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2544224 No.2544224 [Reply] [Original]

Ciel can kill servants. Discuss.

>> No.2544230
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Shiki can kill Shiki. Discuss.

>> No.2544234
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Why kill when you can talk things over a couple of drinks?

>> No.2544237
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How can one short blue haired, glasses wearing bitch be so much better than another?

>> No.2544242

That's backwards: Shiki can kill Shiki, but not the other way around.

>> No.2544250

>Ciel can kill servants

Black Keys barely even harm Assassin, and that's when he DOESN'T block.

7th Scripture, however...

>> No.2544253
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Get your opponent drunk and then kill them! Brilliant!

>> No.2544255

Then only good thing Ciel had was her immortality.
Even Arcueid on her underpowered form can easily overpower her, and Arcueid isn't supposed to be that much stronger than her enemies, so this means Ciel isn't that good of a fighter.
In conclusion, no, Ciel is weak by Nasu's standards and in no way she can face even the weakest of the servants.

>> No.2544280

>Arcueid isn't supposed to be that much stronger than her enemies

I thought Arcade Bumstead was supposed to be the most powerful humanoid creature in the Nasuverse? One that could solo the entire F/SN crowd without breaking a sweat?

>> No.2544315

Arcueid = Servant * 4

>> No.2544322

>Arcueid isn't supposed to be that much stronger than her enemies

That only works with Counter Force, Arc still has her base power.

>> No.2544323

Her power is limited by Gaia to just slightly above her enemies. Basically shes always just strong enough to kill her opponent, she can't full power everything to death. Special exceptions aside, MEoDP, EA, etc.

>> No.2544334

Both of you hit the opposite extremes.

Anyway, Ciel is about as strong as a human can get without divine protection, dragon blood and what have you. Immortality may be her greatest asset, but handling the Seventh scripture and the physical feats she display put her far above humans.
She is much stronger than Kotomine, who is pretty kickass.Servants though are as strong as humans get, plus an extra touch of divinity/demonic help and weapons. They are from a time of might and magic, after all. She'd at best fight defensively.

Arcueid on the other hand, is a being that at it's weakest, at nighttime, Shiki can barely see her death.
Also, when she fights Ciel, especially towards the ending, she snaps, so no holding back or restraining bloodlust.
Still, she can't just solo servants or anything, since even if she is stronger, there is the matter of abilities and compatibility. But she is VERY hard to hurt and kill, no matter what.

>> No.2544346


>She is much stronger than Kotomine, who is pretty kickass

Kotomine at his best only managed to outmaneuver True Assassin and that was because he completely gimmicked his insta-KO.

Though most Servants couldn't kill her (Archer and Gil probably have Conceptual Weapons for killing regenerators stashed SOMEWHERE in there, and 4th Lancer's Gae Buidhe would demolish her), she most definitely couldn't fight with any of them on even grounds.

>> No.2544376

This. Even without the Counter Force backup, Arcueid is already a monster in her own right. So those who are stronger than Arcueid's base get matched with added power from the Counter Force plus a bit more.

If you're too weak, Counter Force just doesn't show up because Arc can cut you to pieces without needing any.

Also, Marble Phantasm.
