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2502883 No.2502883 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Japs have such a hard time denying war crimes compared to the germans?

>> No.2502889

it's a matter of honor and dignity

>> No.2502892
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Why do Americans have such a hard time denying war crimes compared to the germans?

>> No.2502894

Are you suggesting Germans have an easy time denying war crimes?

>> No.2502896

Japan is a culture with a heavy emphasis on shame and saving face.

>> No.2502897

Many Germans were disapproving of Hitler's actions during the war.

>> No.2502900

America killed more people then japan.

>> No.2502908

A high body count isn't the same thing as committing war crimes. It's the whole torture and whatnot that's the problem.

>> No.2502914


Croatia killed more slavs than America.

>> No.2502919

Why do italians have such a hard time denying war crimes compared to the japanese?

>> No.2502922

Wow. You need to open up a history book.

>> No.2502924


Eh, slavs are subhuman anyway. More like culling the herd.

>> No.2502928

Germany killed more people than America.

>> No.2502932

Russia killed more people than Germany.

>> No.2502933

America did a rush job in trying to rehabilitate the people due to the need to have Japan as an ally in the cold war. MacArthur also pardoned Hirohito, Unit 731 and the guy responsible for Bataan.

>> No.2502941

Hey you too, remember WWII you killed japs and germans and then the vietnam war and korean war then the wars you had now.

>> No.2502949

Germany killed 6000000 jewish people.

>> No.2502952
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>> No.2502953

Yes and?

>> No.2502956
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>> No.2502959
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>> No.2502960

Because unlike Germany they do not have laws against denying said war crimes.

>> No.2502962
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Honestly, I think we were among the first to own up to our wartime misdeeds. What particularly bugs me however is that we weren't excused from having to hand out reparations to all those formerly "oppressed" countries like Gaddafi's Lybia.

>> No.2502964
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>> No.2502965
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>> No.2502969
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>> No.2502971

Because the Americans bailed them by saying nothing as witnesses.

>> No.2502974

One word: Butthurt. Some of the postwar lot still think they were trying to liberate Asia from the white man.

>> No.2502980

Germany did holocaust. They were planning annihilate a specific race.
Japan just killed the enemeies just like America did.
And denying war crimes just like America.

>> No.2502984


America never killed civilians in a deliberate systematic manner.

>> No.2503107


How about Hiroshima&Nagasaki, Tokyo firebombing?

>> No.2503123

Because the Germans had a REPUTATION to keep if it wanted to stay in Europe with all the other western nations, whereas Japan was the only relevant power in Asia at the time

The Germans knew that in order to get their lives back on track they had to distance themselves from the Nazi-ism pronto, whereas it wasn't really a priority in Japan so the mentality never set in.

>> No.2503134


Yes they were just collateral damage.

Also you generally don't have the desire to oppress and murder civilian populations unless you're forcibly holding their land and stripping them of self-determination (which came naturally in the forming of the so called Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere).

America might have done the same, if only there was an example of America being a brutal colonial hegemon...

>> No.2503154

You never really paid the reparations though.

>> No.2503157


Americans were part of the Dresden operation, and took part in attempts to systematically replicate it.

>> No.2503172


Dresden had strategic value as a target.

>> No.2503177

When it comes to recognising war crimes, the human brain suddenly goes on vacation.

I'd like to take this moment to mention Macedonia is the only country to recognise and condemn the atrocities committed by the Macedon army under the leadership of Alexander the Terrible (known as Alexander the Great outside Macedonia).

>> No.2503185

>Dresden had strategic value as a target
Not as a military one.

>> No.2503198

Realistically, both of these sets of war crimes are the fault of the French and British. If they had forgiven Germany for their part in WWI like the USA had advised them to instead of taking massive reparations Germany would not have gone into such a massive depression. This would in part keep the anti-semitism at a much lower level in the Germanic areas where Hitler would later come to power blaming the depression on the Jews. Without this there would likely have not been a second world war, or at least not one worth fighting (actually, the Russians might have just steam rolled EU for shits and giggles instead, and said fuck it to the Fins).

Also, Germany wasn't trying to wipe out ONE race, they were trying to wipe out everything that wasn't Aryan ideal. This included gays, slavics, ect ....

>> No.2503200


So did the peasant villages in Henan province (They were assisting CCP insurgents).

>> No.2503208

>>Japan just killed the enemeies just like America did.

Death rates of POWs held by Axis powers
-Chinese POWs held by Japan: > 99%

Death rates of POWs held by the Allies
-German POWs in American hands 0.15%[

>> No.2503212

German camps weren't too bad either. Russian, Chinese, and Japanese ones though ... those were really bad.

>> No.2503214


Actually, we did but the payments had constantly been pushed back to a later date until today.
Just some months ago we reached a compromise with Lybia in regard to wartime compensations, after they had been nagging us about it for decades, and in short we agreed we would donate them $6 billion over the course of 20 years under the promise that they wouldn't be playing tricks on us with gas supplying.
Oh, and if you ask me I consider having to waste money to return the Obelisk of Axum to Ethiopia, of all places, part of those overdue reparations too.

>> No.2503215


I'm curious have you read A.J.P. Taylor's "The Origins of The Second World War"?

Because that point sounds a lot like his and his thesis has been throughly debunked as revisionist nonsense, playing the devil's advocate for the sake of it.

It was not one factor it was every factor.

>> No.2503217
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>>actually, the Russians might have just steam rolled EU for shits and giggles instead

Fuck yeah

>> No.2503224

No, I kind of just came up with the theory throwing together a bunch of different things I was reading from different books. Though its good to know that it the assumption is incorrect.

>> No.2503230
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Soviet&China are so weak.

>> No.2503235

Why is Soviet Union listed only as Allies? Also, there are more Axis countries than that.

>> No.2503239
File: 119 KB, 800x599, 800px-MyLai_Haeberle_P39_Bodies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Proud of the USA

-Wounded Knee Massacre
-Canicattì slaughter:
-Chenogne massacre
-Dachau massacre
-Biscari massacre
-Salina Utah POW massacre
-My Lai
-Fallujah massacre
-Mahmudiyah killings

>> No.2503240
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Also, why is it the losers always have most the cool stuff?

>> No.2503242
File: 56 KB, 443x334, LoldHard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice one.
Those MACE DONALDS would even rape their own mothers if they thought it would make the world believe they're ancestors of Alexander.

>> No.2503246


Is it supposed to be a Yamato or a Littorio?

>> No.2503250

Talking about the Yamato I had this sitting in my niconico fav...


>> No.2503252


>ancestors of Alexander.

That'd be very impressive indeed considering the guy's been dead for 2000 years.

>> No.2503253


Though that school of thought is debunked that doesn't mean that it doesn't contain some truth. It's very agreeable that the way that the Great War ended and the conditions set by Versailles conference set the stage for the Second World War.

Taking that information and extrapolating it to absolutes however is a bad way to describe history, there was over 20 years of european history that contributed to reaching the point where what we know as World War 2 happened.

It takes two to tango, so they say.

>> No.2503255

Those US soldiers who raped that ten year old girl while killing her family in front of her were pretty cool, I would like to shake their hands.

>> No.2503276


Yeah, we hoped gonna see them in the deepest pits of hell.

>> No.2503280

in b4 nanking?

>> No.2503289

>If they had forgiven Germany for their part in WWI like the USA had advised them

Hahaha, oh wow.

Someone hasn't read Wilson's 14 Points, huh?

>> No.2503292

I think I played that. Ayumarine 707R, right?

>> No.2503329

At the very least, American forces have never been accused of cannibalism. Sorry Japs.

>> No.2503330


I'm going to link it for him to further his understanding of the settlements.


It's not like it was very important in understanding the situation in Europe since he was addressing congress not Versailles, it was probably in practice little more then assuring his own nation that their participation was for a moral good and the main point of it was to respect self-determination (ironically not even the Americans did this).

>> No.2503360

I see your point.
But LOL.

>> No.2503361

germans fucked with white people

japs killed monkey faced chinks

which is a greater crime, you figure it out

>> No.2503382


American soldiers, like, totally cannibalized the Germans.

There, they have been now.

>> No.2503384


Trick question: they're both equally despicable crimes.

>> No.2503400

Doesn't matter. If the Abe comfort women scandal revealed anything, its that they cant revise history without Washington's permission.

>> No.2503499


Because Japan is the best country in the world.
They don't need to admit anything you mothzerfuckin OP!

>> No.2503503
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You're despicable!

>> No.2503504
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BTW, What /jp/ think about newest HBO Band of Brother 'The Pacific'?

>> No.2503519

I don't know
I don't watch TV

>> No.2503531

I watched Band of Brothers for the Nazis.

>> No.2503541


William Sadler as Chesty Puller. Fuck Yeah.

>> No.2503546

Fuck the Allies. Japan fought to get rid of Western colonialism and Communism. Imperial Japan was awesome, and I don't see why the Jew loving, mass murdering Allies were the good guys. I mean, among Japan's "war crimes" (as they are called by self-hating liberal scum), they actually include bombing Chinese cities, yet the Allied mass firebombings of citites in Germany and Japan are portrayed as downright heroic. Fuck the Jews, colonialists, and commies. Hideki Tojo was a hero.

>> No.2503549


The germans went through denazification.


The Japs didnt.

>> No.2503551


>> No.2503555

You can't fool me anon

>> No.2503594

Japan has apologized over 9000 times to Korea and China already.
What do they want? Daily apology act by Japan?

The turks and the mongols did a lot of things against Eastern Europe and they are not apologizing daily.

Heck, the Stalin made even worse things on Ukraine and you don't see Putin apologizing.

>> No.2503606


You forget that Japan has a "culture of shame"
What this means is that to admit to war crimes would bring shame to the country as a whole. This of course would be worse than death.
People know what happened (allies and Japanese alike), but there is just too much shame associated with them so the Japanese try to play atrocities down by labeling them as "incidents" or deny them period.

>> No.2503608


The problem is racist Japanese nationalist politician still regarded the Chinese and the Korean in the same way Hitler regarded about jews.

>> No.2503610
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>> No.2503614
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lol. you play the hypocrite. everybody knows that white race hate jews.

>> No.2503616


Okay I'll play along,

We are the winners, we can dictate what is said about us and the losers, if the Imperialists didn't like us that much they should have just try harder to win the war themselves.

>> No.2503618

But jews are white.

>> No.2503622


The only one of those even remotely comparable to Japan is Russia-Ukraine and there is lots of anti-russian sentiment there (orange revolution anyone?)

Maybe it's just the focus that whatever you're reading puts into east-asian issues that makes it seem like the others don't exist. Also why shouldn't Putin apologize considering how fuckery in the Ukraine continued when he was in power?

>> No.2503628

They strapped themselves into planes that were essentially flying expplosives and killed themselves hoping to take out as much of the enemy as possible.

Certainly that gives them an A+ for effort?

>> No.2503629


Declassification of all documents regarding the War in the Pacific. I want to know if the Unit 731 guy really moved to Maryland.

>> No.2503630

Who are "we"? CCP and Korea DID NOT win against Japan. Especialy Korean fought against Chinese and white people as Korean Japanese. and they are the people who DO propaganda against Japan.

>> No.2503634

lol no.

>> No.2503637


Ugh. I'll bite.

>>Japan fought to get rid of Western colonialism.

Yeah and replace it with Japanese colonialism. the faces would have changed from white to yellow but the status quo would have remained.

>> No.2503643

Not really. That was actually what cost them the war.
All other countries had the simple policy of having veteran (preferably ace) pilots teaching the greenhorns. Japan kept their aces in battle until they died.
Near the war's end Japan had no veteran pilots. They actually had more jet aircraft than Germany did, but nobody in Japan was capable of flying them.

>> No.2503645
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Next you'll tell me this guy isn't green.

>> No.2503649

It's your own fault that your nation didn't follow along with Westernization in the 1700-1800's thanks to your bullshit Confucian way of life. Same with Corea, which was just China's bitch back then.
If you chinks and gooks did something about equaling Western powers by using their knowledge to better yourselves, as the Japanese did during the Meiji Era, you wouldn't have been walked all over by the rest of the world. Blame yourself for what happened to your people due to your ancestors idiocy.

>> No.2503651

did it go up to 6 million now?
it was 4 in my time^^v

>> No.2503663


>> No.2503667
File: 36 KB, 550x365, 1234064437389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol. are you white or jew? It is so obvious that white men DO NOT treat jew as white. Who made this pic? Do you think Japanese made it?

>> No.2503671


>> No.2503673

It was made by a retard. What would any other details matter?

>> No.2503674

White or jewish?
What is this I don't even.

>> No.2503678
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LOL. you already know that white men are full of retards.

>> No.2503682


The CCP were defeated? CCP and the nationalist GMD continued to fight the war against Japan from inner provinces that the japanese never occupied. Ever since the Long March the CCP never left the province of Henan which was a bit too far outside the reach of the Japanese who could only manage to hold the coastline provinces.

A lot of people forget that at the "Big Three" conferences at Yalta etc. there was actually a 4th man (Chiang Kai-Shek, leader of the nationalists). China stayed in the game much like how the Free French did.

>> No.2503685


Didnt you watch X-files? Unit 731 relocated to the States where they experimented on aliens.

>> No.2503687
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>> No.2503696
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Mao is the HERO of CHINA. Because he killed 50 millions of chinks. but Japan killed only 10 million of chinks. Japan DID NOT kill enough chinks to be respected by them.

>> No.2503706


He killed them via stupid policies and over an extended period. So its not really a fair comparison.

>> No.2503707
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Korean things resembled a level of culture one might have expected from sub-Saharan Africa until Japanese occupation beat some sophistication into them but also, apparently, gave them an enormous inferiority complex which we have had to endure ever since.
Koreans are annoying, loud, xenophobic and notorious for their cultural plagiarism and fabrications of history. If it weren't from the Americans, who they ironically despise, their shitty little peninsula wouldn't even exist. Ungrateful mongoloids.They should be put in their place now as they were for thousands of years.

>> No.2503718

ITT: People pretending to be japs.

>> No.2503726

The Japs should be allowed to bomb and rape those chinks again. Little fuckers like to use lead paint on kids toys and eat cats.

>> No.2503732

Why is everybody here talking about Japs killing chinks / coreans when japs killed plenty of whites as well?

>> No.2503735

At least Korea used to be one of the major powers in Asia in very ancient times.

>> No.2503746
File: 94 KB, 800x531, shitinseoul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol no. this is the center of Seoul. black things are shits of Korean. Do you think Korea has been superior?

>> No.2503752

I was referring to the time when one of the Korean kingdoms managed to push deep into the Chinese mainland for a while, but whatever.

>> No.2503756

I think you misunderstand Mongolia as Korea.

>> No.2503763

US executed Japanese for water boarding.

>> No.2503766

so much weabooism here.
Go to wikipedia and type"nanjing massacre" or "section 751"
Then tell me those werent war crimes.

>> No.2503768
File: 69 KB, 960x1138, korea2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1592 - Yamoto (formerly Jipang or Japon) invades Korea in what will go down in history as the Imjin War. In the six years following the outbreak of the hostilities the Korean army, of which Admiral Yi Sun-sin was arguably its most prominent commander and tactician, skillfully manages to bring the war back to the attacker's home on its own hook. At the daybreak of December 16, 1598, after a two months long siege, the town of Osaka is levelled by an unreported amount of batteries consisting of bombards mounted on cast-iron hwachas, thus marking the end of the conflict and ushering in the cession of southernmost Yamoto to Korea as its first overseas toehold.

1810 - After almost two centuries of weak but persistent border clashes with rogue peasant armies following the rout of Manchuria in 1636, Korea formally occupies Inner Manchuria and annexes it. In order not to upset the brittle policy of appeasement between the two countries, Qing representative Yishan accedes to sign the Treaty of Aigun on May 28, 1811.

>> No.2503770

1835 - A massive earthquake followed by a tsunami shakes the territory of Sanriku, northern Yamoto, claiming tens of thousands of lives. With its native populace having been sorely tried by a spate of natural disasters spanning two years and months of unrelieved famine, widespread upheaval gives rise to a belligerent lower-class front spearheaded by Oshio Heihachiro, bent on toppling the despotism of the corrupt Tokugawa shoguns. Before long the situation rages out of control, forcing Tokugawa Ienari to beseech the naval intervention of Korean ironclads moored in Shikoku in exchange of permanent military settlements in the northern isles.

1853 - In the light of the abrupt shift of powers in East Asia, Commodore Matthew Perry sails to the Korean peninsula seeking to open viable commercial routes between Americas and the Far East by trying to loosen the two centuries old isolationist policy with Western powers of the Korean Empire. After lengthy talks Perry is the first foreigner to be admitted, as a representative of USA, in the court of emperor Gojong. There, he discusses his proposals in the so-called Convention of Hanseong, arguing the opening of the ports of Pusan and Nampo to unresticted United States trade. Perry departs shortly afterwards mistakenly believing an agreement between the two sides had been reached, unaware that the emperor had in fact stopped short of delivering official endorsement to the treaty as per his advisors' suggestion. A more equitable arrangement would be signed exclusively with France only 10 years later, on heels of the defeat of Admiral Roze.

>> No.2503772


>> No.2503773

1897 - The First Russo-Korean breaks out. In the wake of the Boxer Rebellion the Korean army, not regarded by the decadent Qing Dynasty as a foreign invader unlike its Western allies, occupies Outer Manchuria with the aim of flushing out and fight any future potential destabilizing cadre. Taking Korean presence as a hindrance to Russia's own interests on the zone, Tsar Michael II wages war on the Korean Empire but the army stationed there, weakened by previous clashes with Boxers, is unable to stymie the thrust of the Korean Army and is soon overwhelmed. The Treaty of Portsmouth, signed on September 5, 1898, would cede the entirety of Manchuria as well as rioting Sakhalin to Korea.

1900 - Recent Korean victory over the Russian invasor causes Meiji Restoration to come about. Meiji, nominal emperor of Yamoto, acquiesces in allowing Korea to become the sole deputy for both internal and foreign affairs of his nation by signing the Eulsa Treaty, thus turning to all intents and purposes Yamoto into a Korean protectorate. Formal annexation wouldn't occur until 5 years later.

>> No.2503775

1923 - The Great Kanto Earthquake strikes central Yamoto, causing unprecedented death and destruction. Widespread fires ravage Edo, sprawling beyond control mainly due to obsolete and unmaintained infrastructures as the former imperial family is reported missing.

1925 - For the second time in history the Korean Empire is forced to take up arms against Russia. After six months of unabated border skirmishes the Korean Empire, previously neutral during the Great War, decrees the full mobilization of its army against breakaway White Russian rebels helmed by Roman Ungern von Sternberg, spread thin at the outskirts of the former Russian Empire. The subsequent victory over them would secure Korean rule over Yakutia and Kamchatka. Civil unrest erupts across the Bering Strait as Russian Alaska is being shut out of mainland Russia. USA occupies the territory as a precautionary measure.

>> No.2503776

1935 - Maritime Provinces become part of the Korean Empire thanks to a landslide victory of 91% favorable votes in the popular plebiscite. Alaska is officially declared an organized territory of USA as of May 11.

1942 - Still suffering from the combined effects of dust bowl storms and the ensuing worldwide stock market crash and staggering unemployment rate upsurge, depression-stricken USA sees no other choice to overcome the crisis but to devise a surprise strike on the Korean Empire, the "Thoroughfare of East Asia", in hopes it would cut its hegemony down to size as part of a desperate bid to forcibly open the country to one-sided economic agreements with North America. President Charles Lindbergh sanctions the preemptive attack on the Korean fleet docked at Guam on December 5, which would be carried out just two days later. World War Two begins.

>> No.2503780
File: 123 KB, 600x709, fantasyofkorea (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not this shit again, you stupid GOOK. Korean NEVER learn real history of Korea. because it has been full of shame.

>> No.2503792
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Only Korean moms who give birth first sons could show their tits. It was honor for them. Japan prohibited this barbaric custom. Korean NEVER learn this fact. Because, even Korean can understand it was shameful.

>> No.2503798


I'm sorry, but photos taken by Japanese troops for their own basest amusements don't count as historical evidences.

>> No.2503821
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>> No.2504404


>> No.2504432

Shameful to who? European high society? Certainly not to Japanese peasant soldier who's first contact with the outside world was his commanding officer.

>> No.2504507

PROTIP: Not showing breasts was a custom held by First Class Europeans prior to WWI.

>> No.2504570

i wonder if he's just a troll pretending to be a japanese nationalist, or just a troll.

>> No.2504582

>i wonder if he's just a troll pretending to be a japanese nationalist, or just a troll.
You must be new to /jp/.

>> No.2505465
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