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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2553910 No.2553910 [Reply] [Original]

Your grandfather or another other relative died fighting the Japanese so that you could have the freedom to worship them 60 years later.

How does that make you feel, /jp/?

>> No.2553918

We were still fighting the Japs in 1949?

>> No.2553929

Japan is still sucking America's cock, so I feel pretty good

>> No.2553931

>another other

This just bothers me.

>> No.2553940

It's closer to the Corean War actually.
So 60 years ago they were fighting coreans so we could hate them now.

Not that I do. Neither do I have family that fought in either war.

This thread is a cheap attempt at trolling, the same sort of idiot that believes we idolize Japan. Fucking newcomers, even after a full year.

>> No.2553949


My great uncle was a collaboratist with the Japanese during WWII... we don't really like talking about him obviously

>> No.2553953

The original weeaboo?

>> No.2553962

Clearly they're just playing that watermelon splitting game at the beach.

>> No.2553967

I'm pretty sure my grandfathers either fought alongside the Axis or joined the resistance, or alternatively they just kept trifling with the German troops stationed where they lived.
I don't know exactly, but the bottom line is that your point is nil.

>> No.2553976

My grandfather was a provisions officer, I think. No actual combat.

>> No.2553986

>Your grandfather or another other relative died fighting the Japanese
Nope. Also the Japanese who fought in WWII are mostly dead by now, so it still wouldn't matter.

>> No.2553995

My grandfather didn't. I guess my great grandfather would have but I never knew him so fuck him.

>> No.2554003

>Your grandfather or another other relative died fighting the Japanese
>60 years later
what? my father was the one in the war, and he was in one of our great navies aircraft carriers. obviously he didn't die as I am here right now.

>> No.2554024

My grandfather lived, though.

He apparently killed two, two-and-one-half Nips.

Occupied the crazy fuckers.

Converted them into something new.

Something that would be respectable in four decades or so.

>> No.2554022
File: 458 KB, 2453x3477, 1196359292860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels good to know that live in the present, which is the age of moe.

>> No.2554031

you can get someone pregnant before you join the army.

>> No.2554032

My grandfather bombed the shit out of Yokohama, shit yeah.

>> No.2554050

Actually my relatives died fighting the Germans so I could enjoy their beers and hardcore pornography.

>> No.2554072

My entire family fought with the Japanese on the side of the Nazis. How does this make you feel?

>> No.2554075

Yeah but you can't have a son in his 20s if you died in the war.

so that pretty much eliminates any possibility, especially since he is still alive right now.

>> No.2554077


Like you got the shit end of the deal.

>> No.2554098

Well, they weren't French cowards, American pigs, English losers or Russian.... cannon fodder. And only one member of the family died. So no, we did not.

>> No.2554107

My great grandfather, grandfather, and father all fought in WWII. My great grandfather was a translator for Japanese prisoners of war since he had been on a mormon mission there in 1911. My grandfather never saw action and my father was on a destroyer escort that several times depth charged german U-boats but never fired a shot at the Japanese. My great grandfather's dead but his journal said he felt nothing but love for the Japanese people and my father and grandfather both don't mind me watching anime and learning Japanese. In fact my grandfather has been encouraging me to learn Japanese in order to translate his father in law's missionary journal and some of the books he brought back with him from Japan.

Your attempt at trolling me has failed.

>> No.2554187

The only relative I know of that was in the military was by grandpa on my moms side, he was in the korean war. A cheap knock off of WW2.

>> No.2554195

My grandfather lay out in freezing cold at the Norwegian border with a single magazine waiting for the Germans to invade Sweden.
They never did and he died peacefully in his sleep 40 years later.

>> No.2554197

>>2553940 (Korea is spelt with a K by the way)

Fags trying to not feel ashamed for being Japanese wannabe losers.

Seriously you guys are fucking pathetic....like..fuck....


>> No.2554206

My grandfather joined the clergy to get out going to war(And left soon after). My mother's side was not American at the time.

I only ever knew one man who fought in world war two. A (somewhat senile) man that lived with my grandmother following her divorce.

I used to play an NES at my grandmother's, and he would always remark upon how nice it was that the nips pussied out and now all they do is export things to us.

I grew to share this view soon after he died and Japanophilia started to really come into existence.

>> No.2554514

My Grandfather and all my other relatives are Japanese.

I don't think he died fighting them, if you know what I mean.

>> No.2555569

@ OP

How does it make you feel a dumb ass like you is still clinging to a *WAR that ended so long ago. And your enemies are long gone ?

Must feel very lonely doesnt it?

>> No.2555591
File: 319 KB, 984x1400, 1234954620521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

War is OVER by the way.

>> No.2555602

Relax guys! OP just finished playing CoD: WAW.

>> No.2555604

I have no idea what my ancestors did, but my maternal grandmother was a Japanese war orphan.

>> No.2555608


>> No.2555617

My Great-Grandfather fought the Germans, not Japanese. He also died in the early 90's. And besides that argument is lame, the war is long over. I'm sure I have ancestors who died fighting Americans during the revolution or the war of 1812, but I don't particularly care.

>> No.2555621

My grandfather was a factory manager who spearheaded relocation of the factory to the Huang mountain region so that in an atomic exchange with the US, his factory will not be destroyed should the American adopt a counter-value attack.

His factory manufactured telescopic sights for light and medium calibure anti-aircraft guns.

I shit you not

>> No.2555627

Unlikely, since I'm German. My great Grandfather died fighting Russians though.

>> No.2555641

My grandfather served in the civil protection in Denmark, so it's highly unlikely.

I don't think I lost any relatives in WWII.

>> No.2555647


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>> No.2555655

My grandfather's cargo ship got torpedoed by the Nazis, and after four days on a life raft he landed somewhere on the British isles. That's about all the WWII combat action my relatives ever saw, even though Norway got invaded the shit out of it and there are remains of German air defense positions a few miles from my house.

And for christ's sake stop being butthurt about shit that happened over 60 years ago. Baaaawww, war is bad, people died, bawww, bawww, mah heroic relatives fought and died for freedom, baaawwww. What you SHOULD care about is who produces the most awesome entertainment, I think Japan and AMRIKKKA are THE BEST, THE BEST when it comes to that.

>> No.2555663


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>> No.2555682

Where is this from?

>> No.2555692

My grandfather was on a howitzer crew in the Pacific and killed quite a few Japs. He died last year.

>> No.2555700


How does it feel?

>> No.2555701

>>Baaaawww, war is bad, people died, bawww, bawww, mah heroic relatives fought and died for freedom, baaawwww. What you SHOULD care about is who produces the most awesome entertainment

Congrats you just made me feel bad very bad. And the fact that you think something as trivial as cartoons/games etc is much important than learning the lessons of war makes me feel even worse.

>> No.2555705


>> No.2555711

Both my Grandpas and their bros were pew-pewing Russkies. When Grandma became a widow in the 1990s she got a new boyfriend who had deserted in 1944.

>> No.2555721

How does it feel knowing that out of a family line of sluts, youre the only one whos going to die a virgin?

