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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 164 KB, 706x474, ChinaDay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2556551 No.2556551[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I hope you have a nice day anonymous.
Try to enjoy it.

>> No.2556558
File: 125 KB, 560x572, You too.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2556569

Why are you replying to yourself.

>> No.2556575

Thank you, Anons of foreign nations!

>> No.2556576

Sure thing breh. Got a whopping 6 euros to my name. Shits gonna be HOT!

>> No.2556585
File: 302 KB, 474x705, do_my_best.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2556597
File: 112 KB, 555x443, SenseiDay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't enjoy your current situation? Work harder to get out of it. Have a goal to work toward to.
Besides, things can't be so bad. You have access to a computer and internet after all.
Don't give up.

>> No.2556606
File: 42 KB, 550x550, Ghost Bros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a nice day ghost bros!

>> No.2556606,1 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah a nice day bros!

>> No.2556615

>Besides, things can't be so bad.
If you feel bad, then it's bad.

>Have a goal to work toward to.
Yeah, right. No goal is motivating enough if there is no hope of achieving it in the first place. Guess why almost all of /jp/ lives in fantasy worlds.

>> No.2556606,2 [INTERNAL] 

You too, Croatia.

>> No.2556624

Don't argue for the sake of continuing to be miserable.

You don't have to be happy right now if you don't feel like it, but your situation is far from impossible to improve if you work your brain properly.

The fact that you have the leisure to sit in front of a computer on 4chan means you have the time to do some problem-solving.

Be brave and think carefully!

>> No.2556649

Thanks for your kind words, but without a feeling of hope or self-esteem there is (probably) nothing worth doing. I guess it is difficult to comprehend if you have never felt like this before.

>> No.2556672

This is a bad day. I failed an exam and probably destroyed my computer.

>> No.2556690

You're still breathing, bro. Nothing is hopeless.

It could be much, much worse.

>> No.2556693

Better go to /g/ then.

>> No.2556694

But my miserable situation is brought to me by the shitty rut the American economy is in, and the letter M.

>> No.2556696

How does one DESTORY a computre and then post with it on the internets.

>> No.2556704

I had a nice day.

I looked at some brilliant pictures while listening to some brilliant tunes.

>> No.2556707

Don't worry, /jp/.

Don't be afraid, ever.

Because it's our destiny to be better than this.

You were born to overcome.

It's our destiny to be free.

Good luck, friend.

>> No.2556696,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2556704,1 [INTERNAL] 

Cool destory, broski.

>> No.2556714

Doesn't mean I feel good about the whole affair.
I dislike shitting up a discussion board with a support thread.
Posting from laptop.

>> No.2556714,1 [INTERNAL] 

Hey Colombia, why don't you make the 'Anon's Nice Day' visual novel a live action visual novel. And by 'live action' I mean hiring human actors and recording videos of their facial reactions.

Link related:

Though the only problem I could see with this is that frozen pictures of people wouldn't look as good as 2D, so instead of taking frozen snapshots of them you can make video loops of them blinking and moving. A visual novel like this would be the first of its kind outside of Japan.

>> No.2556714,2 [INTERNAL] 



Having a good day, thanks.

>> No.2556714,3 [INTERNAL] 


You can only pick 2.

>> No.2556714,4 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2556714,5 [INTERNAL] 

3D is pig disgusting.
Video loops of them blinking and moving sure is nice in 2D, though (but is it worth the humongous file sizes?)

>> No.2556714,6 [INTERNAL] 

What, like a cheap FMV-game?

Ah, glorious 90's...

Not the best of ideas, but I laughed at that image, so it's all good.

>> No.2556714,7 [INTERNAL] 

Hello, look at my email field.

>> No.2556714,8 [INTERNAL] 

Old news. Everything needs to have multiplayer now, its really annoying actually.

>> No.2556714,9 [INTERNAL] 

What is old news for you, athens. How is that all old news.

>> No.2556714,10 [INTERNAL] 

Bioshock was never good.

>> No.2556714,11 [INTERNAL] 

lol, morons and their dichotomous /v/ shit of 'its either the best thing ever or its shit'.

I bet you think SS2 wasn't as buggy as shit when it came out.

They said in PCG that the multiplayer would 'add to the lore' but never specified how.

>> No.2556714,12 [INTERNAL] 

I always hated FPS x RPG hybrids.

>> No.2556714,13 [INTERNAL] 

Its stupid to hate an entire genre, even sports and racing can be fun with multiplayer.

>> No.2556714,14 [INTERNAL] 

But that isn't even a genre. It's a combination of two pre-existing genres that are so different from each other that I can't even imagine how why anyone would want to combine them.

>> No.2556714,15 [INTERNAL] 

Firstly Bioshock's "RPG" elements are just plasmids which can be levelled up, oh and "tonics", hardly a detailed WRPG list of skills/traits etc.

Secondly, it has produced many awesome games such as Deus Ex, System Shock series, Vampire: The Masquerade and so on. So it is clearly doing something right in combining these elements.

Original Bioshock had some of the most detailed environments in any game so far, awesome art direction and a great soundtrack. One of the few well paced stories in video games too.

>> No.2556714,16 [INTERNAL] 

Only to make the whole 'choice' theme irrelevant with that ending. Either one, both were atrocious.

What I liked about Bioshock was the exploring. We have a unique environment, completely destroyed. You piece together what the hell happened for Utopia to come crashing down and explore. Mostly explore. The gunplay is a background part, mostly to bring some excitement to the whole affair. Otherwise it would be just wandering and listening to diaries.

That's what I think that made Bioshock great. The desire to explore and discover the story. RPG and FPS elements were a bonus.

>> No.2556714,17 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, agreed on those points. Especially the ending.

I'm kind of disappointed that they decided to go for a sequel regardless. They should have left it as it was.
