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File: 43 KB, 283x400, uminekoheader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2505949 No.2505949 [Reply] [Original]

I just started playing Umineko after putting it off for months and I'm already stunned.

I didn't expect a VN of all things to have a soundtrack of this caliber. Is it just me or is this leagues above the competition?

>> No.2505954

leagues above...

until you see the character designs.

>> No.2505957

You said it before me.

As far as music and the novel goes, it's good.

>> No.2505960


What? The character designs are great. It's the ART that's bad, and no one cares about it anyway.
Anyway, unless by 'just started' you mean 'at the end of episode 2' you haven't heard ANYTHING yet.

>> No.2505963

What's wrong with the character designs?

>> No.2505971

It's pretty obvious that the art budget was scrapped and used for the soundtrack.

>> No.2505980


>Bad Art

Sorry, but I think the art is amazing. It's very good at displaying expressions while a good portion of other vns are all just "Am I cute? Uguu" when it comes to art and faces. Everyone in Umineko has a distinct face, face shape, etc.

>> No.2505982

I'm at the airport listening to some piano piece which kinda blew me away. It gets better?

>> No.2505983


the way they look on paper (or in this case, the screen), and I mean that in the most literal sense.

>> No.2505984


>Everyone in Umineko is distinctly ugly

>> No.2505985

>Sorry, but I think the art is amazing.
Woah, woah, woah, I like his expressions too and all, but let's not get too excited here.

>> No.2505993


Battler's aunt Eva is pretty damn hot even with the shitty art.

>> No.2505995

Does anybody know if there's Umineko sheet music anywhere?
黄金の影修正版(ラック眼力) is my favorite song and I would love to try to play it.

>> No.2505996
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Umineko is a professional work masquerading as doujin.

A lot of badass pro composers contributed music, such as my bro Yoshitaka Hirota. I fapped to his Shadow Hearts OSTs many times.

>> No.2506000

I don't like Umineko. There's too much fake bullshit in it.

>> No.2506007


What are you talking about? Magic exists, no fakery there.

>> No.2506008

I was floored by Umineko after the opening scene.

Then it turns out I was maybe on floor 86 and I just kept hitting the next one down.

Since it's not over, I'm betting I'm somewhere around floor 54 right now.

>> No.2506017


What happens when you hit the ground?


>> No.2506018

Prepare to hit the basement around the end of EP3.

>> No.2506019

That's why it's called a sound novel, broseph

>> No.2506030


>> No.2506033

The creator categorizes it as a sound novel, ie it's normal for the soundtrack to receive most of the attention

>> No.2506035


I'm already at the 1/3rd of Ep 4.

And yeah, that dropped me 3 floors in one go.

>> No.2506040


Well, considering that's one of the worst tracks in the games, yeah.

Not that it's bad, but it is.

And you're more than likely missing the point of the magic scenes. Why would he put them in if they're not relevant?

Not that I'm saying magic 'exists' but the scenes themselves are very likely metaphors for real events.

>> No.2506076

Some are metaphrs, some are misleading, some are there to make it a point they're misleading. See episode 2 where the magic death order doesn't always match the twilight order hinting that the magic scens may be bullshit but also that you shouldn't assume the twilight order is the right order for the murders.

I've just reread through the first two-and-a-half episodes and it's still as awesome. That second read is also great because I can see how the writer sometimes playfully hints at events that happen much later, in other chapters even, and als I'm gettign a better idea of how some f the closed rooms work.

>> No.2506149

Through my detective skills, I've concluded that Shannon's a bitch that killed everyone.Rosa too.

>> No.2506190

I hate George for being a more successful tubby man than me.

>> No.2506191 [SPOILER] 
File: 212 KB, 640x480, 1238390464084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know too much.

>> No.2506215

hey fags I'm not at that part yet, use spoiler tags

>> No.2506243

Battler has a blue penis that he uses to tear though Beato's hymen

>> No.2506254

Does her virgin pussy drip red text?

>> No.2506291


>> No.2506319

Are you spoiling EP4's latter two thirds?

You are, aren't you?

Filthy bastards.

>> No.2506344

Specking of the soundtrack, does anyone get that annoying high pitched sound when Battler's theme plays?

>> No.2506540

Battler is fucking daft. The whole time when he was bitching and crying about the contradiction in Kyrie's thoughts in Episode 3 was quite silly.

>> No.2506635


>> No.2507027


If you got blown away by that song..... come back to me once you've listened to the song at ed of ep 2. That song blew me away,

>> No.2507114
File: 70 KB, 600x417, ange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish to be the knight in shining armor that sweeps Ange away.

>> No.2507192

Anyone like the string pieces in particular? Probably the first ones I've heard in a while that actually sound like realistic string music.

>> No.2507214

whatever, bro
you were biting your nails over Beato's efforts

>> No.2507222


The only ugly one is Ange

>> No.2507239

The soundtrack is pretty good, but after hearing "omg best VN soundtrack ever" from /jp/ for months I was somewhat disappointed. It suffers the same problem that most VNs have: there are some great songs but there are also a lot of boring/annoying tracks. I'd say the overall quality is pretty typical for a VN soundtrack.

>> No.2507245

>I'd say the overall quality is pretty typical for a VN soundtrack.

I don't think you've listened to any other VN soundtracks. Enjoy your LIES.

>> No.2507250

There is no difference between sound novel and visual novel.

>> No.2507281

I disagree.

>> No.2507297

You don't need to say "agree" or "disagree."
It's a fact.

>> No.2507309

I disagree.

>> No.2507310

I only believe the red

>> No.2507324

Isn't Umineko's soundtrack just non-copyrighted music he got off of the internet?

Haven't read it yet but I refuse to believe it can be much better than Saya no Uta's.

>> No.2507348

There is no non-copyrighted thing in Japan.

>> No.2507349

The umineko music is made by official people, its copy-righted by the original creators and all that junk.

Go listen to worldenddominator, miragecoordinator, dreamenddischarger, happy maria, rogoku, and happiness of marionette. Those are just a few good songs.

>> No.2507352

I loved the ones with the powerful percussion like

as well as the organ ones like
happiness of marionette

..but i'm pretty sure everyone loves these as well

>> No.2507355

>Isn't Umineko's soundtrack just non-copyrighted music he got off of the internet?
No that's Higurashi.

>Haven't read it yet but I refuse to believe it can be much better than Saya no Uta's.
That's not that hard to beat.

>> No.2507357

>The umineko music is made by official people, its copy-righted by the original creators and all that junk.


>> No.2507373


>> No.2507393

Have faith /jp/! the anime will be awesome!

>> No.2507400

Is there sheet music of the songs?

>> No.2507414

>Some terms were ignored as they were too short/common.
Results for "there is no difference between visual and sound novels":

>> No.2507431

I actually don't find any of the characters ugly. The art really grew on me and I actually find it more pleasant to look at than most KEY games.

>> No.2507433

The only VN soundtrack that I would say is as good as Umineko's would be Clannad's soundtrack.

>> No.2507434

Someone doesn't seem to get the joke.

>> No.2507435

I think the only ugly character is Ange.... she looks great in fan art, but in game......

Well, the way Shannon looks gets on my nerves at times.... somethings just off.

>> No.2507436

What if they didn't use any tracks from the VN at all?

>> No.2507437

Then we shall weep.

>> No.2507438

Then that would be absolute shit. They better.

>> No.2507459

Seriously, sound novel means novel-type games released by Chun soft, and visual novel means novel-type games released by Leaf.
That's all. Others are undefined.

Actually Chun soft's "Machi" and "428" are two of most "visual" novel games in the world, but still they are sound novels, because sound novel is the genre-name Chun soft named their novel-type games.

Japanese usually calls all of them "ノベルゲー(novelge)," just like eroge and galge.
Only gaijins stickle about it and want to think that genre-names of novel games are defined by styles of each game.

>> No.2507461
File: 14 KB, 300x352, 1233206171229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They didn't use the ost from the higurashi game for the series, why would they with umineko?

Enjoy your shitty anime OST, or be a true bro and have the ost playing over the anime audio so YOU CANT HEAR SHIT BUT IT FUCK

>> No.2507468
File: 847 KB, 1000x1000, 2416830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately, that will be the case. we are getting a kawai kenji soundtrack last I heard. Even though the music is a major factor that makes many people like Umineko, I still have high hopes for the anime, given that the story and character designs are fantastic. 'Sides, I kinda liked the higurashi anime soundtrack. Sure, it isn't Umineko tier, but it was pretty good.

>> No.2507470
File: 18 KB, 171x481, ange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sincerely hurts me. Ange is truly beautiful in my eyes, and I wish to open her eyes to the love that can still come from this seemingly loveless world.

Jessica's short as shit skirt juxtaposed against her long-sleeved shirt feels awkward.

Kyrie's tie just seems strange.

Rosa is the best-dressed. When I imagined the fence scene, her dress made it just seem even more haunting.

Also, Genji and Rudolf are sleek as shit.

>> No.2507479

>Kyrie's tie just seems strange.
It took me fucking forever to realize that her shirt had those pattern holes that you could see through.

>> No.2507480

I don't expect them to, DEEN likes their own shitty composers and they probably think their music is better.

Which is why the umineko anime needs to make up for what the music lacks in the animation, something the visual novel does not have. I don't think the anime will be nearly as good as the visual novel, but I don't think it'll be udder shit unless you're one of those purists that cant handle any change to an adaptation.

>> No.2507483

I think Battler, George, Jessica, and Maria look like shit.

>> No.2507486


Considering the fact that the first promo pic had a coloring mistake, I have high hopes for this series as well!

>> No.2507488

Ok. Nobody cares

>> No.2507491

I don't think any Umineko girls look ugly.

One thing I cant figure out though is Virgilias arms. Does she even have any?

>> No.2507499

Ange is a bit bitchy, ugly and fat.
But still lovable.

>> No.2507501

Blue eyes is more bishi than brown.

>> No.2507507
File: 18 KB, 325x314, 1240975235915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2507508


That's not even what I was talking about..... Beatrice's Rose. I don't mind the blue eyes, but miscoloring Beatrice's rose same color as her hair?

>> No.2507510
File: 133 KB, 786x737, umineko_ange_feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But she is a slut.

>> No.2507520
File: 159 KB, 580x539, fm8fpx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought that Maria's art in the novel made it a little hard for me to think of her as a creepy loli, she seemed more like a short little fat girl. Even though I eventually got used to the art, i hope that the animation combined with the voice acting will make it better. I have nigh hopes after hearing these two clips.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugmAuVqSf14 (battler and jessica)
(has battler and right after Maria)

>> No.2507523

I can't figure out why her hat doesn't move when her head does.

>> No.2507524
File: 240 KB, 531x680, 1238509411310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2507530

I want to rub Ange's feet...

>> No.2507535

Do they have the "ihihihi" laugh?

>> No.2507537


Witches have power of gravity, duh.

>> No.2507538

Hat demon.

>> No.2507544

long sleeves.

>> No.2507545

Is that a real screenshot, or is it a really good shop?

>> No.2507549

Do you really want to know?

>> No.2507554

You don't need to know.
Wait for the patch.

>> No.2507559
File: 180 KB, 456x480, 1234018476736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course Rosa would be the best dressed. She's the Fashion Designer after all.

>> No.2507564
File: 81 KB, 590x720, 8489de4b75a688b2ee3b9fa57dc0a333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sadly, no. But I would kill a man if I got a chance to see a preview clip with creepy maria as well as maybe a glimpse of beatrice in action... kinda like at the end of episode 1

>> No.2507565

Anti-Rosa is an unpopular brand.

>> No.2507578
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>> No.2507585
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>> No.2507595
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Doesn't mean it's a bad brand.

>> No.2507608


Same. I couldn't recognize Maria as a loli until someone mentioned her age.

At least the art's better than what I've seen of Higurashi.

>> No.2507626

I though Maria was a fat little girl as well.....

>> No.2507633

HANE makes me feel nice and fuzzy inside.

>> No.2507652

Enjoy trying to find the sheet music.

>> No.2507670

ITT : fags pretending to be cool by saying bad arts are beautiful and express emotions better

>> No.2507682
File: 26 KB, 500x357, umineko-anime-sketch-08-maria-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her design for the anime has slightly oversized eyes imo, but I hope it will look better animated.

>> No.2507703

Does anyone have the sheet music to voiceless? Or maybe a witch in gold cenba adaptation for just the piano? I'm piss poor at playing by ear.

>> No.2507731

Does anyone have any sheet music at all?

>> No.2507736



>> No.2507754

Maria's eyes should be suspicious of all.

>> No.2507757

When I first heard goldenslaughterer, I was crying at how kickass-ly it fit the situations.

>> No.2507791


>> No.2507825
File: 334 KB, 711x750, 1237746574382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worldend Dominator is still the best.

If you disagree you are a goat.

>> No.2507857

But that scene was an illusion.
Actually Rosa was enjoying having sex with goats and was moaning obscenely, while Maria was being raped by other goats.
She never fight for her child.

>> No.2507980

Episode 2's ending has got to be one of my favorite parts in any VN ever. I remember I was seriously holding my breath with cold chills after I finished it.

>> No.2507998


>> No.2508089

Agreed, I shit myself during the first 6 murders when that song kicked in.

>> No.2508116

For the first act, and the beginning of the second, I thought that Rosa and Gohda were in cahoots and did everything. I thought I had it all figured out, but then I realized that I couldn't figure out who would play the fake corpses in the first episode.

>> No.2508150

I honestly thought that Battler was the culprit at first and was working with Beatrice. He seemed like a shifty guy from the fanart.

>> No.2508163


I'll do you one better.

In red: (As for the first twilight of episode 1), I shall guarantee the identities of all corpses you could not identify by sight!

>> No.2508171

The main culprit is probably not the 18th person. Those magical circles have stopped appearing in Ep3, while unknown corpses were not found. Or the 18th person is a victim as well, and someone damaged her face?

>> No.2508192


There is no 18th person.

In red: Up until now, I have said 'There are no more than 18 people on Rokkenjima'! I shall lower this by one for Kinzo! There are no more than 17 people on Rokkenjima! This applies to all game boards, the setting was not different for this one alone!

>> No.2508211

I've thought this the entire time too, he's the only one who always makes it to the final night except in episode 3, where Eva does him in before he can kill her, thus she survives.

The meta-world is actually Battler's conscious trying to debate whether to turn himself in (the human side) vs. whether he should just believe witches did it in some sort of post-traumatic delirium (witch's side). He's been on the run for several months and constantly has these bouts in his head, and only recently he remembered about Ange, which his brain made a scenario with her being sad that she was abandoned and thus she roots for the side of turning himself in (since it means he can see her again, since Battler is also lonely.)

As time goes on, he starts recovering from his PTSD and realizes what he did, thus regaining some of his self sense and realization of the "truth" of what happened on the island. The reason that there are multiple worlds (and bottles) is that Battler is still confused and can't get the story right in his head. Every time he remembers what happened on the island he tells it a different way (an obvious sign that he's lying). The third episode had the contradiction at the very end that showed Battler was dead. Showing his mind is about to crumble and realize the truth behind it all.

tl;dr Battler is the killer and he went insane afterwards

>> No.2508215


He can't be for every episode.

It was stated in red that he was not the culprit in Ep 3.

>> No.2508225

I always expected some sort of idiotic bullshit, like furniture don't count as people or something.

>> No.2508230

All Rosa needs is some tender loving.

Okay, I'm not even through the second episode yet. I believe this, though.

>> No.2508235

More like Maria needs some shut-up.

>> No.2508237


Tender loving is why she's a bitch in the first place though.

>> No.2508238

Well that's obviously because in episode 3 Eva was the culprit. In that "illusion" of how the murders unfolded on the island Battler saw Eva as the culprit, even though that telling of how the events ufolded was a lie to begin with.

Basically the red only confirms that "The tale went like this" it does not confirm the tale is fake. Like if someone old you a lie, and then someone else just confirmed in certainty what the lie was about, but they didn't confirm whether the lie was a lie or the truth.

>> No.2508240




>> No.2508242


And you get the fuck out. Maria is love.

>> No.2508246

Don't worry, furnitures have already been counted as humans in some scenes.

>> No.2508250

The murders are being carried out by Genji, Kanon, and Shannon. They've been conditioned to kill off the family by Kinzo, then commit suicide. The exception being Episode 3, in which Eva goes paranoid and kills off the servants first, only to succumb to dementia and kill off the rest of the family anyways.

>> No.2508251

More like read episode 4 before talking about Rosa.

I had some sympathy for her in episode 2, now I hope she dies in a horrible manner. which she will, ho ho ho

>> No.2508266
File: 250 KB, 750x661, 1240152545685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She's only possessed by a bad witch ;_;

>> No.2508286

So am I the only one who can't listen to Battler's theme without all the screeching?
Everything else sounds pretty damn good, but when Battler does his OBJECTION pose it just doesn't feel as epic as it should be.

>> No.2508294

Actually, same with me.

This was how I imagined the first episode, if I recalled the details correctly.

Rosa would have knowledge of the magical symbols from Maria. She's a fashion designer, and she's actually fashioned a dress of the Beatrice. Being the youngest, she's been through very much shit, and she's tired of it. Gohda was one of the lowest-ranked servants, and (at this point) seemed to loathe the others. Gohda has keys. Rosa has the knowledge of the family.

Remembering that she left Maria outside, Rosa actually dresses as Beatrice, and gives the letter to Maria. This shit's already pretty flawed seeing the amount of luck that was required to even get the ring for the seal in the first place.

Gohda poisoned the ones at the table, for 5 kills. Rosa, knowing that they needed another kill to match the epitaph, goes to kill Natsuhi. Cleaning the blood from her hands isn't an issue for Rosa, she knows that it's unlikely the cops will be able to come in time, and most of the evidence will be cleaned up by then. Right when she's holding the doorknob, Gohda alerts her and says that he's already killed Shannon, who he remembered was closing up all the windows and such in the mansion. Rosa knows that killing a seventh person would ruin the epitaph, so she steps away.

They stick them in the place, and Rosa draws the symbol.

For Eva/Hideyoshi, the murderer (probably Rosa) was already in the room. Eva is killed in the bed while Hideyoshi isn't there to give the killer a disadvantage in numbers. The lack of a scream is a flaw. The killer then surprises Hideyoshi in the shower and kills him. As Kanon fetches the tool to break the chain, Rosa enters the scene and paints that shit before locking herself in and hiding again.

That's actually all I remembered about my horribly crushed theory. I can't remember how I thought the other twilights occurred in Episode 1.

>> No.2508301

Is it the music that screeches or the sound effect? (if its the music it should repeat and last a while, sound effects will sound more random).

Either way sounds like one of those is corrupt.

>> No.2508356

dreamenddischarger, miragecoordinator and goldenslaughter are my favorites.

>> No.2508366

I fucking hated Krauss at first. By the end of Ep. 3, he improved a fair bit in my eyes.

Rudolf always kicked ass.

>> No.2508373

What was the Sucker Merry Barrels joke in the original Japanese?

>> No.2508432

Its definitely the music, like when its playing on a high note it sounds just a bit too high and is pretty constant.

>> No.2508446


Rudolf is the man I want to be in ten years. I don't care if my company is about to collapse under an impending lawsuit.

>> No.2508450

I heard that Vista has some problems with the sound, are you running it with Vista?

>> No.2508637

Nope, on XP.
I'm just surprised that no one else has complained about it yet.

>> No.2508665

That is odd.

The only suggestion I could make is to reinstall it, though it could be a problem with your sound drivers.

Do you have audio problems with anything else you do with your computer? Also, try to find what song it is in your BGM folder in your Umineko directory, and listen to see if it plays normally.

>> No.2508806

It's called Dread of the grave. It's starting to seem to be just part of the music, although it's still annoying.
A friend of mine complained about it too.

>> No.2508832

Happiness of marionette became my favorite theme the first time I heard it; it fit the scene so well.

>> No.2508864

I really liked Kuro no Liliana when I first heard it in context. Of course, I heard worldenddominator, dreamenddischarger, etc. before actually playing the game, and they were well-presented in scenes they were in.

>> No.2509036

That's strange, I really enjoy that song and don't hear any loud screeching. Is there a specific part in the song like that?

>> No.2509092

First signs are 24 seconds into the track to about 37 seconds.
Its an "ieek ieek" sort of sound, and repeats throughout parts of the track.

Is it really just us?

>> No.2509097

I hear the sound you're talking about, but i wouldn't describe it as screeching. Is it so loud that it covers up the rest of the song for you?

The notes sound like some synthesized notes you might hear on a 16 bit console or something.

>> No.2509138

It does stand out but that might just be because It sounds so out of place to me.
I love the rest of the soundtrack, but I guess you can't have everything.

>> No.2509141

mmm, well i guess it must just be your opinion. That's better than it being an actual problem with the game though.

>> No.2509156

I have no idea what you're talking about, other than a faint sound of a bell. It sounds normal to me.

>> No.2509167

Yea but it's the kinda faint sound of a bell that would give you tinnitus.

>> No.2509192


>> No.2509226

I can assure you that that picture is shooped

>> No.2509228

Deviant artists wouldn't have the patience to draw all the different sprites.

>> No.2509251

Actually over 95% of them can't draw better sprites than Ryuukishi.

Lots of guys who say lol-ish things are confusing art skill with art style.

>> No.2509305


>> No.2509611

is there any forecast on when the 4th episode's translation will be complete?

>> No.2509819

Ok, so what did the 8-digit code mean?

>> No.2509830

Play the rest of Ep4
Bank account

>> No.2509833


Witch Hunt's translator is on break for another month and hasn't even translated another chapter yet.

I'd say another 2 months at BEST.

>> No.2509903


