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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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25705482 No.25705482 [Reply] [Original]

/blog/ - BL + Otome Games #228



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>> No.25706110
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Should heroines look more modest or aggressive in their attire?

>> No.25707217

Personally I think a rather modest looking girl getting hounded by men far out of her league is a rather good setup

>> No.25707612

Anything's fine as long as the design is good.

>> No.25707982

Bad question, it just has to make sense within the scope of the character's background.

>> No.25708849

She should be a cute goth or sweet loli who molests boys.

>> No.25709217
File: 377 KB, 960x544, PPSSPPWindows 2020-08-23 18-46-38-94.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I've decided to not do the rest of the routes in Amnesia.
Now I'm starting Shinigami to shoujo. It's better be the promised otome kamige. The game desperately needs re-release though, image and voice compression is horrid. Also I don't know if it's emulator problem, but music sometimes randomly stops, while voices are unaffected.

>> No.25709836

Definitely an emulator problem, but isn't there also a Vita version? There's no way it isn't an upgrade of sorts.

>not doing Ukyo's route
i shiggy diggy doo

>> No.25709897

Ukyo's route is the best, but I can't really blame anon when you have to do all the other routes to unlock him...

>> No.25709921

Too bad there isn't a working vita emulator yet.

>> No.25710192

Oh, I haven't noticed vita release. But true, I won't be able to play it. They should have done switch release.

>> No.25711972
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Simply based

>> No.25712113

10/10 design

>> No.25712419

>shark teeth
>whore outfit
>nazi theme
Yeah, they went all out

>> No.25712554

how many more characters are they going to keep adding to this
and why do the designs keep getting worse

>> No.25712574

Other Majo anon, I had a bit of a thought here: Zaijouin is just Ichijou from Kaiji, isn't he?

>> No.25713471

Name one good Otomate game.

>> No.25713864

Ichijou is cuter(because you get to watch him completely lose his shit more)

>> No.25714156

You know what, you're right. Now I need a rewatch.

There is at least one anon here that thinks Clock Zero is really good. I haven't played, so I can't say.

>> No.25714362

Again just hearsay but pretty sure there's anons here that like the Hanayaka series.
I'm curious about it too but it plays like shit on a PSP emulator last time I checked so I didn't bother with it.

>> No.25714528

You beat me to it/
I'm one of the mentioned anons. For sure there is at least one another, their posts made me play the game and I have no regrets. It's definitely my favourite series with many good guys (though there are also mediocre ones, but that's to be expected).

I played on Vita, there are also Switch ports, maybe you could try them out?

>> No.25714570

Not that Anon but how's the system? I always get annoyed at VNs that have more to do than press a button to get more text.

>> No.25714920

Fuck the minigames.
It's 5 years since I've played the game so if other anons could correct me, but if I remember right you can skip some of them on subsequent playthroughs. If you want to collect everything, definitely use the guide. There are lots of hidden things on the minimap.
Still, I found this type of in-between stuff much better than the one in Tengai ni Mau Iki na Hana.
Tengai is shit, do not play this lured by the same setting and guest characters.

>> No.25716342

Which games allow me to play as sluts or villainess types?
Boyfriend netori optional.

>> No.25716902

Himetai which is getting an english version at some point, Tsubasa no Oka which if you know japanese (though the Tsubasa no Oka MC has like a mommy dom vibe rather than being a slut exactly), Taisho Alice MC is also clearly down to fuck.
Jooubachi's Kaguya is both a slut and arguably a villainess. I can't think of many other examples otherwise. QuinRose seemed to like their morally ambiguous MCs if you can get past their horrible art and systems.

Most joseimuke games with protagonists like that are BL unfortunately. Otome likes it's good girls too much.

>> No.25716905
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Hoping for Yael to fulfill my best boy fantasy but watch it be Takeru.

>> No.25717233
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>> No.25717623
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This shit just keeps getting delayed, c'mon I wanna kms already

>> No.25717896

Looks terrible

>> No.25717906


>> No.25717926

I'm kind of worried about the voice acting to be honest, everyone but Yaeru sounds so dry

>> No.25718109

I'm worried too, I hope they're more expressive in-game.

>> No.25718179

Thanks, sis.

>> No.25718187

Speaking of Majo again, the OP for it really grew on me. When I rewatched the OP after finishing the game, there are a couple parts in it that made me go "oh yeah, that fucking part". Lately I've thinking of Zaijyouin's ending a bit more, I couldn't put together my feelings on it at first but it really is a special kind of despair. If I had to compare it to something, I'd say that it feels a bit like NTR in the way Yaneko betrays her ideals and gives up on her revenge. When I finished it I thought that it was just a shitload of H-scenes after another, but those disgusting H-scenes (the bathroom scene especially) really help to pound in that bitterness when you finish it and see Yaneko like that. It makes a lot of sense why the true ending is locked behind this ending, though, because you read this one and think that it couldn't possibly get any worse. That uneasy feeling I got from the true ending is still lingering in my brain weeks after I've finished the game. I've been trying to stop myself from just going and playing the trial version of part two by playing other games because I know that it'll probably just blue-ball me again and leave me hungry for the full version of part 2 (never).

>> No.25718222

I love titties.

>> No.25718319

>Himetai which is getting an english version at some point
Of course it's the whorest, dumbest of games that get translations

>> No.25718382

I wanna squeeze those pecs

>> No.25718435

>not liking games where you bully virgins

>> No.25718481

I think it's because Kalmia8 already has a relationship with Mangagamer, I would imagine their arabian harem game will get an english version at some point as well given they already have an english website up for it.

>> No.25718509

I'm gonna be disappointed if there's no tittyfuck scene with him.

>> No.25718577

>arabian harem game
I sleep

>> No.25719160
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Same, there is a totally mine type guy, but the entire setting is cringe.

>> No.25719161

Shit taste

>> No.25719384

>arab/middle eastern character
>blond with blue eyes
Why does this archetype come up so frequently in jp media? Have all the stereotypes for 'foreigners' just converged in on each other or something?

>> No.25719417

I mean at least that makes sense, plenty of middle eastern rulers had large harems full of exotic (including european) concubines.

now explain what's with all the middle easterners with brown skin, lavender hair and purple eyes.

>> No.25719472

no u

>> No.25719559
File: 1.05 MB, 1600x1202, 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone didn’t know, the Jack Jeanne voice drama is going on every day for 2 weeks (it’s on day 4 now) and it looks like what would be the start of the game rather than an independent voice drama.
The boys start appearing in these videos.

Suzu is confirmed best boy. Soshiro is surprisingly cuter than I expected.

>> No.25719648

He's going to be the best boy, I know it. Out of all of the Lkyt boys, Ango is closest to my type.

To be honest, I'm still thinking of the game. I ended up playing it with a different game's soundtrack and whenever I listen to it I think of Majo. It's just like, occupying my mind and leaves me prone to spacing out. Wish I could say that about pretty much any other /blog/ game I've played. I've been putting off downloading the trial because I also do not want to get blue-balled.

When did you first play Majo, anyway?

>> No.25719947

What's this?

>> No.25720005

Mitsuki is visually appealing but doesn't seem interesting characterwise. Kokuto is the exact kind of fruitiness I was hoping for in a game about arts students, but his design is pretty ugly. Suzu seems like he's funny and goofy but his hair is fucking atrocious.

Had a look at the site again, the Amber kids seem the most interesting, especially the one that looks like the monster under your bed-incarnate.

>> No.25720049

>>Doubled the threads per page, so /vg/ can have 200 threads instead of 100. This has an exponential effect of making threads take 10 hours to die instead of 45 minutes
you homos came from /vg/ right? you should consider moving back now

also 4chanx is broken on the /vg/ catalog but works fine in threads

>> No.25720062

/u/fag best boy

>> No.25720078

Untranslated vns go in jp so staying here is fine.

>> No.25720092

Fuck off

>> No.25720109

holy fuck how does one game have so many good boys

>> No.25720124

>Genre: Anti-Romance Otome game

>> No.25720177

Can't wait for Aksys to pick this up.

>> No.25720198

that isn't really true since they post untranslated shit in /vn/ /hgg2d/ and /mggg/ among others and i'm gonna bet most of you are EOPs anyway but if you left because the board was too fast you should consider going back

too bad faggot, because of your post i decided to find my inner homo and stay here so give me your best homo game

>> No.25720218

No, this is my cage now

>> No.25720225

Hadaka Shitsuji, you're welcome.

>> No.25720239

This thread is more jaypee than hololive and vtuber threads, go bitch there.

>> No.25720290
File: 520 KB, 549x1793, c02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is going to be psychotic, I can sense it

>> No.25720295

>please dont kys i am otome protagonist I can fix you
>shut up slut *kills her and then himself*
Deeb social commentary about how love isn't enough to fix broken people. Whatever the twist is I hope there is lots more blood cg

>> No.25720315

Room no.9, no homo.

>> No.25720428
File: 3.13 MB, 2880x1800, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Completely agree, you said everything I was thinking. I despised Suzu at first because of his hideous hair but hearing Uchida Yuuma and seeing that he’s the genki hot-blooded one…well…I succumbed. On the other hand, Kai and Sarafumi were the ones who gave me the best first impressions based off their designs but now I’m a little less interested. Feels like I can predict everything about them. I’m still holding out for Mitsuki since he’s completely my type.

Even though they aren’t main characters, I hope the Amber boys get good focus since their looks are my favorite too. Especially the sickly looking one you mentioned. Sui streamed himself drawing an illustration of him with Kisa(?) but hasn’t uploaded it anywhere so I’m hoping it’s a scene in the VN.

>> No.25720454

alright now we're talking

>discussion about these japanese people and companies that post japanese shit don't belong on the japanese culture board and the the homo games thread full of EOPs doesn't belong on the EOP homo games board
ok. i'm not the /jp/ police demanding you leave just passing on some info to all generals that fled /vg/ because they couldn't survive there, do what you will with that

>no homo
never reply to me again

>> No.25720546

They’re homo jp games so what’s your point

>> No.25720668

i mean, the only two games i had recommended were translated which kind of says everything. but it doesn't matter, none of this matters, we're all going to die. so if you're cool on /jp/ and don't want to go back and mods don't care mods will never care then you do you

>> No.25720712

I really like the character designs and art style but don't know what to expect from the story at all. I wonder if it's even going to have romance at all.

>> No.25720789

Most discussion here is about untranslated Japanese games. You want to police the jay but you can't even look through the pictures in this thread and the previous ones? At this rate you will never get your honorary hot pockets.

>> No.25720879

>under eyelashes
Rare combo

>> No.25720904

I'm concerned that the games price is 500 yen(4 euro). It will probably be short/not fully developed.

>> No.25720926

I want more freckled boys in otome

>> No.25720943

Literally made for me

>> No.25720966
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That's probably my least concern. Indie games/games from smaller companies tend to be on the shorter side so I'm used to it, since at least they tend to have more novel content than most mainstream stuff (probably because it's not going for the 14 year old girl market for once)

>> No.25721076

This is the companies first game, so maybe the lower price is convince more people who might be wary buying something from new guys at full price. Since it's also on mobile maybe they're trying to adapt to a changing market that would balk at buying a vn for 40-60. iirc they said each route is 3-4 hours auto, probably have a very short common for total of 10-15 hours play time, the cgs they've shown are well drawn and the delays mean they're putting more time and money into something very small. Seems like they have a lot passion for their work.

>> No.25721089

Does the MC for this have a personality or is she another doormat? It won't affect me checking it out but I just want to know.

>> No.25721115

>Most discussion here is about untranslated Japanese games
are you seriously trying to tell me that the homo thread is exactly like all the other threads that discuss japanese games in or that left /vg/? anyway my last bit of advice is that you'll probably attract more people on /vg/ from all the anons that play COD: battle of the bulge, man-on-man wrestling games, and cho aniki

time to play hadaka shitsuji, i'll be expecting my kuso pockets when i get back

>> No.25721207

bet there wont even be ONE 心中 route

>> No.25721263

I'm usually into things that are edgy, but something about this feels weird and kind of unappealing. Also, the student council present looks like a dipshit and a complete homo. It's not necessarily bad, it just seems really out of place. Pink hair best boy(?)

Man, I can always count on Ishida to deliver with the pretty weirdos. The more I look at this piece the more I like it. I've had an on-and-off fondness for him ever since my very, very brief foray into Tokyo Ghoul years ago, and I was and admittedly still am fond of Tsukiyama.

I didn't register that Suzu was voiced by him for some reason. I feel like I should give him a little more love now. I've been hearing Uchida in another game lately, but he wasn't a very happy character.

>> No.25721286

>you'll probably attract more people on /vg/ from all the anons that play COD: battle of the bulge, man-on-man wrestling games, and cho aniki
they can join our resident cage enthusiasts

>> No.25721319

I really didn't know what to expect from Majo other than the usual "comfy first part --> everything's fucked second part" type developments from the author, but the game and its cast ended up being a lot more endearing and memorable than I thought it would be. Kinda wish that I'd found this circle earlier because their games hit the exact spot of "lots of depressing content, but also lots of genuine heartfelt moments" for me. It's nice to have someone else to discuss it with because this game doesn't seem to have much discussion, even from JP readers.

I started near the beginning of July and played a few hours when I had free time. Granted, my July ended up a lot busier than I expected and I had to space out my playtime more than I wanted, which is probably part of the reason the characters grew on me so much. It was a bit like seeing an old friend every time I sat down to read it and then dreading for their life every time I saw them.

>> No.25721325
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this line always makes me laugh for some reason
since when did he become 私の京一郎 exactly?

>> No.25721332

But it's Takuyo, do they update their ports in any way?

>> No.25721430

>Lkyt 8/28 
>UUUltacC 9/18

>> No.25721464

I wish I was that cuck who was forced to watch their having sex during his last moments

>> No.25721792

truly based

>> No.25722484
File: 518 KB, 800x600, Shingakkou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've finished Cecil route in Shingakkou.
Cecil is a very endearing character and you just want him to be happy. The route feels more dark than Neil and Leonid ones. It's also very emotional and deals with tough psychological themes.
I greatly enjoy relationships writing of this game. Every couple is believable and you can see when and how characters fall in love.
Now I've unlocked my long awaited August(priest) route, but I've realized I need to finish him to play the final Gaby route. But I really want to play August's one last. So in autistic fit I've downloaded 100% save and finished Gaby first.
Gaby's route is fine, but it's very mild in romance, and more "symbolic" than "carnal'. I guess it's expected, since it's incest + other things. The entire route does feel like the grand finale that ties everything together, which I liked a lot.
Now I'm back to my original save to start August route. I think I need to take a break before though, since I've played the game nonstop for a month or so. I also want to re-read common route. This game truly mesmerized me, I'm honestly somehow afraid to finish it. Fandisks are the only solace albeit temporary.

>> No.25722627

>So in autistic fit I've downloaded 100% save and finished Gaby first.
Based, I'm glad I'm not the only one that does this shit

>> No.25722718
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Speaking of Takuyo, will they ever make a serious game again? Their newest release looks boring as fuck, and the next game is another fucking Himehibi game.

Not really, they add in some tokuten maybe but that's it. Still, image and voice quality is definitely better due to console differences.

>> No.25722736

I think you goofed by playing August last, the August and Gaby routes are closely tied and Gaby's is a sort of retake of August by making the correct choices this time (which weren't unlocked before.) But it can't be helped.
And yeah, oddly enough Cecil was the darkest route and Leonid was probably the lightest, that was quite surprising.

I found it very engrossing too. You'll probably like Bara no Ki ni Bara no Hanasaku, which is a similar shoujo-ish BLge by the same writer.

>> No.25722982

>I think you goofed by playing August last, the August and Gaby routes are closely tied and Gaby's is a sort of retake of August by making the correct choices this time (which weren't unlocked before.)
I've realized this half-way, but I actually prefer it because after I've seen that MC can overcome the desire for August, it will be very satisfying to watch him completely succumb to it. I really enjoy August, I want the final route I play be the one where he wins.

>You'll probably like Bara no Ki ni Bara no Hanasaku, which is a similar shoujo-ish BLge by the same writer.
I will definitely play it.

>> No.25724516

I got the impression their main thing was comedy shit and the serious games were outliers. Their only serious games were StS, that taisho era looking utsuge one and Sweet Clown right?

>> No.25724664

Their new Himehibi game is supposed to be more serious
>The previous two games had stories that were more romantic comedy than anything else, but in considering the trends of recent popular works, the story of this title offers two routes that let you enjoy the sweet side of romance, and two routes that focus on the dark side of romance.

I thought their comedy based games were more popular, but their best selling title was StS and their Kusari games did better than their Kaeru Batake games.

>> No.25725305

I'm probably the other anon who really likes Hanayaka. It's been awhile for me too, but I believe you still got to go through everything though you do get like a new game plus with info from the previous playthroughs. They're a general pain in the ass, but I liked the map quests because they helped me immerse.

It's a shame Tengai was shit because I really liked Enkeltbillet too. The writer knows how to write good ossans.

>> No.25726881

Such is the fate of doujin games, I guess? But I'm always down to talk about obscure or weird games like that, so you at least have me (no homo).

>> No.25726948
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I would recommend the PS2/PSP version of BaraKi, the original PC release is half voiced. I played Shingakkou first but found BaraKi way more engrossing, though I love both of them of course. The mystery/culprit is pretty obvious but the characters drive the story more than the plot anyway. It will probably never come out in English so it's a hidden BL gem that I think a lot overlook.

>> No.25726987

I'm definitely not gonna play Majo based on your discussion.
But I played Kinanaki no Mori by the same author years ago and it still sticks with me a little. I wasn't expecting that kind of writing from a doujin title.

If you think this thread is full of EOP's it's nothing compared to any other place that discusses otome. No place for the yumejos.

>> No.25727207

I need to get around and play Enkeltbillet, but my PSP is not in the best shape and I did not hack my vita, so it's in eternal backlog.

I read only three routes in Tengai and skipped through the rest. The CGs for the extra guy seemed interesting, but I was too tired with this game already.
From the routes I finished I'd rank the boys Sousuke = Yuusuke > Kousuke
It's their own fault for getting tons of writers from Hitsuzigumo.
Verite had mediocre reviews but it was much better than Tengai Robespierre best boy

>> No.25728257

Some nips complained about all the English, but that obviously doesn't bother me and the cast had a lot of chemistry like Hanayaka. The beginning is even more painful than Hanayaka and I felt both depressed and embarrassed for Midori. Takashina and secret are best boys.

I never bought into the Vita hype so I skipped both and it seems like I didn't miss out. Hoping that Takagi Ayumi is the only writer for Meiji, but I honestly don't really understand the plot from the information out so far.

>> No.25729154

>cute glasses boy
>finally get to ero scene
>glasses come off
FUCK this

>> No.25729188

11 year olds look like THAT?

>> No.25729457

Parade truly are visionaries.

>> No.25729731

>the original PC release is half voiced
Oh, thanks for the heads up. So to get the full experience I'll need to play PS2 version first and then use pc version for the sex scenes?

>> No.25729971

Was it my imagination or did Parade say that they were going to release a Lkyt demo? But I checked the section on the website that I swore mentioned a potential demo and now there's no mention of one. Has a PC demo ever come out for a title that's already out? Because we're definitely not getting one before release.

>> No.25730306
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Nice, heroine has collected personality and can tease back.

>> No.25730485

how do i get my hands on this game

>> No.25730505

wat game pls

>> No.25730550

Shinigami to shoujo

>> No.25730575

Maybe after the release

>> No.25731404
File: 404 KB, 960x544, Shinigami to shoujo1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He reminds me of Hak from Akatsuki no Yona a bit.
The music looping problem turned out to be indeed an emulator bug that was supposed to be fixed in 2015...

>> No.25732300

Oh don't worry, Sayo absolutely has a personality.

>> No.25737756
File: 302 KB, 960x544, Shinigami to shoujo2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does the cute poster boy have an old man voice??? I don't care if he is 10000 years old or whatever.

>> No.25739188

Just a warning in case you didn't know but do not stray from the recommended route order (Hinase, then Kirishima and Chiyo, then Tooya, then Ao). Also if I remember right when you finish a chapter (or it might have been a route, either way they tell you) there will be more of the 'Shinigami to Shoujo' storybook unlocked in the extras and you should probably read that too.

>> No.25739279
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Asuku is the last person I thought I'd ever hear this line from.

At any rate, it was a total bummer that you get to hear Hisora choking on dick but there was barely anything from Asuku. An awful shame, but at the same time, I can't remember the last time I saw someone who wasn't the top getting his dick sucked.

>> No.25739381
File: 393 KB, 960x544, Shinigami to shoujo3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I wanted the adorable brother first...

>> No.25739423

You'll change your mind once you see Hinases massive cock

>> No.25739444

Are you implying Toyua's oniichan's dick isn't the biggest? It's so massive it could kill any anon here

>> No.25739469

>fucks Sayo the minute you enter his route
truly based

>> No.25739699

I stopped playing Enkeltbillet around the part where the infantile 20-something heroine tried to slap the glasses guy for telling her that she was infantile and the game made it sound like he was in the wrong. The Engrish was also terrible and I just can't get into stories about poor little jap girl getting robbed in foreign country. Maybe I'll try again though, I did like Hanayaka.

>> No.25739714
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What's your favorite type of BL protagonist?

I'd like to hear what kind of MCs you like to see in BLVNs, maybe list some of them and why you thought they're great.

>> No.25739757

She tried to but didn't actually? That sucks. It's hot when guys get slapped.

>> No.25739798

Guys always get slapped in otome, it's the only acceptable domestic abuse after all

>> No.25740694

This guy looks creepy

>> No.25740761

Taisho Mebiusline
>smart and hot
>can protect himself
>thinks for himself
>grows and develops as a character along the way
>has own ambitions and plans depending on the route
>proactive and doesn't spend the entire route thinking the dicks are smelly
>likes depressed men and wants his dick in any situation and route
Lucky Dog 1
>goes out of his way to save his love interest
>is okay with spending the rest of his life with a man
>actually enjoys getting fucked
Sweet Pool
>likable and sickly type I like
>is ready to risk his life for the person he loves
>retains his sanity despite having a literal piece of meat after his asshole, giving birth to meat babies and getting assaulted by crazy people
>smart and likable
>doesn't find dicks smelly after all
Basically cute, smart guys who are into the whole loving other boys thing. Bonus points for actually enjoying sex

>> No.25740930

Taishou Mebiusline translation when?

>> No.25740989

right after Muramasa

>> No.25741318

>able to fend for themselves if we're told they're strong
>at least OK with the concept of dicks in butts
>strongly defined personality ("tsundere doormat" does not count)
>has a lot of character development from start to finish

So basically Tamamori. N+C characters could be great but they always fall into "damsel in distress" roles and the shitty parts of being a tsundere. Youji was alright because he was just a lonely kuudere. Not my type but not bad either.

>> No.25741454
File: 668 KB, 800x602, honkeys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not for you filthy gaijin

>> No.25741555

Tomoaki for BL nukige

>> No.25743753

I guess what it comes down to is that I like sassy MCs. Tamamori is my fave so far, though once I get further into LD1 that may change. Worst BL MC I experienced was the guy from Kuro no tsuki whose name I don't remember. He was basically just a bland idiot doormat who was there to be raped. I didn't complete that game though so if he gets better it was not quick enough for me.

>> No.25743784

The ones that keep trying to assure the reader that he is definitely not gay.

>> No.25743885

The most important trait to me for a BL protag (other than not being insufferable for whatever reason) is being the top.

>> No.25744301

I don't like when their personality flip-flops on different character routes. Or at least if it changes gradually.

>> No.25745924

Who is your favorite straight BL mc and straight BL love interest?

>> No.25746086

Daichi and Seiji of course.
I have only played one BL game btw.

>> No.25746803
File: 792 KB, 801x599, 87654456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a minor issue but they really should have drawn more backgrounds in this game. There's multiple scenes where characters are supposed to be in the corridors of some building but because there's no background for it they just put the building as the background and it looks like they're hanging around outside for some reason instead.

>> No.25746904

>straight BL mc and straight BL love interest
I HATE this meme

>> No.25746947

The ultimate "no homo, bro" experience.

>It's okay if it's you
>You're a special existence to me
>A love beyond gender and appearances

Even BL manga is coming around to having both dudes be into the whole buttsex thing. VNs are stuck in the past. Not surprising I guess since they're getting crushed by gachashit and so few got made before that.

>> No.25746986

>It's okay if it's you
>You're a special existence to me
>A love beyond gender and appearances
Why does this trigger everyone here?

>> No.25747023

Because it's usually in the shittiest works. I'm down for a good "straight man finds out he's not so straight after all" story, but those lines are usually the capstone to a story that should have been yet another forgettable shoujo/joseimuke instead of pretending the uke has a dick and wants to use it.

>> No.25747097

>straight BL mc and straight BL love interest
I LOVE this meme.

>> No.25747142

FUCK you

>> No.25748139

To be fair most of the more recent games I've played have had both characters be into sex. From the past 5 years the only one (I've played) I can think of which had that as a notable problem was Galtia. Maybe Paradise but then Azuma is a slut when he wants to be.

>> No.25748857

I loved those tropes, and I still like a good closet key story, but they come across as very homophobic and cliche in bl, which is probably why it's not as common as it used to be.

>> No.25750583

Tomoaki from Hadashit.
Ryu from NTY.
I suppose those two can be called """straight""".

>> No.25752056

>recommended route order is the exact opposite way I wanted to play the game
Why is it always like this

>> No.25753213

The moment you are having gay sex you are no longer straight

>> No.25753252

No way, we're bros. Being gay means ruined friendship so we're still straight

>> No.25753419

It's not gay if it's on the moon

>> No.25753996


>> No.25754104

Can't tell if you are trolling me or not.

>> No.25754587
File: 11 KB, 160x227, i298428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking for games with 3p relationship like pic related.

>> No.25754824


>> No.25755013

kalmia8 games

>> No.25755087

Tried Torikago no Marriage and Produce Keikaku already

>> No.25755257
File: 913 KB, 760x1216, IMG_20200826_112425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to do things to that nape.

>> No.25758348

I felt the designs were extremely plain and not my style when I first saw them but they really grew on me. Every boy seems likable. Excited for this game.

>> No.25758501

Same. I literally and figuratively can't wait.

>> No.25758830
File: 740 KB, 798x598, 01656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot that you could actually attempt to seduce Tatebayashi (though I believe you get a bad end out of it)

>> No.25759054

If I'm not mistaken he'd fail and Senge would keep making fun of him for that

>> No.25760538

Yes basically. Senge uses it as yet another way of baiting Kyoichiro into sex but unfortunately(?) they're cockblocked by the lightning strike thing and then it's back on the main story path.

>> No.25761491 [SPOILER] 
File: 181 KB, 721x239, 1598454520582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Asuku's route.

It had frustrating characterization and writing problems but at least it had a couple fun bad ends. At least Asuku is cute.

I enjoyed reading about Hisora getting partially eaten alive/10

>> No.25761693 [DELETED] 

how many girls are here?

>> No.25761770

too many

>> No.25761957

What were your problems with it? Honestly I can't remember enough of Asuku's route for anything specific to come to mind when you say that.

>> No.25762282

I am a female (male)

>> No.25762902

I feel like finding out that the Asuku we spent most of the game with was some kind of split consciousness was kind of wack. When he came back to the real world he said that he just "merged" with the real one, and his behavior did a complete 180. Usually when two completely different things mix, you'd expect the end product to be something in the middle, right? No such luck here. I also found it confusing how he just accepted that the real life him was still somewhat on the path to becoming a doctor. He did at least say he was considering other things, though.

Also the part where he facefucks Hisora was very weird and felt out of place. It painted him as sadistic but my previous impression was that the violence he committed was just a way to relieve his anger.

I also thought it was questionable that we never got a really clear answer on whether or not Asuku got over his fear of darkness. He was able to run through the darkness to save Hisora, but not much else was said after that. I would've liked some kind of event to happen in Asuku's room, maybe after the sex scene, where they have to decide whether or not they can turn out the lights when they sleep etc. but, if I remember correctly, it just cuts directly to Hisora being back in the real world after they fucked. It's just missing stuff, overall.

>> No.25763086

Oh yeah I forgot about all that shit. And yeah I'm not sure if you've played any of the other routes yet but get used to flimsy excuses for ero though that scene is probably the worst of it.

>> No.25763267

Haven't played any others yet, but if I've started with rock bottom then things can only get better.

I think I'll do Mio next because Asuku kept hinting at what Mio's "true nature" is like.

>> No.25764311

Oh wait I forgot the worst of it was is absolutely the rape scene in Mio's route I'm sorry anon.

>> No.25765218
File: 1.99 MB, 1000x1316, 6bc3faf7659ccf0935b3deb7f1833522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After finishing Amnesia recently I'm still thinking about those two... Maybe I should try fandisks

>> No.25765245

His true nature is having a rape scene just for the sake of it.

Naruomi has the best sex scenes, makes sense as he's the best boy but please forget about the baby pink dick fucker Akari.

Koko has the best bad end sex scene.

>> No.25765354

I'm not reading any of this shit, I'll be back in a few days when I finish the route.

>> No.25767259

correct opinions

>> No.25767466
File: 531 KB, 2048x1533, IMG_20200826_231215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25767954

I can't get over how soft MC looks. And he's the top. HYPE

>> No.25767977

Yeah. Does anyone getting it on the release day?

>> No.25768020

>he's the top
holy fuck what thats kino

>> No.25768059

When this comes out please use spoiler tags ;_; MG soon pls

>> No.25768091

Was thinking about getting the digital download version but 7k yen is kind of steep.

>> No.25768138

>MG soon pls
See you in 2022

>> No.25768146

I've got an order on Amazon, but it'll take a few days to get here.

>> No.25768171

International shipping will delay it for 3 weeks for me ;_;

>> No.25768174

That's awfully optimistic of you. People wanting to play this may as well learn Japanese- it'll be faster than waiting for a translation.

>> No.25768267

I'm getting it on release day. My Japanese sucks but it's going to be great practice

>> No.25768297

Based gaijins keeping parade alive.

>> No.25768299

How the fuck do you even pronounce Lkyt

>> No.25768324


>> No.25768342

El Kay Why Tee

>> No.25768373
File: 567 KB, 1152x720, s12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My comrade, I'm by far the most hyped about the cute protag.

>> No.25768377

What does it mean...

>> No.25768416


>> No.25768422

Well the tagline on the site is 愛は世界を救うだろうか
So L is probably love, no clue what the rest means.

>> No.25768429

Love Kissing Your Testicles.

>> No.25768448


>> No.25768563

>killing Yael instead of the stoic guy

>> No.25768575

You forgot your no homo.

>> No.25768839
File: 192 KB, 500x709, bocchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bocchi Musume x Produce Keikaku

>> No.25768878

I forgot he existed

>> No.25768961

Killing is probably included at some point too so I expect character deaths.

>> No.25769297


>> No.25769323

this actually helps me remember the bullshit name

>> No.25769337

I like how unapologetically grabby Towa is. In the bath scene too.

>> No.25769489

What if the K stood for 救済

>> No.25769630

But by the time it comes out in English, you'll probably forget any spoilers.

I was thinking the same, isn't this their most expensive one yet? At least it's not 9k like Tokyo 24ku.

>> No.25769950

Yeah, as far as eroge go it's not bad at all. I'll just bite the bullet and buy it anyway. Although I'm going to miss the uncensored art we got from Room No 9 and NTY.

>> No.25769975

Maybe VNs are moving towards the ultra-niche hobby market like high-end figurines did.

Most people will play a gacha game or pick up a cheap Nendo/prize fig, but only a few will pay for a full VN/high quality figurine. Just a thought.

>> No.25770096

How can you even justify that price?

>> No.25770131

Literally less than one date, dinner and a movie with an actual person. And you get to date like what, 5 people and it's longer than 10 movies? Seems like a good deal to me.

>> No.25770256

>spending money on a worthless endeavor

yikes m8

>> No.25770281

>Being so poor you can't spend money on things you like

>> No.25770302

How is it worthless if you get enjoyment out of it?

>> No.25770410

Do you live in Africa or something? Amazon says it'll only take a week for mine to get here.

>> No.25770592

The reality is people will pay up to $100 to hear famous seiyuu pretend to rape them and slurp popsicles for 20+ hours. The niche has been filled and the consumer base is there. Don't like it? Suck on your own popsicles.

>> No.25771029

>The reality is people will pay

If people paid this wouldn't be a ded hobby

>> No.25771047

I would pay if the seiyuu pretended to be raped instead

>> No.25771199

>he doesn't know

>> No.25771335
File: 64 KB, 256x348, 37836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the deal with the Spray? Where is the new game announcement? Tsumi naru Rasen no Ori was 2016.

>> No.25771392

Hopefully dead. Aren't they the epitome of shitty, cliche BL?

>> No.25771477
File: 390 KB, 1280x720, Tsuminaru Rasen no Ori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the best part

>> No.25771741

I got them confuse with pil/slash for sec and thought they made Shingakkou, but aren't Kichiku Megane and Gakuen Heaven 2 consider at least kinda good?

>> No.25774055

In its defense, that is definitely the lowest part of the game and she gets better depending on the route.

The language barrier problems are why I enjoyed the routes with the Japanese characters more, but Emil's route was cute too.

>> No.25775484
File: 855 KB, 760x1216, EgYMP28U4AAe5J-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25775489

day 1 patch

>> No.25776215

Looks like bugfixes mostly

>> No.25776218

Why is this left to right?

>> No.25778515
File: 594 KB, 496x1120, update1.ypf_000341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can extract update1.ypf by Otaku's Toolbox's Extractdata.
It contains 408 images and 901 voice files. Most of images are sex scenes with tons of variations and there are also highly spoilery story CGs.

>> No.25778651


>> No.25778678
File: 12 KB, 320x313, 97399ba503d61624a195e2f17bc1d5643797279a5864314df381bddbf44cb4e7_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Otaku's Toolbox's Extractdata
You're a gentleman.

>> No.25778680


>> No.25778857 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.00 MB, 1152x720, 1598526207134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I uploaded the CGs?

>> No.25778927 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.12 MB, 1152x720, 1598526508373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


God those CGs look stunning!!!

>> No.25779045

Is Joubachi the best femdom otome game?

>> No.25779126

Looks very straight

>> No.25779424

>dominating some beta non-men
>as soon as semblance of chad appeared she became masochistic whore in his harem
That's hilarious.

>> No.25779589

Untapped market to be honest.

>> No.25779611
File: 38 KB, 1025x273, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25779668

This is why sou-seme should be a thing in otome too. It invalidates the femdom scenes if she's a mesubuta in any of the routes.

>> No.25780144

God I cannot wait for this. Based Parade!

>> No.25780980

Do I read it right that you can't unlock Towa's route on the first run? Is he the main heroine or something

>> No.25781440

already there if you can read slav

>> No.25781476

do it if it's not too much trouble

>> No.25781595

Correct. Apparently his route has a lot of spoilers so it's recommended to play it after Takeru or Yael's routes.

>> No.25781748

Tsubasa no Oka is sort of that though it's not very hardcore. I don't think there's any scenes where the boys seriously try and dominate MC.

>> No.25782062

Is the download version of Lkyt only gonna be on dmm? Years ago you'd have to jump through a lot of hoops just to buy games from them as a gaijin, don't like dmm.

>> No.25782127

>>25770096 It makes more sense if you consider it like >>25769975

I feel apprehension at such a price tag for a VN if I think about how alternatively I could get the Trials of mana remake or Dragon quest XI S for way cheaper, but if you think about it BL games are already a niche genre within a niche genre with generally low sales numbers so you're partially paying to keep your hobby alive. It's either worth it for you or not.

>> No.25782389
File: 609 KB, 920x407, kw_04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa is really an albino huh. Hot?

>> No.25782438

White ass hair incoming

>> No.25782635

You could pirate most of those games and the devs will be fine. Square Enix will live without your $50 contribution. Smaller eroge studios however are living from game to game. Every sale counts. If you see something niche you like it's important to buy it so they can continue to make good shit.

>> No.25783808
File: 116 KB, 800x645, 1337399801587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>9k for a VN

Which companies are going to survive covid recession?

>> No.25784097

Parade hopefully, since it's Clock up's sister brand.

>> No.25784656

I just bought it off Dmm and it was super easy via CC (or Paypal).

>> No.25784736

Would you rather have 2 boyfriends or have your boyfriend have a boyfriend?

>> No.25784820
File: 1.50 MB, 1276x715, DoM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if anon has a fetish for being wokescolded on being interested in a threeway relationship

>> No.25784947

>Lkyt is a gay /ss/ game

>> No.25784954

God dmm is still as retarded as ever.
>can't use the search because it's blocked by region
>have to buy points and then buy shit with points instead of directly
>have to right click then save as to download instead of just clicking once

>> No.25785198

anon, he's just sharing his feelings with you, calm down

>> No.25785234

It's probably way too early to ask, but I will anyway. How's Lkyt's plot and reading difficulty? I might pick it up.

What is "wokescolding"?

>> No.25785348

3p is always shit because it's always focused around pleb shit like the guys using MC (spitroasting/DP) instead of patrician fetishes like having one guy eat out MC and the other guy eating her ass.

>> No.25785365

I love netorare

>> No.25785478

>What is "wokescolding"?
not what Miki is doing there

>> No.25785614

2 bfs i guess.
I tried that and torikago no marriage. They are good.

>> No.25786724

Apparently Lkyt is around 20 hours long.

>> No.25787429

>mana transfer via h*ndh*lding
parade went too far

>> No.25788008

>Tfw physical edition fag
See you fucks in a few days I'm not getting spoilered

>> No.25789100

why did I click

>> No.25789111

To enjoy cool art and to get hyped.
I am kind of hyped.

>> No.25789130

No way. It has too many CGs and routes to be so short I hope.

>> No.25789462

God damn it I can't read Japanese well at all this is going to take me months to finish

>> No.25789520

Still faster than waiting for a TL, and you'll improve your own skills to boot.

>> No.25789523

Does it have a lot of Chuuni kanji?

>> No.25790107

Not that many chuuni kanji but if you're not up to par on vocabulary you will have a very hard time.

>> No.25790556 [DELETED] 

Your mom edgy contrarian hoe

>> No.25790606

That was black wolves saga

>> No.25790674

>the only good Otomate game was an Ichicolumn game


>> No.25790688

There's at least one anon here that likes Juuzaengi though I haven't played it myself.

>> No.25790746

Name one good otome game

>> No.25790757

Fate grand order

>> No.25790758


>> No.25790770

Taimanin Yukikaze

>> No.25790772

Rune Factory 4

>> No.25790780

Fallout NV

>> No.25790790

Story of Seasons.

>> No.25790802

Picked up

>> No.25790845

Dragon Age 2

>> No.25790853
File: 117 KB, 1000x563, 1498692111147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tales of Innocence

>> No.25790866

13 Sentinels

>> No.25790956

Zankoku na kami ga shihai suru
Marrying Gregu!

>> No.25790961

use textractor to look up the words

>> No.25790984

Become an MTL chad, make all those who fought dekinai chan kneel

>> No.25791330

What fetishes do the sex scenes have?

>> No.25791461
File: 275 KB, 674x1274, 20200827_192603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summon night 5

>> No.25791469

Scat, enema, urination, bdsm, bimbofication, incest, rape, tentactles, small dick

>> No.25791480

>no bestiliaty

>> No.25791494

>small dick

>> No.25791553

Passionate kissing and hand holding

>> No.25792086

Lkyt is actually a cultivation novel

>> No.25792345

If only it worked

>> No.25792380

Make sure you attach to Lkyt.log and not Lkyt.exe

>> No.25792631

Are people playing already???

>> No.25792644

>he doesn't know

>> No.25792649

Holy shit thanks for saving me from manually looking up everything anon

>> No.25793302


>> No.25795178

Lkyt CGs, when

>> No.25795540


>> No.25795765

So who is best Lkyt boy, /blog/?

>> No.25795820

>the scene in Nie no Machi where Mio helps Hisora puke
This is definitely someone on the dev team's fetish, right?

>> No.25796315

no, it's mine

>> No.25797981

that was one of the most memorable just for how original it is

>> No.25799289

Taisho Alice

>> No.25799315

Aymeric romance when?

>> No.25799450

MC-kun Tasuku

>> No.25799942

I heard Lkyt's common route is short (someone finished it in less than 2 hours) but it doesn't feel that short even taking into account my shitty Japanese. I assumed I finished the common route around the 8 hour mark, or at least got locked to one of the guys, but Towa's been weirdly present.

Probably either Yael or Towa, the first one seems to be the most popular and I swear the latter tried to seduced the mc from the get-go.

>> No.25800778
File: 199 KB, 660x495, 1519563300085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry if it comes across as a dumb question:
I want to buy Lkyt (even if I don't know Japanese, I just want to support de devs, I will buy it again in a few years when it's in English).
I cannot enter dlsoft.dmm.co.jp (maybe because I'm in Spain?)
Where else can I buy it?
I have a Rakuten account, maybe I can use it to pay. I use it on Pixiv all the time.

>> No.25800950

You're asking the wrong question, here. Estinien romance when?

>> No.25801630

>support the dev
Is this the biggest meme ever conceived?

>> No.25801640

Yeah that's the impression I got. You see a little more puke in the tentacles bad end too I believe.

>> No.25802211
File: 171 KB, 800x1200, EZ3odiEUYAIDVdb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's interesting how FFXIV has a wide collection of husbandos, meanwhile they are basically forced to shill Y'shtola because she's the only relevant popular girl.

>> No.25802235

I think it's the site that's fucking up, I can't enter it too and it was fine yesterday.

>> No.25802332

I assume you're talking about the download version? dmm was locking me out when I was trying to search and view certain pages but I was able to view the link someone posted here and buy it for some reason. dmm is fucking shitty but I think it's the only way you can buy DL versions for most games.

If you want the physical edition you can just get it off japanese amazon, they ship internationally.

>> No.25802367

Thank you! I have sent a tweet to Parade asking them if there are any other purchase possibilites.

>> No.25802454

Everything is fine as long it's not the reddit elf Haurchefart

>> No.25802659

Leave him be, he committed no crimes except for being a little bit ugly

>> No.25802697

Is anyone going to upload it? Or make an extensive guide on dmm hoops jumping at least.

>> No.25802749

As' Ring Orfleurs has a kind of 3p route in which you can date two brothers in the same route, but it's more like a 3p ending than an entire route on that.
This one is SO BAD. I hate the story and their personalities.

>> No.25803236

Can you just buy it with your credit card?

>> No.25803301

I had to buy points with my credit card and then buy it with the points. dmm is retarded

>> No.25803721


1. Go to https://dlsoft.dmm.co.jp/detail/hobe_0491/
2. Click on the orange button ("buy right away")
3. Click on the yellow button ("registration for first time users")
4. In the first field enter your mail address, in the second your password (6-16 letters), remove the check mark below that if you don't want to be spammed with ads
5. Confirm your mail address via the link in the mail they sent you
6. Log in and then click on the yellow button ("confirm order")
7. Choose その他の方法でお支払い ("other payment options") to buy points via credit card, paypal or some other shit
8. Scroll below and pick the last yellow button to pay the exact amount of points = the game's price
9. Buy points by inputting cc details or via paypal
10. Once payment is confirmed the game should be available for download

>> No.25805039

Used debit and it went through fine

>> No.25805283
File: 16 KB, 116x116, 1598586915536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this download speed

>> No.25805415
File: 51 KB, 940x215, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's bean jam

>> No.25806347

Do you have to patch digital version? The installer says it's ver 1.02.

>> No.25806420

>The installer says it's ver 1.02.
Should be fine then.

>> No.25807013

For me too.
Bean-fed indeed.

Thank you! Page gives me an error... argh...

>> No.25807115
File: 845 KB, 1889x909, getchu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't enter DMM.
But I landed here via Google.
Is this legit or what? The main website only shows the DMM option.

>> No.25807215

It's getchu of course it's legit... However they only have the package version. Unfortunately according to their twitter the DL version is dmm only.
> DL版はFANZA様にて独占配信中

>> No.25807396

Try different browser with DMM. For me only Pale moon worked for some reason.

>> No.25807915

Since some other anon was playing it recently I tried to pick up Luckydog again and for whatever reason I just can't get into it. Gian is a decent MC I guess but it's only ever confused me as to why it's so beloved.

>> No.25808068

It's weird how some people can't access DMM while others can.
I don't even have a VPN but no issues on my end.

>> No.25809619
File: 1.64 MB, 1365x831, nohomo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All right, that's Mio's route done. Got a couple things here.

First off, I felt like more things happened in this route than in Asuku's. Just more events in general, for better or worse. I think Irakusa Netoru did a good job aside from a couple of really hammy moments.

I really did not like how rapey Mio was. The guy was a total scumbag. Every single sex scene in the route except for the very last one was like that. When I saw Hisora mentioning how hurt he was by the fact that the first person he ever liked was the same person who was raping him I was like, Hisora, you don't deserve this. I was also hoping he'd at least need to take more time to forgive Mio but it happened very quickly and made little sense. That was probably what soured my opinion of Mio the most. The good ending made up for it just a little bit because it felt like a more believable return from the other world, unlike how it was in Asuku's route. The little farewell party Hisora and Mio had felt much better than them zapping back into the real world directly from bed, and also made me feel a little bit sad. Then, briefly ignoring what had happened in the other world, I enjoyed the bittersweet feeling of Mio not remembering who Hisora was, and their real reunion not happening until years later. After the way things sped along, it was nice to see things slowly starting over from scratch.

The bad ending where Mio turns into one of those monsters and starts eating Hisora was top tier. Beautiful.This is what I came here for. I thought the penis munching was funny because it's exactly the kind of thing you'd see in anything eroguro related. Hisora, may you arrive safely in heaven. Thank you for your service.

I can't decide if I want to do Koko or Naruomi next. I've got some guesses as to what crazy shit I'll find in Koko's route, but I also wouldn't mind spending time with a nice lad like Naruomi. I doubt I'll be getting much healing from this game, so I need to decide to what degree I want to go out with a bang with.

>> No.25809708

I see you have a similar opinion regarding his scenes. The rape was so unnecessary and unfitting in the whole route, same like Asuku's forced blowjob. Just a random ero scene since they needed one. Though the sumata one wasn't that bad.

Go for Koko next. Naruomi is best left for last, I did him first and got most of the plot in the first go. Also, the hidden routes branch from Naruomi's, so that's pretty much self-explanatory.

>nice lad
You're in for a wild ride

>> No.25809740

I'd leave Naruomi until last personally.

>> No.25810137

We like social libertarianism here

>> No.25810675

Anyone playing Lkyt, how is it? Is there any actual romance?

>> No.25810817

All guys are 100&% straight and are married to women

>> No.25810966

Are you for real? I thought the no homo thing was a joke.

>> No.25811112


>> No.25811289

3P feels fake only because it's more 2+1P. Either they just take turns while the other gets a handjob, or it's DP like you said. Why would I want a 3P situation where it doesn't feel like there's lust towards all ends of the triangle?

>> No.25811387

There's so much more that can be done with MFM but theres too much doggystyle dp...boring.
MMF is indeed the patrician choice.

>> No.25811395

Still no Lkyt blogposting? Where are JOPs when you need them?

>> No.25811573

It doesn't totally count as a 3P but the scene in Tsubasa no Oka where MC reverse raped the bulter while the elf cook guy held him down was pretty based.

>> No.25811730
File: 5 KB, 141x110, 2020-08-28 22_28_39-Lkyt. ver1.02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reading the common route very slowly. The priest has a fiancee wtf

>> No.25811747

Dropped, NTR sucks.

>> No.25811752

Not sure if serious

>> No.25811760

And yet he's openly lusting after MC-kun? Slut.

>> No.25811766

But you're the one doing gay NTR? Might be hot depending on how it's handled and the character really doesn't seem like no homo type from the CGs.

>> No.25811767

Oh yeah that was mentioned on the site I think.

>> No.25811775

What the hell is wrong with Parade

>> No.25811786

Nah, NTR always sucks. Even netori.

>> No.25811788

>gay NTR-ing the guy from a girl

>> No.25811840

Homosexual self hatred

>> No.25811914

So bizarre. I don't mind single "straight" men no-homoing while taking 10 cocks, but with fiancee it instantly makes character unlikable.

>> No.25811970

I'll add some points to this because I nearly developed autism while buying the game and getting it to work. Correct me because I might have brain damage.
1. The game has to be downloaded in two parts and it's better to use some download manager because downloading it through the browser is ass and the DL died on me. The links are also labeled as "download" and "1" these are two different files.
2. The game doesn't run without soft denchi runtime (sdrt), the link to the installer is below the download links from the same window.
3. The game will ask for dmm login and password confirmation and you might want to have japanese VPN enabled for that because otherwise it might not get through(I got an error "submit failed").
4. Also about the text hookers, it has to be attached to lkyt.bin. It only appears when the game is already running.

>> No.25811988

>not liking ntr
>especially netori
Garbage taste.

>> No.25812030

Is the fiance someone he's marrying by arrangement/for political or spiritual reasons? If he's getting married for any reason other than expressed love for the fiance, it's not a big deal.

>> No.25812057

I cant believe this sweet innocent looking boy is a homewrecking little succubus

>> No.25812081

People keep calling this guy a priest but he's the crown prince of the kingdom or something so it's absolutely not going to be a love marriage I have no idea why anons here are freaking out about it being NTR.

>> No.25812097

Seems more like he's the helpless prey of a repressed cockslut.

>> No.25812109

Hot desu

>> No.25812135

So the main character will be his dildo when he's not to busy fucking his wife to produce heirs?

>> No.25812147


>> No.25812161

Also the soundtrack and suspenseful tone of the game reminds me of euphoria. It's actually the same composer as that and NTY, but NTY didn't use as much lonely creepy piano. Not sure what to make of this.

>> No.25812219 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.17 MB, 1152x720, 1598645336170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As if we needed more proof that Towa is the absolutely worst degenerate whore.
Click the spoiler pic ONLY if you want to see the depths of his depravity.

>> No.25812220

The wives of the love interests are ghosts

>> No.25812237

Enjoy your vacation, jesus christ.

>> No.25812246

It's almost certain that the marriage is politically motivated. People just can't read.


>> No.25812255

Chubby looking face.

>> No.25812271

Fat cheating slut

>> No.25812275
File: 200 KB, 1154x752, 2020-08-28 21_53_37-Lkyt. ver1.02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please be careful with spoilers

>> No.25812383
File: 188 KB, 1154x752, 2020-08-28 23_21_34-Lkyt. ver1.02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silver-haired arabs, only in anime

>> No.25812400

>tfw you want hot throbbing cock inside you but got married off because of dumb politics
I'd cheat too.

>> No.25812414

I knew Yael is best boy.

>> No.25812420

Yeah, the sumata one was fine and was easy to pass off as just corny or Mio being weird. I'm also more willing to let it go because I happen to like sumata. It has that slight feeling of degeneracy, after all

>> No.25812457

>innocent and cute looking MC is secretely a horny pervert

Based Parade

>> No.25812488

I dig it. It's a cute face for cock-gobbling.

>> No.25812571

Towa’s fiancée is not a big deal, we don’t even get to actually meet her since she dies (although the way she dies might reflect poorly on Towa)

I’m on Ango’s route, and the romance feels a bit abrupt since Tasuku decides he’s in love as soon as he sees Ango naked. On the upside, there’s barely any homo angst yet from either side but it feels like Tasuku likes him because of an amputee fetish Towa is quite the wingman in this route since he’s the one that gives Tasuku a chance to spend time with Ango, plus he gives Tasuku a light aphrodisiac (without telling him) to use on Ango

>> No.25812580

>Tasuku decides he’s in love as soon as he sees Ango naked

>> No.25812601

>Tasuku likes him because (spoiler)
Holy shit yes yes yes

>> No.25812618

Does he have no dick?

>> No.25812629

>Tasuku decides he’s in love as soon as he sees Ango naked
Sounds valid to me.
I'm sick of the no homo trope.

>> No.25812645

All of this appeals to me.

>> No.25812661

Missing arm and leg.

>> No.25812715

is that what the cape is for?
Can you post/imgur his stubs please?

>> No.25812859 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.19 MB, 1124x687, 1598648516146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if I can post a dic pic

>> No.25812882

oh god oh fuck

>> No.25812967
File: 27 KB, 640x480, 1460067120873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is better than I expected.

>> No.25812975
File: 808 KB, 920x556, lkyt2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used the patch, but there's still quite a few errors with the worst being that I'm missing a cg, or at least I assume it's an error since I barely get any choices and I already tried the only other choice that could be relevant to the cg.

>> No.25812979
File: 8 KB, 187x249, 1571148893984s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon, thank you

>> No.25813053
File: 60 KB, 848x480, 1306128386665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plague plot
Did they know?

>> No.25813113

'a plague killed off all the girls' is an easy excuse for gay shit or reverse harems so it's already pretty common in BL/otome.
I haven't played Lkyt though so I don't know if it's the same thing.

>> No.25813171

Good fucking lord just look at his hands god damn

>> No.25813211

>gay faggotry because disease killed off women
Oh for fuck's sake

>> No.25813261

That's not what happens in Lkyt though.

>> No.25813371

Those fucking hands.

>> No.25813399

Don't you mean hand?

>> No.25813404

What's up with his right arm?

>> No.25813416


>> No.25813419

Leave me be.

>> No.25813432

The thing I found shitty about the women in general in Lkyt is that women loose their powers when they have kids, which is why there's not that many women warriors, although Towa's fiancee and Tasuku's mom were supposed to be amazing fighters

>> No.25813454

being a woman in bl is tough

>> No.25813464

why does this sound like some meta commentary

>> No.25813466 [SPOILER] 
File: 155 KB, 1154x752, 1598651161598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaah utsukushii and fat

>> No.25813500

Don't feed Towa.

>> No.25813509

He's fat! Fat! I bet his ass is huge too

>> No.25813530

I want to plow this fatty right now, fuck

>> No.25813547

Are you retards blind

>> No.25813567

It's a joke because of his face here. >>25812219

>> No.25813570

Someone sounds fat

>> No.25813587

The MC goes on a whole paragraph of how beautiful and otherwordly Towa is, so he does too

>> No.25813593

I hope they put it on Animate's digital game store at some point cause it's way more convenient.

>> No.25813607

He's Ishikirimaru-fat.

>> No.25813609

I was able to buy it with the credit card so the real hardle was making it run

>> No.25813621

People are memeing because the artstyle doesn't look like the regular narrow yaoi triangle face. They are kind of wide and square-ish to be honest.

>> No.25813638

that's one awkward looking CG, like his head doesn't belong on it

>> No.25813659

Delete it fat

>> No.25813669

It looks like Maggot Baits more than RN9 even though it's supposed to be the same artist for all 3. The art does look weird sometimes, but I like it.

>> No.25813682

Can't unsee

>> No.25813702

Please tell me the sex scene has /that/ fetish.

>> No.25813712

Yes, there's a lot of scat

>> No.25813749

unrelated but who's everyone's favourite female side character in BL VNs?

>> No.25813752

Nikaidou(the artist) only did chibis for Maggot Baits and the actual artwork was Hamashima(NTY artist). They both draw round characters though.

>> No.25813761

Licking and caressing the stumps, right? I also want to know. For, uh, reasons.

Youji's sister (sweet pool). She was great.

>> No.25813768

The wife of Tatebayashi's dead friend and Youji's sister

>> No.25813781

Feeding him dicks is fine.

>> No.25814253

>people raving about Takeru's route
Either it's basic enough for casuals or he's better than I expected.

>> No.25814942

>'a plague killed off all the girls'
holy shit why didn't anyone tell me otome and bL were so baesd

>> No.25815021

LISA otome game when?

>> No.25815042

I don't like it because it makes the homo seem fake, like how men will turn prison gay when there are no women around
Also plagues should always kill off ugly men first

>> No.25815085

she killed her loving oniichan, made the cute nerdy boy hang himself, and got impregnated by an ugly old man. What a shitty otome game.

>> No.25815093

He's better be. He is the most forgettable at first glance.

>> No.25815107

They should just do an ancient greece type society

>> No.25815113

>Also plagues should always kill off ugly men first

>> No.25815242

That would be horrifically depressing. I want one.

>> No.25815595

I would actually really enjoy that. I wonder if there would be random nightime event. A chance to lose your favourite boy since another interest killed him.

>> No.25815630

Is it that common? I only remember Akai Hana and I think one of the Nitro Chiral games.

I did came across World's End Harem, which is a manga where all the guys except the mc died, and its Shoujo spinoff, where the heroine gets sent to a world without women. They both sound shitty so I ended up not reading either.

>> No.25815881

only if you still can't save rando

>> No.25815916

>Youji's sister (sweet pool). She was great.
I was really shocked that she didn't die. That part where Youji misses a call from her was oddly the part in the VN that filled me with the most dread because with the way story tropes like that work out I was 100% sure she was dead.

>> No.25816020

That was surprising, yeah. Been conditioned to expect misery and sadness in BL, especially in an utsuge like sweet pool.

What surprised me the most, however, was that she was the only person in Youji's life who genuinely loved and cared for him like a normal person. She was sweet, supportive, and empathetic without any ulterior motives. The music that played during her scenes tugged on the heart strings too. I actually got a little sad imagining how she took the news of what happened to him after the credits rolled in every route.

>> No.25816059

Tokito was cool but she didn't really get to do much to my memory.
I have to wonder if her outfit is part of the same chuuni filter that makes Senge's (according to the narration) black hair and eyes come off purple and red in the illustrations or if the ZR is really part of the uniform code.

>> No.25816515

I've been wondering this for a while now, but what are BL games' sales these days actually like?

I feel like a couple years ago we had a person that listed sales numbers but I also might have been imagining that.

>> No.25816992

There’s Famitsu’s top 30 that comes out every week, but that’s console only and a console bl is rare to begin with. Famitsu (?) also publishes a yearly book about every game they’ve tracked for that year.

Otome/bl wise, there’s a JP wiki that keeps track of Famitsu/Media Create numbers.

This wiki is not accurate because Harutoki6 sold more than that according to Media Create CY 2015.


>> No.25817089

>one of the Nitro Chiral games
It was Lamento

>> No.25817380 [SPOILER] 
File: 229 KB, 502x349, 1598669030733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parade are cowards

>> No.25817408

I don't know what I'm looking at. It's like an upside down paw pad.

>> No.25817446

nice adam

>> No.25817471


>> No.25817572

>I don't like it because it makes the homo seem fake, like how men will turn prison gay when there are no women around
90% of BL is prison gay, man

>> No.25817732

Not really

>> No.25817782

I'm so fucked up?

>> No.25817964

Jesus, I know that this is a niche with a niche type hobby but I sometimes forget about the extent to it and seeing these kinds of numbers always makes the fact really sink back in.

>> No.25818038

all boys schools
literal prisons and other confinement
remote location with only guys around
seriously I can name maybe 5 BLVNs that don't have those settings

>> No.25818717

I got my first Lkyt ending and now I understand Parade's rec to do your favorite guy first

>> No.25818734

Is this a _____utsuge like I suspect?

>> No.25818737

where did they say that also WHAT

>> No.25818752

But I like to save the best for last.

>> No.25819611

How are the h-scenes compared to NTY and RN9?

>> No.25819661

OK, I'm finished with Ango for now since I can't do his last ending. I liked the story, but Tasuku/Ango felt a bit superficial which might be on purpose so I'm dying to know what happens with the other guys
Ango certainly has a role to play in the story, but after a certain point I feel like he didn't contribute enough and that even Fuka was more helpful in the last battle in the underworld, he does show up but it was very lukewarm I've read his route shares a lot of scenes with Towa, which makes sense because I kept wondering why Tasuku didn't fall in love/lust with Towa instead.

>> No.25819693

Apparently they're all vanilla so don't play it for the sex.

>> No.25820189

> light aphrodisiac (without telling him) to use on Ango

>> No.25820974
File: 169 KB, 1920x1080, [BlurayDesuYo] ReZero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu - 15 (BD 1920x1080 10bit FLAC) [BDA42A19].mkv_snapshot_03.44_[2019.05.10_00.06.00].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have to wait at least 5 years to see angos uncensored cock

>> No.25821251
File: 85 KB, 441x102, lkyt mistake2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is he even asking

>> No.25821348

what did he mean by this..?

>> No.25823784 [SPOILER] 
File: 75 KB, 916x498, 1598698768448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is kinda funny, but for now I prefer Ango’s sex scenes.

>> No.25823847
File: 25 KB, 580x435, 1562522061890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long do you think it will take until the Lkyt CG pack is uploaded?

>> No.25823865

who is the bottom

>> No.25823956

according to >>25778515 you can extract most of them from the patch

>> No.25823981

seme mc

>> No.25824014


>> No.25824093

I extracted them. Amazing stuff!
I don't think its "most of them" by any chance, though. They were just some scenes from here and there.

>> No.25824101

Suck that sexy arab dick

>> No.25824181 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 1.37 MB, 1152x720, 1598700219776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or maybe...

>> No.25824267

He looks like he's rather be at home, cleaning

>> No.25824441

Why does this look like rape, where's the sexy gaytime.

>> No.25824514
File: 18 KB, 256x300, 34363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

typical Parade stoic character trope

>> No.25824580

Obviously I enjoy enthusiastic consent too, but it's actually pretty hot if a guy just lays there and lets himself be used.

>> No.25824599
File: 34 KB, 700x542, 1420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25824665

Hell. Was there at least interesting sex?

>> No.25825531

No. Everyone is a dead fish in bed while the main character is struggling to make their dicks hard. Have you seen his enlarged asshole? It was caused by stress and overwork during sex

>> No.25825633

It’s vanilla and the sex sounds are awful, but at least no one is actually reluctant and sometimes the bottom even initiates.

>> No.25825668

Were there any fetishes apart from vanilla sex (anal, bj, handjob)?

>> No.25825750


>> No.25825785


>> No.25826491


>> No.25826878
File: 6 KB, 211x120, 1524663804787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25827138

>Shit taste
You mean being a gay barafag / closet lesbian?

>> No.25827259

I like pecs but I can't agree with so many artists trying to make them look like actual tits instead.

>> No.25828084

>Yael is a female first name

>> No.25828101

He explains it though

>> No.25828107


>> No.25828285

It’s not his real name, he got it because of some gender confusion when he was a kid.

>> No.25829952

How's Towa route?

>> No.25830245


>> No.25830534 [SPOILER] 
File: 380 KB, 442x455, 1598720896535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

short hair Towa

His route is locked because of plot reasons

>> No.25830645


>> No.25831023

I don't like this image

>> No.25831218

Wtf is this? Fat and bald?

>> No.25831240

You better tell me this hideous fat slut is a flashback

>> No.25833245

Wait, he's hot?

>> No.25833890

He's always been hot.

>> No.25833913

Yeah but he's hotter

>> No.25833999

If you can't tittyfuck them they're not like female tits.

>> No.25834024

Kray Foresight

>> No.25834049

You are not my dad, you can't tell me what to do

>> No.25834068

Please post this fatty naked.

>> No.25834181
File: 41 KB, 363x382, 1412999269435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>character development

>> No.25834301

gonna berry my face in yaels tits

>> No.25834341

>introduce a long haired character
>cut his hair and turn him into a hideous fatass
Why? Isn't a character's appearence important?

>> No.25834369

Long hair usually looks like shit on men. 99/100 times cutting it is an improvement. Don't give me (you)s I know I have shit taste.

>> No.25834379

t. shit taste kun

>> No.25834384

based and truthpilled. long hair just looks cringe.

>> No.25834464

That's not shit taste, that's a diarrhea fountain one.

>> No.25834520

This stupid fucking dumb idiot doesn't want to yank a boytoy's hair like horse reigns while riding him like the bicycle he is.

>> No.25834537

Offensively bad taste.

>> No.25834720

Why'd they cut his hair considering all the other guys have mid to long hair?

>> No.25834756

Towa's isnt fat if he doesn't break my neck when he's sitting on my face

>> No.25834767

It was done to punish him, everyone found out this monk was a fat slut who likes big cocks

>> No.25834812

Towa looks a lot less slutty with short hair.

>> No.25834824

He looks like an old man now

>> No.25834830

and that's a good thing.

>> No.25834835

No, bald grandpas are never a good thing

>> No.25834865

This. Oyajis need love too

>> No.25834874

Is uuultrac not gonna be available on amazon jp? Why does animate have two different stores and which would be better to order from?

>> No.25834896

I pre-ordered mine here since it has the bonus https://www.animate-onlineshop.jp/pd/1834105/

>> No.25834946

Seconded. Ojisans are one of the best character types

>> No.25834959

Makes sense. He looks like a walking spoilers.

>> No.25834974

Wonder why the other store does not offer that, thanks hope it's not too late to get the folder and hope this is going to have easy japanese

>> No.25834981

No spoilers but how are Lkyt's endings compared to NTY in terms of established relationships?

>> No.25835008
File: 23 KB, 500x366, 980095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>easy japanese

>> No.25835016

God, I wish.

>> No.25835030

>easy Japanese

It might not be as bad as Hashihime was since there will be less literature references, but it's not going to be friendly to learners. The period language alone might be tough depending on how faithful Adelta is with the lingo and slang.

>> No.25835038

B-but this isnt taisho era like hashihime it's just supahiros s-surely it'll be ez like a shounen manga

>> No.25835050

O-ok I might wait then

>> No.25835056

Everything is easy when you have mtl brosis

>> No.25835060
File: 194 KB, 724x965, goate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25835227

New thread


>> No.25835299

it's parade
