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File: 35 KB, 800x533, 800px-Flag_of_the_Japanese_Emperor_svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2514744 No.2514744 [Reply] [Original]

How come anti-monarchist sentiment is virtually unheard of in Japan (with the exception of the communist party), unlike say, the UK?

>> No.2514756

The Communist party's pretty damn big.

>> No.2514760

>anti-monarchist sentiment
>the UK

I've never heard of any of that there.

>> No.2514779

Because everyone hates everyone else in the UK.

>> No.2514791


It exists, but 99% of britons don't give a shit either way.

>> No.2514835

Because UK royalty are not descended from the sun goddess.

>> No.2516819

The Communist Party is like the sun.

>> No.2516831

Because the emperor holds absolutely no political power, so there is no governmental need to get rid of him. Also Japanese people are exceptionally apathetic when it comes to politics, I mean the same political party has controlled the diet for almost all of the last 50 years. People just don't give a shit...

>> No.2516848

The JCP said it would actually keep the emperor if it were elected

>> No.2516858


Because if they said anything different, Japan would get all nationalist rage on their asses.

>> No.2516860

What would be the point? The monarch doesn't really matter on the big picture.
Besides, I'm sure that more than a few elevens want to 'protect' their culture by maintaining the biggest symbol of it.

>> No.2516865

Because the Japanese do not have opinions.

>> No.2516866

That's because Elizabeth II takes being a queen very seriously, and doesn't say or do anything stupid. But if Prince Charles of superstition and medical quackery fame becomes king expect to see more opposition.

>> No.2516868

Somehow it shares the same problem as Malaysian goverment. Except that Malaysian has started shitstorming about their long-ruled goverment and also badmouthing their sultan.

Japanese citizens are cowards

>> No.2516881
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Because Japan doesn't have any equivalent of Scotland. I'm pretty sure most of the anti-monarchist sentiment comes from us.

>> No.2516885


I think during the 80s and 90s we've all had our laugh at Prince Caharles but he was right about chemicals in agriculture and about the enviroment before any of us cared. Sure he's a really bizzare person but hey, a crazy guy can be right and still be crazy.

>> No.2516896


I will become the Japanese William Wallace.

>> No.2516905

I guess you can consider the "respectful silence" in regards to the Showa emperor carrying over to Akihito.

It could also just be the press. The UK monarchy might also be as untouched if it has the same spineless stale press that Japan does. Public gives no shit either, the royal family is boring and they don't go out doing shit like wearing afrika corp uniforms. Nothing to write about, no one to write anything.

There's plenty of discourse on the royal family in academia and political circles (especially when Aiko was born), it just isn't public.

>> No.2516909


Get the fuck out of here, you anti-monarchist faggot.

>> No.2516914



>> No.2516915


>> No.2516917


Is this happened in Siam, the perpetrator will be lethally injected or go straight to jail.

>> No.2516937

Japanese monarchy is completely divorced from political power; so there isn't much tension; that and Mr Heisei's a pretty chill guy, he likes to keep it that way.

>> No.2516945

Why doesn't America have a king/emperor? Too poor?

>> No.2516946

>Because Japan doesn't have any equivalent of Scotland. I'm pretty sure most of the anti-monarchist sentiment comes from us.

Which made it a bit of a strain when Elizabeth died with no heirs and we had to go to Scotland and make James the King of England and Scotland (and Ireland and Wales, but who gives a shit about those places?)


>I will become the Japanese William Wallace.

You're going to become a terrorist, get caught and end getting hung drawn and quartered, your head put on a spike in front of the Diet as a warning to other dissidents?

You'd do more damage being the Japanese Gordon Brown. No other Scotsman has done so much damage to the english than that man and his blundering.

>> No.2516950


Where in the world do people still call Thailand Siam?


>> No.2516955


The president is basically both King and PM.

the crown is invisible

>> No.2516966

When the Communists took over, they tracked down the last emperor of China and made him work the fields like a bitch. I wish they did that with the Queen of England. Let's see her complain about people touching her after that!

>> No.2516977


Seeing Prince Harry undergo struggles and self-criticism sessions would be a grand sight.

>> No.2516986
File: 123 KB, 400x240, Jacobite_Banner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but then you had to go and pull that Hanoverian shit on us.

>> No.2517026
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Royalty thread.

>> No.2517180


Protip: The queen is an accomplished swordsman. You would never take her alive.

>> No.2517208


>> No.2517218


They never took him alive either.

>> No.2517226

>Yeah, but then you had to go and pull that Hanoverian shit on us.

Look, EVERYBODY was getting their monarchs from the same gene pool back then. It seemed like a good way of preventing wars.
Of course this meant that all the worlds superpowers had heavily inbred executives... So I guess the odds were good that ONE of them would turn out to be a warmongering psychopath.
And to be fair, if it was going to be anywhere, it was going to be Germany.

>> No.2517235



>> No.2519284
File: 18 KB, 201x113, episode 13 - 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will become the Japanese Ray Romano

>> No.2519310

My top three are Denmark, Jordan, Sweden

>> No.2519339

Because Japan doesn't have chavs.

>> No.2519352

Emperor of Japan is more like the "pope" of Japan.

Japanese emperor has always been a spiritual leader that conferred legitimacy to authority figures like the shogun (Just like the pope conferred divine legitimacy to Emperors). The shogun were the equivalent of kings, they wielded political and military control and only a certain noble bloodline could be shogun, whereas the "emperor" was supposed to be above petty politics and deal only with spiritual matters. Just like the Catholic popes, the Japanese emperors have had some oddballs that actually wielded political power, but that was more an exception to the rule.

>> No.2519383

That picture of Spain is heavily outdated.

>> No.2519389


Not really.

The general idea was to create blood lies so they could be a claim to the throne and that worked a few times (how you think the Spanish got their Empire with Felipe II ?).

>> No.2519395

Japanese people are raised with the mentality to not rock the boat, thus a big political revolution is not likely any time soon.

They were raised with how things were and just keep the mentality that things will always be that way and there's nothing they can do about it.

>> No.2519396
File: 805 KB, 1634x1200, popedaisangen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which brings us to our next threat

>> No.2519404

Which actually applies to (almost) all East Asian cultures if you think about it.

>> No.2519413

But a lot of East Asian countries underwent 'big political revolutions'.

>> No.2519418

The Dutch showed how to deal with royalty, why doesn't anyone else follow their example?

>> No.2519424


By failing at it?

>> No.2519431

A lot of East Asian countries are also Third-world shitholes. Might have somethign to do with it.

>> No.2519437

Second-world since they're communist.

>> No.2519440

Tell me the difference between "the mentality to not rock the boat, thus a big political revolution is not likely any time soon" under a democratic state in Asia, a monarchic one and a communist one regardless if they underwent a revolution some years ago.

I don't think you could mention any country which could potentially have an internal revolution except maybe China (and even in that case the "revolutionairs" are insignificant compared the total population who'll just obey to the Party).

>> No.2519442

hahaha owow

>> No.2519445

They're called revolutionaries, bro.

>> No.2519449

Communist *now*.
Fighting their way up to Democracy the guerrilla way.

>> No.2519451

Revolutions don't have to mean riots in the streets and people shooting guns. A big revolution in Japan's case would just be a change of political parties.

>> No.2519448

We all saw what happened to japan when it got a taste of nationalism, they were worse than the godamn nazis.

>> No.2519459

By keeping them instead of getting rid of them like Germany, France and Italy did?

Second world doesn't apply to communist countries since the fall of the iron curtain and the Soviet Union. Now it applies to "developing countries" of which only China is communist.

>> No.2519466

Japan and Korea did not undergo these revolutions because America was occupying these countries when they were happening. When communist party started to flare up in Japan during the occupation, the US was quick to put them down. It did not happen in Korea and Taiwan as well for very obvious political reasons.

>> No.2519468

China is not a communist country. Time to level up

>> No.2519469

Besides the point, bro.

And what would it be for China, Indonesia, India, Taiwan, Singapur, etc.?

>> No.2519472

I don't think there are any since most nations except for those in Africa and Southeast Asia are relatively stable. For East Asia, the only country that I know of that are largely unhappy are the Japanese due to their economy and even then, they'll due it through elections since they're civilized.

>> No.2519476

hahaha owow the US the savior amirite?
Dude the guys in power love socialism, but only if they are in control see EU and soon the US aka NAU or whatever they will calll it

>> No.2519492

>hahaha owow the US the savior amirite?

Sup butthurt eurofag. I didn't say anything about saving anything. I stated the fact that US occupation forces deliberately tried to push the communist movement aside in Japan.

Why the fuck do you even find that hard to believe? Do you dispute that American hates communism? Do you dispute that America occupied Japan? Put 2 and 2 together, motherfucker.

>> No.2519498
File: 32 KB, 600x450, letizia_ortiz_upskirt_1031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer Spain's panty shot princess.

>> No.2519500

hahaha owow elections you say? I say Japan is a occupied nation same as Germany who are forced to pay for the EU. They both get their orders from above, which is the the people behind wellknown global institutions, backed up by the military machine of the US.

You all have to level up a bit

>> No.2519505

>Dude the guys in power love socialism
You seem to be confusing socialism with interventionism.

They like to have all the power concentrated in their hands (and are doing the reverse process of the revolutions where they tried to get the State LESS powerfull).
While it's true the Social System (public health care and pension funds) and some parts of planned Economy are elements of Socialism what a lot of people cite as example has little to do with it

>> No.2519520

Are you retarded or were you just born that way?

>> No.2519523
File: 71 KB, 400x300, its_a_conspiracy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2519540

>Do you dispute that American hates communism?

And obviously the decline of the US as a "free" nation is undergoing since long, you fags got some hardcore socialist into office but obviously they won't tell you straigt in the face what they are planning to do. Just a game on semantics and definitions. You will shit brix when you see it.

By the way have fun with martial law

>> No.2519578


Seriously, how can people of today be so fucking dumb? How come that all nations you think are totally independet give up their sovereignity for free ?
Because this is the master plan, to setup the floor for the upcoming HURR DURR GLOBAL COMMUNITY known as the supranational global goverment. Read some books.

>> No.2519595


Countries that are not even allowed to create there own formal army (lol Japanese Self Defense Force) are obviously being controlled by someone else to some extent, if it wern't for US occupation North Korea would bomb the 11's to kingdom come the next day.

>> No.2519606

Why do you think they have a monarch to begin with?
They are total tools, just like the brits.

>> No.2519618

Forgot your tinfoil hat.

>> No.2519621

Sup same raging person.
>Occupation of Japan

Something tells me that he was talking about the occupation of Japan and not 2009.

>> No.2519629

Sounds like a treaty to me.

>> No.2519644


Holy fucking shit, retard. I AM talking about the post war period you moron. I'm talking about the post-war US occupation of Japan. When the US was engaged in anti-communism.

Anti-communism US + US occupation of Japan = No communism in Japan

So simple you don't even get it.

>> No.2519647

Troll or retard who doesn't seem to understand the concept of winning through superior economic power (and renting air-space and parts of land to external powers to get cash like other countries who were not occupied by the US do).

Why do you think everyone is scared shitless of China? Because if they continue like this they'll just buy out all our industries.

This is also the reason Germany spends so much money in the EU, because the money they get from exporting the shit out of Europe with no import nor export taxes is way superior to what they spend on it. And they're also the one's who profit the most out of it because of how Export-Oriented they are.

Germany DOES have their own formal army, dipshits.

>Same person
Your senses are failing you.

>> No.2519648

The NORKS are power-mad and nuke-armed, but they'd definitely be knocking on their southern brother's door first.

>> No.2519800

Because Tenno Heika is the kind of person nobody can hate.

>> No.2519817

No you didn't get my point. By the way you should go and check if a communist is hiding under your bed. You never know amirite?

>> No.2519822



If you want to use acronyms, next time use "DPRK".

>> No.2520186

Because the tenno is the divine decendent of Amaterasu no Okami and will lead Dai Nippon to eternal glory over gajin barbarians

>> No.2520196

What's the difference, it's the same place. Did I hit a nerve?

>> No.2520286


>Did I hit a nerve?

Not at all. I just think it sounds cooler.s
