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2514727 No.2514727 [Reply] [Original]

i hate my life i hate my life i hate my life i hate my life i hate my life i hate my life i hate my life i hate my life i hate my life i hate my life

>> No.2514737

I have a solution!

>> No.2514747

i fucking woke up to write this thread
i hate my life

>> No.2514751

me too bro

but luckily i has an internet and laptop so yea

>> No.2514754

fapping myself to death

>> No.2514765

For some reason, I can't sleep for any longer than eight hours. I wish I could sleep longer, maybe for 12 hours. Then I'd slowly extend it, to 14, then 18, then 24...until I eventually just enter a state of permanent hibernation; where I have no worries, and am perfectly content in my dreamworld fantasy land of Gensokyo.

Fascinating, huh?

>> No.2514777


>> No.2514789

It's okay man, just calm down. We'll find a way to get you out of this mess.

>> No.2514799

i've been in this fucking mess forever

everytime i feel like i'm about to get out i get fucking cut down again

and then i start posting/browsing more AHHAHAHA

kill me please

>> No.2514803
File: 63 KB, 427x342, 1236640489281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been rather enjoying life.

>> No.2514807

Come and play with me, then. We'll have lots of fun.

>> No.2514817

Get out of what?

>> No.2514822



>> No.2514851

being unhappy.

>> No.2514854

Cute picture, I'll be saving that.

>> No.2514856

What's to be unhappy about?

>> No.2514860

You know what I hate? Birds, that's what.
There's two or three outside my window now, and the feathery bastards won't shut up. It's just chirp, chirp, chirp all day long with these guys.

>> No.2514873

crushing embarrassment, continual failure, and the fluctuation of being hyper-motivated to craving ennui (essentially starting and crashing a car over and over again)

>> No.2514876


>> No.2514912

please tell me life gets better

>> No.2514923

I feel you bro; I'm only two quarters away from graduating with a BS in Mathematics, and I just can't be assed to put forth the effort to do respectable work at the moment. I'm just tired of all the work, the people, of waking up in the morning and immediately having to worry about not only all the things I have to do right now, but also what I have to do in the future (such as attempting to secure some sort of internship or job).

I just want to drop out, sleep all day, and catch up on my reading; isolating myself from the rest of society.

>> No.2514931

I promise.

>> No.2514941

Could you be just a BIT clearer, so I don't have to keep posting these fucking questions?

I've never understood embarrassment. What are you so shy about?

Also, regarding hyper-motivation-- don't start something you won't finish. If you suspect you won't finish, don't even bother.

>> No.2514949
File: 207 KB, 560x820, 2bc2cfba45d8b9c106aa0a2a69706035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shadows set the mood
innocence left the room
and all I know to do
is shed a tear for you

please don't be ashamed whether you win or lose
I just want you to know that I'm proud of you
don't be afraid when you're fight is through
I just need you to know that I'm here with you

with you...

I can't watch you choose
to pour salt in your wounds
now all I know to do
is say a prayer for you

>> No.2514956

As someone who just dropped out and is catching up on sleep and reading, DON'T.
Remember, grass is always greener...

Right now, all I want to do is go back to school so I can finish my degree and get the fuck out of this country before it sinks.... I ahve to wait until next quarter to re-enroll.

>> No.2514968
File: 126 KB, 450x450, 1239221550886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love Kaoru so much, you have no idea.

>> No.2514975

It's almost like you're saying "don't start anything at all." And damn, that's tempting.
I know that I shouldn't; I'm so close, after all! But I'm really having a hard time giving a damn right now.

>> No.2514987


>> No.2514988

It might as well be "do nothing" at any rate....
For me, it means I prettymuch only do things that can be done in a day.

>> No.2515004

>I've never understood embarrassment. What are you so shy about?

Seriously. For how much we hate normalfags here, some of us sure seem to really care what they think.

>> No.2515005

"If Youmu stabbed herself with that sword,
she would find more happiness~ "

-Tewi Inaba ~PoFV match mode

>> No.2515011

That was badass. Tewi is awesome.

>> No.2515051

Well, being who she is, Tewi DOES know an awful lot about the happiness of other people.

Perhaps Youmu should follow her advance, as it's never really been established that Tewi has a penchant for lying.

>> No.2515051,1 [INTERNAL] 

