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2514793 No.2514793 [Reply] [Original]

How does one recover from being a hikikomori?

>> No.2514798
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>> No.2514809

make the decision to stop being a hikkikomori

no matter what you tell yourself, to stop being a hikki/NEET is a simple matter of choice.

...granted, it takes a lot of willpower to finally make that choice, and a good deal of wisdom to know how to go about it.

>> No.2514811

Steal your fathers revolver. Unload a bullet in your skull.

>> No.2514812

1. Wait for an old lady and an assistant to knock on your door.

2. Answer it. Have a good glance at her assistant.

3. Take a stroll in your area to find a job.

4. ????????

5. YEAH!

>> No.2514820

I wish I knew, OP. I think the last time I went outside was in the summer.

>> No.2514824

Ask /a/. Oh wait, I see you already did.

>> No.2514834

Throw away your computer or internet connection. You will go back to society real quick.

>> No.2514844

You don't even know what it really is.
Get the fuck out of /jp/.

>> No.2514846

And let me guess, someone will post a link to the agoraphobic boxer right?


>> No.2514853

When you realize WoW endgame is boring.

>> No.2514859

How do you know that I don't know from such a simple post?

>> No.2514862

don't burst a blood vessel now anon

>> No.2514878


>> No.2514886

I don't play MMOs.

>> No.2514890

You do shit. Go outside for a start.

>> No.2514897

I've seen this kind of post/thread a million times here in /jp/.
Just go back to /a/ and never come back.

>> No.2514903

/a/ is good.

>> No.2514930

So, by making a thread that has been made before (and have nothing to do with me), it somehow means that I don't know what a hikikomori is?

Great logic, bro.
Would you prefer I post a shitty blog about my worthless life instead?

/a/ is full of normalfags and is essentially /b/ now.
/jp/ is screaming at their monitors in rage for no reason.

Goddamn, I would have thought at least one of these boards wouldn't be such shit at night.

But don't worry bro, I anticipate your snarky, elitist reply. Makes you look cool, man.

>> No.2514935
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1. Turn your mind into steel.
2. Go outside.
3. ??????
4. Become a superhero.

>> No.2514964

I'm listening friend. Please continue if you want to say anything, I am here.

>> No.2514979

Yes, because then we wouldn't see your shit.

Not the same person you're replying to btw.

>> No.2515021

Ignore these faggots, and listen to the sage advice of a former-hikki.

This is how it worked for me. Tiny step by tiny step.

At first, I could only go outside for 10 mins, at night where no one is on the streets to judge me and it's too dark to see me. And then it was 15 minutes at dawn. And then it was 30 minutes in the morning. I forced myself to go outside everyday even when there was no reason to, just for a walk or something. Then I tried more engaging settings. Eat at a restaurant, see a movie, volunteer for something.

Social interaction: start small. Say hi to the cashier. Wave to your neighbour. Then go a little bigger, make small talk with the librarian. Let a nice old lady have your seat on the bus (also attempt to ride bus). Make a comment about the weather. Practice longer conversations by using public services. Book tickets to see a show. See a doctor for a checkup. Ask a store clerk to help you pick out shoes.

By this stage I guarantee you'll feel much more confident, then you can move onto important things like job interviews and making friends.

Now I'm a total wuss, and this entire process took me over a year, and I was fucking scared at every step, doing even the most mundane things. But better now than never.

>> No.2515025

Female hikki here.

bf hasnt called me in a few days and i think im suffering from depression as a result

>> No.2515031

Thanks bro, that's some good advice.

>> No.2515032


>> No.2515050

Thanks, but I stutter when I talk, wouldn't that just make people ignore me?

Oh well, I'm enrolling this semester (probably) after being a hikki for half a year. I guess shock therapy might work.

>> No.2515052

Enrolling.. in a school?

>> No.2515066

I just forced myself outside. Even when I almost felt like I was going to have a panic attack or breakdown I just kept pushing through it and slowly getting myself back to normal.

>> No.2515080

Judging by his post, he's enrolling in a mental ward.

>> No.2515084


>> No.2515086

Is that a Falcom game he's playing?

>> No.2515089

I can control the internet

with my mind

>> No.2515094

Join the army.

>> No.2515096


>> No.2515099

>get a job

a highschool dropout with no skills can't get one

>> No.2515102

I lol'd

>> No.2515109

Not this shit again.

>> No.2515122


Really? You think that?

>> No.2515131


>> No.2515132

A high school graduate with no skills can't get a job, no way a drop-out will. Unless he's an illegal immigrant. Then he could easily get one.

>> No.2515158

Don't listen to this faggotry

Assuming you live in a 1st world country, anyone can get at least a shitty menial part-time job. I had a job stocking fruit at the grocer when I was finishing high school via correspondence. Sure, it was horrible pay, the boss liked to pinch my butt, but it paid the rent and kept me somewhat-fed.

>> No.2515162

I assume you had to provide sexual favors during the job interview.

>> No.2515166

...was your boss hot?

>> No.2515172

Considering he listed it as a negative, I assume his boss was a balding 30-year old man.

>> No.2515177

Your boss was a faggot?!

>> No.2515186

Aren't they all? It's really more of a power thing, anyway.

>> No.2515187

No, he was a stocky chinese man who liked to just sit there and stare at me while i lifted boxes or swept the floor. Sometimes, his wife would pull up a plastic chair next to the loading zone and join in. And they would both have this creepy grin on

Now that I think about it, i'm not sure they let me have the job because I was the most qualified


>> No.2515191

>bald, 30 year-old man sexually harassing a young male
Just like in one of my Japanese doujin manga!

>> No.2515192

Well, there you have it. You got the job because the guy lusted after your body.

>> No.2515194

i lol'd anon!

>> No.2515196

Do you have a particularly nice, young body? A cute face? An attractive ..erm, bottom?

>> No.2515198

Two things -
a) There's jobs, and there's good jobs. Good jobs are largely gone, but there are still a great many other jobs.
b) If a job app asks you if you graduated, check "yes". They have no way of checking into your school life.

>> No.2515203

what about "can you show a copy of your diploma?"

>> No.2515204


Actually no THEY CANT, you need to think of how it works in each state. I'm sure where your from theirs random jobs available, but in MI where we lead in unemployment by almost double what the 2nd place state is and still rising...its quite hard.

>> No.2515210

>few days
what is this shit?

>> No.2515227

What the hell are you talking about?
Anybody with a fucking PULSE can get a job, no matter the market.

Hell, I used to work at a job that would hire people that were so bottom of the barrel that they made /jp/sies look like Rock stars built like Greek gods and Narutards look like frat boys.

Hell, I don't think you can even get fired from there, they just send you home for the day if you get in trouble.

>> No.2515228

I hope you aren't considering collecting cans and bottles a job.

>> No.2515237

A joke, bro. You really need to work on recognizing them.

>> No.2515238

At the time I looked like a 14 year old, had semi-long hair, and was really skinny
I don't know how to classify my own butt. But the man would literally run his hand up the back of my legs, it wasn't like a tap for a job well done. Fuck. Couldn't quit at the time because I was living paycheck to paycheck.

But yeah, point is you can still dig yourself out of your hikki hole high school or not. Just takes a bit of..endurance.

>> No.2515248

I was promised a job by a store manager who had to turn me away because my job application was flagged as unemployable. To put in in your words, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~

>> No.2515252

Not at all.
Convenience stores, grocery stores, gardening, even office work. There's tons of work out there.
(Go main branches for convenience stores, franchises are largely owned by foreigners that don't hire outside their race/family)

>> No.2515265

To date, nobody has ever asked me that.
Not that it couldn't happen, I wouldn't put odds on it.

>> No.2515275

So you got turned down for one job, and now it's impossible? no wonder /jp/sies have a reputation for never leaving the basement.

Some advice: Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

>> No.2515277

What the hell is that? We already have a name, and it's not "gypsies"

>> No.2515293

Sounds to me like he didn't have the heart to tell you that you weren't getting the job to start with. The term "Unemployable" doesn't stretch beyond that company; there's no national blackball list.

>> No.2515296

Are you new or something? /jp/sies has been used in the past, along with /jp/edos and other names.

>> No.2515298
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I need to get a job soon, which depresses the hell out of me. I'd rather have tips on how you go from having a job to becoming a NEET.

Anyway, enjoy being a NEET while you can.

>> No.2515301

It was a guarenteed job. "Just send me in an application and I'll hire you." If I can't be hired like that, how the hell am I supposed to be hired at all?

>> No.2515305

That's so sad. My only friend, who happens to be a girl, hasn't called me after christmas. That slut.

>> No.2515310

It's a term almost as old as /jp/.
/jp/edos is much newer, unless you had another term in mind.

>> No.2515314

But my job application will still look the same no matter where I submit it.

>> No.2515315

You got served.
There's no such thing as a guaranteed job, unless it's fucking notarized.

You get a job the same way the rest of us do-- the interview.

>> No.2515319

My mother knew the guy. He pulled some strings for me. They would have given me an interview for show.

>> No.2515324


Oh wow, are you saying that there's no way to get a job unless someone GIVES it to you without any sort of screening?

>> No.2515326

Stay inside long enough
Don't talk to anyone, even your family
Lose your brain
Take drugs

>> No.2515332

Pretty much.

>> No.2515333

Female friends don't exist. Their bro level isn't high enough to maintain a proper friendship.

>> No.2515337

>Friendship doesn't exist. Their 2D level isn't high enough to maintain a proper friendship.

>> No.2515343

You ARE aware that's like saying you can't win a game unless the other guy throws the match, right? And that the world doesn't actually work that way? That you can actually obtain things through your own abilities? Right? RIGHT?!

>> No.2515353

>obtain things with your own abilities
>with no skills

>> No.2515358

What about tomboys and gender confused girls?

>> No.2515360

Pardon me, I had no idea you were a bedridden invalid.
I thought "no skills" just meant "unskilled," not "disabled"

>> No.2515373

You type well for having no skills. Shame really, since typing is so important for office jobs.....

>> No.2515381

Kick logic to the curb and do the impossible!

>> No.2515418
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Not true. I have a great female friend. But then again, she is kinda asexual and shy and an INTP with a strong sort of ...special...honor when it comes to interactions with people.
Like her bf cheated on her, but she didn't cheat on him, cause you don't do that in a relationship.
She did break up with him though.
Basically she's harmless, mild mannered white trash who doesn't belong there, but is too much of an udnerachiever to get out of it.
So she's basically a hikki too, just like her mom.

I get along with her awesomely (I'm an INTP myself, and a sort of reculse, but no hikki, I just don't see the point in shit, without being emo), been friends with her for ages, my gf is supspicious but there is nothing happening...it would be like banging your mom or something.
A non attractive one.
(Even though she is pretty, but god well, banging your mom really isn't a counter argument here, but I can't word it better, okay? It's awkward.)

Think about it this way...
You don't have to be scared to go outside, because...if you would see a guy wandering around shily outside, would you waste a lot of thoughts on him?
Would you laugh at him?
Probably not, but if you would...then you would be an asshole without a life, someone you can disregard, someone who does not matetr if you can't impress, etc.
That goes for girls too...let them laugh and giggle, they'Re bitches.
I know girlfriends a re a nice concept, but why don't you just focus on your own health for now?
Ignore asshats and do whatever you wanna do outside.
IF you don't find anything to do outside because you live in some sort of backwater shit and can'T get out....
Welcome to my world!

>> No.2515434

also, aw shit, I need a new computer desk, cramming everything in one tiny spot is detrimental to typing skills.
Excuse my atrocious spelling.

>> No.2515445

What do you do outside? There's nothing to do outside.

>> No.2515452

Wander around and then come back inside.

>> No.2515454

The first joke was funnier.

>> No.2515462

Get a job.
Go for a walk every now and then.

I'm not a hiki. I just don't have any friends.
Well, my best friend lives 200km from me since I moved, and there's a nice girl who lives across the hall from my dorm apartment who doesn't seem to mind talking to me, but I don't know where it's going.

>> No.2515463

I spend most of my time at home, but I'm not a Hikki. I'm more like a hermit or something.
I could go out anytime. but the only thing I can enjoy here is nature. Which I do, but trees don't have access to the internet....
I could go find a job, I worked before, Kintaro Oe freeta style, but I kind of lost the drive.
Now I live off a small amount of money my family makes off renting apartments.
Boring shit.

>> No.2515503

Work for a few months, save everything you make. Quit job. Become NEET.

>> No.2515510

I'm supposed to take anti-depressants but don't because they impede my fapping. That's probably the point.

It's nice to be reminded that there are other people similarly pathetic. Sage because I'd fucking hate this thread if it wasn't relevant to me.

>> No.2515591

Get a theraphy.

>> No.2515606

Why would you want to recover?

>> No.2515615

It's not that much of a money issue. It's more that my mom wants me to work if I am to stay home. My strict study routines aren't good enough for her, apparently.

>> No.2515627

brainwash mom.

>> No.2515676

>My strict study routines

If you're in college, which I presume you are, there is nothing that should require "strict study routines". Especially for each and every one of your classes. Continue deluding yourself into believing you shouldn't have a job, though.

>> No.2515729

good luck getting a job right now

really hard to type that with a straight face

>> No.2515743

Colleges outside of America are actually more than just High School v2

>> No.2515751

INTPs are pathetic.


>> No.2515752

I really wish I had friends.

But I always feel so awful around them...

>> No.2515754
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>> No.2515757

That's both rather bizarre and counter-intuitive.

>> No.2515762

ISTJ here.

>> No.2515769

Maybe I should rephrase.

I wish I had friends that I didn't feel awful around.

I mean, I've had people approach me, think that the weird way I act is cool, into the same music etc... Then when I hang out with their friends, it just sucks. Constantly competing with each other, useless sexual tension.

People are awful.

>> No.2515771

It's not. He feels bad when he's alone and feels worse when he's with people. It's like being hungry and the only thing to eat is moldy bread. Sure you want to eat, but at the same time you don't want to eat.

>> No.2515782

But that's how the ordinary folk exist; What's to feel bad about?
Good analogy, but unhelpful.

>> No.2515797

Are people supposed to make you feel like shit?

>> No.2515799

Not in college, studying on my own. There are some knowledge and experience in life that cannot be obtained by just cruising through school.

>> No.2515802

Spare me questions that force a black and white answer.

>> No.2515811

Usually when someone asks you a question like that, it's an invitation to elucidate your earlier point.

>> No.2515822

I think it should be clear that the fault doesn't lie with ordinary folk but I would like further clarification for confirmation.

...is what I'm saying.

>> No.2515825

As unsympathetic as it may be, I'm thankful for these threads making me feel better about myself. I graduated college but lost my job so I had to go back home. Can't find work, and school is done so my free time is crushing me. Makes me feel completely worthless with nothing to do and no job or school. But I still have friends, and as soon as I get a job I'll be back on my feet and out on my own again.
If I feel this bad I can't imagine how people who never made it through high school, or who've never had friends or a girlfriend feel.

My only advice for how to 'recover' would be:
Unplug your computer, or if your self control is weak, take a part from it like the power supply and ask someone in your family to hide it from you. I had a friend who flunked out of art school, played WoW 16 hours a day, totally lost touch with life. His computer broke and he couldn't afford to get it fixed. He disappears from the internet for a month, comes back a different person entirely. Broke his bad habits, had a job, and started new hobbies off the computer. You'll never recover as a shut-in until you're either starving, physically or mentally.

>> No.2515826

It's difficult, and takes much courage, but not impossible. You are victim only to yourself and your mindset. Try meditation, and feel good about yourself and others. Practice being more optimistic, even if it's forced.

>> No.2515831

Come to think of it, I probably know what you're going to say...

Something along the lines of "This is what most people feel like all the time! gotta get used to it etc..."

>> No.2515835

I just realized, it's the perfect hour to do as suggested and walk outside. I also just realized that even at this hour, where i live, there's still a good chance of getting shot. Or pigflu.

Fuck it, wish me luck.

>> No.2515836

There was a period where I didn't have a computer for months but I was still a complete shut-in. Your tip is worthless.

>> No.2515839 [DELETED] 

Generally, yes.

but not necessarily.

>> No.2515843

>If I feel this bad I can't imagine how people who never made it through high school, or who've never had friends or a girlfriend feel.
It's not bad when you stop telling yourself there's something wrong about it. But it takes some introversion to accept it completely, so it's not for everyone.

>> No.2515844

Oh, I get it. I'm defective.

God damnit.

>> No.2515846

That's true. Even if you don't have games, books, or net access, you can daydream. There is always a distraction available.

>> No.2515849

Generally, yes.
...but not necessarily.

How about you clarifying why people make you feel like shit?

>> No.2515853

I found my direction in life after being banned from 4chan for 3 months. Didn't stop being a shut-in, but I came to accept it as something that isn't really that unhealthy.

>> No.2515859

Hahaha, funny how that works

>> No.2515861

Why didn't you just evade the ban? Or find some other website to visit?

>> No.2515864

Anonymous plays it fair and square.

>> No.2515874

Awful kind of you
Whenever I get banned, I send a dispute email that always reads "See you next IP" and switch networks.

>> No.2515890

I don't know. I wish I did.

Maybe it's because they constantly talk about themselves, and all the awesome things they do. I know, from movies and stuff, that there exist people who talk about books and movies in their social circles, and not about themselves, their bands and all the ATVs they ride. But I've never met them.

>> No.2515893

I wish I had somebody to talk to about the books I read, but the closest thing to a book I've seen someone read recently is one of those chick books.

>> No.2515894

On rereading that, it almost sounds like I find normal people intimidating...

>> No.2515898

Patience and preserverance,
be willing to start a conversation,or gain some control over it. Otherwise, ordinary conversations tend to be just circle-jerking.

maybe one in ten conversations worldwide is ever anything beyond "I'm so cool" stories, and they're never the same people every time.

>> No.2515899

Not just books, but about concepts and stuff. People who talk about stuff that matters and has weight, and not conversation meant to reaffirm their place in the social hierarchy.

Maybe that's wishing for too much.

>> No.2515901

Sounds more like you find ordinary chitchat intimidating.

Almost everybody plays the "I'm so great" game, it's just a matter of tuning that part out and waiting for the goods.

>> No.2515904

Given the type of books I read, it's pretty much the same thing to me.
Econ student here, with an interest in philosophy and psychology.

>> No.2515905

I get that at the smoking area at my school.
A lot of it is "I went to **'s party " noise, but you'd be surprised how many fantastic conversations I've had there.

>> No.2515906

Not a shut-in, but I'll second this one.

It's pretty much second-nature to me; integral to both lifestyle and personality.

As for stopping being a shut-in these anons hav good advice.

I think a lot of Shut-ins and NEETs are pathological perfectionists. At least that's a big part of my problem during 2.5 years of Neetdom and even today it's still with me even though I'm back in school (how long will that last, I wonder). I think Gandhi said something like "It does not much matter what you do, but it is very important that you do it." We tend to want to have everything go perfectly all at once, and prefer to do nothing than fail in our expectations. But even if our expectations were reachable they'd be absurd and wouldn't give much satisfaction I think, and we realise this and completely lose interest in pursuing our old interests, ignoring the pleasures of simply doing things for their own sake, like shaving regularly or getting up in the morning.

But still, after all this time doing a few part-time jobs then off again, and now back in school, I find that the thing I enjoy the most in life is Taking it Easy in my own way, and as my default activity it forms the basis of my lifestyle. I don't think I'm going to go far with this; I'm a fatal underachiever it seems.
I guess they call this laziness.

>> No.2515908


A nonfiction reader!

I like you.

>> No.2515909

>talk about themselves, and all the awesome things they do

Are you.......jealous?

>> No.2515912

My ISP doesn't support static IPs for some reason, and the router reset method didn't seem to make it change either, proxies suck, and those were the only methods I knew of. I did visit other sites, but I still found myself bored all too often.

To be fair, the same would probably happen eventually if I continued browsing this place in that state, but it doesn't seem like a coincidence that it was during that ban that I changed.

>> No.2515915

What makes smokers so awesome, you think?

>> No.2515918

I think he meant that as in bragging, and how it's annoying.

>> No.2515919




>> No.2515926

Thanks, Cap't Obvious.

I was hoping to trigger some introspection about the whole thing.

>> No.2515928

I dunno, we're just awesome.

>> No.2515931

For everyone who hates listening to people jabber on about their weekend --

Get stoner friends.
Stoned conversations are almost always reasonably deep.

>> No.2515935

I think that also means he isn't jealous, since everyone hates that and some people just take it better than others.
So, there's no introspection to be had, he can't blame his mother or the day when the milkman caught him raping the neighbour's cat.

>> No.2515936

How can you get jealous of bragging? The majority of it is made up.

>> No.2515937

>since everyone hates that

Logic gap.

>> No.2515941
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>Stoned conversations

>> No.2515943

On that note, why would someone's bragging make you feel like shit?

>> No.2515944

For the same reason everyone likes being complimented, nobody likes hearing someone compliment themselves.

>> No.2515945

>Anonymous commenting on something he is completely unfamiliar

>> No.2515947 [DELETED] 

You would get bored and want to leave, but you can't, because that would be rude, so you sit and prentend to listen to something you don't really care about.

>> No.2515946

Don't knock it 'til you try it.

>> No.2515953

I have.

>> No.2515954

Because hearing people talking about stuff they may have done and glorifying themselves for it is annoying, it just is, just ask people off the street if they like bragging, they don't.
It's not even jealousy,it's on par with attention whoring.

>> No.2515955


You LOVE that broad brush, but it's pretty understandable, considering.

>> No.2515958

Wow, you've never had a good stoned conversation?
How......abysmally sad.

>> No.2515959

I was exactly like that before I figured out what should be my ambition in life. Back then I didn't know what I should do with my life at all, so I ended up doing nothing. Instead of just doing my best to educate myself on whatever I found interesting and generally keeping myself entertained, I just ended up as a NEET browsing 4chan and playing TF2 all day, since I couldn't think of an awesome goal to dedicate my life to working towards.

Luckily, I found something eventually. But I would recommend anyone who can relate to my previous situation to do your best to enjoy life for life's sake instead of desperately grasping for some ambition you can enslave yourself to. And no, you don't _need_ other people to enjoy life.

>> No.2515962

It's not the bragging. It's the talk that's meant to reinforce the social hierarchy. It's the "You're better than him, but I'm better than you, and I can't really insult her because she'll turn you all against me." that makes me feel like shit. Bragging, in addition to giving your opinion on who's hooking up etc... is meant only to affirm someone's social position.

They're like a pack of monkeys.

>> No.2515963

This is why we can't have nice things.

You aren't even willing to investigate the reasons for your own emotional responses.

>> No.2515964

It's good at the time, then when I sober up and re-read my chat logs it's just embarrassing.

>> No.2515966

I can't stand druggies, and that's after hanging out with some for years.
Their "deep" discussions are the result of their brain cells frying.

>> No.2515967

And I'm asking you: What's wrong with that?

Are you so blind that you can't even see that you don't have to play that game? That excusing yourself from the pack mentality doesn't necessarily mean divorcing yourself from the pack?

>> No.2515969

Well, yeah. Burnouts are like that.
Do you go drinking with the hobos too?

use != abuse.

>> No.2515970

Being a part of society means playing by the rules. The only way to not play that game is to be asocial.

>> No.2515972

It's human, there's no investigation needed.
After all why woud you care if someone is telling you lies even though they don't affect your life ? You do ? You don't like bullshitting ? Well, that doesn't have anything to do with your mom slapping your hand when you lied about that cookie jar.
Aside from that, modestly is still a staple of western culture, even though some try to prove it's hypocrisy.

>> No.2515980

Come back when you can stop treating introspection like psychoanalysis.
Because your crappy analogies don't work.

>> No.2515989

>The only way to not play that game is to be asocial.

You're getting it, but I don't think you fully grasp the meaning....

>> No.2515993

Whats everyone got against getting stoned?
There is no better way to occupy the long ass hours of your fleeting life than with a big blunt.

>> No.2515998

Oops, wrong name. Stupid autofill

>> No.2516000

If you have actual mental problems: Visit a psychologist or something.
If you're just a typical lazy NEET (not a real hikikomori): Stop being lazy, force yourself to get a job, etc.

>> No.2516007
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My only experience with inebriation was fairly recently with that typical ecclectic group of people you meet during the first weeks of attending a new school/program and then never/rarely meet again.
I guess there was some novelty value to it, but it was basically a self-imposed 300+ping lag and very unpleasant for someone used to assosciating that condition with death and embarassing fuckups. Especially when you look at the idiots around me making fools of themselves and inconveniencing their neighbors, it seems as retarded as Pachinko, Slot machines, Cigarettes, or Korean MMOs. I can't figure out why anyone would do it willingly. Maybe they don't and that's the point; to soccumb to the group pressure.
I will say that an extremely light level of inebriation that relaxes you without the lag can be quite enjoyable accompanied by nice things. In this matter I defer to my master.

>> No.2516009
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And the only way to win is not to play.

>> No.2516010

Psychologists are expensive and not everyone has insurance that covers it.

>> No.2516014
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Join the army.

>> No.2516016

poor people can't be hikikomori

>> No.2516021

Not psychically fit enough to pass basic training.

>> No.2516027

Just pretend it's for your MOTHERLAND, Japan. Faggot weeaboo.

>> No.2516028

Why not? Poor people get money from the government, so they have even less reason to try to get a job or mingle with others.

>> No.2516029


>> No.2516031


The Russian Anons stole the Something Awful smiley?

>> No.2516032

Gahaha, someone else who describes it in tech lingo.
I always thought of it as a framerate drop.

>> No.2516039
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They have Fat Camp for people just like you.
If it's the US I'm pretty sure they'll take almost anyone they can get.

>> No.2516046

They just discharge you after a while if you don't improve. It would work as a job for a little while, I suppose.

>> No.2516051

>This whole thread

C O O L S T O R Y , B R O .

>> No.2516071


It's been a while, now.
I wonder if Anon has made it back safely.

>> No.2516086
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>> No.2516093


>> No.2516108

Unless you live in a socialist paradise the amount of money you get from the government is barely enough to feed you on gruel much less afford a computer and internet.

>> No.2516119

Nowadays, everyone has internet access. Computers aren't that expensive either, if you get a cheap one.

>> No.2516125

Unless you live with your parents, like most hikikomoris

>> No.2516132

I'm supposed to be living in a socialist paradise, but no one has bothered telling me how to get a little of that money for myself.

>> No.2516136

A lot of european countries give you pretty much money. Usually there is also public health care for free, but i dont know if it includes psychological help..

>> No.2516147


Yes i have to say receiving SSI for a few years now has allowed me to live this lifestyle...i get $998 a month and supplement my income thru ebay and amazon. I wouldn't consider myself poor though.

>> No.2516927

I am a hikkikomori and NEET too.
Good or bad?

>> No.2517416

Depends on how you feel about it and your social situation.

Personally I am concerned about my long time financial situation because german welfare seems to be shitty. I am not a NEET yet though.

Someone living on german welfare here? Or someone who moved out of an EU country to get state money from another EU country?

>> No.2519709

I would kill for any welfare at all.

In the US, If I qualified for welfare, I woldn't likely have internet.

Of course, if I was rich and had to pay more in taxes so NEETs could survive, I'd hate socialism.

>> No.2520003

>Usually there is also public health care for free, but i dont know if it includes psychological help.

It is in Germany, because it counts as health care.

>> No.2520016

Female hikikomori here. Any guy I've ever been with has left me after having sex with me.

>> No.2520024
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>> No.2520031

I was diagnosed with depression around this time last year. Took Prozac for a good 3 months then tried to get my life back but failed hard.

I dropped out of high school and I currently live in my mother's basement. I am unemployed and I lurk 4chan all day while playing the games I pirated.

I despise going outside because I'm concerned about people staring at my hideous face and body. I'm also concerned about the well being of myself from the outside world. My skin usually constricts due to anxiety and it feels as if I have pins being stabbed into my neck and back constantly.

Feels good, /jp/

>> No.2520043

Maybe you should use a real mans graphic card?

>> No.2520647

I'm really very poor. I have a job, but it doesn't pay enough to take care of my expenses, and I'm slowly going to debt because the bank was stupid enough to give me a credit card.

Is there any sort of disability I can get for having severe social anxiety and all the other diseases associated with being a hikkikomori? I live in the US. Just something to help me out until I can find a better job/pay off my credit cards.

>> No.2522247

Autism? Like Aspergers.
