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File: 541 KB, 1022x1241, Fujiwara_no_Mokou_by_GAIN_OVER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2544370 No.2544370 [Reply] [Original]

why do they do this to her? ;_;

>> No.2544390

She'll be back to normal after the heart attack.

>> No.2544399
File: 114 KB, 560x800, fat sakuya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat seems to be instyle lately. great way to get bigger boobs

>> No.2544501


the fuck? Kaguya's the one who sits on her ass all day, why isn't she the blob?

>> No.2544510

So much for stuffed poultry.

>> No.2544512

Eirin supervised liposuction.

>> No.2544524

Eirin sucks her fat, if you understand what I mean.

>> No.2544540


she won't stop ordering reimu burger meals she really wants that twuck

>> No.2544572


but wouldn't that make kaguya's skin super saggy? god, i'd take fat mokou's pillowy rolls over a moon princess stretched out like a bed sheet

>> No.2544673

Eirin periodically removes the excess skin.

>> No.2544750
File: 85 KB, 450x600, kaguya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y-you're doing fat wrong. s-stupid sexy mokou, i-i'ts not like I w-want to feel your abs through your f-folds

>> No.2544753

Damn, this fat Kaguya is cute.

>> No.2544790


chubby = god tier
immobile land whale = mokou tier

>> No.2544794

Guy that had this delicious Mokou drawn here. You can thank the Anon that said there are no drawings of fatty Mokou in existence about two weeks ago for this.

>> No.2544846


Well, that makes a fatty picture of everyone in eientei. another household successfully corrupted

>> No.2544851
File: 168 KB, 665x475, 1233861003390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is still the best.

>> No.2544889

Oh and expect Tewi hugging a fat Reisen from that artist sometime soon.

>> No.2544900

How do people come up with this shit anyway?

This is as horrifying as the furry porn you usually find on paheal.net

>> No.2544906
File: 452 KB, 1006x1024, Iku_and_Tenshi_by_GAIN_OVER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2545090



>> No.2545275

One more fat touhou image is on its way. Might get some more from him afterwards.

If anyone's as desperate for material as me here's the artist's devart page. He does commissions. http://gain-over.deviantart.com/

>> No.2545404


his immobiles are a bit weird though, obese looks great however. Some fat yuri between sakuya and china would be pretty sweet

>> No.2545414

I can draw as well as this guy, WHERE ARE MY COMMISSIONS

>> No.2545468


japan loves fat touhous. show us samples of your girls and then we'll pay you

>> No.2545470


He's just out of practice. Not that he was that good at them back when he did them regularly. Still, unlike some fat artists he's shown great improvement over the years.


Draw some fathous and we'll talk.
