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2576237 No.2576237 [Reply] [Original]


Because of YOU I'm now self-conscious whenever I'm with my loli cousins. I'm no pedo, but now I'm worried that my actions will look pedo to other people so I have to be an asshole. I don't let them piggyback ride anymore or anything like that; I'm lying down and accidentally touch a thigh because one sits near my head, so I quickly get up and leave the room, things like that

Now they're all saying that their favorite cousin is mean ;_;

>> No.2576243

Aw. Be a playful oniichan!
Just remember to tuck your boner in while you do it

>> No.2576247

Sounds like you're just too much of a bitch to go for it.

>> No.2576259

I don't get boners, I'm not a damn lolicon.

I hated the looks my sisters gave me whenever I played with them before. Then it clicked.

>> No.2576268

Apparently, having fun with younger family members is a sign of pedophilia. Fathers of small children are now targets of police raids.

Film at 11.

>> No.2576269

Because of you
I never stray too far from the basement
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side
So I don't get caught
Because of you
I find it hard to trust
Not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am a pedo

>> No.2576273

They are just jealous. Obviously, they are too big for piggyback rides.

>> No.2576275

If you're playing with a bunch of little girls only then you're pretty much a creep.
My nephews would always try to wrestle with me, which made my niece get jealous, so she ended up jumping in on top of us. It makes me uncomfortable because I'm afraid she'll get hurt, but she's hung through. At the end of the day my relatives treat me like a hero because the kids end up wearing themselves out and it keeps them out of other people's hair.

>> No.2576307

I AM a lolicon and even I don't get self-conscious around real little girls because I'm not attracted to them. Unless you actually are a pedo you shouldn't have anything to worry about.

>> No.2576309

Just try to relax. You know that you don't like little girls, you have nothing to feel guilty about.

>> No.2576312

>but she's hung through.

>> No.2576324

I am a pedo, but I don't get self-conscious around little girls because I'm too busy fawning over how cute they are.

>> No.2576327

I'm falling for my 11 year old niece.


>> No.2576332

I would give a shit if this wasn't a meta thread.

>> No.2576340

Lolicon =/= Pedophile
You can be both, but they're not really related.

>> No.2576337

I have one cute cousin, she reminds me of Mikan from To Love-ru. No sexual attraction, but I think she'd look good in costumes.

I'd post pics, but I don't have any. And I do not want to ask for pics from her parents.

>> No.2576345

Me too. I used to pet my little cousin but my mom think its weird to treat her like a dog.

>> No.2576354
File: 19 KB, 651x192, dictionary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might want to look at your Japanese to English dictionary again.

>> No.2576360

take a picture with her and crop yourself out later

>> No.2576373

this is where 3d pig disgusting comes in. little girls are cute,but not in the same manner the OP pic is...
at least that's how it works for me.
although i did momentarily have to hold back a laugh when i met a little asian girl at work named "Lori" cause..you know..that could be rori or roli or LOLI.

>> No.2576379

Dude, carrying a 7 year old girl up a flight of stairs on your back is no joke. Those little fuckers are heavy.

>> No.2576390,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2576390

I would like to see what would happen if you met a girl named Delores. Probably would burst out with laughter.

>> No.2576396

OP here, sorry I was having a snack

True, but it's not like I couldn't carry them

It's not my fault that my extended family has so many females. My dad's pushing me to get a girlfriend and start having boys, lol

Putting my mind at ease won't put others' minds at ease, though.

Sorry, brah. We could talk about Touhou or something.

Uh, yeah, I don't do any petting. Sounds like something bad to do, though.

Oh and as for my OP pic, I don't enjoy loli material at all, unless it's only meant for cuteness. I'm more of a dat ass kind of guy

>> No.2576407,1 [INTERNAL] 

I can't tell if you are mocking him or agreeing with him.

>> No.2576407

Wimp. I've had one sister on my back, one on my shoulders, a brother clinging to my leg, while carrying a baby in my arms. I did make the little guy get off my leg when taking the baby up the stairs, though.

>> No.2576412

>My dad's pushing me to get a girlfriend and start having boys, lol

I feel bad that your father won't get his wish.
Like, seriously, it's making me feel bad.
Quit 4chan and go flirt with girls, OP. Make your dad proud, you never-held-hands-with-a-girl virgin, you.

>> No.2576421,1 [INTERNAL] 

Then my work in this thread is done.

>> No.2576421

I had the same problem and avoided my little cousins like fire whenever they came by to visit. Now everything's great ever since I started practicing yoga. I always get informed a day before their arrival, so I have plenty of time to relax and clear my mind of those thoughts.

>> No.2576424

You sure are empathic. How did you end up on 4chan?

>> No.2576430

>>2576396 My dad's pushing me to get a girlfriend and start having boys, lol
tell your dad to mind his own fucking business, jesus

>> No.2576436

>Putting my mind at ease won't put others' minds at ease, though.
Do you have any proof that they suspect that you're a lolicon, or you're just projecting?
Because that happens a lot, y'know? Having a guilty conscience and all...

>> No.2576439

I watched too many 12year old girl anime, looked up the songs to some of the songs, and came here. God, that makes me shudder just remembering it, but dammit!
In fact, in light of my liking extremely emotional, touchy-feely, girly animes, I'm pretty curious as to why I'm not gay...
Oh, I'm visiting /jp/ because of the massive amount of KS spamming.

>> No.2576442

Was meant to link to:

>> No.2576449

I can't, I still live with my parents. Shit's so cash, except when it's not ;_;

>> No.2576454

I have a six-year-old half-sister who kept trying to call me her boyfriend.

And my stepmother doesn't even stop her. The bitch.

>> No.2576467


You dunno how lucky you got it man...

>> No.2576480


"Son, I am disappoint"

>> No.2576504
File: 126 KB, 640x480, 1230275187218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You don't know the half of it. My parents moved around a lot, and every neighborhood I wound up in, all the local kids were about 3 years younger than me. So I wound up being the cool older kid of the area, which got me a lot of attention from girls ten and under.

However, what you need to understand about little girls is twofold. One, they do not understand sexuality the way you'd like them to.The ones who want a boy want one in the same way that they'd like a pony or a really huge doll house. They just want you as a thing to satisfy their whims, and their whims are usually quite dumb. Usually they just want to play pretend, and not how you're thinking. You're just there to provide an audience for their escapist fantasies.

Two, they have huge fucking mouths, and absolutely no concept of discretion. You fuck around with them, and their friends, siblings, parents, and damn well the whole fucking block will know about it within five minutes. You don't want to get into that shit.

The rule of 3D = Pig Disgusting applies even to the imoutos and lolis, good sir. Never forget it.

>> No.2576508

isn't one of the signs that you're a pedo being extremely self conscious about appearing to be pedo?

>> No.2576512

>One, they do not understand sexuality the way you'd like them to. The ones who want a boy want one in the same way that they'd like a pony or a really huge doll house. They just want you as a thing to satisfy their whims, and their whims are usually quite dumb.

How is this any different from a grown woman?

>> No.2576513


No. That's a retarded assumption.

>> No.2576518

>I'm lying down and accidentally touch a thigh because one sits near my head,
>so I quickly get up

>> No.2576520

poast pics of your little cousins please

>> No.2576530

shut the fuck up

>> No.2576540

Actually, they say being aware of insanity is a sign of sanity.

>> No.2576545

no I'm pretty sure when they give you that test to make sure you're safe to have working around children one of the things they look for is whether you get nervous or defensive about things normal people would see as harmless.

>> No.2576546


And you're retarded for believing it.

>> No.2576557

If you get nervous about everything (like most people on /jp/ would), then that won't be an issue.

>> No.2576608

It gets pretty bad when I'm doing laundry and have to wash loli clothes, like panties. The /jp/ in me is screaming to do something but I toss 'em in before it takes over

>> No.2576676

IB would start a shitstorm if he read this thread...

>> No.2576608,1 [INTERNAL] 

What can you do with a piece of cloth?

>> No.2576722

Do you have a stain fetish or something?

>> No.2576733,1 [INTERNAL] 

A piece of cloth that is worn directly next to the genitalia.

>> No.2576733


>>Because of YOU I'm now self-conscious whenever I'm with my loli cousins. I'm no pedo,

Actually, if you're having difficulty with younger relatives, you -are- a pedo, and you were a pedo before you discovered 4chan.

>> No.2576745

Sounds like you're speaking from experience, pedo.

>> No.2576760

Sup' OP, nice to see you're not pleased.

>> No.2576769

I may be a lolicon but I can distinguish 3D from 2D bro

>> No.2576771

>However, what you need to understand about little girls is
>they have huge fucking mouths

>> No.2576808


If your cousins love you, then you should love them back as well. Stop worrying about your (jealous) sisters.

My little cousins think that I'm some sort of god. Feels good man.

>> No.2576818

ITT: Pedos calling other pedos pedos

Also OP, if your cousins are calling you mean, you probably weren't their favorite to begin with, sorry to break it to you.

>> No.2576875

But you ARE God, ZUN.

>> No.2577050

The easiest way to stop unsettling thoughts is to stop playing party to them. If you are afraid of being viewed as a pedo, then you might want to avoid associating with pedos over the Internet. That's my recommendation.

>> No.2577107


...says the councilor with the power of "I'm CERTIFIED, I took a CLASS".

>> No.2577381

I'm too scared to even look at children in the street for fear that people will call me a pedo and I'll get arrested

>> No.2577429

Quit overreacting. If one of them brushes up against you in a bad way, just shift away so you're no longer touching. Piggy back rides are perfectly acceptable; just go a bit faster and make more, sharper turns, so you have to focus to keep your footing and keep your mind off what's behind you.

Above all, just don't think about it. Have fun; as long as you don't do anything outright sexual, there won't be any issues. You're a family member, so nobody will be keeping too close an eye on anything you do and on the off chance that your hand does accidentally go somewhere they'll just assume it's the accident it was.

But if you pop a stiffy, say you're tired and head for somewhere private, go to /gif/, and masturbate to some bouncing giant tit gifs.

>> No.2577437

My cousins and younger siblings think I'm cool. Won't they be disappointed when they're old enough to realize I'm not the coolest guy around.

>> No.2577439

That's because being nervous is a sign that you may be LYING.

Lying is only an issue when trying to retrieve truth from other people. It's not a problem when examining yourself.

That's very stupid reasoning.

>> No.2577447

>go to /gif/, and masturbate to some bouncing giant tit gifs.
I'd rather have people think that I'm a pedophile.

>> No.2577506


All the more reason to keep this thread alive till he arrives.

>> No.2577510


Christ, you try to give somebody honest advice and they shit all over you!

>> No.2577529


>bouncing giant tit gifs

I love these

>> No.2577535

Im jealous man. I used to be tight with my loli cousin, but for some reason she doesnt want to play with me anymore. No more piggieback rides for me breh, no more making snowmen, none of that shit.

>> No.2577539

My 10 yr old female cousin caught me fapping. I ended up giving her a sex/anatomy lesson.

>> No.2577541

Is masturbating to drawn little girls acceptable? I'm not into chest tumors...

>> No.2577544

That's fine, though it'd be better if you went with petite adults.

Just remember, everything is fine until you start being sexual with real little girls.

>> No.2577546

Tell me more, tell me more.

>> No.2577551

>I'm now self-conscious whenever I'm with my loli cousins. I'm no pedo, but now I'm worried that my actions will look pedo to other people so I have to be an asshole
OP, normal people are not constantly worried that other people will think they are pedos (unless you live in the UK). They act NORMAL around children. You are not acting normal around children, you are acting like a pedo now. Your actions right now look a pedo being self-conscious, because that's what you obviously are or you wouldn't be behaving like this.

>> No.2577554


How did you conduct said lessons?

>> No.2577574


With my penis.

>> No.2577586

oh dude the same shit happened to me, my cousin became very distant for some reason ;_; and I've been the same

>> No.2577591

And my penis is a hammer.

>> No.2577599


I let her look and touch for a little bit then kicked her out of my room.

>> No.2577606


Yeah, when girls get to about 12 or so they go into bitchy teenage mode. Why is this a surprise to anyone? I've seen it with my loli cousins to various degrees.

>> No.2577629

Yeah man. The problem here is though, that my cousin is only 7 and about 8 or so months ago we were playing around like nothing. Now she gives me the cold sholder treatment every time i suggest we go learn to ride a bike or whatever. Breaks a grown mans heart in an instant

>> No.2577640


Oh, that's rough. Maybe they're starting into that phase earlier these days.

>> No.2577644

She probably wants you to do something with her. Next time you see her try touching her on her pussy and/or DFC.

>> No.2577652


She is very shy with me now and she won't even go swimming with me anymore. My other cousin isn't shy with me though but she is 9, she still likes to follow me around. She is my personal ragdoll that I throw around and use her to exercise sometimes by curling her or having her hang onto to me while I do chin ups.

>> No.2577663

Do what she's doing, but take it to the extreme.
Ignore everything she does. Don't even look at her until you're sure she's learned her lesson. My parents did this to me when I was five, and in the 'I'll sit right here and not move until I get what I want' phase. They left me, and watched through the shelves from another aisle. I realized how they were much more important to me than anything else, and you wouldn't believe how incredibly happy I was when they came back for me.

If you ignore her consistently, she will either break and be the lovable cousin you knew, or she really has changed and you don't want anything to do with her anyway.

>> No.2577671

Wow, you guys are a bunch of sad pathetic weeaboo faggots, only turning pedo cause of the otaku loli shit.

Stay in the dark basement where you belong since you got no balls to score with real woman even if it's a random spring break college bitch who's easy.

>> No.2577679

>random spring break college bitch who's easy
Who would want that?

>> No.2577688
File: 159 KB, 600x450, 1232854498244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to /jp/. Enjoy your stay.

>> No.2577692

Same here.
Sometimes my mind goes like this: >Must resist boner

Of course that usually works but eitherway she lives back in the ole country so I don't see her often.

>> No.2577701
File: 455 KB, 800x700, 393475af63d8d7045f6690f95ae77bf0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>random spring break college bitch who's easy

we already have those, brah

pic related

>> No.2577707

Enjoy getting thrown to prison pedo fags.

>> No.2577736


enjoy being not one of us, fag

>> No.2577743

Thanks faggot, I'll enjoy not being a retarded pedo weeaboo.

>> No.2577797
File: 29 KB, 500x500, hurrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always pop a boner when my cousin sits on my lap, I nonchalantly gyrate my hips so it rubs up and down on her tight little loli ass.

>> No.2577862

Solution to being hated by a loli: Candy

>> No.2577963
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