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2510215 No.2510215 [Reply] [Original]

So, he is officially the strongest being in the fateverse, right?
Seems that the only reason he loses is LOLOLOLOL WOMEN AND CHILDREN

>> No.2510221

strong but still not the strongest, he's only archer class after all

>> No.2510227

He's not even close to strongest.

>> No.2510228

Actually, he has the strongest firepower from everyone in Fate, yes.
But 'golden Vanity' aside, he still has a few compatibility issues and people who can match him, serious mode or not.

>> No.2510249

Chains of Heaven + Enuma Elish = Instant win.

>> No.2510253

and then someone with no divinity comes along
oh snap!

>> No.2510258

if fate verse includes tsukihime and all the wizards, he's not anywhere near the top

>> No.2510265

i mean there's that planewalker sorcerer that gave toshaka the knife and did miracles, then there's Roa

>> No.2510269

Type Mercury (ORT) = Ado Edem > Type Jupiter > Type Saturn > Type Pluto > Type Venus > Type Moon (Crimson Moon) > Primate Murder > Original Roa > Angra Mainyu > Zelretch (young) > Counter Guardian Archer > Gilgamesh (Tohsaka) > Gilgamesh (Kotomine) = Arcueid (standard 30%) > Dark Sakura > Dark Saber > Lancelot = Saber > 5th Berserker = 17th Roa (Elesia) > Dark Berserker > 4th Rider > 5th Lancer (optimal) > 4th Lancer = 5th Rider (Sakura/optimal) = 4th Caster (optimal) > 5th Lancer (Kotomine) = 5th Caster = 4th Caster (Ryuunosuke) > 5th Rider (Shinji) > Nrvnqsr = Clairvoyant Fujino = Kurogiri > Archer > Kouma > 5th Assassin = 4th Assassin > Aoko = Barthomeloi = Kojirou = Ciel = "Ryougi Shiki" = Souren Araya (within the Ogawa Building) > Gun God (Black Barrel) > Touko = El-Melloi = Night of Wallachia > Sion Tatari = Melty Blood Satsuki = R.Shiki = Akiha = Asagami Fujino = 18th Roa > Tohno SHIKI = Alba = Heaven’s Feel Shirou = Kiri > Nanaya Shiki = Reinforced Kuzuki = Sion = UBW Shirou = Waver = Bazett > Avenger = Rin = Kotomine = Zouken = Luvia > Kiritsugu = Irisviel > Maiya = Leysritt = Tsukihime Satsuki = Lio = Avalon Shirou = Sakura = Ilya = Kariya = Len > Kirie = Caren = Meruka > The Dead = Possessed Corpse = Azaka = Misayo = Dragon Tooth Warrior = Fuji-nee > Fake Shiki > Gun God (unequipped) = Ryuunosuke = Tomoe = Shinji = Hisui = Kohaku

>> No.2510270

Fate Verse includes characters presented in F/SN.
And his firepower is at the top 10 no matter what.
Actual overall strength is an issue, since we never really witness it, since he is on a human body running on orphans.

>> No.2510272

Gilgamesh can't kill ORT.

>> No.2510279

>>ype Mercury (ORT) = Ado Edem > Type Jupiter > Type Saturn > Type Pluto > Type Venus > Type Moon (Crimson Moon) > Primate Murder > Original Roa > Angra Mainyu > Zelretch (young) > Counter Guardian Archer > Gilgamesh (Tohsaka) > Gilgamesh (Kotomine) = Arcueid (standard 30%) > Dark Sakura > Dark Saber > Lancelot = Saber > 5th Berserker = 17th Roa (Elesia) > Dark Berserker > 4th Rider > 5th Lancer (optimal) > 4th Lancer = 5th Rider (Sakura/optimal) = 4th Caster (optimal) > 5th Lancer (Kotomine) = 5th Caster = 4th Caster (Ryuunosuke) > 5th Rider (Shinji) > Nrvnqsr = Clairvoyant Fujino = Kurogiri > Archer > Kouma > 5th Assassin = 4th Assassin > Aoko = Barthomeloi = Kojirou = Ciel = "Ryougi Shiki" = Souren Araya (within the Ogawa Building) > Gun God (Black Barrel) > Touko = El-Melloi = Night of Wallachia > Sion Tatari = Melty Blood Satsuki = R.Shiki = Akiha = Asagami Fujino = 18th Roa > Tohno SHIKI = Alba = Heaven’s Feel Shirou = Kiri > Nanaya Shiki = Reinforced Kuzuki = Sion = UBW Shirou = Waver = Bazett > Avenger = Rin = Kotomine = Zouken = Luvia > Kiritsugu = Irisviel > Maiya = Leysritt = Tsukihime Satsuki = Lio = Avalon Shirou = Sakura = Ilya = Kariya = Len > Kirie = Caren = Meruka > The Dead = Possessed Corpse = Azaka = Misayo = Dragon Tooth Warrior = Fuji-nee > Fake Shiki > Gun God (unequipped) = Ryuunosuke = Tomoe = Shinji = Hisui = Kohaku

>> No.2510303

I hate to ask, but what are you basing all that on?

>> No.2510306

A chart compiled quite some time ago, with a lot of speculation, forgetting many factors, and even had and still has glaring mistakes.
Pay no heed.

>> No.2510310


We all know that the whole divinity issues for his Chain of Heaven is all bullshit.

Go play Ubw some moar

>> No.2510312

Zelritch is the strongest one, there's really no contest here.

>> No.2510315

...Exactly because of UBW, we know how it works.

>> No.2510544


...In which clearly depicted Shirou being chained by it during Gilgamesh's struggle out of black hole.

So if you have really played it and not just ripped off from wiki you'd have shut the fuck up right then

>> No.2510558

A chain doesn't need to use special powers to still be a chain.

>> No.2510569
File: 275 KB, 800x600, Gilgamesh vs Shirou - clash in the field of blades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all women and children and rock-paper-scissors.

Archer seriously underutilized UBW.

>> No.2510740


So now you're saying that the condition about divinity isn't the Chain nature , but rather some special haxx ?

Ok, then as a 'chain' how strong do you think the King of Heroes' Chain is ?

>> No.2510744

Made from Vibranium.

>> No.2510750


Has Archer ever been shown to utilise UBW in actual combat? At all?

>> No.2510759

Are you assuming I'm the same person from earlier? Because that was my first post in the thread.

Anyway, I assume it's as strong as a normal metal chain against the non-divine.

>> No.2510762

Throwing Swords at Saber and forcing her at stalemate by threatening to use Excalibur.
Using the circumstances to immobilize a stronger opponent is still cool, but not what you were looking for, right?

>> No.2510771

We need more Archer beamspamming the shit out of Berserker and Gilgamesh. Or pretty much any random encounter, really. Using it against Caster just didn't have the same impact.

>> No.2510774

he's S+ tier in F/UC!

>> No.2510786

Random sword spamming is hard against Berserker, kinda like Scissors against Rock.

And Against Gil...Well, that's what I'd like to see.

>> No.2510787

>It grows stronger as the target has more divinity
It doesn't mean that it's useless against non divine characters.
Shirou (who has no divinity) couldn't even free himself from ONE of them.

>> No.2510800

They're conveniently ignoring the fact that a normal chain can be fucking dangerous.

>> No.2510794

Shirou is not the best example to use for feats of strength.

>> No.2510802
File: 287 KB, 800x600, Berserker - Ilya in the snowy forest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It worked pretty damn well when Gilgamesh did it.

All Archer has to do is beamspam Berserker until it dies when it is killed. Use beamspam to keep his distance, throw in some exploding swords, all is good. He shouldn't have lost to Berserker if he had kept that up.

>> No.2510804

Someone post the Touhou version!

>> No.2510817

Problem is, Archer loses magical energy every time he uses projection, he can't keep it forever.

>> No.2510827

Archer has the lower Rank problem.
And Broken Phantasms can't be fired as fast to cause enough damage.
Against Berserker, it means it's harder to harm him.

He might have just done exactly what you said, but still not enough.

Plus, Gil is Rock, Paper and Scissors all together

>> No.2510832

Except one hit from Berserker means instant death, he's fast as fuck, and has 12 lives to get rid of without making a single error. Not to mention the swordspams are supposedly a minor annoyance to the stronger servants... Gilgamesh still somehow killed Berserker with GoB easily though.

>> No.2510833

If Shirou can beat Gil, Archer can beat Gil with far more awesome. Yes, Gil was being an arrogant idiot, but he's always like that, and Archer being a freaking Servant would make up for Gil being any more serious.

>> No.2510849

shiki can kill ort

>> No.2510854


Well, he seems to have no problem about it in UBW.

Even on the verge of disappeaing, he still managed to headshot Gil, cleared the path for Rin, and come out to show his GAR face.

>> No.2510853

>It grows stronger as the target has more divinity
Fuck that. Even if they are not that strong, remote-controlled chains are still fucking awesome.

>> No.2510865

>> 5th Rider (Shinji) > Nrvnqsr

You best be fucking joking.
Shirou fought off Rider and escaped almost without injury.

Nero's ultimate monster form would eat rider in two bites.

>> No.2510866
File: 60 KB, 500x375, 126411394_ea3406590f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GAR face
More like puppy face, amirite?

>> No.2510869
File: 52 KB, 640x480, 1232998530789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I thought that was pretty crazy. Several days with no master, stabbed by Shirou, Babylon'd by Gil, and he still had enough energy to swordspam a path for Rin and nail Gil in the head?

Then again, he IS Shirou. And Shirou's always been a willpower machine.

>> No.2510879

Its a chain forged in the same age as Gil's spaceship, Gram, Enuma Elish, and all of his other near-indestructible treasures and powerhouse weapons.

Take a guess.

>> No.2510881

Bear in mind that archers have the special ability Independent Action.

>> No.2510899


We all know that. Yet, last time I read the status screen 'Infinite mana hax' surely is not one of Archer's quality.

>> No.2510902

Well, for most of the stuff he does, he doesn't need to spend that much and he can subsist, even without a contract.

Saber, without a contract, can last only a few hours, no matter the reserve.

>> No.2510908

5th war Berserker is lame
4th war Berserker is fucking awesome

that being said, how can the Berserker class demand the Grail to grant their wish, seeing as they have no sanity left ?

>> No.2510922

Madness is an off/on powerup. Ilya kept Berserker in constant madness because she was a bitch.

>> No.2510932

im sure in their last few moments they regain their sanity, like when Heracles gave saber props for beating him and when lancelot spoke to his king before he faded away

>> No.2510946


Wait,what ?

Touching the Grail is not necessary 'the last moment'.

>> No.2510950

sure it is, before they get sucked in and power the thing.

>> No.2510968

You only need six servants to power the vessel, if I recall it correctly.

>> No.2510977


someone post that pic of Lancelot hijacking F-15 please

>> No.2510981


Alternatively Archer might have used weapons from Shirou's UBW similarly to how Shirou did in the church, but it's been a while and I'm not sure of the timing.

>> No.2510992
File: 941 KB, 3750x2925, gil vs berserker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here it is in its incomplete glory

>> No.2510996
File: 84 KB, 800x600, Sakura - not expecting agreement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heck, with Gilgamesh having such a BIG SOUL (whatever that means), you could probably get by with less, really.

>> No.2511006


Umm where did he get that F-15 again ?

and where's its previous pilot?

>> No.2511011

he jumped on it. The pilote is still inside.

>> No.2511013

I'm kinda interested in the pic as well.

>> No.2511028
File: 60 KB, 599x768, fatezeromaterial127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jets were called in to fight caster's giant tentacle monster and berserker hopped on one and made it a noble phantasm

>> No.2511039




>> No.2511046

...huh. I see Fate/Zero became pretty crazy since I stopped reading.

>> No.2511047
File: 253 KB, 1480x2340, 1 041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with all the collateral damage that happened in this war, you'd think the people would have made a bigger fuss over what the hell happened in fuyuki city

>> No.2511059
File: 328 KB, 549x808, 3e1f99820793325faf9b0d34cf52a7fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a double edged sword

>> No.2511066

Guess the magic association did something about that.

>> No.2511095
File: 30 KB, 640x360, snapshot20090429195022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2511116

Shining Trapezohedron is a Slash Emperor ripoff or Slash Emperor is a Shining Trapezohedron ripoff?

>> No.2511126


>> No.2511139

Slash Emperor can grow bigger and cut trough time and space
Demonbane can grow bigger and cut trough time and space when equipped with Shining Trapezohedron

>> No.2511156

...Slash emperor cuts through dimensions.
Time is not mentioned, IIRC.

>> No.2511175

I'd like to ask but can Blue take down Gilgamesh? AFAIK, Her level is a bit close to Zelretch.

>> No.2511188

In terms of doing enough damage?
Actual battle compatibility?
Who knows.
She would have bad compatibility with Caster, though.

>> No.2511194

And Shining Trapezohedron is actually an universe in weapon form.
Shit cut by Shining Trapezohedron does not get simply destroyed. It goes to Azathoth, enjoy your assrape for all eternity.

know your hax equipment.

>> No.2511201

Learning something every day.

>> No.2511218
File: 40 KB, 640x360, tiberius has some fun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It goes to Azathoth
Oh... fuck... Tiberius ;_;

>> No.2511670

>Her level is a bit close to Zelretch

Not even close. Sure she can fight servants head on but thats that. Zelretch is in a different level, or was. He's still above most.
