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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2573557 No.2573557 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.2573588

I hear the US wants to talk to Japan about Rape.

>> No.2573595

Looks like they've got experience with it

>> No.2573601

dl it right now. sounds funny

>> No.2573606

Pretty boring game. And doesn't feel like rape at all.
Because for me, rape includes beating her up, tearing up her clothes and forcefully ramming your dick in her ass. Not the softcore shit you get in the game where they don't even defend themselves.

>> No.2573616

Kind of hard to defend yourself when you're in handcuffs. The Manaka rape scene at the beginning was alright, but the rest of the game was pretty shit.

>> No.2573623

That is why I prefer Biko.
Fuck yeah STALKAN game and then raping the shit out of them. I especially love the part where you gangbang ninja or robot chick.

>> No.2573640

>A schoolgirl around 12 years old travels on a commuter train. A man who has been following her gropes and sexually molests her. Eventually the train stops and she runs frightened into a public toilet, followed by her assailant who handcuffs and rapes her. The assailant takes her prisoner and repeatedly rapes her in various locations. Her mother and teenaged sister suffer the same fate. This family is targeted for rape as punishment because the older sister had previously reported to the police the attempted sexual assault of another woman by the rapist. This is the storyline of RapeLay, a rape simulator computer game produced by Illusion Software and sold in Japan.


Fucking sold. Best promotional piece I've ever read.

>> No.2573661
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Rapelay actually sucks. It's not very entertaining, you can't really do shit to her without filling these various meters first, and it takes forever. And the graphics are a fucking mess with clipping problems everywhere. Now, if Rapelay had the kind of art that Hizashi no real did, THEN it'd be one hell of a game.

>> No.2573691
File: 4 KB, 132x131, head.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Important note: all characters in this game, as in all games we sell, are aged 18 or older.

>> No.2573704


>> No.2573712

Get the fuck out.

>> No.2573715


Big guns coming out now.

>> No.2573718

Because you can't use your legs or move at all in handcuffs, am I rite?

>> No.2573722

I never saw her in that outfit.
How do I get it?

>> No.2573727

I love how brainwashed the Brits are at this point. They don't even bother making the distinction of "simulated" or "virtual" anymore. Rapelay is just straight-up child pornography according to the article.

>> No.2573728

download all your mods here

>> No.2573732

"The age of the internet means it's impossible to confine anything to a specific market," said Hiromasa Nakai, a spokesman for Unicef Japan.

"People in Japan have to realise that what might be acceptable in one culture or context might not be acceptable in another. In any case, many Japanese people have no idea what's on sale on their own doorstep, and RapeLay is only the tip of the iceberg."

>> No.2573734

Because America is any different, right?

>> No.2573740

>The game is just one of tens of thousands of video games containing explicit sexual content that can be bought online or at stores in Tokyo's geek district of Akihabara.

Geek district. I like that.

>> No.2573743


Well, It's still legal in the US for now.

>> No.2573749

This is so funny, Americans.

But what's sad, Japanese are such wusses they will probably give in to America after a time and ban RapeLay or something similar.

>> No.2573748

It is.

>> No.2573752

I'm pretty sure it's still legal in the UK too. They were trying to ban it but I don't think they actually did (at least, yet).

>> No.2573750

Thanks to this thread.
I am now downloading biko3, rapelay and battle raper again.
Feeling a bit nostalgic here, sure miss raping those virtual girls.

>> No.2573756

Culturally, yes, but still not legally. Yet!

There is still an awareness of the reality-simulation distinction, but...
>Japanese law bans the production and sale of sexually explicit images of children under 18, but it exempts animated and computer-generated images.
we can see they/we see this distinction as not essential. Because the goal is nothing less than total domination of thought.

>> No.2573766

Pretty sure it's legal everywhere, except maybe Scotland.

>> No.2573769

Really? Sucks for us Scots.

Not like RapePlay is the most illegal thing on my computer, though.

>> No.2573776


I thought Britian went Canada's route recently? I faintly remember something to that effect in a thread where a guy was worried about a dakimakura he was having shipped over.

>> No.2573782

They tried to ban it recently, but I don't think they have yet.

>> No.2573787

Not yet. Already posted this.
Keep your ears open on the 18th of this month.

>> No.2573803

So, on the 18th we find out if every single British 4channer is now a sex offender?

>> No.2573825

1. Moot is originally from SA.
2. SA is a pretty good source for H-game reviews, even if the reviewer pretends to be offended by them.

>> No.2573889

>Pressure to tighten the law comes amid an alarming increase in demand for child pornography. In 2007, just over 300 children under 18 were identified as victims, according to Japanese police, up more than 20% from 2006 and the highest total since records began in 1999.

Guys, I'm pretty sure this is due to games like Rapelay, despite Rapelay being about 5 years old, there being no real change in the lolicon markets in the past few years, and the fact that since records only began in 1999, the chance of any year being a record year is 1 in 10, and 2007 seems to have just been picked out of a hat. Also random fluctuations will always occur in such figures, especially when you're talking about such low figures, the fact that the population levels rise, when you should consider crimes per X people in order to get anything even slightly meaningful, and the fact that victims identified ≠ victims.

The fucking crap that newspapers can get away with spewing out because no-one will call them out on lying lest they be associated with these things themselves.

>> No.2573915


1)Ecchi Attack did it first.
2)Also better.
3)Zach Parsons is faggot.

>> No.2573916

I'm feeling more and more afraid of posting on this website every day

>> No.2573925

Rape game rewards sexual violence

Japanese dismiss rape game complaint

>> No.2573930

i want them to play demonphobia

>> No.2573938

Rape game rewards sexual violence?
But /jp/ dude loves rape game, rape anime & rape manga...

>> No.2573944

With those titles you'd think the entire nation of Japan collectively told them to fuck off.

Which would be pretty awesome.

>> No.2573960

>Activists are asked to pen protests to the maker and Prime Minister Taro Aso, arguing the game breaches Japan's obligations under the 1985 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.
>Taro Aso

Hahaha. Take it easy. With Rozen Aso there, there is no way in hell hentai game will be banned.

>> No.2573963

>"People in Japan have to realise that what might be acceptable in one culture or context might not be acceptable in another."
>Hiromasa Nakai, a spokesman for Unicef Japan
Are they serious?

>> No.2573961



>> No.2573967

I love the completely objective and balanced view that the second link takes.

>> No.2573969

>All Forms of Discrimination against Women.
Ban porn and maybe make women rape men then.

>> No.2573989

>Shogun era attitudes to women
I am attempting to envision what this entails.

>> No.2573994

Carmageddon, Grand Theft Auto and Destroy All Humans are rewards violence.

>> No.2573997

Does anyone here actually like women? I'm starting to think we should just get rid of them.

>> No.2573998

get rid of women = more employment for me

>> No.2574013


>> No.2574014

Illegal Downloading.

>> No.2574016

Do you really want brothel-work so much?

>> No.2574019

Now theres a game I can get behind. If there was no problem, there woudn't be any need to bitch or look for solutions!

>> No.2574024

The voice said, "No, John. You are the Problem."

And then Jo

>> No.2574028

Someone should make a game named GayLay and see if Equality Now protest about that.

>> No.2574037

So, in 2 or 3 days, @Home-Mate will get released

>> No.2574048

South Korea is Asian Rape Champion!

Crime Statistics > Rapes (most recent) by country

Crime Statistics > Rapes (per capita) (most recent) by country

>> No.2574070


>> No.2574077

Women rape men often enough, it's just that they do it more efficiently: forcing the other person to have sex with you psychologically won't get you caught, it's the people forcing others by force that get caught - which are mostly men.

Although very few yaoi games are listed on vndb, there are plenty of yaoi rape games you can protest against.

>> No.2574112

South Korea elementry school kids plays Doki Doki Majo Shinpan!.

Doki Doki Majo Shinpan!

>> No.2574117

It looks like sayng this...

It will be on internet soon or later.
So, don't create it.

Anything against the men is valid.

>> No.2574139

And gave the responsability of incident to japan.
obs: Dokimajo WAS NOT salling in ALL korea.

>> No.2574144

Illegal Downloading.

>> No.2574163


>> No.2574175
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>> No.2574184

Not even going to bother clicking, Something Awful is ran by closet pedophiles and closet weeaboos.


>> No.2574190

> # 3 Australia: 0.777999 per 1,000 people
> # 5 Canada: 0.733089 per 1,000 people
> ...
> # 9 United States: 0.301318 per 1,000 people
canada rape rate 2x the usa per capita


>> No.2574231



>> No.2574426

Illegal Downloading is Illegal.

>> No.2574558

># 65 Saudi Arabia: 0.00329321 per 1,000 people
This sounds legit.

>> No.2574704
File: 35 KB, 350x350, 18kuro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2574706

Okay, when the fuck did this happen? I don't recognize that outfit.

Sounds like fun. Is Biko the full name, and is there an english translation?

Good to see they're not taking any shit.

Where the image from, though? I've played Rapelay all the way through, but don't recognize it.

>> No.2574729

How about we change the name to ConsensualsexinmissionarypositionLay ?

>> No.2574740


>> No.2574789

While Japan banned the production, distribution and commercial use of under-18 pornography in 1999, the ban did not cover illustrations or computer graphical representations of minors.

So what, there was AV's of 12 year olds and shit before 99 in Japan?

>> No.2574859

Those "junior idol" photobooks and DVDs which are borderline lewd at times now could freely have nudity and whatnot.

>> No.2574883

Probably, yeah.

>> No.2574891

I need to hunt down some of those old AVs then. Fuck year, nude little girls

>> No.2574894

I don't recognize this. Art looks very Hizashi-esque, but when does she wear that?

>> No.2574897

This is proof that 3D women feel threatened that they're being replaced by 2D.

Hopefully men will all realize what a nuisance they really are and have them sent to the moon.

>> No.2574899

>forcefully ramming your dick in her ass

>> No.2574917

Stupid cunts. I don't care about Rapelay, but if these squawking hens can muster up enough support to get a game taken off the shelves, they should put all that effort towards protecting actual 3D women and girls from rape.

>> No.2575844

The game is 3d though.
