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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 558 KB, 958x719, touhou 8154f305eed41f3272e7d16372d26faa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2501365 No.2501365 [Reply] [Original]

greetings from /a/!
I come as an ambassador seeking peace between our people.
we at /a/ believe that for far too long our borders have been closed.
although in the past we have had our differences, we both stem from the same ancestors.
we at /a/ wish to encourage a reunion between our peoples.
please accept this touhou as a sign of our love and trust.

>> No.2501366

get the fuck out you disgusting waste of sperm

>> No.2501369

/a/ was better before the /jp/ split ;_;

>> No.2501370

I hope you get banned.

>> No.2501372

But only at night.

>> No.2501375

Fuck you, Flandre is the worst touhou.

>> No.2501377
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Anyone have pictures of Taokaka from Blazblue?

>> No.2501379

Board was will get you banned. Delete your thread before it's too late.

>> No.2501380

No wall break for you, Aniki.

>> No.2501383

We're happier without you. You're happier without us. We don't want your Bleach threads, you don't want our ronery and touhou. Or rather, the mods don't want you to have our ronerly and touhou.

Anyway, I guess the point I'm making here is GTFO.

sage, not as an insult, but just so this thread can die in peace.

>> No.2501387
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>> No.2501390


Reported for cross board faggotry.
Enjoy getting ban and stay in /a/ faggot.

>> No.2501392
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>> No.2501393

OP pic is my TF2 spray.

>> No.2501398

TEAR DOWN THIS WA-no wait /a/ is shit.

>> No.2501402

I believe there's still good to be found in post-split /a/. But the current spam and general lack of content, along with the breakneck board speed, makes it hard to find and enjoy.

I hope you can understand why we are so bitter against your kind, for you're represented by your vocal, annoying posters.

>> No.2501401

22 pages > 11 pages. Anyone that disagrees is a faggot.

>> No.2501400
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>> No.2501415

5 pages > *.Anyone that disagrees is a faggot

>> No.2501420
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>> No.2501426


>> No.2501427
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>> No.2501429



>> No.2501439


It looks like I failed to sage and the thread is bumped up again.

>> No.2501442
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>> No.2501450

/jp/fag here. This thread may be my fault; I argued someone in /a/ claiming that /a/ was better into the dust with my superior intellect.

I think they really want us back.

Too bad, though; they turned their back on us, now it's only just that we do the same in kind.

>> No.2501456
File: 106 KB, 458x390, touhou 98e18bbf0fd06a57bd2e1633cfa97390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ha u wish

>> No.2501467

It's better to just leave the /a/-/jp/ business behind you and just act as an independent poster. That doesn't mean much coming from a person who spends all of the time on one board, but it's a start.

>> No.2501470

I used to go to both boards, but they drove me away with their lowering average age and post quality.
And in good time too, I don't have to deal with K-ON, spam, and tripfag wars at every turn. I'm happier here, far more than I could be in /a/, fighting a losing war against the flood of bad threads.

The place is forsaken, life goes on. And some of them really think the split was for the better. I chuckle at the thought.

>> No.2501471

You'd be surprised.
/a/ is shit, but they're not mindlessly blind like /b/ is. A great deal of them are acutely aware of the low quality the board is in

>> No.2501507
File: 23 KB, 216x348, 1238123597153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to /jp/

>> No.2501508

That is probably me when I am there lurking for the anime chart before the new season.

>> No.2501513

Why do you so casually deny everyone's efforts to split us from the shit hole with 6 lines?

Come back when you can offer something even greater than an apology and shitty animu.

>> No.2501522
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actually love, trust, and a touhou were offered.

>> No.2501529
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>> No.2501537
File: 152 KB, 500x500, 1235095258583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out narutofag

>> No.2501545

/jp/ is already running a surplus on love and touhou. Trust is not even an issue. Your trade is denied.

>> No.2501544

Pygma-chan! I'm glad to see you. I was a bit worried since you didn't post at your regular times today.

Wanna go out with me?

>> No.2501548
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>> No.2501556
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>> No.2501568

There's Taokaka everywhere in this thread, so I can't hate it.

>> No.2501569
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>> No.2501577
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>> No.2501581
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>> No.2501585

Just checked out /a/ and the first thread I saw was about how they all think they're hikikomoris. Fuck that board.

>> No.2501587
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>> No.2501591
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>> No.2501631


>> No.2501636

I think you misunderstood that thread.
First thread here was Japanese bird cooking spaghetti. The hate between the two is rather silly.
