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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 12 KB, 488x188, ANDlogoBurichan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
250183 No.250183 [Reply] [Original]

Progress is steady so far. Anonymous of Mexico is doing a great work with the CG scenes, and Eurofag has delivered really solid character sprites.

I have already done the sketches for all the scenes (all 72 of them) and proceeding to do cleanup and detail work. In concept and sketchy writting alone I've done over 10 000 words. I've never written so much...

The After Story Good End is already done, and clocking over 1500 words, is the longest scene in the game. But it's worth it, maybe it will be good enough to compensate for all the ;_; with the Bad Ends. Some of them are really soul crunching...

The experience of being a Game Creator has drawn to read Welcome to the NHK again. That was a bad idea, now I feel bad at myself, but the idea of anon enjoying my work keeps me going.

Picure related, it's a mockup for the logo. Not definite, but I liked it.

>> No.250191


>> No.250195

>>CG scenes

wate wut

>> No.250197
File: 144 KB, 1011x696, 1205943348747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What are you guise doing exactly?

>> No.250200

Great to hear.

>> No.250202

Logo need some fixing but all in all WE ARE WAITING WORK FASTER !

>> No.250205

So what's this aboot then?

>> No.250228


A VN about Anon
The only way to win the game is to not play.
It's all bad ends.

I'm actually kind of disappointed that there's gonna be a final good end.
I liked it better when it was absolute DESPAIR

>> No.250231

Anyway i can help?

>> No.250234

Yeah do you have some jobs that NEETs could do...

>> No.250257

where is kyou copypasta

>> No.250261

Oh god, that is one sick and depraved project.

I wish you luck.

>> No.250265


>> No.250276


Eurofag actually converted the first parts of Columbia's work already. You can probably find it on rapidshit.

>> No.250296


>> No.250310

Can we see one image please???

>> No.250328


>> No.250329
File: 510 KB, 1060x1534, 1186902609004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.250343

Is there a mom route yet?

>> No.250348

I take it there wont be any Japan Tiems for this game :(.

>> No.250367

If I know myself properly the first thing I'll do is to get V&...

>> No.250456
File: 86 KB, 729x725, NHKDay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since the project has left me with increased writing flexibility, sooner than later. I've been doing some of it on dead time, while I leave my brain compiling the scenes.
What's been done in illustration work is either beta, or way NSFW. And I don't know what the others would think of it, me posting their work. Ask them if you see them.
That's why I did this thread, to show anon that we're indeed working on it, and that it hasn't stalled yet.
The good end is an after story that you can only see after you've been through, what I consider, the worst ending of all.

Also, holy crap, touhou VN threads!

>> No.250523

As long as you keep the art at the very least decent, I am happy with that.

>> No.250545

>>The good end is an after story that you can only see after you've been through, what I consider, the worst ending of all.

The thing is, Anon can't have a good end.
After all the bad ends, what would happen? He'd make himself taller before he could even see a good end.

>> No.250577

I disagree.

>> No.251319

Any artists interested on helping?

>> No.251336

Experienced graphic designer here, give me a shout if you're interested.

>> No.251349

there shouldn't be a good end

>> No.251351

Send some of your work, we'll do our best to put you up to speed.

>> No.251381

The irony here is that the game is made by a tripfriend.

>> No.251382


I'll make an edited version without the good end unless it really blows me away.

>> No.251403
File: 66 KB, 654x559, raep the maids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.251421

I'm Absolut Touhou Faget, and I support this project.

>> No.251431



>> No.251458


Dawn,is that you going "What" again?

>> No.251465


HAWT drawing.

>> No.251485

Show us the art AoC

>> No.251613

You don't feel any better.

>> No.251647

is this the same as the other nice day or is this the VIP quality

>> No.251665
File: 281 KB, 1318x1180, maid_apron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.251672



>> No.251684

whars mah fucking VIP

>> No.251696


UBW came out before it.
The time paradox swallowed the guy working on it.

>> No.251705

do you have a forum or an irc channel or something?

>> No.251706

but did he mean that his would out before the official patch?

>> No.251714


Approved idea.

>> No.251725

there we go.
CG lineart for the rape the maids scene.
The clothes get ripped progresively.

>> No.251727

god i knew a girl who had eyes almost just like that

>> No.251740
File: 221 KB, 1480x1200, maidrape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.251743
File: 204 KB, 1200x1480, sister.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im using the internet etc

don't really like this but oh well

>> No.251742

>/jp/ - Japan/General

>> No.251745


Is that the little sister?

>> No.251748
File: 21 KB, 326x225, whoops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.251746


If you're gonna pull that, then it's just as easy to turn it around and say
>>/jp/ - Japan/General

>> No.251759

If you read it as just "General" than you can ignore the Japan part completely, retard.
What part of this is Japan?

>> No.251763
File: 49 KB, 261x229, 1166158096666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't look very little to me.

Also, cannot unsee.

>> No.251766


This is a development thread of visual novel + visual novels come from Japan = ????

>> No.251779


Yeah I was just wondering who is she because the Anon-tans supposed to be a meganekko?

>> No.251783

It's a visual novel

>> No.251794

8/10, would be trolled again.

>> No.251800

yes she is the sister, the other pics are from your maid.

>> No.251822

why the fuck does anon have a maid?

>> No.251825

no loli?

>> No.251835

rape issues.

>> No.251848

Video games come from Japan also. Doesn't mean any video games can be here.

Same applies. "Anime" can easily be extended to cartoons in general, but you still separate a Japanese production from an American one (/co/). Ignorant tripfaggot.

>> No.251864

Ignore the saging prick.

Awesome work Colombia, Mexico and Eurofag.

>> No.251888


Well a visual novel isn't actually a game, more like a interactive novel & gtfo you aren't interested.

>> No.251950

But wasn't she supposed to be a loli? What with the FBI and shit.

>> No.251972

>But wasn't she supposed to be a loli?
that's what I thought too.

>> No.251986

can you fuck your (presumably) hot mom yet?

>> No.252017


If you read the lines correctly you should know that she was growing away from the dfc-state, so I guess she has small breasts and those look fine to me

>> No.252113

we're trying to hit a balance. Not too pedo, but loli enough. Maybe skinnier is the way to go...

And no, there's no mom route, and she isn't hot. There are however 27 bad ends.

>> No.252132


Or just simply short, she looks pretty tall to me.

>> No.252178

well thats because normal VNs are made by japanese, and japanese are small.

>> No.252189

Goddamn. We get full blown CG scenes now? Hot damn, this is turning out far more superior than i ever imagined. Thank you

>> No.252213

I want a futa route !

>> No.252265

yea, maybe a futa mom route could be nice. i wanted to draw futa for a long time LOL


>> No.252289

Do any of you actually have sisters?

>> No.252363


>> No.252377


Did you use one or both of them for inspiration when drawing?

>> No.252390

I do have a maid.
I can't look at her straight now. Not because I have to restrain myself to not rape her, but ashamed that I'm writing about maid rape.

>> No.252398

Is she hot?

>> No.252449


>> No.252526


*Insert the usual "pics or didn't hapn"-slogan here*

>> No.252557

like all hispanic maids, no. Not even close.

>> No.252573

hahaha so true

>> No.252591

sort of QUALITY

>> No.252701

You think so, dont you? I hate to say this, but youre a smugfag. Go hate on a touhou thread or something

>> No.252724

I think that crits are more than welcome. Shooting down critics as [despective]fag helps noone, except maybe inflate our egos and in the end delivering only something passable.

>> No.252767

But i though that was the sole purpose of this project? Or has this taken a turn to being more ambitious now?

>> No.252768

ETA? No rush, just curious when we will be able to start fapping to this.

>> No.252780

my purpose is merely practice and lulz at the end.

>> No.252839

I can vouch for text in one month, tops. Art, who knows. There are a lot of projected CG...
the purpose is to deliver something that anon will enjoy. Just saying "good enough, let's wrap this up" won't be received well

>> No.252850

The shoulder'll doubtless look better when you've done the colouring/fiddled with linework a bit, and the only other thing wrong with that is those SOUL SWALLOWING EYES, which I highly doubt you'll leave pupil-less. iirc, you posted some old work in one of the first threads about this (if that was you, it was an anon) and the eyes were done quite well. Keep up the good work.

It'd be interesting if you lot continued with this - bear in mind Tsukihime started off with just two blokes.

>> No.252891

I bet your mAIDS is fugly.

>> No.252897

>>bear in mind Tsukihime started off with just two blokes.

in b4: a phenomenon of non-Japanese visual novels.

>> No.252952

Do you have some sort of IRC channel or forum or something?

What engine are you using?

>> No.252973


I can't wait for it anon of Columbia. I wish I could do something to help.

>> No.252982

ONScripter, and you should ask Eurofag about it, he's the one doing the code work.

And since we're only 3 guys, all the work is done in a series of frantic emails. It helps with the timezones, and kind of keeps the story under wraps. Most of the impact will come from playing it, so having it for everyone to see would act against the player's enjoyment

>> No.253058

You should make a website\forum or get someone to make one. Posting updates on 4chons is too risky - some people may miss the news and status reports, and what if those people actually wanted to help or had a constructive criticism for you? Srsly u guys, 4chons is not a good website for announcing news.

>> No.253731


Then with a non-chan identity would they be much of an Anonymous?

>> No.253814

Not quite loli enough. Basic design is good though.

>> No.253947

Just to let you know /jp/, I fucking love you.

All of you. Minus the fags.

>> No.254022

>What's been done in illustration work is either beta, or way NSFW

NSFW in a game about Anonymous? Is it Rainbow Girl NSFW? That'd be the only thing that'd be realistic.

Anyway, nice job.

>> No.254028

Anonymous fapping perhaps?

>> No.254474

This is win.

>> No.254662


>> No.254679

I was just bumping it no...no reason at all!

But yeah, halfway there. Once it gets released, 120%, baby!

>> No.255730

bump because this is the epitomy of what /a/ has become over the years. WE BECAME /jp/

>> No.255789

I can honestly say that this is the only 4chan-related thing I have been excited about since... well, ever really.

I hope you deliver.

>> No.255835

Wow, shitty game and circlejerk all in one thread.

>> No.255849

The CG has talent I'm impressed.

/r/ loli
/r/ futa (no balls, inb4 /d/ shitstorm)

>> No.255857

Amazing, isn't it?

>> No.255934
File: 137 KB, 704x396, 1195874596951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This could possibly be one of better things that has come out of 4chan.

I love you /jp/

>> No.257161

Best original content evah!

>> No.257169


>> No.257187

all same person.

eat shit and die, colombia

>> No.257234
File: 28 KB, 736x737, 1195864126891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.257242
File: 245 KB, 897x647, have a nice day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone isn't having a nice day...
So have a nice day anonymous!

>> No.257243


Anonymous is one schizophrenic guy

>> No.257244

I am you.

>> No.257277


I like to reply to other anons post and pretend I'm the person they're talking to.

>> No.257303

Tried the beta version and was extremely impressed . Keep up the good work, guys.

And the sagefag is a retard for not knowing how to hide threads.

>> No.257307

Anonymous should always refer to himself in the third person.

>> No.257314

I think dissociative identity disorder would be more appropriate there.

>> No.257338

I don't think you have a degree in psychiatric medicine.

Enjoy your unsupported claims.

>> No.257379

I'm looking forward to it. The threads for it were such win.

>> No.257409
File: 30 KB, 400x332, red-apple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.257416

Tripfags and non-Japanese shit in my /jp/. GTFO.

>> No.257428

aging just to piss the sagefag off.

Seriously, hiding a thread isn't exactly rocket science.

>> No.257430

age for this reason

>> No.257441

Good job creating original contents.

We need new contents and new memes so that we're not just spewing out old /a/ crap day after day.

>> No.257459

On MY /jp/?

I saw one of the betas, and to be honest, I'm surprised this got this big(Despite being three guys lol).

I'm looking forward to reading the final thing(and taking another day off of editing for Katawa Shoujo. Another day I don't edit won't hurt.)

>> No.257540

wow, i cant believe my resurgence in faith in 4chan would come from fucking /jp/

keep up the great work!

>> No.257609

Finnaly, 4chan is coming back gradually to what it used to be in the past.

There's a little spark of hope, i can see it!

>> No.257610

Will we have a save game-function or can we skip the text if we want because otherwise it would be really pain in the ass to get all the Bad Ends and the Good End

>> No.257612


>> No.257619

this sounds cool.

is there a site or something, or is this KEEP LOOKING AT /jp/ FOR INFOS LOL

>> No.257670

how big are you aiming for this thing to be?

>> No.257683

this is only /jp/ doing these sorts of projects.

/jp/ - the little spark of hope on 4chan.

>> No.257714



Also, for you faggots that missed it ages ago
password is OriginalContent

>> No.257739


except /a/ maybe

>> No.257750

/r/ futa

>> No.257764

sage for tripfags pretending to be anonymous. in b4 BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWW'ing newfags saying how great this is

>> No.257768


140 replies, must be tripfags without trips.

>> No.257779


>> No.257793

Anonymous is legion hurrrrrr

>> No.257797


I'm afraid you don't understand the words that I am typing.
That's fine, however.

>> No.257827


Even if its not all the same person, its probably just a dozen of the same people bumping the thread. Retard.

>> No.257839

tripfag detected

>> No.257895


The point I'm trying to make is that it's unlikely it's all tripfags.

>> No.257912

PROTIP to Colombia and Mexico: Just post anonymously next time when talking about the game, since we all know who you are anyways. That should avoid all this pointless sage.

>> No.257932


They aren't here anymore

>> No.258007

Honestly, they should just make a website for this or something. People can go to check up on it at their own leisure. I see how great a project this is, but there have been semi-valid arguments that this doesn't belong here.

>> No.258137



>> No.258148

>After all the bad ends, what would happen? He'd make himself taller before he could even see a good end.

The final irony. Just as video-novel Anon is about to reach the good end, real-life Anon kills himself under the combined weight of all previous bad ends.

Anon of Colombia gets bonus points for a humiliating kill.

>> No.258172
File: 106 KB, 854x770, anonymousdelivers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.259555


>> No.259565



I`m really looking forward to this. But seriously, homuupeji is a must.

>> No.259626

I don't know how to say this but...god bless you anonymous. Keep up the good work!

If only I could pay you for your hard work.

>> No.259727

Soo... Mexico is doing the CG scenes in general, you are writing the scenes, ad Eurofag converts them and draws the character sprites (those who always show up in front of the background when talking to somebody?)?

>> No.259766

Needs more Japan.

>> No.259809

Needs more brain.

>> No.259816

Needs more awesome.

>> No.259838

Awsome shit, keep up the good work Anon of Colombia

>> No.260366

You may also want to add some ethnical aspects of Colombia, like kids snorting coke or guerilla warriors killing lolis.

>> No.260397

Or spending too much at the Wal Mart gets you mugged by rebels.

>> No.260548

hands don't work that way

>> No.260615

Interesting. More VNs, the better, although not for my real life...
