image of Islam. It's all about keeping the appearances.

>> No.2578117


>> No.2578125

This isn't /jp/-related.

>> No.2578130

It doesn't require casting off other people, unless you actively desire it. When I say "alone," I don't mean in the sense of moving to a desert island and attempting to become self-sufficient, but rather, transitioning from a state of emotional dependence on others to a state of comparatively greater emotional freedom by following your own desires and placing others within the context of this schema, as opposed to the other way around.

>> No.2578133

So this is the sort of site Athens frequents? Suddenly, many more things make sense.

>> No.2578142
File: 445 KB, 1200x1000, 1223403231221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>While there's certainly a group of retards and trolls who loudly and obnoxiously proclaim the superiority of 2d to 3d

They are representative of the community - just read this thread. If you can't respect people who prefer 2D, then you need to get out, as you don't belong here.

>> No.2578145

There's a difference between quietly maintaining an opinion and trying to sledgehammer it into others.

>> No.2578148

You're just butthurt that you can't get a real woman in real life and cling to fictional 2D hentai sluts.

>> No.2578154


So Athen's Troll Mode posts are just modfied kopipe taken from the bowels of the internet?

>> No.2578159

The majority of opinions does not mean it's obsolete. Especially when it's underaged B& opinions like that.

>> No.2578168
File: 83 KB, 400x488, 1223402138412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your point especially applies to the post I quoted, which oozes with moral superiority and the implication that we arn't as serious 2D as we profess.

>> No.2578174


I'm so glad your opinions are the same as mine!


>> No.2578177

No they are not. Morning Musume threads have been around since pretty much the split, and they've always been generally accepted, or at least ignored. Whereas the whole "OMG 3D-pig disgusting let's shit-storm and flood the threads" /b/-like behaviour has only sprung up over the last half year or so.

>> No.2578179

Most people saying 2D > 3D would without a doubt, if given the opportunity, choose a working relationship with a 3D girl over sitting at their computer and fapping to 2D.

>> No.2578190

Whatever "moral superiority" you've detected in my post is virtually imaginary compared to your declaration of:

>you need to get out, as you don't belong here.

Protip: Your obsession with "belonging" to whatever imagined community you think /jp/ is - this attitude is no better than that of normals, the very people you despise. This is what I meant earlier in illuminating your necessity for ensuring complete conformity of opinion and arbitrarily defining what is acceptable thought.

>> No.2578191

I'm going to die in a couple of years. A relationship would be a -bad- idea to do to someone, especially if I cared about them.

I live alone. I will die alone.

Mind your own goddamn life, before I wipe shit on the walls of your reality.

>> No.2578193

>they've always been generally accepted, or at least ignored

This proves you have only been here for maybe a month or two. /jp/'s very first shitstorms were over whether idols should be /jp/ related.

>> No.2578199

Apparently it's now wrong to prefer one thing over another.


It was there since the first day of the split. I remember our Anons being jarred by the amount of 3D in /jp/. Some people were even refusing to visit /jp/ at first due to the amount of 3D here.

>> No.2578204

Where the fuck did that dude crawl out of all of a sudden crying about their musume shit. Aidorufaggies... fuck off.

>> No.2578210

I like this picture. In fact, I think I'm gonna print it out and frame it in sometime.

>> No.2578212
File: 271 KB, 420x600, 1223593379305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not arbitrary at all though. This isn't a free thinking board for whatever philosophical wankery you feel like, this is a board is for otaku culture. With that, inevitably comes people who prefer 2D. As another anon stated a few days ago, it's like walking into Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles and complaining that the two don't go together and that the establishment is run by niggers.

>> No.2578238

People who say 2d > 3d usually mean that they find 2d more attractive in most ways. However, when it comes to interaction, 2d isn't a competitor anymore, so 3d wins by default. Basically, we find 2d more attractive, but may be willing to "settle for" 3d since that's the only way to have a relationship.

>> No.2578241

H!P is shit. They treat their stars like shit. Enjoying H!P is like enjoying President Hu Jintao and his 八榮八恥.

Climb a fucking wall of dicks.

>> No.2578248
File: 70 KB, 360x200, 1223065109967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a suggestion. Pic related.

>> No.2578267

H!P is a festering sore. Disgust and repulsion are the only normal reaction any human should have when presented with how they cast away the lives of the people who work for them.

>> No.2578274

>It's not arbitrary at all though. This isn't a free thinking board for whatever philosophical wankery you feel like, this is a board is for otaku culture. With that, inevitably comes people who prefer 2D. As another anon stated a few days ago, it's like walking into Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles and complaining that the two don't go together and that the establishment is run by niggers.

You seem to misunderstand. My objection is not to the presence of 2d, but to people who feel the need to constantly parade their opinion on it and denigrate anyone who disagrees with them (for example, "get out because you don't belong here). Again, this sort of behavior is unbecoming of someone who claims to have moved past normalcy - it's a preoccupation with image.

>> No.2578276

It's hilarious how you preach at the 2D faggots then pull a NO U when told you should get out if you're going to disrespect them. 2D fags need to stop acting moral superior over you acting moral superior, right?

>> No.2578286

I think it's just a meme/joke or some sort.
You must be taking anon comments too seriously, lol.

>> No.2578289

* Love the country; do it no harm.
* Serve the people; never betray them.
* Follow science; discard superstition.
* Be diligent; not indolent.
* Be united, help each other; make no gains at other's expense.
* Be honest and trustworthy; do not sacrifice ethics for profit.
* Be disciplined and law-abiding; not chaotic and lawless.
* Live plainly, work hard; do not wallow in luxuries and pleasures.

>> No.2578292

I have never felt lonely in my life.

>> No.2578295

What are you talking about? First true shitstorms I recall were about Touhou fanfiction being kicked out. A couple of isolated trolls is not a shitstorm.
Other than a few people complaining heavily that junior idols weren't allowed, there wasn't too much drama about idols. At least not compared to these days.

>> No.2578297


I don't even feel.

>> No.2578299

I take prescription drugs.

>> No.2578304
File: 1.76 MB, 1088x1286, 1238023217643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said you need to get out if you think it's okay to preach at those with a preference for 2D and degrade them, as that's what most of the community is. I don't care what your personal preferences are.

>> No.2578306


>> No.2578308

That's cool.

>> No.2578309


Oh dear. So this is the kind of shit Athens visits and reads. Fag is the one who thinks hes "above" /jp/ers by altering and reciting these BS stuff passing it off as his.

Anyway how did you find this anon? Top find I must commend you. 10/10

>> No.2578320

Japan is becoming communist. Soon, it will join the glorious republic of China in it's domination of the world!

>> No.2578323

What are you yapping about? Of course there was drama and I enjoyed it.

>> No.2578330 [DELETED] 

No, not to most of the people posting it now. They seem to have taken the meme to be their religion, and insist that any thread with any relation to 3D must be attacked and destroyed as they feel threatened by anyone who thinks differently to them. So they flood the threads, sometimes with wikispam, reaction images etc. and generally do their best to try and damage the community. Because they want /jp/ to be "their" secret-club.

>> No.2578333

No, not to most of the people posting it now. They seem to have taken the meme to be their religion, and insist that any thread with any relation to 3D must be attacked and destroyed as they feel threatened by anyone who thinks differently to them. So they flood the threads, sometimes with wikispam, reaction images etc. and generally do their best to try and damage the community. Because they want /jp/ to be "their" secret-club.

>> No.2578338

Is it that bad wanting to have friends and feeling down because you don't have any?
I don't feel the baww crushing loneliness that seems to be the dominant interpretation of "ronery" around here, bu sometimes I do wish I had someone to, you know, talk to.
Is it so wrong?

>> No.2578340

Countries are irrelevant. We are all humans there is no need to group our selves in geographical tribes.

>> No.2578350
File: 191 KB, 510x700, 1237991486720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not who you were replying to, but I don't think anyone's saying that there's anything wrong with liking 2D, just that the whole "3D-pig disgusting" thing is out of hand, and some of the newfags need to learn to live and let live. The group-think shown by those attacking the 3D threads is entirely the kind of idiocy anonymous image boards are supposed to help free you of.

>> No.2578356



>> No.2578357

I'm not lonely, I'd say.

I never hang out with people from class, and my only childhood friend lives 200km away, and I guess there's at least 2 months between phone calls/text messages.

The people on my floor at the dorm where I live are nice, but I usually feel it's a bother talking to them.
The only person I truly enjoy talking to is the girl who lives across the hall, but I usually feel like I say something stupid or strange. She knows I'm weird, but at least she still talks to me.
I've been to her place a couple of times for random reasons such as borrowing her shitty printer, watching a movie, etc., and she asked me to come along for a walk about a month ago.
She's normal and goes to lots of parties and such, but I can't think of her in a negative way (apart from some of her manners) since she's still nice to me.

So; I'm not lonely, I just spend and awful lot of time in my room.

>> No.2578377


Rape her.

>> No.2578400

I'd probably be the one who broke down crying if I tried.

Even though I should be able to overpower a girl like her physically, I'm still a 22 year-old virgin.

>> No.2578408


>> No.2578412
File: 232 KB, 566x790, d3f1dedd7efcdbd8afe834d8b30c294c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit thread
2D girls 4 lyfe

>> No.2578413

I had some friends about a year ago, but they all wanted to hang out at crowded places.
I stand out in crowds because I'm socially awkward so I'd make up excuses not to go.
They got sick of it at some point.

I miss having friends.

>> No.2578450


>> No.2578457

There's no such thing as true male friendship, only "situational friendship". Your friends are classmates, co-workers or drinking buddies, that's it. The context is vital: school, work or the bar.

It's only natural that I don't have any friends, because there's no "friendship context" for me at the moment. I'm 23, unemployed, not in school and I live with my parents.

>> No.2578457,1 [INTERNAL] 

Yeh but you should have made some life friends by now bro. Even I have 4 or 5 friends that I'll probably continue to see for the rest of my life.

None are girls though. LOL.

>> No.2578457,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2578457,3 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2578457,4 [INTERNAL] 

Shit is so cash.

>> No.2578457,5 [INTERNAL] 

Not everyone lives in the same fucking city for the rest of their life. Plus, people change.

Yeah, I had one good friends in middle school, but that's all in the past now. I moved, didn't see him for many years, and when we met again he was like a completely different person. So now I don't feel like talking to him anymore.

>> No.2578457,6 [INTERNAL] 

If you moved then that's understandable. Most of my friends are very similar people (though one is a complete opposite and a massive normalfag), so it makes it easier. I doubt they'll ever change (I'm 21 by the way).

>> No.2578457,7 [INTERNAL] 

Enough bragging about your friends.
