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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2574753 No.2574753 [Reply] [Original]

UPDATE: Apparently the DDoS attack is being caused by a trojan some 4chan users have downloaded. If you've downloaded ANY FILES linked on 4chan, please immediately go to this link and download the removal tool: Trojan.Vundo Removal Tool @ Symantec. Otherwise, all users are encouraged to run a full system scan to ensure their system is clean. The sooner people do this, the sooner /b/ & /r9k/ will return.

Why on Earth would anyone do this? Rather, where can I get this virus?

>> No.2574757

just as kohaku'd

>> No.2574771


>> No.2574805

Because sooner or later they are going to overrun our board too.

>> No.2574819
File: 606 KB, 873x1200, yuugicool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this pussy-whipped little babby.

This is the perfect chance to get rid of them for good and here you are capitulating to the enemy. Be a man.

>> No.2574865

Just according to Kohaku*

*tl note: Kohaku means Amber

>> No.2574875

Is /b/ really that stupid?

>> No.2574879


>> No.2574884

they were probably browsing from a school computer, and thought it'd be funny to fuck it up

>> No.2574885

>Are the ones who copy and pasted a script into a file, changed the extension, then ran it, without knowing what it did, really that stupid?

lol, I dunno know.

>> No.2574890

Apparently so.

>> No.2574907

Aren't the normalbros on those boards the ones who do most of the ad-clicking? I have no objection to /b/'s existence if that's the price of the decent boards' existence.

>> No.2574959

This is what happens when you concentrate so many fucktards on one board that have no care about consequences. Just like with their .js crap, they are so ignorant that they will destroy their own home board in order for some short term laughs. Then they will go "why is /b/ down?!?!?? Moot hurry the fuck up and fix it!!!11"

>> No.2575501

They're responsible for all the bandwidth costs.
They're a tumor that should have be excised a long time ago.

>> No.2575513


People actually do this?

>> No.2575521

We got moot into Time's list and made him win.
What have YOU done, /jp/, for 4chan?

And before you start trolling me, Time = fame = jewgold.

>> No.2575523

>The sooner people do this, the sooner /b/ & /r9k/ will return.

I was about to when I read this.

>> No.2575529

The same people who run .js scripts and download trojans.

>> No.2575530

The sooner /b/ and /r9k/ return, the sooner the morons leave the other boards.

>> No.2575544


Me? I donated and had Moot run off to Mexico with my cash.

>> No.2575545

helped moot get fame to sell the domain?

>> No.2575549


I voted against that fag.

>> No.2575554

What ads?

>> No.2575557
File: 2.89 MB, 200x150, zomg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one is falling for your concern troll, /b/tard

>> No.2575559

Tell me that didn't really happen.

>> No.2575560

Or get better advertisers, a job, etc.

>> No.2575578

Man, i miss /r9k/... /jp/ isn't very fun without a computer. All talks of VNs i can't play, doujins i can't read, pics i can't save, etc. Just makes me want a new pc so badly... Must save money...

>> No.2575590

.js was the fault of /b/ and /r9k/.

>We got moot into Time's list and made him win.
>What have YOU done, /jp/, for 4chan?

I didn't vote for moot, thus striking a small, insignificant blow against the absolute retardation of 4chan.

moot is a horrible admin. He always was and always will be. Everyone who would be considered old on 4chan knows this. Only complete cockfags and newfriends line up to suck his tiny e-penis.

The most hilarious thing I read in regards to moot "winning" the Time internet poll was them admitting that it's just "an internet poll", i.e. it's as worthless as a condom given to anyone in /jp/ that posts in hikki/NEET threads.

>> No.2575591

1. Log on to whatever script-kiddy site is the thing right now
2. Download whatever the newest trojan client is
3. Pack it into an exe
4. Use that one tool that makes your trojan polymorphic
5. ???
6. profit become a script kiddy
realize how lame you are and grow into better things

>> No.2575608

I'm hoping that /b/ and /r9k/ stay down long enough for all of the retards to get bored of 4chan for good, but I'm sure that won't happen.

>> No.2575682

You're just envious because moot's penis is at least twice as big as yours.

>> No.2575716

FACT: mootynks dick is small, MrVacBob has the biggest one.
