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2534185 No.2534185 [Reply] [Original]

I'm reading Ep 1 right now.
I'm bored out of my fucking mind, why are they talking about shit that no one gives a fuck about. They're in the parlour drinking tea.

When does it get interesting?

>> No.2534189

I don't know, why don't you keep reading and find out?

>> No.2534188
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>> No.2534191

When the first murder happens. So maybe a few hours.

>> No.2534196

In the parlor drinking tea.

Have they cornered Krauss yet?

>> No.2534201

When Battler snaps and rapes Shannon infront of George.

>> No.2534215

It'll get interesting when people start dying. This'll keep up for the rest of EP1. Then you'll reach the end and go "What the fuck? Why go through all this bullshit when the answer is 'A wizard did it'?"

Then you'll go through all of EP2 with a similar feeling, plus a dash of "What the hell is this even about anymore?"

This will continue until midway through EP3, at which point black becomes white, night becomes day, and the story becomes incredibly awesome.

>> No.2534222

OP watched (watched, not read/played) Higurashi for the killer lolis.

>> No.2534229


Nah, it gets jaw-droppingly awesome about 1/2 way through Ep 2.

When Battler gets his first "victory" over the witch.

>> No.2534234

no actually, I loved Higurashi for its time-looping, i've always been interested in stuff like that.

>> No.2534236

It gets jaw-droppingly awesome when Golden Slaughterer comes on.

Umineko is only as awesome as its music. Which is awesome.

>> No.2534244

There aren't any killer loli's in Higurashi though.
Satoko and Rika are the only Loli's... who did they kill?

>> No.2534245


>When Battler gets his first "victory" over the witch.
is when Dread of the Grave starts playing.

>> No.2534256
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>who did they kill?

Her parents.


Herself, lol

>> No.2534253

I couldn't enjoy ep 2 at all because I was under the impression that everything portrayed had actually happened, making Battler's victory ultimately impossible, and everything pointless. This doesn't turn around until Virgilia gets out.

>> No.2534271

That's really true. It wouldn't be nearly as good without the soundtrack.

>> No.2534274

It gets awesome once the parents start discussing the inheritance. Maybe this kind of story just isn't for you.

>> No.2534281


But magic doesn't exist so how could everything that happened really happen?

You were thinking at least one step backwards from where you should have been.

>> No.2534283

I was hooked on Umineko from the first scene, you're all fags who need to read more books and get less instant-entertainment.

>> No.2534288

Even if you aren't just reading it for the violence Umineko has a very slow start.

>> No.2534291


And you have to admit that it wasn't nearly as good then as it was later. I was hooked from the beginning too, but it wasn't until my ear got tenderly loved that I thought this was AWESOME and not just cool.

>> No.2534296

I hope the anime has a painfully slow start so we don't have to deal with the stupid fandom.

>> No.2534297
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It happened because it was observed to happen, obviously.

And if magic didn't exist, Bernkastel wouldn't exist, nor would the time loop. And that would be horribly boring.

>> No.2534308

There is no time loop in Umineko, bro.

>> No.2534321

Higurashi animu had a pretty slow start too, i think everyone kept watching it since the intro scene had K1 beating people with a bat.

I dont know how they'd do anything like that in Umineko though, more than likely the intro scene will be Goldsmith rambling just like in the VN.

Also, OP: once murders start to happen shit gets awesome. You'll know when that's about to happen when George proposes to Shanon.

>> No.2534324


>And you have to admit that it wasn't nearly as good then as it was later

If the story starts out INCREDIBLE and gets worse from there, it means it had good ideas that just didn't work out.

In other words, any good story ALWAYS gets better later.

>> No.2534322

okay, up to the 'cornered Krauss' scene.
damn... I'm liking Eva

>> No.2534328


Oh you'll like Krauss in a minute.

And hate Eva after Episode 3.

>> No.2534329

Purposeful stupidity is not amusing in this context.

>> No.2534332

Eva is Queen Bitch of the Universe.

>> No.2534338 [DELETED] 

yeah I thought it was pretty cool too, but they just kept going on and on, i didn't know when they would stop.

>> No.2534344

True, but some people might not like the story until later. It's pretty common, and it's understandable.

>> No.2534345

It's not a time loop, its merely a replaying of the murder but with different things happening every time.

It's like a chess game rematch, of course the second game wouldn't have the same moves as the first game.

>> No.2534349

Odd, I read plenty of books and I thought the beginning of Umineko was boring. I don't mind slow pacing but Umineko just has a rough start.

>> No.2534350


>> No.2534354


It isn't a time loop, bro.

Different universes, not the exact same one over and over.

Example, Rosa crushed Maria's candy in Ep 2, but the candy never even came up in Ep 1 or 3 or 4.
If it were a loop, it'd happen the exact same way. Groundhog's Day style.

>> No.2534357

Replaying a period of time IS a time loop.

>> No.2534351

what is with battler and wanting to massage his cousins chests?

>> No.2534358

exactly my thoughts.

>> No.2534367

I would've been netter if you had not known anything about the VN
I shat bricks when I reached the end of episode 1

>> No.2534368



Playing a second game of chess after the first game of chess is not a loop, it's playing two games.
You didn't change the pawns out or are suddenly playing without Bishops, you're just playing a new game of chess.

>> No.2534374

>It isn't a time loop, bro.

>Different universes, not the exact same one over and over.

I don't care if you use the dark side of the Force or studied under Bigsby and Mordenkainen. Shooting lightning from your fingertips is magic either way.

>> No.2534381


Hidden Tesla coils are magical?

>> No.2534395

Except that isn't what they do, you blithering moron. Or did you somehow fail to notice the calendar dates being the same?

No one could be this stupid. Why the hell do I have to deal with trolls even when trying to discuss something like Umineko?

>> No.2534406

The emperor does not keep hidden Tesla coils under his robes.

Yes, you can get that in red.

>> No.2534416


No, I believe you are the idiot.

They DO just skip on to the next game. Time does NOT "reverse", AT ALL.
Did you COMPLETELY FUCKING MISS Episodes 3 and 4? How about the epilogue in 1? THE WORLD CONTINUES ON.
Beato and Battler just skip to the next game board.

>> No.2534424

The dates in the game are meaningless, look at them as just another piece of information.

I think this argument is mostly getting hung up on the literal definition of words. It's a time loop in the sense that the game always starts on the same day and ends on the same day, meaning the same days are "replayed" over and over, but time itself is not looping, it's just being reset and redone.

>> No.2534434

He also wants to eat Maria.

He's just that awesome.
