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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 236 KB, 921x1394, katawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2566802 No.2566802 [Reply] [Original]

Why are all the Katawa threads being deleted?

>> No.2566805

Because you make too fucking many.

>> No.2566815

Thank god, shit is annoying. Mod deserves a brofist.

>> No.2566816

The same thing happens with nearly any major VN release.

>> No.2566817

Please get rid of the fucking pixiv dumps too, Mr. Janitor/Mod.

>> No.2566823

Me? I'm different! I hate everyone and everyone hates me.

>> No.2566825

Except it's (usually) kept in one thread or slows down after a while. This has been spammed all over the fucking place for two weeks now. Just keep it in one thread.

>> No.2566827

Take it to /a/

>> No.2566835


That's not fair, we're allowed to have as many threads on a single concept that we want.

It's true. I saw 3 ORT threads on here, once.
Goddamn, ORT isn't even IN any VNs. Or even any stories. Or anything but Character Material. Fuck you ORT. You're not moe at all.

>> No.2566842
File: 375 KB, 447x500, ORT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me?

>> No.2566845

Two threads in seven pages hardly seems like spam comapred to some other popular topics on /jp/.

>> No.2566847

Take a hint from the 3D fags, condense your fucking threads. Better yet, take it to /a/.

>> No.2566850

I think ORT is pretty moe.

>> No.2566854

It's nice to know that I'll probably have my masters by the time they finish the rest of this game.

>> No.2566859

Correction: three, if you include this one.

>> No.2566860


You heard me. There's like 50 things moer than you.

>> No.2566861

Unrelated to Japan

>> No.2566866

That's because they were all just deleted now.

Also, /a/ is discussing it to death already. Talk about it there. Most of us are getting sick of seeing KS threads all over the place now.

>> No.2566870

You need to average over a longer period.
It's definitely being spammed. I blame /a/.
I like KS, but the spam isn't helping us one bit.

>> No.2566872

Kind of funny that OP's pic became the most popular game on /jp/

>> No.2566875

There were 4-5 KS threads on the front page at one point today. Get a clue.

>> No.2566882

>That's because they were all just deleted now.
Well, no. The janitor deleted one thread of three in seven pages. And then deleted a second thread of three total in seven pages later.

In both cases, I would not classify the thread as "spam", because there still was a ratio of one thread per two pages. On the other hand, if he were to delete one of two on the front page, for example, that would make sense.

>> No.2566884


I don't think it's quite in the range of popularity as, say, any Type-Moon game ever.
It's just 4chan's most popular thing right now, because /a/ fags are squealing over their first VN demo.


But the night's only begun.

>> No.2566896

I thought the ks diarrhea would slow down during the night, but I guess this just proves that /jp/ is now retarded 24/7.

>> No.2566904

I take you weren't here just after zip. came up, eh? We were trying to dig up non-KS threads which drowned to page 2 five minutes after they were created.

That aside, I believe, as much as KS is non-Japanese, hey, it's still a visual novel, and it will find much more love here, rather than /b/.
As long as it stays in ONE FUCKING THREAD of course..
So, daily Katawa Shoujo thread?

>> No.2566906

KS general sticky fucking where?

>> No.2566908

Personally, I'm alright with the KS threads, but only because I prefer them from the Wanko thread storm we had I while back.

I fucking hate Wanko.

>> No.2566912

Whatever mod/janitor is doing this, I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. This KS shit is spiraling out of control.

Maybe now we can get back on track with Touhou threads.

>> No.2566923

Whoever is deleting this shit, you should help out in /a/ and /v/ too.

>> No.2566927

Yeah usually whenever I refresh /jp/ I see at least 3 KS threads on the first page. The other day I had to scroll halfway down the page before I found a non-KS thread. That's worse than what happens with major VN translations.

>> No.2566936

Hey, I worked hard on editing Wanko. Well, actually, I did a pretty shitty job overall, but stilll.

>> No.2566940


>That's worse than what happens with major VN translations.

Were you here for when the Heaven's Feel patch came out?


>> No.2566942

Yeah, you did do a shitty job. Asshole.

>> No.2566946

>Why are all the Katawa threads being deleted?

So that instead of game discussion threads there will be "why are Katawa threads deleted" threads.

Some people will never learn.

>> No.2566948

November 2008 was pretty bad, but the KS spam is the same.

>> No.2566950

keep the touhou down while you're at it mod

>> No.2566952

To be fair, it's an interesting enough topic. I think the janitor's on to something here.

>> No.2566954


"Pretty bad"?!

The word "slut" octupled in usage overnight!

>> No.2566957
File: 21 KB, 410x307, brofist2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job mod/janitor/DHAF.

I havent even play KS but I already know about all the heroines because you guys spammed them so much.
I mean do we really need 1thread for each heroine. Also stop claiming them as your waifu, in /jp/ we hate waifu thread. Bring that shit to /a/.

>> No.2566959

Because the KS threads on the front page are taking up room that could be reserved for Sion image dumps, or various touhou threads.

>> No.2566962

I liked the "why was my 'how much money do you have' thread deleted" thread from earlier better.

>> No.2566966

I was less infuriated with the wanko, UBW and HF spam. KS spam boils down to HNNNNNNNGGGGGG and "who is ur waifu"

At least TM shit has powerlevel faggotry and wanko had lolis.

>> No.2566967

It was fun, though. Except for when the other editors refused to edit Kaie's fap scene. That was painful.

>> No.2566969

I remember leaving /jp/ for a month because I was tired of seeing F/SN threads all the fucking time after already discussing everything.

>> No.2566970

I sure was, and even that didn't compare to KS spam. Only people on /jp/ cared about HF, but with KS we get people from /a/, /v/, and who knows where else starting threads.

>> No.2566972


>At least TM shit has powerlevel faggotry

... This is a GOOD thing?

Goddamn, I remember the first Shiki can kill Servants thread.

And they Discussed.

>> No.2566974

Sorry I will take HF plot discussion and mind of steel end discussion over some shitty "RIn is the best", Shitzune appreciation or "Lily call to arm" thread everytime.

>> No.2566979


This is a valid point, though.

>> No.2566980


Honestly, I would prefer shiki can kill servants over ks any day. They were bad but not as bad as this.

>> No.2566985

People should really learn to keep their shit in one thread at a time. It's sort of difficult to find something you like when you have to wade through 4 threads of the same shit on the front page.

>> No.2566990

And they kept it in one thread at a time.

>> No.2566994

Why is the moderation here so allergic to the concept of stickied megathreads?

They did it years ago and I don't remember anything bad about it.

>> No.2566996

KS is killing /jp/ with the spam and faggotry, not to mention all the newfriends from other boards (mainly /a/) coming here after making a "wut VN should i play?" thread.

>> No.2566999


That's... huh.

Shiki probably couldn't kill Servants! They're really complex familiars and whatnot. Except Saber.
Even if he could see their lines/points I doubt Nanaya superhuman skills are Heroic Spirit tier.

>> No.2567000

My point wasn't really that the spam wasn't a problem, but that the janitor was deleting an excessive number; i.e. every KS thread that appeared on the front page for a decent period of time.

I mean, if there were 2-3 on the from page, and he deleted 1-2, that would make sense, but all of them constantly? It seems stupid to me.

>> No.2567007

We get those threads all the time, KSdemo release or not. People will always come in here to ask about what VN they should play next; I know I did, after I beat F/SN for the first time. That's how I got to /jp/ in the first place.

>> No.2567009

Because then they'd feel they need to come here more than the current once a day, if that.

>> No.2567013


Still contains more intelligence per post than "what did armless-tan say during chess? I WILL NEVRE EBE DEFEETED"

>> No.2567016

Maybe our mods/janitors realize that they are not /jp/ related.
Considering it is a gaijinge and not from Japan and made in /a/.
Obviously if it is made in /a/ it should stay in /a/.

>> No.2567017


>> No.2567032

So Suika A.S. isn't a major release?

>> No.2567038

Either keep it in one thread or take it to /a/.

>> No.2567049

No idea. I never noticed any Suika threads myself, so I would assume it's not that important.

>> No.2567070

There were 2 chain AS Suika thread when it was released.
First one went 200+ with one anon trying to hack the exe file and a 2nd thread(also200+replies) with the game DDL.
Obviously a few days later, KS was released and /jp/ was spammed with them to obvilion.

>> No.2567088

>not /jp/ related

Because /jp/ is about traditional Japanese culture and customs, and certainly not about Visual Novels, right?

>made in /a/

/a/ two years ago == /jp/ now. Simple as that.

>> No.2567097


/a/ two years ago was better than /jp/ is now.

>> No.2567114

/jp/ could use more KS and less touhou.

>> No.2567118

uhhh no

>> No.2567164

I think I saw a part 4 of that Suika thread, but then it was probably buried under KS spam.

And of course before its release we had regular Suika threads, so obviously there was some anticipation for it on /jp/.

>> No.2567223

i dont think you know what year it is

>> No.2567281


75% of /jp/ threads being about Touhou: "dhurr hurr that's what /jp/ was made for if you don't like it go back to /a/ xD"

>> No.2567320

>75% of /jp/ threads being about Touhou
Uh huh.

>> No.2567368
File: 544 KB, 1263x4806, 1239423607748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more than one thread at a given time =/= spam. Harden the fuck up, really you whiners don't know the meaning of spam. pic related that is what spam is.

>> No.2567379

At least use the Rossiu hate cap, those were better times.

>> No.2567394

When over half of the front page is KS I would say it can be considered spam.

On a slow board like /jp/ you don't need so many threads on the same topic. A lot of KS fans seem to forget that this isn't /a/.

>> No.2567404

Yeah, but that was because Code Geass was awesome. KS is not.

>> No.2567411


>Code Geass was awesome

Go back to /a/, right now.

>> No.2567412
File: 40 KB, 500x407, troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Code Geass was awesome

>> No.2567416

>On a slow board like /jp/ you don't need so many threads on the same topic.
Yeah, which is why people never fill the front page with Touhou daily.

Oh, wait.

>> No.2567420

>Code Geass was awesome

Your opinion. Is invalid.

>> No.2567423

>Code Geass was awesome. KS is not.
opinions. the more threads something has the more popular it is just because you think something more or less deserving of threads does not make it so. Many people hated the geass spam on /a/.

>> No.2567424

>hating popular things is cool

>> No.2567427

Code Geass? I liked it better when it was called Full Metal Panic!

>> No.2567433

>defending poorly written crap is cool

>> No.2567442

We have retarded Touhou fans too. That's a problem too big to deal with (although we try).
At least this problem can be nipped in the bud.

>> No.2567443
File: 95 KB, 222x186, 1241908091613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2567447

It's a demo. Nothing is finalized.

>> No.2567449

Full Metal Panic? More like Code Geass with a shitty tsundere.

>> No.2567457

Because we know they're all made by the same 3 or so people trying to viral market their shit game.

>> No.2567466

code geass was a demo? can't wait for the full release then.

>> No.2567483

Do you honestly believe this?

>> No.2567489

There's a shitload more to talk about with Touhou than with a single short VN demo. There's a lot more variety in Touhou threads than KS threads. Yes, there are too many Touhou threads, but at least there isn't as much redundancy as with KS.

>> No.2567492


Come back and spam KS when they have
1) their own convention dedicated
2) more than what 30characters
3) more than 11official games, 100+ doujin games dedicated to them
4) more than 100doujin albums
5) more than 10000 fanart/official art

Did I miss anything?

>> No.2567497

VN threads in general are much better than Touhou threads though.

>> No.2567509

Threads about real VNs, not shitty OELVN demos.

>> No.2567515
File: 427 KB, 956x3381, Rossiu hate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2567517

If people stopped complaining then soon the threads would decrease in number, due to there not being much to talk about. as things are, we end up having more of them due to the conflict. eg this thread. I can't imagine the shitstorm that will break out if the full game is ever released.

>> No.2567519

Real VNs like Umineko. Oh wait...

>> No.2567524

>things not from glorious nippon are shit.

>> No.2567525

A few details.

> more than 100 characters
> more than 100doujin albums per year
> more than 10000 fanart/official art per month

>> No.2567528

Seem like the only people complaining about them is KSfags having their thread deleted. Also majority of /jp/ rather have KSfags go back to /a/.

>> No.2567529


>> No.2567537

I've seen this two years ago. Is there any actual progress at all?

>> No.2567538

Touhou is shit. Those threads should be deleted as well.

>> No.2567540

No. We're all talking about a single page.

>> No.2567544

I think CG has a vn

>> No.2567545


Do you live in a cave?

>> No.2567546

I wonder how many blind girls with blond curly hair live in America..... hmmm, worth finding out, even better if some Lilly's exist...

>> No.2567553

Most recent KS threads are simply waifu battle threads anyways. They usually contain tons of outsiders from /a/ and /v/ too.

Nothing of value was lost.

>> No.2567556

>how many blind girls with blond curly hair live in America
Roughly around fifty thousand

>> No.2567559

As a matter of fact, yes. I forgot about it until OP brought it up again.

>> No.2567561

Examples of worthless people complaining and whining. and generally making this board a worse place.
