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2509716 No.2509716 [Reply] [Original]

Just started Umineko.

what is this incest all about then?

>> No.2509730

Jessica's H scene was the best in that arc.

>> No.2509736

I rather liked Maria's. I wish I got a blowjob like that.

>> No.2509743

don't worry they're not blood related

>> No.2509751
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stop it you guuuuys
eye am not THAT stupid!

>> No.2510081

If Umineko had H-scenes, I'd get blind.

>> No.2510095

Rather than starting a new thread I'll post here

Fuck, now I know why some people rage at eva re-take

btw is virgilia originally an accomplice, or did dying to beato has something to do with it

>> No.2510110

I got an impression she wasn't her accomplice from the start.

>> No.2510113

I wish Umineko were and eroge

>> No.2510118


Isn't really the topic for that question, but I'll answer in spoiler tags...

I don't think anything has been said about why Virgilia 'switched sides'. Probably just because she cares for Beato and doesn't want her to get Lamda raped because Beato meant every word of her 'act' up until the end where she decided to screw over Battler. Presumably because of Lamda holding her leash.

>> No.2510218

OP, in japan it's awwwwwright if it's cousins

I think Virgilia's been honestly helping Battler but that she als deliberately didn't prevent Beato from applying her north wind thingie strategy

Also I just re-finished Ep 3 and holy shit now I understand where the fallacy lies in Nanjo's "magical" murder explanation. Since he's already listed as dead when Eva-Bea does the red headcount then her PoV is some time after the murder and his murderer can be one of the other dead-in-the-end guys. Possibly they even killed each other. I guess I'm probably captain obvious here but I had to say it

>> No.2510290 [SPOILER] 
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And I love manga ver.

>> No.2510291


Yeah, you are.

There's also two other explanations, but that one is the most common/seems the most plausible.

>> No.2510294

What a bunch of dicks. Someone makes a thread saying they started Umineko and people start discussing events that happen in episode 3 and 4. Even if it's in spoiler tags it's very dickish. If you want to discuss that then do it in another thread.

>> No.2510324


Kinzo is really dead before October the 4th.
Battler isn't Asumu's son.

>> No.2510327


OP really shouldn't be on /jp/ if he doesn't want spoilers. Umineko is talked about without spoiler tags too much here.

>> No.2510351

I think she always was Beato's tool, just like Eva-Beatrice, and they're the "fakes" Lambdadelta mentions in the tea party

>> No.2510359


Eva-Beatrice wasn't Beatrice's tool. Beatrice meant everything she did in Episode 3, including trying to be good.

>> No.2510362

Well, /jp/ tends to bitch when we open too many simultaneous Umineko threads

>> No.2510374

haven't gone through ep 4 yet but the way 3 ends there's no indication she meant it or did it for any other reason than getting Battler to sign. She even compares the whole thing to a play, a naniwa-bushi

>> No.2510386

It was pretty clear in Ep 3. Her emotions started to show long before Virgilia told her of the north wind and sun strategy. Ryukishi even described them in detail. Muu. °3°

>> No.2510407


She says she meant it late in 4. Plus, go re-read the scene and look at her facial expressions. She's struggling to keep up the act. She's completely fallen for Battler at that time and still is.
