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2527550 No.2527550 [Reply] [Original]

The Mages Guild? Short-sighted fools.

You have potential, Anonymous. You could be a powerful magician, with the right teacher. Meet me at the entrance of the cave just outside of town at midnight. I'll show you real power.

>> No.2527556
File: 2 KB, 160x90, th_646b7f03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Musou Fuuin!

>> No.2527564

That's one tiny Leimu.

>> No.2527566

but I was walking to the fighters guild. Magic is for pussies and squares.

>> No.2527575
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Enjoy your useless hat.

>> No.2527588

>>Magic is for pussies and squares.

Keep saying that until a wizard activates Tenser's Transformation and trounces your ass with the closest blunt object.

>> No.2527612
File: 25 KB, 308x278, guildOfMOAS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish RPGs would start adding in some more realistic guilds.

>> No.2527626

I believe you meant the Guild of Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs.

>> No.2527633

I will

Any fighter worth his salt can take on a roided up wizard who knows nothing of the art of combat.

>> No.2527639

The Suss-man counts as a folkloric hero, not a real-world entity.

>> No.2527665
File: 45 KB, 512x303, OB-HelmOfOreynBearclaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my image of my stupid hat.

>> No.2527673

tensers transformation + mass haste destroys practically anything

its also helpful to have a summoned dragon familiar

>> No.2527685


I'm worried about my pots and pans.

>> No.2527691

A monk can do that and much more without ever casting a single spell. If you think epic monks, then you're pretty much cheating already.

>> No.2527701
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>> No.2527703

Which touhou is that?

>> No.2527705

but what else can monks do besides divine immunities n shit

they sure as hell cant firewall

>> No.2527736
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Epic fighter is still more fun.

>> No.2527807
File: 132 KB, 175x150, reg1166129069.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Guild of Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

>>The Mages Guild

Same thing, dearest Mr. Wizard. We all know that "Suss Man" is a master of black magic.

>> No.2527848


>> No.2527884

Everyone knows the Mages Guild is nothing but theories and conjectures on the morally accepted practices of the art.

The SICP Guild is the only acceptable one to deal with the ancestral arts.

>> No.2527885


That's it, I'm in love with you now.
