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2495141 No.2495141 [Reply] [Original]

You wake up and a 12 year old girl is sleeping next to you. She is your neighbor's daughter who you have known for a number of years. What do you do /jp/?

>> No.2495147

Tuck her in and go ask /jp/ what i should do.

>> No.2495154

alt-f4, I already saw that show

>> No.2495158
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I would make a thread about it on /jp/ and then sage my own thread.

>> No.2495175

call the police

>> No.2495209

Get naked

>> No.2495215

You lost me

>> No.2495263

[x] Philosophize
[ ] Genuflect

>> No.2495279

[X] Take a shower. Clean myself up.

>> No.2495295

When exactly do I wake up? If it's early morning, I would masturbate over her face.

If it's late morning, I would go back to sleep.

>> No.2495320

Why can't it be a 21 year old?

>> No.2495368

how the fuck would you fit 20 of them?

>> No.2495401


It's a big bed.

>> No.2495395

Id have long monologue about a fire that happenned ten years ago

>> No.2495410

I smack myself for using "who" instead of "whom."

>> No.2495456

There are no 12-year-old neighbour girls around me, man. This hypothetical situation is too far-fetched.

>> No.2495459

Impossible. I wake up as soon as anyone enters my room, let alone someone climbing into my bed.

>> No.2495473

This is an incredibly sneaky 12-year-old girl we're talking about here. She could sneak up on Solid motherfucking Snake goddamn

>> No.2495493


Then I'm already dead and this thought experiment is pointless.

>> No.2495497

But Yukari brought you back across the border of life and death so you're alive and well. WHAT NOW?!

>> No.2495517

And she can make your snake solid.

>> No.2495526


I throw down a porno magazine, wait until she is distracted, and quietly break her neck.

>> No.2495532


Can she bring back The Boss, too? She would make the best waifu. She'll always be loyal.

>> No.2495537

How the hell could she have made it through my motion-sensor and infrared alarms? Also she could have never made it through my windows or doors.

>> No.2495560


I am 100% fine with that.

>> No.2495561

My neighbor doesn't have a 12 year old daughter.

>> No.2495558

Sure if you don't wanna wear the pants in the family.

>> No.2495591
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Hey, the only little girl who can sneak up on my son is Sunny.

And possibly Mii-tan.

>> No.2495612

I inform my neighbors.

>> No.2495646

Big boss is the only woman I would ever respect as much as or probably more than any man.

The very thought of having sex with her scares the living hell out of me.

I can now see why he is called "the sorrow"

>> No.2495649


But... Big Boss is a man...

Although genderswapped, she might be cute, with the eyepatch and all.

>> No.2495669

I mean, The Boss

>> No.2495668 [DELETED] 
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But Big Boss is the manliest. I'm pretty sure that something would break if that ever happened.

>> No.2495677
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>> No.2495702

Seriously guys? Theraflu beats this weak ass flu, this is not an epidemic.

>> No.2495722
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I see you've taught Unagi the basics of CQC, Snake!

>> No.2495728
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>> No.2495777

Let her sleep. When she wakes up, take her home.

>> No.2495787

But shes already been taken home.

>> No.2495832

Kick her off. That my imouto's place.

>> No.2495874

What would I do?

Molest her, of course. If she wants to sleep in MY bed, she must abide by MY rules, and my rule is that any girl who sleeps in it (at the same time as me) must be molested.

If she wants a molest-free bed, then she can promptly get the fuck out and sleep on my grubby floor that hasn't been hoovered in almost 3 weeks. That's all that rule-breaking, cheeky little whores deserve.

>> No.2495891

10 minutes later you realize that she was your imouto.

>> No.2495902

I wonder how the hell she got in and start checking to see if the windows or doors are open/unlocked. Then I wake her up and ask her what the hell she's doing and how she got in.

>> No.2495906

Ask my neighbors how much the girl costs.

>> No.2495929

Tell her to call me oni-chan
