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2567359 No.2567359 [Reply] [Original]

The Japanese sure do love Star Trek

>> No.2567365

Star Trek is alright.

I really liked TNG.

>> No.2567382

Is that Janeway? Cute.

>> No.2567391

Wrong uniform

>> No.2567408

Yeah, well... I'm not seeing it.

Also why is Voyager so disliked? I enjoyed it.

>> No.2567415

I liked TNG, Voyager, and most of DS9. The evil twin part of Enterprise was cool but the rest was bleh.

>> No.2567419


Remember when that new age Enterprise crap aired, and everybody called it generic? That was Voyager when it first aired.

Plus, lol female captain

>> No.2567428


>> No.2567429


>The evil twin part of Enterprise

The Mirror Universe has been used in all of the series. I am this close to nerdrage. This close. |---|

>> No.2567431

TNG, Voyager, most of DS9, yeah I liked that. Faggort shit that came after tha, LOLOLODERPDERPDAPEDERP

>> No.2567435

Meh, I loved Voyager.

>> No.2567436

Great ending though. Fucked up the Borg real good.

>> No.2567439

DS9 and TNG were the best, but it was all good. Though I thought Voyager was kind of dull, and didn't like the characters as much.

>> No.2567446


I like Scott Bakula as an actor, but the female Vulcan was annoying as hell. And she was on and off dating the engineer dude who died or something but then they got a clone who cloned himself so they had to shove one of them out of the airlock.

>> No.2567453
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Listen, man. Enterprise wasn't that bad. Except for the Xindi arc. That was terrible. Temporal Cold War got a bit tedious at times, too. Other than that, it had some excellent exploration episodes. Those are among my favorite my favorite Star Trek episodes.

>> No.2567467

I just didn't like its HURR DURR KILLAN SPREE shit.
I like shield adaptan, wurmholan, borg fuckan.

>> No.2567477

In terms of abstract exploration, I think Voyager takes the cake. There were many episodes that dealt with time, like when Voyager was split up into different time periods, or when they found that one planet which had an accelerated time scale. The Year of Hell was one of the better two-parters in all of Star Trek.

>> No.2567484

Prime Directive = Moralfaggotry

>> No.2567485

Of course, the setting helped. Voyager was pretty much all about completely unknown locations.

Damn, I really feel like watching some of these again. Any ideas if there's a 'Best of Star Trek' torrent or something?

>> No.2567487


I didn't get to watch all of Voyager because I moved away from the States and it took them years to send it down here... dubbed in Spanish. I might just start torrenting it. I did like the few episodes of Voyager that I did watch, though.

>> No.2567494

I liked the part in Voyager where the holograms wanted to be citizens or whatever. I thought that was an interesting take on AI.

>> No.2567495



I didn't enjoy that either.

>> No.2567499 [DELETED] 


>wanted to be citizens

Do you know what means?

>> No.2567507

FFS, why isn't there a Star Trek anime series?

>> No.2567510


They mistook Romulus for ancient Rome?

>> No.2567512

Doc was god tier.

>> No.2567514

The new movie was really good. Probably the only one that didn't bore me, and I've seen them all.

>> No.2567516
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Nevermind, it was just going to be another Starship Troopers refernce.

>> No.2567522

Never really liked Star Trek, only sci-fi I liked was Farscape.

>> No.2567523


It was fun but it totally defecated on the franchise.

>> No.2567527


Did what's-his-face ever return to his time? I wasn't able to finish Farscape.

>> No.2567532

There's an episode like that in TNG or the original series(can't remember)where the captain(?) plays as sherlock holmes. One of the AI holograms found out that his world and himself is nothing more than holograms and decided to built a machine to compromise the enterprise. The episode ended when the captain decided to save them into the data thus ensuring their "existence", and that was enough for the holo dude.

On the subject of holodeck, can one customize it like some kind of VN lol?

>> No.2567541

if holodecks actually existed it would spell the end of civilization and you all know it

>> No.2567542


Authorization... Moriarty. One of my dad's favorite quotes for some reason.

In regards to your last question... yes.

>> No.2567549


>FFS, why isn't there a Star Trek anime series?

Licensing fees must be a bitch.

>> No.2567550

How the hell do you think that? It would just be another entertainment medium.

>> No.2567555


People wouldn't be having sex. At least, there will be less real sex to be had.

>> No.2567568



>> No.2567569

If you mean people falling in love with holograms, then yes.

>> No.2567572

Time to copy the best VNs and eroges from the late 20th and early 21st century into the starship's computer.


>> No.2567583

It's like I'm really [insert protagonist] fucking [insert heroine]!

No, seriously, this is what VNs should aspire to be.

>> No.2567591

Can Holodecks make you 2D?

>> No.2567593

a holodeck would also end the problem of roneriness and people could have their 2d waifus more less for real.

>> No.2567594

Except with complete immersion. Why live a mundane life when you can be a god in your own personal holodeck?

>> No.2567595


Lt. Barclay was probably a /jp/er

>> No.2567600

By that time, people wouldn't even need to have sex.

>> No.2567603

why? so that you could fap to yourself?

>> No.2567607

Because you still need to eat and pay expenses?

>> No.2567614


Because I'd rather have sex with 2D girls than holographic 3D women.

>> No.2567617


I always hated how they finally dealt with Moriarty, trapping him in a RL simulation within a simulation.


>> No.2567620

I'm sure we'll have NEETs in the future too.

>> No.2567623

but you asked if you could be 2d. not the girls. i doubt they can turn you into a 2d lookalike, but they probably can create a good looking 3d interpretation of 2d character without all the usual 3d defects.

i mean, if 3dcg can do a more less ok looking 3d version of 2d, imagine how would that look 300+ years from now.

>> No.2567628

dude was a villain. he creators did say they wanted to go back and fix his situation but could never come up with a good idea for how too.

>> No.2567629


I just want to look like a cartoon and have sex with cartoon girls.

>> No.2567630

The people that will be doing something like that are the same people that are doing it now. NEETs haven't led to the fall of civilization.

>> No.2567635

Remember guys, when you make your hologram waifu you make sure not to say that she should be be able to defeat data.

>> No.2567652

What I think sucks is that Star Trek won't ever progress farther than the time setting Voyager was in. The next main setting will always be before Voyager in the star trek timeline. We won't see frequent time travelan, super armor ships, and other things like what happened at the end of voyager. I guess this is why I didn't like Enterprise, because it was going backwards.

>> No.2567661


I'm not even sure what's going to happen to the franchise after this movie.

>> No.2567673

Does anybody speak Klingon?

>> No.2567691


Can't say that I do.

>> No.2567698

I can't understand people who actually go out of their way to learn enough Klingon to be proficient, I mean at least Japanese has some pratical uses outside of anime and manga.

>> No.2567707


I wonder how the Klingon writing system works.

>> No.2567709

protip: it's not a real language, it's just some made up words

Sindarin is far closer to a real (fictional language) but it also doesn't count as one, and Tolkien was a linguist, the creators of Trek were not.

>> No.2567713

Here is a question, which was exactly the most hotblooded episode?

I vote the one with Species 8472 vs The Borg, and Janeway strikes a deal only to turn on them after.

Shows more human nature than ever. When shit goes down and ain't going down your way, turn your back on your nearest friend. or enemy. r

>> No.2567724


>> No.2567750
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Enjoy your pIqaD

>> No.2567753


I suppose you haven't read Hamlet in the original Klingon.

>> No.2567761

Sindarin is basically Welsh.

>> No.2567837

Needs anime Janeway being raped by Borg.

>> No.2568595


So, everything you need to learn Klingon language, is to memorize the alphabets and learn all words? My god, even this pseudo-language is already more easier than Jap!

>> No.2568812

TOS was the only good Star Trek.

BECAUSE. In TOS you actually have to use your brain and think to find the moralfaggotry, in TNG they have stupid discussions throwing everything in your face whether you want it or not, TOS you can just enjoy as an awesome action series otherwise.

>> No.2568827
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>Star Trek

>> No.2568863

wait no


a group of otaku are exploring space. they visit planets. the planets represents the things they like: VNs, Touhou, pedophilia, etc. They go on adventures.

>> No.2569006


I'm not sure this could work

>> No.2569026

Babylon 5 was better than Star Trek, although I liked TNG and DS9 when it got to the Dominion War.

>> No.2569027

I saw the new Star Trek movie. I raged.
It is faggotry.

>> No.2569029


It was a fun movie but it really did leave a pretty bad aftertaste in one's mouth.

>> No.2569044

Spock/Uhura relationship = rage
Canonically altering the entire star trek timeline = rage
shitty soundtrack = rage

Burn in hell, Abrams

>> No.2569053


>shitty soundtrack = rage

I had a problem with this, too. The only suitable choice was James Horner but since Giacchino is Abrams' buttbuddy... y'know...

>> No.2569062

The only memorable piece of music was the reworking of the original star trek theme on the end credits.
The whole thing just feels like a money making scheme which has a hijacked an old franchise so they don't have to bother making their own shit up.

>> No.2569068


>The only memorable piece of music was the reworking of the original star trek theme on the end credits.

That part made me all teary-eyed.

>> No.2569083


>> No.2569086

Can Phasers kill servants?

>> No.2569098


Don't be stupid. What can and cannot kill Servants is a very serious discussion on this board.

They probably could set to maximum, but I doubt it'd be a 1HKO, and good luck actually hitting the Servant in question.

>> No.2569099

Voyager, huh? It could have been good if they had some continuity. It had the best setting and probably the most convincing actors, but the writers seemed to forget past events, past technobabble, and how past episodes would affect a character.

>> No.2569112

Are phasers magic?
There's your answer.

>> No.2569113

Now its a question of can you sweep across an area with a phaser while still firing.

If you get enough guys firing phasers at a servant, one of ems gonna hit

That's why you have red shirts. To just stand there firing, even if it means they'll get killed.

>> No.2569115

do you think any servants could beat the Kobayashi Maru?

>> No.2569121

Only Archer, because he has red on his shoulders.

>> No.2569123

Set to stun a phaser has a wider range, it sort of shoot a cone.

So: Use technobabble to make UBER phasers, fire a stun shaped shot that is set to kill.

>> No.2569141


I doubt it could break through Caster's shield, or even hit Lancer. Assassin would never been seen long enough to be shot at, and I doubt it'd bust a high enough rank for God Hand. Archer would parry with swords and kill redshirts by the hundreds. Rider on Bellerophon would probably be shielded by Pegasus.
So Seiba's the only target it might actually work against (and she can cover distance in a heartbeat as well as EXCALIBAA), as well as Fake Assassin.

So it's probably futile, unless you want to take out a loser no-name gate guard.

For F/Z Servants, Caster's endless meatshields > redshirt legion, Rider is nearly unbeatable on Gordius Wheel, Archer is fuckdamn Gilgamesh, Lancer's still hella fast, etc... So Berserker and the odd Assassins are the viable targets here.

>> No.2569147

I've always thought the shows after the original series were to some degree attempts to re-catch lightning in a bottle. It sounds kinda stupid to say about a show dated in so many ways but the original show feels the most genuine to watch imo. deep space nine was the most creative of the other shows especially with the characters so i like it pretty well too.

maybe a couple of seasons in to the next generation the show seemed to take a decided turn towards space opera rather than straight sci-fi and while the show was better off for it i kinda miss the sense of the unknown the earlier bits imparted to the viewer. it went from feeling that anything could happen in an episode to feeling that you were probably going to get to watch the klingons piss off some trading consortium

>> No.2569155

Lancelot could probably catch the particles the phaser beams are made out of and use them as weapons.

>> No.2569161


Shit's insane.

Berserker level insane.

>> No.2569167
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klingons are space japanese.

>> No.2569178
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Nekoko's taser looks like a BATON crossed with a CATTLE PROD. It's dressed like a CHRISTMAS TREE. The "attack" she uses is called "JUPITER'S THUNDER".

>> No.2569189

Yes, Star Trek is one of the few genuinely respectable things in nerd media. And the new movie has had quite the hype, I hear. Is it out yet, by the way?

By the way, these borgs, why does everyone have such animosity towards them? I think they are the coolest thing ever and all. Feeble humans should be crushed and assimilated. In a way borgs are the purest of the characters because they do not play around with morals and such.

>> No.2569196




>> No.2569200

voyager turned them into pussies

>> No.2569202

Because of what voyager did to them.

>> No.2569550

i did watch the new movie today. and it is such a convenient way of starting a new star trek franchise, All those shiny lasers and action scenes are surely to attract new fans

The story is now going to be lol alternate universe/timeline so that means all the events happening from the original series upwards will be different from the ones that we know

>> No.2569557

star trek is sooooooooo BORING zzzzzzz...

>> No.2569574

Franchise getting stale? Not enough potential to milk the same tired characters / plotlines?
Just create an alternate timeline, stylize the characters so they are young and hip (as determined by modern teenage standards) and you're good to go! Enjoy another 5-10 years of profits for zero creative effort!
The american comic / tv / movie industries have been following this formula for decades with proven results.

>> No.2569669

Well, should you say such flauntful thing and I must be obliged to agree. But let us face that the real foundation of Star Trek is about the vitality of the 60s series. Anything beyond that realm is nonsense. So rooting for the real stuff is highly logical, if not in fan trivia and canon, but more importantly in spirit.

Even science fiction was good at some point, let us not forget to nostalgise that either.

>> No.2569711


Are you sure that's not some kind of high tech yule log?

>> No.2569723


Does that mean there will be the inevitable parallel universe scenario in the future? That gives me shudders thinking about how they will eventually produce that train-wreck.

>> No.2569737

Did I just click on /tv/ instead of /jp/ ? I'm quite sure I didn't.

>> No.2569739


I like to think it's just something Q did.

I.E. It's Q we don't have to explain it.

>> No.2569768

Here comes the otaku board police
You shall not discuss anything but VNs and touhou
Not today not EVER

>> No.2569806

lol so randum XD

TOS is king.

>> No.2569831

>lol so randum XD

faggot, also nostalgiafaggot. How's that adam west batman treating you?

>> No.2569833


There is a reason this place is called /jp/

Learn to deal with it,faggot.

>> No.2569840

Sorry, I haven't seen much of Batman, but that's a completely different series.

>> No.2569901

The new Star Trek movie is the best thing to come out of the franchise since First Contact.

>> No.2571463


That's not funny.
