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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2569531 No.2569531 [Reply] [Original]

I've been stuck on my EEEPC for the last while since shitty Acer took ages to repair my big laptop.

Thus, I've picked up Touhou games since they're one of the few things that'll run. I've really grown to love the Little Miss Muffet character designs.

Now I'm kind of tempted to get into the doujins and I've also noted there seems to be some "official" comics.

I'm not sure where to start with them though, where to find translations, etc as there's just so many.

>> No.2569533


>> No.2569546

holy shit, you play touhou on one of those tiny little screens? that's hardcore

>> No.2569555


>> No.2569556
File: 1.06 MB, 2592x1944, Picture 090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

netbooks for life

>> No.2569578

more like neetbooks

>> No.2569587

more like shitbooks.

>> No.2569608

DownThemAll, read everything. That's a real man's way.

If only the keyboards weren't so bad. Writing is a fucking pain.

>> No.2569618


Well it's just like playing on a gameboy or whatever big bigger. Currently I have it hooked up to a monitor. The problem is the keyboard I got is absolute bollocks and doesn't register half the keypresses. This makes Touhou nightmare...

The 901's keyboard is actually much more responsive.

>> No.2569627

It's still so hard to pick which one to start with... is there an ongoing story to any of them or can I read them in any order?

>> No.2569632

The offical ones are shit, don't bother with them.

Basically download whatever you can get and read it.

>> No.2569645

Order by date and read away. I'm at 2007-06-02.

>> No.2569657

There's no "ongoing story". Some are based on plotlines from the games, some just make up their own. Read up on the different characters on the wiki as you go along, and just pick what you like.

>> No.2569659

>official ones are shit

Obvious troll is obvious.

Inaba&Inaba and SABND are among the best Touhou manga.

>> No.2569665

Inaba is okay, but most of the gags are pretty damn lame. Many doujins are much better.

SABND... shit.

>> No.2569675

>SABND... shit.
Get out, now

>> No.2569680

Unless there's dicks involved, it's not worth reading.

>> No.2569691

Do you even like Touhou?

>> No.2569805

So far I'm reading Strange and Bright Nature Deity and Inaba and Inaba. I don't think I really got Inaba, but S&BND seems interesting, I'd like to read more in the vein of this.

>> No.2569818

I think you torture cats.

>> No.2569850

No, I love my cat

>> No.2569933

Good, I love Touhou.

>> No.2569952

Thank god for downthemall.

>> No.2569968

No, you don't

>> No.2569972

I use a script that fetches all new releases.



wget -O "$list" "$root"

sed -e "/^<li/!d" \
-e "s|^<li><a href=\"\([^\"]\+\)\"> [^<]\+</a></li>$|\\1|" \
-e "s/%5b/[/g" \
-e "s/%5d/]/g" \
-i "$list"

cat "$list" | while read i
if [[ ! -r "$i" && ! -r "read/$i" ]]
wget -N -c "$root$i"

rm "$list"

>> No.2570003

I'll always be amazed by the powerfulness of linux batch scripts
I should definitely say goodbye to winshit, but it's hard.

>> No.2570023


>> No.2570036

if you want.

>> No.2570079

I save the page with -k and them feed it again to wget with -i
