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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2574967 No.2574967 [Reply] [Original]

Start: Well, this looks like an interesting character. I wonder if...

Mid Story: Oh dear Christ, how could they do that to her?!

End: O_O

>> No.2574974

YMK, not so good.

>> No.2574992


>> No.2574994

God-tier game is god-tier.

All posts arguing against this will be interpreted as travelogues of Nebraska.

>> No.2574993

I just kinda sat there when they started choking that one bitch.

Seriously, I did NOT see that coming...

>> No.2574996


>> No.2575004

Not woth the money

>> No.2575009

There was a big thread about Aeka last night.

One of the funny things with the newfriend flood caused by /b/ shutting down is that a lot of people are bringing up old VNs to discuss again. I'm honestly surprised we dont have more FSN or Tsukihime threads though.

>> No.2575013

It sucks... to infinity.

>> No.2575021 [DELETED] 

it sucks... to infinity

>> No.2575029


Yume Miru Kusuri

>> No.2575039 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.2575040

I was chuckling with glee as they choked the bitch. That scene was one of the most rewarding in any VN I've played. I was slightly disappointed they didn't kill her but it worked out to their benefit so it's all right.

>> No.2575054

I lol'd so hard and made it my desktop for a while.

>> No.2575056


Start: She needs a friend. I can do that...
Mid: I'm going to fucking kill that redhead bitch!
Climax: I'm fucking killing you, you redheaded bitch! You like that? You like what happens when you fuck with me? Aeka, you want in on this, it's real fucking cathartic.
End: How am I not in prison?

>> No.2575068

Why are you discussing this shit AGAIN? Why don't you go play the better games?

>> No.2575072


Such as?

>> No.2575073

The same could be said of every thread on /jp/. Especially the Touhou ones.

>> No.2575080

Theres no choke scene yet.

>> No.2575081

Umineko, Ever17, CLANNAD, Planetarian, Narcissu, Saya no Uta, and even the TYPE-MOON games are better. Go nuts.

>> No.2575082

This is /jp. Every eroge is terrible.

>> No.2575086

>Ever17, , Planetarian, Narcissu,
I have the right to disagree with you

>> No.2575084


I'll hold you Aeka, just please stop crying...


>> No.2575088


People get choked in Umineko! Course every time it happens you see it as 'magic', but whatever.


Weren't we pretending Ever17 sucked?

>> No.2575100


In which of these games do you choke a bitch?

>> No.2575103
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>> No.2575110



Mine > Yours.

>> No.2575120

Enjoy your horrible taste.

>> No.2575127


I don't think any of them have the main character choking someone but... Umineko has little girl chokings, Ever17 has you being choked by a bitch, Saya no Uta has Cute-thulu being choked by an asshole... I think you choke Shinji at some point in FSN, and he's a bitch.

>> No.2575136

>Not woth the money

Money? What does money have to do with playing visual novels?

>I'm fucking killing you, you redheaded bitch! You like that? You like what happens when you fuck with me? Aeka, you want in on this, it's real fucking cathartic.

Yes, that's a good description.

>> No.2575137


>> No.2575147

White Ren, not so good.

>> No.2575159

are those all garuge?

>> No.2575160

Saya deserved it.

>> No.2575171
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Will do, faggot.

>> No.2575191

I'm terribly awesome.

>> No.2575196

I'd agree with most of those but YMK is still a good game so I don't see the problem with discussing it (as long as it doesn't devolve into a shitstorm about Aeka like it always does). At least it's not another KS thread.

Come on Alabama, you should know your memes by now.

>> No.2575230

Yeah because TM threads centered around a single girl never become shitstorms. Except Ahika. She is perfect.

>> No.2575256

Not all memes are created equal. Bad threads about bad reviews does not a meme make.

>> No.2575263

People need to stop hating on every visual novel that gets mentioned here before /jp/ becomes solely Touhou and idol-faggotry.

>> No.2575271


Until there's a Touhou / Idol VN.

>> No.2575278

The Tohom@ster

>> No.2575277

When Beatrice chocked Maria it wasn't a fuck yeah moment, and we didn't get to see how Eva strangled Natsuhi+Krauss.

>> No.2575314

I quit on YMK in the middle of Aeka's route, which was the only one I played. Am I missing anything, really? I'm not big on dating-sim style VNs anyway, so it's got to have some seriously mind-fuckingly good parts coming up.

>> No.2575313

Can someone give me a link to english translations? (also torrent if possible)

>> No.2575336

I have somewhat the same issue with CLANNAD, I've only played Sunohara's route and I keep hearing great stuff about the rest of the game but I can never gather the motivation to go through the other routes.

Self sage for going off-topic.

>> No.2575347


Shit, I was gonna pull up the torrent I used but TPB is down. Just search for Yume Miru Kusuri when it's back up and use the newer torrent.


It's a really great story with a satisfying end. I'd finish it.

>> No.2575359

Yume Miru Kusuri is good, guys.

Don't lie to yourselves.

>> No.2575360


I found the torrent for the game, but I'm unable to find the translations.

>> No.2575361


Google Yume Miru Kusuri and torrent. Voila.

>> No.2575381

It should already be translated unless you downloaded the Japanese version. It was comercially translated by Peach Princess.

>> No.2575398


Just wait for TPB like >>2575347 suggested. Theres like 2 or 3 YMK torrents, so use the newest one. It's a crazy fast DL with guides and stuff with it.

>> No.2575396


Eh... shit. I just typed "Yume Miru Kusuri torrent" in /rs/ and started downloading. I guess I'll have to wait and see.

>> No.2575415


I downloaded it from here. Worked.

>> No.2575427

YMK isn't a typical dating sim visual novel. The three girls are majorly fucked up. How many VNs take place outside of standard school days anyway?

Are you saying you haven't even played CLANNAD due to your preference? You don't deserve to play any VNs if you ignore the awesomeness there.
...They aren't difficult to find. As long as you know which ones you want to read then the translation patches are simple to get ahold of. Oh well, here you go.

Megaupload links for a lot of the major releases: http://forum.ecchi-squad.net/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=34

Clannad: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/showthread.php?t=41420
Patch: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1852361&postcount=488

Umineko no Naku Koro ni: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1861706

Translation website: http://witch-hunt.com/

Chaos;Head: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/showthread.php?t=82993

Saya no Uta: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/showthread.php?t=100811

Patches for C;H, SnU and MOON.: http://www.tsukuru.info/tlwiki/

Patches for Tsukihime, Fate/Stay Night and MB: http://mirrormoon.org/

Wanko to Kurasou 100% patch, Sengoku Rance partial and Brass Restoration full game download: http://yandere.gray7.com/

ef Chapter 1 full and Ch. 3 teaser: http://nnl1.com/ef/download.html

Visual Novel translation list: http://shii.org/translate/

>> No.2575442


The only Key VN I've read is Planetarian. If Clannad is up to the same standard I'll gladly read it, though I know it's fifty times longer or something.

>> No.2575444

For all the talk about a secret character... This game has none... Such a tease. Whats the bitch's name? She should have a route. You could stop her from being a bitch, or hell, join in on it. That would realy fuck with people, bullying Aeka til she kills herself. Leaving a letter blaming you for everything, and you just throwing it away while fucking the redhead, showing remorse cuz you got the hot chick and thats all that really matters.

>> No.2575463

Clannad is a lot better. Planetarian is probably my least favorite translated Key game, but it's still good.

>> No.2575478
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Open door for YMK patch/fandisc: Antoinette, Aya, and Puff routes. I think Nanjou would actually take over Kirimiya as my favorite route in this game.

>> No.2575479


Thank you anon.

>> No.2575502


Hirofumi >>>>>> Aya >>> Antoinette

>> No.2575503

Get out of here. Planetarian is Key's masterpiece of moe and baww. I still get teary eyed if I listen to the soundtrack now.
Clannad is relaxing slice-of-life stuff with cute girls, playable but not particularly engaging.

>> No.2575516



Different stroke for differe FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP

>> No.2575551

I think Nanjou was meant to have her own arc, but it got cut out or something. The way they hint to how fucked up she is but never pursue it... The way she hates her boyfriend, how batshit insane she becomes at the end of Aeka's arc... Srsly, so much story surrounding her never gets explained.

>> No.2575587

Planetarian was too short to have the same emotional impact as Clannad. Not to mention that the emotional moments in Planetarian weren't executed nearly as well.

>> No.2575588

Has there been any info on whether a fandisk is planning/development?

>> No.2575606

A drug that makes you dream? More like a game that puts you to sleep.

>> No.2575835

fuck you

>> No.2576062

i cried manly tears near the end...


>> No.2576075



>> No.2576091

i don't know whether I should laugh or hate you.

Oh well, might as well do both at the same time.

>> No.2576107
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>> No.2576154

Planetarian was meant to be short as the whole theme of it was how fleeting and fragile the world was. Reverie's existence was a delicate shard of the less grimdark past that was eroded away by the harshness of the present reality. Her death invoked sadness due to personal attachments, but the true tragedy was the loss of her life and what she represented while living. Although she's artificial, she is a distillation of humanity's hope and quest for knowledge, making her more human than the ones responsible for the world's shattered state.

Anyone could have inferred that she was going to experience a BAD END in the near future and the suddenness of her mortal wounding and the subsequent, almost immediate, revelation of her true feelings prevents the reader from bracing for any incoming sorrow. It had to be melodramatic or the story's impact would be diluted by the melancholy that already permeated it.

tl;dr Fuck you, Planetarian was a masterpiece. You are a faggot.

>> No.2576170

You put into words that which I'm too lazy to myself.
Yes, Planetarian is Key's masterpiece.
If you disagree you're a tasteless faggot with no soul.

>> No.2576184

I didn't think I'd ever see a Planetarian vs Clannad bitch fight.

Also, Clannad is Key's Magnum Opus.

>> No.2576198

>but the true tragedy was the loss of her life and what she represented while living. Although she's artificial, she is a distillation of humanity's hope and quest for knowledge, making her more human than the ones responsible for the world's shattered state.

I agree with that. In fact I've said almost the exact same thing to another anon in the past. But it doesn't change the fact that Planetarian wasn't as emotionally enganging for me. We just have different opinions bro, no need to get hostile. I even agreed that Planetarian is a very good VN.

>> No.2576202 [DELETED] 

The only bitch fight I see here is your attempts at manipulate the truth. CLANNAD was good, but Planetarian was better.

>> No.2576207

wat zijn jullie triest zeg, waarom zoek je geen leven, dan kan je tenminste met een echte vrouw vrijen

>> No.2576216

I never really saw the appeal in Aeka. She's just not rewarding.

Mizuki, on the other hand, was balls to the wall action and fun.
