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2526959 No.2526959 [Reply] [Original]

Pastatown tits?

>> No.2526966
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>> No.2526962
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or... delicious cat mansion?

>> No.2526967

I like pasta... and I like cats. Can't I have both?

>> No.2526977
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delicious Jakuri ass

>> No.2526981

Pasta with sausage.

>> No.2526988
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Jakuri thread

>> No.2526989


Maybe I'll go with cat mansion then.

>> No.2526994

Sauce on everything.

>> No.2526995
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Jacqli > Cloche > Luca

>> No.2526998
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la la la la la la
hm hmm hm hm hm hmm

>> No.2527022

This, a thousand times this. I loved how they pretty much had you make the exact same choice as in AT1 (stay with horribly corrupt organization, or go off and help your childhood friend) and all they had to do was make the friend a complete and total bitch and everyone switched.

>> No.2527023
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>> No.2527025

Ar Tonelico 2.

>> No.2527026


I picked Luca over Cloche.

Then again, I picked Jacqli over Luca, so yeah.

>> No.2527030

I'm proud of you son.

>> No.2527040


Well, it wasn't really a case of 'liked Luca more than Cloche' so much as 'hated that fucker Alfman more than I was annoyed by Luca.'

>> No.2527045
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There really is only one choice.

>> No.2527049

I hesitated at first, especially after I got to the point where you lose the person you chose for a small chunk of the game. At least you made the right choice in the end, though.

>> No.2527074
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lack of imouto in this topic is disturbing

>> No.2527084
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>> No.2527152


I hope we get to dive into Cocona in the third game.

>> No.2527161

That assumes we get the third game at all, with the half-assed job they did on this one. Would be a shame.

>> No.2527171


From my understanding, the game does well in Japan, so it'll at least get made.

And since that's the expensive bit, we'll almost certainly get it.

Of course, even if it never makes it over here, I'll just listen to the music.

>> No.2527180

True enough. Did they ever release a sountrack with more of the actual vocal work on it? The two CDs that came with the game itself, while nice enough, were mostly the game music.

>> No.2527192


>> No.2527190


Look up the Hymmnos Concert CDs.

Also, some of Akiko Shikata's other CDs have Hymmnos music on it. EXEC_HARVESTASYA comes off of the RAKA CD.

>> No.2527203


Much obliged.

>> No.2527250

What up with the Luca hate ? She stay number 1 in my heart

>> No.2527252
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Sup just posting the best waifu in the series.

>> No.2527273


fuck yeah

>> No.2527302

Fuck this shitty powerup system.

>> No.2527363

What is pastatown??

>> No.2527366


I liked Luca.

But Jacqli is superior.

Just like I liked Aurica and Shurelia, but Misha was far superior.

>> No.2527370
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did you mean awesome?

>> No.2527373
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>to shurelia

>> No.2527383

I found Shurelia a little boring, but I didn't dislike her. It could have just been that I liked Misha way too much, though.

>> No.2527392


I was undecided on Misha until right before the RE=NATION/CHRONICLE KEY scene. After that, I was sold on her.

>> No.2527418

As always, Orica's and Luca's songs are the worst of all six heroines.

>> No.2527425
File: 161 KB, 600x600, at040010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What part of the game was that again?

When you fight Mir for that first time?

>> No.2527432

Croix's and Mir's song is god tier

>> No.2527446

> EXEC_over.METHOD_SUBLIMATION. ~ ee wassa sos yehar is god tier



>> No.2527447


For once I agree with you.

>> No.2527448

that's PAJA

Chronicle Key is when Misha sings inside Chronicle Key and you leave her in there i think

>> No.2527458

Are you kidding? EXEC_over.METHOD_SUBLIMATION. omness chs ciel sos infel is the awesome one

>> No.2527470

EXEC_over.METHOD_SUBLIMATION_~lamenza is the best, you uncultured slobs of meat.

>> No.2527486


Let's all just agree that all three Sublimation songs are awesome.


When you wake up Shurelia in Phase 3.

>> No.2527493


........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

>> No.2527504
File: 144 KB, 550x767, 4090182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

>> No.2527508


What are you implying I do to Mir now? :(

>> No.2527509

I just contracted IPD

>> No.2527515

Hey guise, what's this thread about.
Wujiao chink and some other tripless anon talking?

>> No.2527523
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>>that's PAJA

Hmm, that might be my favorite song in the game.

Either that or Tower of AT. Sometimes simple and short songs really are the best:


>> No.2527536

can we say purger instead of paja

>> No.2527554

Okay, is AT2 significantly better than the first game? I'll seek it out if it is (if it's even still around) but I wasn't a huge fan of the first. The game part of the game felt rushed. And oh holy God the lag. And the translation was awful, too.

>> No.2527568

Yes. Its like lotus land story to MoF

>> No.2527583

xA harr hLYUmLYUmOrO eje/.
xA sorr kLYUvLYUr du qejyu/.
xI rre fIrIlU hIlIsUsU ayulsa dazua/.
xA harr nAtLYInO hymmnos/.
xA sorr mLYOrArA du sphaela/.
xO rre mLYOtOyOyO giz wOsLYI du giz/.
xN herr v.t. ess dazua/.
xN herr v.t. goa balduo sphaela/.

xN rre hLYImLYUmOrO a.u.k. zess quesa/.
xN rre hLYUmLYUmOrO byui q.l.s. du sechel/.
xA harr nAtLYInO hymmnos/.
xA sorr mLYInLYUgO dn z.z.x./.
xA harr nAtLYInO hymmnos/.
xA rre mArArA sphaela/.
xA rre mArArA balduo ouvyu sphaela/.
xN rre hNmNmNrN ayulsa/.
xN rre hNmNmNrN ayulsa/.
xN rre hNmNmNrN ayulsa/.
xN rre hNmNmNrN ayulsa/.

xA harr hUmmOrO eje ag dazua/.
xA sorr kUvUr du qejyu dn balduo/.
xI rre cEzE fIrIlU hIlIsUsU ayulsa dazua, vega ouvyu giz sphaela/.
xA harr nAtAnO hymmnos, ut ouvyu/.
xA sorr mOrArA du daedu ag ujes/.
xO rre mLYOtOyOyO giz wOsLYI du giz/.
xA harr jOzOtO ouwua giz hymmnos/.

xA harr hLYUmLYUmOrO eje/.
xA sorr kLYUvLYUr du qejyu/.
xI rre fIrIlU hIlIsUsU ayulsa dazua/.
xA harr nAtLYInO hymmnos/.
xA sorr mLYOrArA du sphaela/.
xA harr vIsIkI dazua/.
xA harr tAhAsA siann/.
xA harr lAkAkA maen/.
xA harr hAmmrA byui eje/.

xA rre wArAmA maen a.u.k. zess titia/.
xE rre hAkAtt nafan ouwua siann arhou/.
xA rre sEnEkk mirie, ag hEmmrA eje/.
xE rre lAnAcAaA eje/.
xA rre hLYAmLYEmLYErA sphaela/.
xA harr mLYErErA aje tafane sphaela/.

xA harr hUmmOrO eje ag dazua/.
xA sorr kUvUr du qejyu dn balduo/.
xI rre cEzE fIrIlU hIlIsUsU ayulsa dazua, vega ouvyu giz sphaela/.
xA harr nAtAnO hymmnos, ut ouvyu/.
xA sorr mOrArA du daedu ag ujes/.

xA rre cEzE hymmnos/.
xE rre sAlE sphaela arhou/.
xE rre lAnAcAaA eje/.
xA rre hLYAmAmArA sphaela/.
xA rre cLYAzE tafane arhou hymmnos/.
xA rre yAzAtA aje tafane nEmElA sphaela/.

>> No.2527597
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Twintail moe~

>> No.2527600

The game is better, but the translation is still awful

>> No.2527605

Ma num ra teyys ween syec oz was en noglle guatrz, ee,

Ween colgen fayra, Race mea wis gigeadeth zeeth tie yor


Hyear, Ma num ra gysya yorr, ee Dia oz ruinien

Hyear, Ma num ra gysya yorr dewee won clamour yor

en chess won vinan jambea mea, gigeadeth zeeth tie yor

汝 地に伏しただ跪きて
Nanji chi ni fushitada hizamazukite

聞けや 我が聖言
Kikeya wa ga kotoba

 "黒き淵 罪業の 劫火燃ゆ 闇"
Kuroki fuchi zaigou no gouka moeyu yami

奈落の底に 映るは汝彼の
Naraku no soko ni utsuru wa nare no

魂が名 真名ぞ 与えよ我に
Oni ga na manazo ataeyo ware ni

  Rrha yea ra haf yor,forgandal

  knawa Manac yor,Manac

 "刻まれし傷 消えない痕"
Kizamareshi kizu kienai ato

  Ma num ra tictim yorr wis kneet hueaf van yorr zaffur

 "従属の枷 茨の鎖"
Juukoku no kase ibara no kusari

  Ma num ra tictim yorr wis dhezeall DESPEDIA/.

その腕に 絡む
Sono ude ni karamu

  "Rrha ki ra chs hymme"

やわらかな 指先
Yawarakana yubisaki

Rrha paks ra chs gigeadeth zeeth tie yor

paks ra chs shazra cause yor

paks ra chs viega zethpa yor

paks ra chs omnis yor…

Rrha yea ra infel yor, waze, waze

Rrha yea ra melenas yor, syec, syec

Rrha yea ra dsier yor, rol clemezen

Rrha yea ra ruinie omnis yor


>> No.2527606

Get the undub if you can.

>> No.2527608

God damn

This song makes me want to go out and kill someone

>> No.2527635


What, they didn't even leave in the Japanese voices?

Being able turn off the cat-scratching-its-claws-down-a-chalkboard-level annoying English dub on AT was maybe that game's one saving grace. If I do ever play this game I'm sure as hell not paying for it.

>> No.2527662

there are two Purgers, Misya's and Orica's. It's the point where you go abck to your hometown and choose who sings the hymn against the dog virus.

sup replekia

>> No.2527660

The redhead's voice in the first game made me want to destroy my tv and kill myself.

>> No.2527656


It did. I don't know what that guy is talking about.

My only problem with AT2 was it being a largely unfinished product. Hey guys lets fight the same miniboss 100 times that's a good idea right? ... right?

>> No.2527657

Faura yerwe murfan anw sol ciel.
Faura sonwe murfan anw sol ciel ee.
Hymmnos oz faura pomb na omnis,den accrroad
Sos yor,yanje revm,na endia revm,yehah revm…
Fou hellei ga
tasyue yorr yehar elle fandel hierle
Faura sonwe presia yorr wis yehah
ween shellan yorra accroad mea,sarla oz enne.
titil yehah,presia yorr wis yehah,presia yanje.
Hyear,whai yorra vit rol hierle?
Was ki ga fowrlle yor.
Was yea ra accrroad sos yor
rudj en rudj rosa
yorr acra firle wael,
        fountaina yor der rudje
fandel rosa   fandel rosa yorr infel
     fandel rosa    yorr infel
Den,here irs ar vinan frawr,ween titilia shellan
Den na orviclle,vis ween leaff
chsee tes rudj
clalliss vinan frawr
der sacra rol fau ween leaff
rosa,sos yor,tasyue
inan frawr tes rudje,rudje rol sacra
sacra how clalliss
celetille clalliss xel marta pomb mea
clalliss vit iem nnoini
fountaina rudj rosa sos yor
fountaina sacra
weal,acra yorr chanti mea?
fountaina infel
whai yorr na rippllys mea?
fountaina,sos yor
rippllys mea?
Faura werlwe titilia en sonwe sos marta
Sos yor,yanje revm,na endia revm

>> No.2527680

AT2 has the option for the Japanese voice track.

The problem is that to make room for the English voice track they removed half of the voices for the Japanese and English voice tracks; thus some scenes are unvoiced.

>> No.2527697

Goddamn, why they didnt use a dual layer disc?

>> No.2527702
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Hay brah, you have the CG set to that game? Share please?

In return have some Luca.

>> No.2527710

To save money would be my guess. They're trying to sell to a niche market after all. Of course, they fail to realize their target audience are all weeaboos and want that Japanese voice track and a decent translation.

At least undubs still get seeds no matter how old they are; I've been busting my ass over trying to find a seeded Ace Combat 4 torrent since forever ago.

>> No.2527715

Because they knew that most of the people that were interested in this game would pirate it instead of buy it and thus didn't want to bother with the added expense.

>> No.2527728
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>> No.2527731
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Sorta. AT series is mostly pleasing characters, good music, and an average to bad story and battle system. AT2 is more of the same, but the battles are slightly more tolerable. The characters might be slightly more developed though.

And not sure what you mean by "lag". You better not mean CD load times! You want bad load times you go play some earlier CD based game consoles. PS2 stuff is just fine.

>> No.2527735
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thanks bro

>> No.2527738


........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

>> No.2527745
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these lyrics seem familiar

>> No.2527763

As well they should.

I'm too lazy to bother posting the translations.

>> No.2527771


I don't mean load times between scene changes or anything like that, I mean the slowdown during battle. It came close to actually affecting the gameplay and was frustrating as hell. You couldn't have possibly missed it.

I still don't understand why the translation was so bad, either. Didn't NIS America localize the game? Well, whatever, I've complained enough. I'll probably get AT2 if I see it anyway because it has cute girls in it.

>> No.2527776
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The only bad thing about this was the lack of a nice and clean version of that title pic.

>> No.2527778
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who did Lyner end up with?
or was it cannon harem end?

>> No.2527790


It's not specified, really. Probably harem.

>> No.2527795

No one because he's a faggot.

>> No.2527796

AT2 kind of showed canon harem end for Lyner

>> No.2527825
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how I wish this would happen in cannon

>> No.2527838


Jakuri is so dangerously moe.

>> No.2527843

One of the conversations with Jacqli and whatever the fuck that white haired shopkeeper's name was seemed to indicate a Misha/Lyner end.

>> No.2527941
File: 526 KB, 1024x768, 403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Damn, not sure how I missed this doujinshi.


Thanks Anon.
