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25250600 No.25250600 [Reply] [Original]

Im working on my own stuff and came here to change these japanese titles

Vampire's Destructive Little Sister =
吸血鬼の破滅的な妹 -changed to-> Vampire's Destructive Sister Flan (フラン?)

Diabolic Wave =
恐ろしい波動 -changed to-> Diabolic Little Sister Flandre (フランドール) i bet there is no way to change this to Kanji?

Locked Girl Flandre Scarlet=
ラクトガール・フランドール・スカーレット (done but) is there a better way or a way to shorten it with Kanji

Noble Devil's Sister Flandre=
??? フランドール

Bossy Elder Sister Remi=
??? レミ (??)

Time Stopping Maid Sakuya=
??? 咲夜

Gate Keeper of Scarlet Devil Mansion=
紅魔館の門番 -changed to-> Gatekeeper Hong Meiling (紅 美鈴)

The Unmoving Great Library=
動かない大図書館 -changed to-> Unmoving Annoying Girl Patchouli (パチュリー)

Cheerful Demon Kotokuma=
??? 小悪魔

Rowdy Shrine Maiden Reimu=
??? の巫女 霊夢

High-Firepower and Star-Loving Magician=
高火力で星好きな魔法使い -changed to-> High-Firepowered Human Marisa (魔理沙)

Gluttonous Ghost Yuyuko=
??? 幽々子

Daiyousei = 大妖精 (pretty simple)

Ice Fairy Cirno=
の氷精 チルノ (??)

妖精メイド = Maid Fairy or Fairy Maid

妖精湖= Lake Fairy

妖精司書= Librarian Fairy (??)

Thats how i want the titles and names to appear in my work which will center on Flandre's perspective of things, any assistance or corrections and criticism is welcome pls.

>> No.25250659

yeah but w/c 2hu wld u fuk?

>> No.25250706

Patchy okay

>> No.25251256

cute taste

>> No.25251401

Yeah i figure she would be best to have as a fuck friend. She doesn't leave the library often so i could visit her often.

>> No.25274581
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>> No.25291201
File: 1.16 MB, 1700x2338, sdm1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I will show my hand alittle more on what kind work im doing.

I am creating a custom Toho themed trading card deck based off a Keyforge deck i own. Basicly im just going to print out keyforge cards with Toho names and pictures. This was my rough draft. Still looking for someone to help with the japanese I want to print on my cards. I want the proper titles and names to be in japanese and look legit.

>> No.25292727

Very rude.

>> No.25292892

Well, thats tough.
