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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2564667 No.2564667 [Reply] [Original]

So how much money do you have /jp/?

>> No.2564677

not enough

>> No.2564682
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>> No.2564684

Enough to get by.

>> No.2564686


...I can't NEET it easy like this ;_;

>> No.2564688

I have about $2130 in my bank account, planning to go to Japan after the finals.

>> No.2564695

About $120...

>> No.2564699

I have no money, I live of my parents' money.

>> No.2564701

about $30 on me right now

>> No.2564706

28,000ish in my checking account, maybe half that much in my rrsps etc.

>> No.2564707


I don't spend money so the little money I get from the government piles up. Planning on going to Japan with it later this year/early next year.

>> No.2564708


and about 15'000$ in a bank account but I'll use them only if I really need it.

oh and our family have a 2.5m house that we'll sell soon
I'll touch about 150k

>> No.2564712
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About twenty thousand in US dollars. I'm saving up for when technology gets to the level where you can be turned into a little girl.

>> No.2564729

$8,000 in my savings account. I live with my parents (so 0 expenses), and bring in about $1,000 a month with my part time job. Planning on saving it until they kick me out, or die.

>> No.2564733

That is one sad picture, OP.

>> No.2564741

$3500 in credit card debt!
$30 in the bank!
No job!

Living the dream! ;_; Please kill me!

>> No.2564749

-130 in the bank, owe 730 to the car insurance company, and owe 3000 to the government.

>> No.2564753

Okay then to give a proper answer.

After taxes I get about $1850 each month as a NEET, and I have saved almost $1500 on a bank account to use on a new computer sometime in the new future.

>> No.2564760

>After taxes I get about $1850 each month as a NEET
Teach me your secrets.

>> No.2564766

What the hell!?! You're making more than me and you don't even work?

>> No.2564769

About $730 right now. I have to pay my rent next week though. but I'll have about $450 left after that. I wish I could be like one of you loser kids and leech off mommy and daddy, but some of us have to earn our living.

>> No.2564770

What is this? I thought /jp/ was full of poor college students? I have about $50 in my bank.

>> No.2564773

None, I'm a NEET. My mom usually gives me $200 a month or so to spend on games or figs or whatever I want, though.

>> No.2564776

Your mom is awesome!

>> No.2564779

>My mom usually gives me $200 a month or so to spend on games or figs or whatever I want
My mom makes me pay rent.

>> No.2564782

Fuck, you're right, now I'm depressed.

>> No.2564784

Poor college student here. like 100$, ignoring my loans

>> No.2564785

Plenty, especially from my Uncle named Sam.

Feels good using your tax dollars to buy $120 anime figures.

>> No.2564787

Oh wow, I hope she knows shes setting her son up for fail.

>> No.2564788

Where can I apply to get govt money?

>> No.2564791

After I steal all the money in the world, I'll kill everyone and go away.

>> No.2564792

I'm 24, clinically depressed, and have never worked a day in my life. It's a little late for that.

>> No.2564799

It's just from the government. I think that I get more because of the aspergers diagnosis.

>> No.2564801

of debt

Shit is starting to get difficult.

>> No.2564805

What use is money if everyone else is dead? It'll just be paper then.

>> No.2564806

>clinically depressed

Keep on giving yourself excuses, bro.

>> No.2564807

You're not depressed, nobody is.

>> No.2564808

Where do you live?

>> No.2564811
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>I think that I get more because of the aspergers diagnosis.

jesus christ

>> No.2564812

That was my situation(age too!), then I found a job. I still hate my life though.

>> No.2564815

'bout $40k maybe

>> No.2564816

Your mom is a bitch, unless you're over 30.

>> No.2564817


>> No.2564818

Oh shit me too! Except I don't spend money except when something on my computer dies or if I actually take a class at community college. I feel weird being 24 around 18 year olds, but at least I still look around their age.

>> No.2564819

Who said that?

>> No.2564820

Studying what?

>> No.2564823

Isn't life wonderful?

>> No.2564824

Overdraft on my current account.

Got money in my deposit account though...

>> No.2564825

$70,000, and my mother is heavily in debt to me due to giving her loans.

>> No.2564828

Wow, lucky I don't have to worry about money... My dad is a dentist and my mom is a lawyer wahahaha.

>> No.2564829

$40,000 in student debt
$5,000 in cc debt
broke and out of work
shit sux

>> No.2564831

Make her pay you with her body.

>> No.2564833

$1800 a month and you only have Asperger's? Do you also per chance have no legs?

>> No.2564834

..I'd much rather not. That's disgusting.

>> No.2564835

You put your own mother heavily in your debt? That's just cold.

>> No.2564838
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Oh boy, just bought another anime figure!

Thanks Uncle Sam!

>> No.2564839

No idea, which is probably the problem with most of us. Took so many random classes.

>> No.2564840

About $11k, and I'll probably earn another ~$15k this summer. Then I give $10k to my parents for this semester of college, $6k for back-taxes, and I'm back where I started.

Fuck college.

>> No.2564843


College? What part of NEET didn't you understand?

>> No.2564846

Get out of here, Misha.

>> No.2564851

She asked for multiple loans, and I didn't even put any interest on any of them until the most recent one because she felt bad.

I really wouldn't care if she didn't pay me back anyway, I mean, she's my mother.

>> No.2564853

Around $20k, but that is going down the drain next semester with tuition and stuff. Fortunately I got a TA and I should have a $5k surplus per year left only for leisure. Food, board and essentials are already covered.

I'm good, if a bit too dependent on other people's money. Wish I could say that money comes from a real job, but in this economic climate my chances are slim.
God, I hope they don't cut my funding...

>> No.2564857

being a NEET is just not possible unless your dad is a dentist and your mom is a lawyer

>> No.2564858

>No idea, which is probably the problem with most of us.
I know it is for me. I don't know what to study. I have absolutely no direction, dreams or goals.

>> No.2564859

60k in life-long savings.
5k in my everyday bank account.

I was planning on buying a departament but...

>> No.2564864


What of it?

>> No.2564868

If it's science you're pardoned.

>> No.2564871

Whatever, tell that to my therapist/doctor. I don't really care either way, since I don't plan on changing my situation anytime soon.

>> No.2564875

Tens of thousands of dollars, with a steady job. Also, I own a reasonably new car, so that's another ten thousand. I don't make a ridiculous amount of money, I just don't spend it. It helps to not have a life outside of the Internet.

>> No.2564879

What? I live in Denmark too. I didn't know you could get support by having aspergers there. Does it have to be severe or something?

>> No.2564880

Pyschology count?

>> No.2564883

Kordox thinks he has aspergers and is a /b/ poster.

Opinion invalid.

>> No.2564884

>I feel weird being 24 around 18 year olds, but at least I still look around their age.

They most likely only look 18 too.

>> No.2564890


>> No.2564891
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Getting those 4500DKK each month from the government is nice.

I hope to get a job over the summer to finance a trip to Japan next year.

>> No.2564892

26000 USD

Hoping to buy my first house soon, too.

>> No.2564895

Soft science fag.

>> No.2564898
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>> No.2564901
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We should have /jp/ car thread one day. Mine just sits there. I should probably wash it.

Then again, I need a shower myself.

>> No.2564904

Psychology is not a science, unless until you map this wetware out.
And your people diagnosed me with sociopathy, so I don't take kindly to your kind.

>> No.2564906

When did he say that? I've been diagnosed with Asperger's too but I don't think (or care) I have it.

>> No.2564909

You live in America right? What gov program are you getting money from?

>> No.2564910

>diagnosed with sociopathy
Doesn't the government literally pay you to stay inside your house then?

>> No.2564911

I have a pathetic fulltime job with even more pathetic pay, so I've managed to save about $2000 after a year while living with parents and having almost zero expenditures. I want to die in my sleep.

>> No.2564926

It's a bullshit diagnosis anyway.

>> No.2564930

You're not living in some 3rd world country, are you?

>> No.2564933

Fucking psychologists

>> No.2564938

Funny, there are people with real physical disabilities who are willing to work and there is /jp/.

>> No.2564939

They need money too.

>> No.2564940

Sociopaths lie constantly, you're probably one, can't fool me. You even post on /jp/, that's a pretty big indicator.

>> No.2564941


>> No.2564943

About eight million dollars, and about twice that in estate.
And I'm an undergrad, so not one bit of this is from my own hard work , but I aim to make a hundred times that.

>> No.2564945

mental disabilities > physical disabilities

>> No.2564948

You can say that. I wonder if even natural born losers like me can live a better life in a first world country.

>> No.2564950

Well, they sure get it idiots who believe their bullshit.

>> No.2564952

How do you guys get so much money from the government? I have to resort to crime to support my NEET lifestyle.

>> No.2564954

Studying 300 km from home, my parents pay my rent and the money for the university, and give me 250€/month for food and other necessities. I don't have anything saved.

>> No.2564958

Hey, that's not nice

>> No.2564959

about 1000 pounds.

>> No.2564960


>> No.2564965

$400 and an eviction notice.

>> No.2564971

Don't really know how the system works. I'm currently on "ledighedsydelse" as it's called in danish.

>> No.2564972

Just do your best anon.

>> No.2564973

About $10,000 in savings and $1000 in my checking account. I might be able to make it through college without debt but then I have grad school to worry about.

>> No.2564975

In Denmark you get money from the government ($800/month) to study, and even though it isn't much, I can get by for a month with rent and food. My rent is $300, and I don't buy the cheapest food I can get my hands on, but of course I rarely go out for dinner or cafés and such.

Other stuff usually takes a little off of my account, but my birthday's in 2 weeks and conveniently placed compared to Christmas where I also get a little money from parents and grandparents.

>> No.2564980

> How do you guys get so much money from the government? I have to resort to crime to support my NEET lifestyle.
> working as a criminal
does not compute

>> No.2564981

Your language sure is bullshit.

>> No.2564991

I don't think robbing liquor stores is considered a legitimate job.

>> No.2564992

I agree

>> No.2564999

$800 a month is a lot more than I spend on rent and food. I wish my government did that but the U.S. hates education.

>> No.2565003

>In Denmark you get money from the government ($800/month) to study

That's almost twice as much you get in Finland. Does that include some sort of an loan?

>> No.2565005

Isn't that basically like "kontanthjælp"? I was on that for 2 month's and didn't do anything but sit at home.
Shit was SO cash! But $1850 is way above "kontanthjælp" so i don't know. I think I got 3000dkkr each month during that time.

>> No.2565013

/jp/ is so popular in Northern Europe.

I'll be in Assen and Stockholm soon possibly. One of you government funded NEETs hang out with me.

>> No.2565014

No loans included for me.
You can apply for one and get an interest-free loan from the government, but I don't have a reason for taking out a loan right now, so I haven't looked into how much you can get.

>> No.2565015

Nothing at all.

>> No.2565018


>> No.2565030

Don't really know. I don't understand how all that works.

>> No.2565031

>>I'll be in Assen and Stockholm soon possibly.

Will love be in the air?!

>> No.2565034

Yeah... no, I'd rather sit at home and fap with my 2D waifu.

>> No.2565043

I have about $7500 at the moment. Will use most of it in Tibet in June though.

Making $2500 a month after taxes, which is about 27% I believe (Norway).

>> No.2565045

No loans included for me.
You can apply for one and get an interest-free loan from the government, but I don't have a reason for taking out a loan right now, so I haven't looked into how much you can get.

Where is this? Wikipedia says it's in Holland.

>> No.2565046

ive got $140. i just got my first paycheck since december, and i paid off all my needs...car insurance, rent, weed, and ssushi, now im just savin it for shit like gas until next payday

>> No.2565047

Assen? Assen, The Netherlands? Why are you going there? They don't even have electricity there.

>> No.2565050

Man my only income ever was from jury duty. Lol $150 for like 10 days.

>> No.2565052

Yes, the Netherlands Assen! I'm only going there because I have some free time and I have some family that lives there and in Stockholm so it would be a pretty cheap vacation, and a place to stay if I wanted to go around Europe alone.

>> No.2565057
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Just ordered this, thanks mom! ヽ(≧▽≦)ノ

>> No.2565061
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>> No.2565062

I have between $150-200 from my relatives due to my birthday.

How should I spend it?
I'm a NEET, of course.

>> No.2565067

It's not that I live close by, just out of interest.

I'm in Copenhagen, Denmark.

>> No.2565072


Soo, do any of you welfare winners know how it might be possible to get your state's services?

>> No.2565074


around 50,000€ in my bank account

>> No.2565078

Save it if you don't know what to spend it on, faggot.

>> No.2565089

Around 7000 USD in the bank

>> No.2565095

I feel bad because I can manage to save money but then blow it all on something. I have around 900 in the bank now and will get a couple more cheques before spending it all on a new bike.

>> No.2565106

I live in The Netherlands, and I'd meet you, if I would leave my room.

>> No.2565176


Not a heck of a lot because I keep buying things. I should really stop spending money and save it.

Earnings are 80k/yr USD

Cash on hand $2,216.27
Debt $11,816.11
Available credit with a zero balance
MB Goldopt Card $15,000.00
VC Platinum Card $3,500.00

>> No.2565188

atm, i love my job :D

>> No.2565236

Around $30k, I've also put around $40k into my 401k.

After living mostly spartan for my whole life, I have no idea what to do with all this money. So for now I just keep saving for the most part.

>> No.2565290

fuck you faggots 5 dollars here huehuehuehueheu

>> No.2565297

if you're smart enough to make 80k, then how is it that you're dumb enough to a) carry debt and b) think credit = money?

>> No.2565304

Why are there people in this thread still getting money from mom and dad.

>> No.2565328

Because she doesn't want to throw me out into the street to die, in my case at least.

>> No.2565338

I have about $2300 from an internship during the Fall

Graduating in a week and I still haven't found a full time yet

>> No.2565347


Do you need $200 a month to spend on games, figs, etc. to live?

>> No.2565351

a bunch of coins i got after my parents sent me to buy groceries and i kept the change.

>> No.2565362


>> No.2565363




poor parenting skills.

>> No.2565374

Money is an easy gift.

>> No.2565379


Fair enough, actually ignore me I'm just in a bad mood because certain shit from Comic1 isn't getting scanned.

I'm an umemployed student though I'm sitting on a lot of money and investments.

>> No.2565385

What do you invest in? Which companies?

>> No.2565396

so it's proven, tripfags are rich.

>> No.2565413

same here...
I have about €200 in my wallet, that's about it.
Applying for a college grant soon though

>> No.2565421

a little over $4k in my wallet

I work like 90hr+ a week tho. I spend way too much money, because it helps me forget how lonely I am.

BTW, I also own a 7+ year food supply for 6 people. 5 guns with over 30,000 rounds of ammo. I own two newer cars outright as well as a 1000 sq ft house with a full basement. The house is also fully furnished with everything someone could want and I still have a huge manga collection.

Why do I have all this stuff, because all I do is work, and I have no one to spend my money on. Damn being lonely sucks.

>> No.2565423

$140,000 left

I started out with $220,000 three years ago when I quit my programming job. Haven't really left my apartment much since, no friends etc. One of these days, I'm going to have to figure out a new source of income. I was actually thinking about going to my bank or finding a broker and getting into investments online, but I'm too afraid to make any phone calls or go into my bank, and too lazy to break my routine.

>> No.2565428


I'm not going to tell in that detail on a public internet board

At the moment it's mostly in primary industry.

>> No.2565429

oh yeah, btw, I am only 24, I got kicked out at 17 at which point I was homeless with the clothes on my back.

>> No.2565434

How is this /jp/-related?

>> No.2565440

Make money by uploading files!
Never before has making money been so easy -
or payouts so high. Simply upload files and
get people to download them, and earn from 30 to
60 cents per download!


>> No.2565445

~10k€ on my bank acc from what I've earned so far (I'm 22), but I'm just a student so I don't need much money anyway.

>> No.2565452

Yeah, rich programmer fag here. I got kicked out at 17 too, bummed around for a year, got a job, got into university, got back on my feet, and got a six-figure salary programming gig at 22. At 26, had a nervous breakdown because my family kept calling me wanting me to give them money and guilt tripping me, etc. threatening me... I stopped going into work, and ignored phone calls, and haven't really talked to anyone since.

>> No.2565459
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>> No.2565460

Meta thread ಠ_ಠ

>> No.2565468

so much assburger's bawwwing in this thread.

>> No.2565470

Remilia post XDD

>> No.2565490

Meta reply to a meta post in a meta thread :3

>> No.2565495


I shifted my savings to another bank and got my own post office box when I found out that my mother was reading my statements and sealing them back up.

Coming from a modest working class family and finding yourself with a decent amount of cash can really send family relations straight to hell.

>> No.2565496

weeaboo loser

>> No.2565498

How is anything japan related? This thread is a million times better than your gay ass touhou threads, for fuck sakes even Korean threads are much interesting. Here I said it, I fuck hate your touhous.

I got about 10k in my bank.

>> No.2565517


/jp/-related is totally different from "japan-related"

/jp/ - Japanese porn games and Mediocre Doujin STGs

Inform yourself!

>> No.2565524


>> No.2565535

The only thing I approve of in this this is that tasty looking ass.

>> No.2565537

But Ikaruga, while fun, is fucking easy, and the polarity switchan is just a gimmick.

>> No.2565538

>/jp/ - Mediocre Japanese porn games and Doujin STGs

>> No.2565541

wannabe-Ikaruga amuses me, because nothing wants to be Ikaruga.
