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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2570903 No.2570903 [Reply] [Original]

What's with all the porn bots lately? Even /c/ is affected and honestly the auto responses aren't fooling anyone.

>> No.2570912

They're invading /u/ ;_;

>> No.2570913

very sexy 10/10

>> No.2570916

4chan is popular, has countless amounts of horny teenagers for profit.

>> No.2570915 [DELETED] 
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so... post porn?

>> No.2570930

But we already get free porn here, why go anywhere else?

>> No.2570938


>> No.2570943


>> No.2570962

Why? Because 4chan doesn't use captchas or spamtrap fields or anything. Spamming 4chan is as easy as it gets.

And nothing of value was lost. I like yuri material as much (or more) than the average /jp/sy, but that board is terrible.

>> No.2570971

No, yuri in general is terrible. It hurts my male pride.

>> No.2570974


And to think that the revenue for those spam ads should've went to moot.

>> No.2570980

>>that board is terrible
It's the only place I can post nsfw Strawberry Panic images ;_;

>> No.2570998

Wouldn't you rather masturbate to two hot girls getting it on than a hot girl and some faceless guy?

It's terrible. You have to admit, /u/ is an orgy of low grade trolling and danbooru reposting.

>> No.2571003


Wish there were a good yuri board ;_;

/u/ was where I found out about some good series and scanlation sites, but they're so fucking SERIOUS BUSINESS about their porn.

>> No.2571009

>two hot girls getting it on

Atleast one of them needs a penis.

>> No.2571010

>>orgy of low grade trolling and danbooru reposting
Yes, it is.

There is even a " PLEASE HELP: My girlfriend farts when we fuck" thread ;_;

>> No.2571012

Two girls is boring. Nothing happens.

>> No.2571016

>Wouldn't you rather masturbate to two hot girls getting it on than a hot girl and some faceless guy?

Not the poster you're responding to, but: No. I'd rather have the faceless guy. Or a guy with a face. Or a bunch of faceless men. Or some humanoid monsters.

Lesbians are boring. I enjoy it in Touhou, but only for the cute factor (when it's not porn) and the futa (for when it is).

>> No.2571030


Consensual man-loli > consensual yuri (loli) > futa > yuri rape > rape/tentacles/guro

>> No.2571045

I find your fetish for consensual sex revolting.

>> No.2571047

Woah, how come /u/ is using Yotsuba B now? Did it become a worksafe board?

>> No.2571053

oh god, you're right.


>> No.2571066

It's not by default. I would guess you set it to yotsuba_b and then forgot about it.

yotsuba_b is so much more aesthetically pleasing than yotsuba, so it's understandable.

>>2571009 >>2571012 >>2571016
Well, whatever. I maintain that what gets me off is vastly superior to what gets you off, but it's purely opinion at this point. Non-consensual yuri is the best, simply can't be beat.

>> No.2571075

Why are there so many porn boards anyway? all the best porn is on /a/ /v/ and /b/

/c/ and /cm/ should be merged. It's either mansex that belongs in /y/ or it's not. /c/ isn't a softcore /u/, after all (unless it changed it's softcore /l/ status since I last visited)

/u/e/h/ need to be one board that also allows non dickgirl /d/ so /d/ can just have it's dicks and stop pushing off everythign else. And fuck, throw /y/ in there so the girls have to waft through normal /h/ to get to their gaysex.

/s/ needs to be removed entirely.

>> No.2571098

Those are all terrible ideas. It's like saying "all boards on 4chan should just be merged into /b/."

>> No.2571133

They should.

4chan only really needs
>randomxD & shit
>animu & shit
>vidya & shit
>dorfs & empras
>geeks & shit
>porn & shit
All these other boards are just useless fragmentation; it's like being in /mu/ and debating music genres.

Just call them a1-3, b1-3, h1-3, and so on. That's all they really are, just with their own brand of elitism.

>> No.2571146

I disagree with your opinions because they are stupid.

>> No.2571154


While we're at it, there should be a /fur/ board again so that we don't have to deal with furries ruining everything.

>> No.2571165

I haven't seen a furry in years.

>> No.2571184

/tg/ is already /fur/
