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2506036 No.2506036 [Reply] [Original]

Commit suicide that is.

>> No.2506041

sumanga's suicide end was pretty sad

>> No.2506043

Nope, not as long as people who care about me are alive.

>> No.2506051

I'll say there to much games and technology in the future for me to kill my self. I'd rather be alive and see the marvels technology will bring.

>> No.2506057

>i'm a coward that has nothing to live for but no will to die.

>> No.2506065

that left me feeling kind of :| at the end

>> No.2506067

Nope. I still owe the world something and by the time I pay off that debt, I'd probably be near death already.

>> No.2506069

I can't even walk out on a bad movie without seeing the whole thing, why would I walk out on life?

>> No.2506073

I'm too much of a coward to commit suicide, actually. Believe me, I've tried.

>> No.2506074

No, I have much to live for.
Opportunities are opening up for me, and I rather enjoy what I do right now.
Besides, I would like to see how close we can get to actually achieve a technological singularity in my lifetime. That's a goal to live for.

>> No.2506078


>> No.2506080

I don't think I want to, but I pretty much have to.

I even have the suitcase all packed.

>> No.2506088

I like my life. I could be NEET forever.

>> No.2506113

thats a low blow, aniki

>> No.2506127

In 20 or so years we'll start producing the first robot girlfriends, another 20 years and they'll be marketable, 40 years after and the aging gene should be understood well enough to be reversed.

I'm living for as long as humanly possible to enjoy the future world. Suicide is for chumps.

>> No.2506131

Hurray for thanatophobia.

>> No.2506137

No, my family loves me.

>> No.2506143

this trolling seems familiar

>> No.2506147

Damn, man
That's pretty grim; I'm eagerly expecting my dolljoints waifu before 2020.
I don't expect the AI will be anything more than just canned responses by then, but hey, UPGRADES. It'll be like you're really raising a robo-daughter.

>> No.2506169

Robots are worthless until they can make one that can have a decent conversation. Those damned chatbots we have now don't do anything but try to keep you talking, they don't add anything to the conversation

>> No.2506175

Upgrading is the best part. Especially using mismatched parts, homebrew robo-waifu is moe.

>> No.2506196
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it'll be like this, only more erotic.

>> No.2506216

Should I begin molesting my robo-waifu immediately, or should I wait until there's upgrades so she can feel it?

>> No.2506226
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Suicide is painless.

>> No.2506229

Immediately, so she assumes it's normal behavior and gets imprinted to enjoy it.

>> No.2506230

It brings on many changes

>> No.2506249

I dunno, I honestly think it'll be 20 years before they get the first generation robot girlfriends and another 20 before I'd actually want one, in other words actually marketable.. But then technology does surprising things so we'll see. The anti aging gene better be finished before I die or I'll come back from hell to devour the planet.

>> No.2506308

So, if I want the ashamed, broken type, what should I do? Rape upon commercial upgrade, or homebrew a custom pain sensor with fear algorithm upgrades?

>> No.2506363

I actually think I could.

I would never have actually said that up until a couple of months ago. It wasn't like a "I'm so sad I'm so depressed I can't go on", it was more of a "I'm pissed off my life is fucking stupid lets put an end to this waste!" That's the first time I've ever felt like that. But if it happens again and I have convenient means, I'd definitely do it.

It was the same feeling where, when you're playing a game, and you're like, doing so well etc... and you hit a huge setback. The situation is nowhere near unrecoverable, but you crash your ship into the ocean/jump of a cliff what have you anyway, just because you're that pissed off.

Suicides are always presented as happening because of huge sorrow. How common is it for people to kill themselves because of RAGE?

>> No.2506383


>> No.2506389

Robot girlfriends are useless in the long run. Delude yourself as you may, you'll see through the artifice and it'll just be a doll in the end.

But no, I don't plan to commit suicide. I've tasted crushing grief, and even now I've lost touch with so many of my friends but not made new ones in so long. Still, your life is (really!) what you make of it. Steer it in the right direction and work towards the end you want, and it may take years to happen, but only you can move it there.

I'm in the worst of my situations because I aimed low and hit my mark. Now I'm aiming higher and it's just a matter of time before I get what I want. When that's not possible, my expectations aren't reasonable, so I have to adjust them and stop wishing for the impossible.

>> No.2506407

Too many VNs to read, Too much anime to see. Nope.

>> No.2506416

I haven't so far, but, you know, I can't really predict. I might. I dunno.

>> No.2506419

Stop make threads, Smash.

>> No.2506538

Why kill myself when I could kill others instead?

That's a 'no'.

>> No.2507870

If I was the type, I would have died 11 years ago.

>> No.2507879

Why would I commit suicide? My life is awesome.

>> No.2507918

I'm too lazy to commit suicide.

>> No.2508020 [DELETED] 
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i tried, but i failed. so no.

>> No.2508047
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How did you fail?

But at least now you'll live to see the future robot waifus.

>> No.2508052

Suicide is for worthless cowards.

>> No.2508055

I have no reason to commit suicide.

Sides, I think my family would miss me.

>> No.2508086
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>> No.2508096

At least they don't seem to be cowards.

>> No.2508124


>> No.2508129

Sinistar called me coward and after that I busted his face. I guess I'm brave now.

>> No.2508152

Piss into a crowd of Japanese people from the top of a building? Fuck yeah I would!

>> No.2509264

well, i dont want to get old. besides the only reason why a human being should get old is when there are children of your own you must care for.

right now i am 25, and i dont want to get any older than 35, when i hit the 35 i want to be dead by then. i am not ugly or anythin but i am still a virgin, i just hate humans and i dont think there are moe moe robot lolis that will love you in 20 years. and i cant wait any longer and there is no use for a robot waifu when i am so old already that i cant get a boner...

the only problem with dying is that i havent found a way how to kill myself without any pain or suffering. humans who commit suicide are no cowards, because thats the only right thing a human could do. and besides whats the meaning of getting old? being old is the worst thing that can happen, a body that wont do what you want anymore and without control you poop and piss into your pants, and in the worst case you even forget important things....and i am not talking about alzheimer, its normal fpr old people to forget things.

>> No.2509289

Yeah, maybe. I once contemplated whether the ups and downs of life balanced out--on a personal level--and decided that life is rather wanting. But, at the same time, a lot of people are dealt shittier hands than me. So I decided that I'm content with what I have, but I won't regret it if I die. If I ever get too worn down, I'll probably kill myself then.

I find life to be rather empty, really--a bit of a tedious chore. I stick around because of habit and obligation more than anything else.

>> No.2509676

Most likely... or not. Depends on how much I'll like degenerating with age.
I am quite sure that it has a positive side too... forgetting stuff that's not important anyway and losing the superficial control you have over your existence, that is.
Might as well just suck though.

>> No.2509686

Bengoshi no Kuzu was awesome.

>> No.2509758

lol everyone suicidal in /jp/.

>> No.2509812

i want to.
i want to alot.
i never will though, i'm just not that kind of person.

>> No.2509935

No. I believe in reincarnation and that committing suicide is the worst thing you can do to yourself.

I believe that everyone's life has a point. Your goal is to learn a lesson by overcoming whatever hardships you're facing right now and living on.
By killing yourself you essentially failed to accomplish that. Which means that in your next life, you will have to try again and again, going through these same hardships until you finally overcome them.
Once you've done that your reward is living a happy life until you get old and die. And your being will reach a higher level of understanding. In your next life, you would become a better person for understanding all the hardships you've gone through. This cycle continues until learn all the lessons life has to offer and ascend into a higher state of being.

I may be wrong. Yet, believing in this gives even my pathetic hikki life a meaning and keeps me from falling into depression because no matter what, I want to live on and keep fighting until I overcome my NEETness.

>> No.2509963

It sounds more like an endless cycle of repeating the same mistakes over and over again and being a NEET for all eternity.

>> No.2509991
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>> No.2510000

What? No. Why would you do that?

>> No.2510009

I will not.
I just like living too much..

>> No.2510017

No point dying now, I will die anyway. Plus suicide requires effort, and may make my family sad.

>> No.2510021
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No matter how many times we're reborn..


>> No.2510026

Speak for yourself.

>> No.2510029

I wouldn't mind being a NEET who lives in self-pity too much if I was a rich tsundere loli.

>> No.2510032

What if your purpose in this current life is to kill yourself?

>> No.2510040

I'm too much of a coward, so no.

>> No.2510048

That would make you a successful NEET. You are doomed to be a failure NEET.

>> No.2510064

Shhh, don't break his delusions. Let him keep his mystical twaddle.

>> No.2510086

Maybe, once I figure out how to take all of you with me.

>> No.2510089

Perhaps in the future. I'm thinking of getting out of my NEET lifestyle, so I'm not going to resort to suicide until I try everything.

>> No.2510092


Are you threatening me, master jedi?

>> No.2510097

Just simultaneously set off all the nuclear bombs in existence.

>> No.2510140

NEETs are like cockroaches.

>> No.2510153

NEETs are leeches, not cockroaches, it will work.

>> No.2510159


Just try it faggot. I replaced all the insulation in my room with twinkies.

>> No.2510260

I don't know if I'm more disappointed with you for making that reference, or with myself for getting it.
