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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 160 KB, 1200x793, Hanzawa Naoki 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24926129 No.24926129 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for discussion and recommendation of Japanese TV and movies.

FAQ: https://pastebin.com/BARFCHgF

Previous Thread: >>24662533

Please put the sauce in the filename if posting pictures/gifs/webms.

>> No.24926296
File: 54 KB, 720x400, 90sjap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop watching manga adaptations

>> No.24926345

Thank you Mr. Kitano

>> No.24927870

There's a new tracker for japanese TV and movies that just opened up. It has a lot of raw .ts footage, which is pretty nice. Currently it has open signups. It's pretty new so I don't know how it will go down the road.

>> No.24929200
File: 62 KB, 300x440, magic hour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24931758

Really helpful of you to post the name. Are we getting ts files with subtitles yet, or are all the rippers still stuck in the stone ages and trying to save a whole 20 kb from an 8 gig file?

>> No.24936352
File: 35 KB, 630x420, aya-igashi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any anons here watched any of her movies? I'm still waiting to watch "A Crimson Star".

>> No.24939958

New Toyoda kino available only today https://japancuts.japansociety.org/film/the-day-of-destruction/

>> No.24940082

>7 bucks
I pay that for netflix and get a hundred films to watch, call me when it's ripped.

>> No.24948335

You’ll have to wait until at least late 2021

>> No.24948914
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>> No.24949102

Is TRICꓘ worth watching? I liked the little that I saw on Abema back when I could watch that with my VPN.

>> No.24949333

what is ikeda elaiza doing?

>> No.24949396

That guy has a long dick

>> No.24949452

There is only one new jtv tracker with open signup, I thought it would be easy to find.
Some ts files have subs, some do not.
I got banned for advertising the last time I put a tracker link, but I barely pop here these days anyway. It is called JPTV.club. Also the url. Interface is ass. ts content is decent, everything else is barren-

>> No.24949815

Where that from?

>> No.24950303

Nevermind I'm guessing it's from Cherry Boys, it's like the only movie I haven't seen of her

>> No.24956095


people (one guy?) kept recommending Hanzawa as the best drama. 15 minutes in and there's already two "person meticulously and unpromptedly describes their tragic situation while sad piano music plays" scenes. Seriously?

>> No.24956308


I think it's the best comedy drama, similar humour to SPEC if you've seen it, Tsutsumi directed it.

>> No.24958701

I like the new girl from MIFD-117, one of my favorite debut this year.

>> No.24958933

wrong general, but you can still check it out

>> No.24960685
File: 155 KB, 1000x866, Mugen no Jūnin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mugen no Jūnin, Tokyo Ghoul, Bleach, Shingeki no Kyojin Parts 1&2
All watched
All kino
Sorry Kitano-san, I still like your movies though

>> No.24960900

>Mugen no Jūnin
That’s the only good one there.

>> No.24960925

Just watch Legal High instead.

>> No.24961006


yeah I did before I watched that, was disappointed. Legal High's great.

>> No.24961017


best recent manga adaps I've seen are probably Inuyashiki and I Am A Hero.

>> No.24961063

That’s because the source materials are great. Manga adaptations depend on the source or the one directing them.

>> No.24961663

Getting filtered by Hanzawa Naoki isn’t that uncommon for the people who post here, especially the new friend weebs who only discovered Hanzawa Naoki after they started posting in here.

>> No.24962033

Hearing Hanzawa's 倍返し quote with over-embellishing acting feels so awesome. It's just as good as the first season.

>> No.24962078

I made subs for episode 1 by OCRing a Sony GEM tv rip; they can be found on subscene and d-addicts. Unfortunately, I only found a rip of episode 1. I think all the rest are fansubs, but I'm not familiar with kim_spke (the person the subs are credited to).

>> No.24962094

This is from that 'Hanzawa Naoki' you guys keep talking about, right?

>> No.24962099

>US Only

>> No.24962447
File: 103 KB, 1200x708, 5F5EAE6D-A263-4D1B-9A21-EA9C65829312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole episode didn’t feel complete until he uttered those legendary words

>> No.24962578

It's got a terrible UI. It's painful to use

>> No.24962884

I loved how at the start of the episode the dennou shachou guy asked him if he had a motto, and the episode ended with him saying his catchphrase and that it was something like his motto.
Pure poetry.

>> No.24963160

Is there a torrent of TRICꓘ with all of s3? The one on nyaa seems to be missing the last 5 episodes.

>> No.24963612 [DELETED] 


>> No.24963999

I told you the ui was ass, bro. But it's the best source of ts I've found.

>> No.24964107

Bruh, I didn't expect it to be that bad though

>> No.24965558

Yes, same actor different tv series parodying hanzawa's catchphrase. I was just about to search for this but I had no idea how to. Thanks.

>> No.24967236

How about you stop making outrage shit and start doing good movies again

>> No.24975773

wtf mov3 got copyright jewed

>> No.24979537

Ryuzo was good

>> No.24980207

Legal High is so good.

>> No.24980555

Why do idiots keep comparing these two shows? Is it because it has the same actors? It's so stupid, this show is so silly while the other one is much more serious.

>> No.24981495

The main actress of Just Only Love is really good and I hope she'll start having big roles thanks to this.

>> No.24981649
File: 60 KB, 450x600, o9q000223n4128454q0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommend me some awesome JP war drama movies.

>> No.24983504
File: 115 KB, 1696x1080, Ed2vjc-U8AAhMsH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lost it here.

Great episode this week. Wonder if Hanzawa and Owada will team up down the road

>> No.24984061


why don't you have avistaz?

>> No.24984076



>> No.24989312


>> No.24989752

That reminds me, since when did the fat guy become Hanzawa's accomplice? I don't remember him from either Osaka's arc or main bank's arc.

>> No.24989805

Which fat guy?

>> No.24989831
File: 763 KB, 941x531, 1577370242335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy on the left.

>> No.24989922

That’s just a new character to replace Kondo after he got written off.

>> No.24990175
File: 89 KB, 356x500, 9pddBf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished this and found it rather interesting. The show is surprisingly deeper than what it looks like on the surface.

Also, since everyone else is talking about Hanzawa Naoki, the girl is also Hanzawa's wife.

>> No.24990888

Which modern drama captures the spirit of the politically incorrect times of the 70's-80's?

>> No.24991026
File: 21 KB, 264x376, Nobi-japanese-movie-poster-md.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kon Ichikawa's Fires on the Plain and The Burmese Harp are both excellent.

>> No.24991395

Are these better than pig gaijin directed Letters from Iwo Jima?

>> No.24991679

Not drama but Dare to Stop Us

>> No.24993131
File: 1.11 MB, 1280x690, Flying Colors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got an opportunity to watch this. Been feeling down these past few weeks but this movie picked me back up. Really fun to watch. Next up is Wood Job which I also heard is another good fun movie filled with hope.

>> No.24993420

Wood Job is incredible, way better than Flying Colors which I didn't like. From the same director you have Dance With Me and Swing Girls too, both great feel good movies.

My problem with Flying Colors is that ultimately it's like a middle age conservative japanese man wet dream in which a young girl slowly reverts back to being "normal" and joins the ranks of being a pretty and serviceable young lady. As she progresses through the movie she's losing what makes her stand out to fit some kind of standards of society that old japanese folks just love. In other words, it's kind of a boomer fantasy.

>> No.24993511

>In other words, it's kind of a boomer fantasy.
That sounds great. Dramas nowadays are full of "okay, boomer" subversion shit that's so in your face.

>> No.24993551

If you're into that sure. For me seeing Kasumi Arimura gradually go from the picture posted above to generic school girl number 253640 was really painful, especially with the movie unironically praising those changes.

If she did work hard and got good grades while still preserving what makes her different, I think it would have been a more beautiful message.

>> No.24993584

That's pretty funny I didn't really see it that way. I just thought of it as someone with a really good support system in their life getting back on track before adulthood smacked them in the face. But now that I read what you said it's sort of in my face how she became brown haired testing bot #23145 like you said. Japanese boomer fantasy is the best way to phrase it. Well at least I have Wood Job coming up. I'll also check out the other 2 films he did if I like it.

>> No.24996693

Dying your hair a different color and speaking differently doesn't equal to a personality and is in fact a facade. She didn't lose anything but actually gained something important, there's a lot of happiness to be had working hard at something and achieving your goals. The fact that you mentioned "boomer conservatives" makes me think you're still kinda young and haven't made enough mistakes to realize this. Young people look at unhappy people, not just adults, and see that "they're all the same " and "conform" to society. These are just superficial observations, the same ones that make you think Arimura's character was interesting before her change. Some of those people are unhappy despite trying to conform while others are happy living their life not trying to hide behind a facade. I rambled a bit in the end so I hope I got through to people. Really, it's gaijin bias to perceive the movie the way you did.

The real faults of the movie were the bad acting and straightforward if not generic plotline.

No, you were right before. That poster just got kinda triggered by the movie.

>> No.24997280

>gaijin bias
Imagine using that to defend some dumb self-help "meritocracy" propaganda flick.

>> No.24997521

You're talking as though bettering yourself is a bad thing. And yeah, most people in this thread are gaijin so there will inevitably be bias.

>> No.24997967

Go to bed Takahashi-san, you need to wake up at 5am tomorrow, those numbers aren't gonna push themselves

>> No.24998408 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 1191x833, 1587203368430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone an idea why this doesn't pop up in Plex? Only episode 10 shows up, but it shows up as Episode 16 and the show is apparently on Season 20. I tried renaming the files into other things but doesn't seem to work. Other Japanese series work fine.

>> No.24999237
File: 770 KB, 1920x1080, Ed3TqHqUYAAFNeN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loved this scene.

>> No.25000472

I might just be projecting but I could see barely concealed laughter in Hanzawa's eyes.

>> No.25002292

Who is subbing hanzawa naoki? In any case, I'm glad they made the subs so quickly

>> No.25002439

Only the first episode?

>> No.25002578


>> No.25002847
File: 36 KB, 626x350, 15587698796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, better than nothing I guess. I wanna be up-to-date with the latest episodes so i can discuss it with the anons who watch it raw here.

Thanks for the heads up, gonna watch it right now.

>> No.25005377
File: 72 KB, 599x429, hanzawaonsen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25005757 [SPOILER] 
File: 127 KB, 1920x1080, 1595896323362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These two will fuck by the final episode.
I'm guessing that Hanzawa will eventually be cornered into a situation where he'll reluctantly accept Oowata's help or something.
Also pic related's ridiculously high-pitched-voice breakdown was entertaining. This show sometimes reminds me of gyakuten saiban with how its characters lose their shit when they get found out.

>> No.25011127


>> No.25012501
File: 2.11 MB, 1280x720, 1590168107108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first episode of this was pretty good, has a lot of charm like the dance at the end. Yui Aragaki is out of this world.

>> No.25013544

It's a great show. I recommend Full Throttle Girl too if you want to see Gakky as a tsundere lead.

>> No.25023211

>no image title
>first episode of "this"

>> No.25023688

It was one of the biggest hits of recent years and spawned a big dance meme. Most will probably recognise it. Feel free to ask if you don't know, instead of being passive aggressive.

>> No.25026342

where to direct download the 1st ep? don't wanna torrent because they're gonna log my ip

>> No.25028986

>he didn't tiktok koi dance

>> No.25032286

Imagine being this much of a newfag

>> No.25033330


This is on Netflix? I hope it's good.

>> No.25034538

im a week late but wtf bros miura himura committed suicide, i remember i was on here going through boku no ita jikan and i loved his performance as takuto

fuck depression

>> No.25034582

He always had a face signaling he's going to off himself someday.

>> No.25034890

that's really sad to hear, do you have any drama recommendations where he appears (perfereably as the main character)

>> No.25035098

Japan Cuts festival is ongoing, but I missed Day of Destruction. Are any of those movies available elsewhere bow? They have a lot of new indie and eng subbed, but a lot are streaming only in us

>> No.25035379

Pretty good honestly. It doesn't fall into misery or ask you to feel bad for her. It's pretty hopeful and cute

>> No.25035405

I mean I hate to be that guy but can't someone just rip all these and put them on avistaz?

>> No.25036070
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>> No.25036125

Doesn’t that happen eventually?

>> No.25036153

Oh shit, someone actually subbed it? So much for the “no one is capable of doing it” from the last thread.

>> No.25036492

Yeah, you can finds subs on d-addicts.com

>> No.25036869

No idea. From taking a look at their line up there's some stuff that looks good.

Beyond the Night
Life: Untitled
My Identity
The Murders of Oiso
Mrs. Noisy
Special Actors
Voices in the Wind

Would be nice to have those. Then they have It Feels So Good, Labyrinth of Cinema, My Sweet Grappa Remedies, Tora San 50, all already available on avistaz.

>> No.25037406

Watch Gozu.


>> No.25039234

Masked Ward was just an okay movie. I'll probably watch Kaiji: Final and High&Low x Crows this weekend.

>> No.25039510

>“no one is capable of doing it”
I remember more of a "It's the first week just wait for it" vibe.

>> No.25040917

Me too just heard about it randomly yesterday due to the Youtube algorithm. I think he was still filming a drama at the time. I wonder if it's due to a combination of depression and being overworked leaving him with no time to mentally breathe.

>> No.25048014

wtf d addicts is locked? I can't access the subs

>> No.25051244

Does it get any more, well ...engaging? I checked out the first episode because I'm enjoying her in Legal High, but I found my mind wandering constantly and gave up half way.

>> No.25053294

Why can't J-dramas get the mass appeal that K-dramas do?

>> No.25055257
File: 1.73 MB, 1920x1080, Soon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Kurochan setsu next week.

>> No.25055304

you need to create an account on d-addicts

>> No.25055329

that's an interesting question. im curious to know why as well, i think one of the factors is because of kpop and huge fanbase

>> No.25055380

I always figured K-dramas was popular (obviously not to the scale it is now) before K-pop. But you could be right, I only learnt about this shit a year ago.

>> No.25059212

When Japanese housewives would rather watch Winter Sonata than whatever was the latest J-Drama out at the time, you can see why.

>> No.25059730


they look cheap as fuck. the k-dramas I've seen have way bigger budgets and don't look like they're shot like some shitty corporate training video

>> No.25061047

It's kinda hard to get actual evidence on this but I'll go with what I know off hand.
First, licensing J-dramas overseas is a nightmare, mainly due to different contracts the actors have with their agencies. Royalties vary wildly between actors along with weird stipulations, KimuTaku used to not get any of his shit brought to western markets due to a clause preventing his voice getting dubbed over.
Second, Japan tends to overvalue their own pop culture and expects big money in return for their media. They still have this idea that it's the 90s and people are willing to pay top dollar for their garbage. This point has been changing over this past decade due to streaming but they still hold their properties on a pedestal. "Oh, THIS streaming site isn't that big, we want a BIG TIME site like disney."
Third, they just view overseas markets a gigantic hassle and not worth it. Even if they compromise on prices and royalties, any money made is meager in comparison and only serves to benefit the streaming services that put it up, not the ip holders. They can't get good deals on this stuff because at this point in time, there really isn't interest in J-dramas and the push it needed to become popular is a time long gone now. It doesn't help that Japan is VERY different culturally and insists on bizarre colloquialisms (filming in 29.9 fps as opposed to the film look of 23.975, theater acting instead of method acting). Foreigners just get turned off at first glance. It's why Japanese film tends to do fine since people expect weird things from foreign filmmaking but not standard tv shows/soap operas.

>> No.25061593

>theater acting instead of method acting
This stems from not just dramas, but also variety hence why so many gaijin expats bitch and moan about why "Jap TV sucks" on their blogs and Youtube vids.

>> No.25061679

And here too lately.

>> No.25064553 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.26 MB, 1916x1072, 1596092334119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta be honest I got filtered hard by this movie. I understood most of the character motivations but Ken, Michiko, and Midori kinda flew over my head. I'm not really sure if the "suicide" if it was one was supposed to be funny but I ended up laughing at the absurdity of it. Ken chasing Michiko also confused the shit out of me then they act like it never happened. Also him putting the acid down her back that didn't make sense either. I honestly was baffled by a lot of the character actions. If I'm completely honest I'm not even sure what the tone of this movie is supposed to be. I found myself laughing more than anything at some of the scenes. But the cinematography was good. Pretty movie.

>> No.25064584

meant mikami not midori**

>> No.25064747

>goes to watch a Japanese yakuza drama
>opening villian proceeds to make stereotypical anime villian face
>didn't know that was possible.jpg
>devolves from there
How do they put up with that shit? All their real life dramas try so very hard to mimic anime mannerisms that it's off putting.

>> No.25064846

See >>25061047
Don't expect Scarface or Godfather style acting. Rewire your thinking.

>> No.25065324
File: 1.45 MB, 1024x726, 1588935488984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This poster is my aesthetic.

>> No.25068959

I've seen it twice and both times I was disappointed. Yeah the dance scene at the end is good and what most people remember, but the character motivations and the way they interact with each other is pretty weak. So many things happen that are never adressed and although the movie is pretty long you barely know the characters.

I really wanted to like it mostly because of that great typhoon scene but it's just not that good I think.

>> No.25069014

I should say though, I love the director's style, especially his long takes, and he made other great movies. Sailor Suit & Machine Gun, PP Rider, Love Hotel, Moving... all very good.

>> No.25073497

Korean entertainment is asian Hollywood
Hollywood entertainment is popular everywhere = Korean entertainment is popular mostly everywhere

>> No.25075562

>Asian Hollywood
Isn't that Bollywood?

>> No.25076192

Times have changed. They didn't use to have this requirement

>> No.25076257

that shit is only popular with poos

>> No.25076870

Does Jap TV suck? I've never bothered watching those videos

>> No.25077078

Try watching Gaki no Tsukai clips on Youtube and see if you can get laughs out of it.

>> No.25077219

As with everything, 99% of it sucks. I assume salty ex-pats are comparing generic daytime TV to shit like The Wire and whining because low quality entertainment for housewives isn't very engaging.

>> No.25077269

Too stupid or tired from their English teaching day jobs to watch the good ones which air later in the day. Hell, they could just download the Abema app and watch them on their phones.

>> No.25077343

Most of them don't actually know any Japanese, which is why the only TV they can critique is aimed at housewives, with lots of colorful pictures of things to help them figure out what the show is about. Late night shows use complicated words and have bits where people talk instead of just flashing up images of food on the screen.

>> No.25078317

I don't know what 'poos' are, but Bollywood is huge on a worldwide scale, and not just with South Asian emigrants. A good few titles have done well in Japan - maybe partially due to the acting style and the fact that both countries' entertainment industries supposedly have particular links with organised crime, lmao...

>> No.25079376
File: 56 KB, 470x441, 2138413_201912100620967001575956985c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy is fucking ikeda elaiza

>> No.25079477

why do you care?

>> No.25079604

He cute

>> No.25079803

>ikeda elaiza
Only Southeast Asians simp for that uggo.

>> No.25079817


>> No.25080048
File: 37 KB, 560x292, Poo2Loo-Hero_unifcef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bollywood is highly overrated. It seems like white people really want everyone to like it to show how woke and virtuous they are. Indians hype up Bollywood too, like it's on par with Hollywood, because India will be a super power in 2020. But if you get past the hype it's formulaic low IQ 3rd world entertainment

>> No.25080130


>> No.25080217

>But if you get past the hype it's formulaic low IQ 3rd world entertainment
Take out '3rd world' and you've described everything from the MCU to loads of what we discuss here - that's just entertainment for you; I'm not really sure what your point is, unless you've got a particular chip on your shoulder.

>> No.25080474

Fuck you racist bitch. Stop forcing this 3rd world this, 3rd world that every fucking thread.

>> No.25080651

>WTF even is this site?
>scrolls down to comments
I don't know how you found that place, but it sure makes even 4chan look respectable.

>> No.25081249

I really like her though. She's the only one who could get me to sit through something as horrible as Make A Bow and Kiss

>> No.25081255

This post hit a nerve for some reason. Perhaps there's a South Asian gentleman among us?

>> No.25081562

>Cries about racism
>On 4chan
Turd worlders gotta turd world.

>> No.25083418

1st world plot: layered complex plot exploring themes having to do with morality or pyschology
3rd world plot: poor slum dwellers fight to survive, get oppressed by inherently evil rich people, includes large group dance number (preferably on beach with one or both of the leads singing)

>> No.25083565

I mean, it's racist, but that's par for the course on 4chan and not exactly something to get worked up about. That said, I'm not really sure why he chose to grind his axe about Bollywood and virtue signalling so vehemently in a JP media thread.

>> No.25083597

How is it "racist" to say something is overrated?

>> No.25083691

I'm not really sure that you have enough of a grasp on either to summarise them like that. That is, except for the use of dance numbers, but that's inherent to the medium and akin to criticising ballet, opera or kabuki for not watching like The Wire.

>> No.25083742

>I'm not really sure that you have enough of a grasp on either to summarise them like that

and you do? LOL

>> No.25083767

Oh, that bit wasn't actually racist - that was just an opinion, stated as fact, but that's by-the-by.

>> No.25083864

>That is, except for the use of dance numbers, but that's inherent to the medium and akin to criticising ballet, opera or kabuki for not watching like The Wire.
1st world: kabuki, opera, ballet
3rd word: bollywood dance number unrelated to plot of movie

>> No.25083879

Is that really the level to which this discussion's already devolved, anon?

>> No.25084190

>Take out '3rd world' and you've described everything from the MCU to loads of what we discuss here
but the MCU has much better CGI effects

>> No.25084233 [DELETED] 

>seething 3rd worlders itt

>> No.25084440

ok anon, what is it that gives *you* an expert grasp at differentiating 1st world style plots vs 3rd world style plots?

>> No.25084606
File: 12 KB, 196x257, superpower2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are very sensitive about anyone questioning their status as a world super power.

>> No.25084628

>dude me vs you lmao
meaningless conversation

>> No.25086248

So is Minami Hamabe's show delayed or not?

>> No.25086284

Perhaps if Bollyland really was first world, Bollylanders wouldn't be so desperate to leave their shit hole

>> No.25086670
File: 59 KB, 730x487, Love_Will_Begin_When_Money_End-tp1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This show will still get aired, but with only 4 episodes.

>> No.25093785

Reminder that based Elaiza is directing a movie this year.

>> No.25098424


>> No.25098608

Why is the acting in Anata no Ban Desu so over the time?

>> No.25108407
File: 673 KB, 1918x799, nozaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not today, Kitano.

>> No.25114325

>ikeda elaiza
I sleep

>> No.25116801

Just finished it. It was unexpected. I mean nobody really thinks about the handicapped going to a gigolo. Her highschool friend is a real bitch though. Not really sure the reason. Embarrassment?

>> No.25121235

The high school friend is the one working with her on the manga? I think she's just insecure because the main girl has all the talent, so she tries to keep her at arm's length

>> No.25122497
File: 2.42 MB, 480x360, Great Teacher Onizuka Drama Special.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think for the SP episode of GTO, the female student-antagonist was a reference for Urumi; but the character was too late to be added because the series had already ended.

>> No.25122718

what movie/series is this from?

>> No.25122847


nvm I found it

>> No.25132221
File: 81 KB, 736x1309, 6c4f78049b9432cb52beda26f2b65961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Satomi ISHIHARA doing well these days?

>> No.25132595


>> No.25133617

Just watched whatever I could find online of 太川蛭子の旅バラ, and want more of the same – i.e. travel/game shows set within Japan with comedians/showbiz people travelling around inaka-ish places on stuff like local trains and buses.
Could you guys give me some recommendations on similar shows and where to get them from? I'll be watching them raw, so no subs needed.

>> No.25134194
File: 338 KB, 1536x2048, comfy-cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of curiosity, I watched the first episode I found via searching. That's a comfy show. Getting around rural Japan seems like an adventure.

>> No.25139650


>> No.25153379

Are there any easy way to stream japanese tv for free these days?

>> No.25155518

please redpill me on Sono Shion

i don't get it. am i really that retarded that i dont get his works

>> No.25155593

overrated artsy crap, it's not for everyone

>> No.25155754

No. I've seen a bunch of them, and they're honestly not bad.

>> No.25155886

Which did you watch? I highly recommend Forest of Love if you haven't.

>> No.25155976

Don’t force yourself to watch his kinos if you were filtered by him like this pleb >>25155593 here. Although I do recommend watching his latest works because they’re kinda pleb-friendly unlike his earlier works.

>> No.25156625

Movie or Deep Cut (Extended TV series)?

>> No.25156774

Deep Cut 100%. But treat it like a movie and watch it all in a day preferably, two at most if you can't sit down for 5 hours. The experience is much better if you don't take constant breaks.

>> No.25156938

forest of love movie. finished it and made me interested on his approach on movies, then tried that 4 hours movie but i just couldn't sit through it.

although i was shocked because he made Tag and Suicide Club, i already watched both, i just didn't know he was the director.

>> No.25156990

Well it sounds like you liked Forest of Love so why do you think you didn't get it? Love Exposure is quite a lot longer than usual movies so that's understandable. Maybe try Cold Fish, that's one that a lot of people like and more accessible.

>> No.25157848
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I missed this faggot.

>> No.25157987
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Kek. This week's episode kept me on my toes
Kosaka from the SP even appeared

>> No.25158929 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.46 MB, 1920x1080, 1596401870096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We were fooled

>> No.25160714

Did anyone actually buy it for a second, though? It was way too obvious from the outset, why would he be so mad at Hanzawa otherwise?

The hacking scene this episode was the perfect level of cheese, the exact opposite of the special where it felt like they were taking the whole thing way too seriously and trying to make it believable by just introducing more and more holes in the concept.

>> No.25161132

Kurosaki spinoff exposing money laundering and corruption when?

>> No.25163750
File: 2.69 MB, 1024x576, [MagicStar] Oyabaka Seishun Hakusho EP01 [WEBDL] [1080p].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fortunately, this Yuichi Fukuda show starring Nagano Mei and Gakky has started airing. I got something else to watch.

>> No.25163948

This fucking guy has a different job each time.

>> No.25164176
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That door-switcheroo scene from episode 1 got me hook, line and sinker and Owada's reaction to Isayama's subordinate sealed it for me. I'm glad I was fooled because the reveal at the end pumped me up.

>> No.25164189
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He got transferred, again.

>> No.25164355


>> No.25164386

WTF is this drama?

>> No.25164466
File: 47 KB, 1000x550, Eea0OEfUYAAXoEW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homo-erotica kinography.

>> No.25164513

Is it normal if I can understand his long title/position but can't figure out his given name?

>> No.25164745

Given name kanij are sometimes confusing even for natives.

>> No.25164805

It's great because you can even recognise it as Hayao from Miyazaki's name and still have no idea how to read it.

>> No.25164830
File: 449 KB, 733x864, cb2ae2edda3c779182b8af20547e22df.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hanzawa Naoki gained more views this week, becoming the highest record ever for all TV dramas this year.

>> No.25165113

Hanzawa Naoki is comedy show.

>> No.25165236

*bows down*

>> No.25168363


>> No.25168376

How long until there's movies about vtubers?

>> No.25168775

The show really feels like a sequel to the first, I had doubts that they could get the formula right for a second time after all this time, but I wouldn't be surprised if the finale is up at 30%+.

>> No.25172778

It's an adaptation of a series of novels so it's not that surprising.

>> No.25174419

Sure, but it's pretty common that writers lose the plot, or the team behind the adaptation loses sight of what was entertaining. My only complaint so far is that we're only getting one Hana scene an episode.

>> No.25176487

Any good dramas this season other than Hanzawa Naoki?

>> No.25176970
File: 504 KB, 2000x1415, ETSD_pjVAAA1V4I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ryu no Michi. Episode 2 aired today.

>> No.25181396


hanzawa naoki isn't good though

>> No.25187529

Ikeido Jun should really pen one

>> No.25194137

Any plebs want some AvistaZ bonus points? Reply with username. First 6 will get 5000.

>> No.25195683

Would love some, with my shitty connexion I'm always struggling. Username: Waho

pls no hack

>> No.25205188


>> No.25205399
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>> No.25205524

is ugly

>> No.25206769

The Crows x Worst movie had some good fight scenes. However, I only like Yuki Yamada's banchou character, and sadly no Suzuran...

>> No.25210290


>> No.25215645

kurochan is being bullied again

>> No.25216425

Does anyone know where to get subtitled Takeshi's Castle?

>> No.25216529

>Does anyone know where to get subtitled Takeshi's Castle?

>> No.25216530

There's some other stuff on nyaa, but I don't know what the source is - might be the Thai version.

>> No.25226182 [DELETED] 
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The Promised Neverland 30s preview.

>> No.25226403

This episode ended up being funnier than I expected.
Kuro chan is very good at what he does.

>> No.25227507

I wonder what will be a twist on Kuro-chan next week. It won't end well for him.

>> No.25227634

What's happening next week?

>> No.25228728
File: 1.39 MB, 1920x1080, F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I felt his suffering to my core.

>> No.25229445
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I felt sorry for Giro

>> No.25231030

This is a great one if anyone hasn't seen it yet. My personal favorite is Rajio no Jikan, but this one is still comedy gold.

>> No.25233591
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RIP kek.

>> No.25239980


>> No.25240657

Her tv comeback is being a dead character. lol

>> No.25243693

Gakkii has basically been a NEET for at least 5 years now. She does the bare minimum and collect royalties.

>> No.25244852


>> No.25250612

It wasn't that good. Also whoever thought it was a good idea to do the 2nd part as a stage play should be hanged.

>> No.25250643

Currently watching Put Your Head On My Shoulders and really like it. I have zero shame either because I know it's a show for women. It's funny, adorable, and all kinds of adorable.

>> No.25250657

Anon...it's a chinese show, isn't it

>> No.25250704

Completed "Virgins! Back To High School" last week and holy shit it hit close to home, mainly the being a virgin over 30 thing. Still a funny show.


>> No.25256601

Finally, school girl Nana again.

>> No.25256791

royalties from what?

>> No.25257951


>> No.25261169
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Probably gonna be 1min flashback per episode.

>> No.25266373

thank you anon.


>> No.25272931

Are any of the live action anime adaptations any good? So far I've seen bleach which was decent and better than I expected, the first ass class movie which tried to pack in way too much and didnt feel as comedic as the manga/anime, the first four episodes of GTO 1998, some of the first gintama movie, and the first parasyte movie. I'm mainly curious about

>bloody monday tv drama
>tokyo ghoul
>GTO 2014


>> No.25273164

This list is sometimes posted here when someone is asking for good manga adaptations. I've watched a number of them, they were great. Unlike the "highly-recommended" trash people keep spamming on every website, they didn't leave me with a bad aftertaste. Dunno about the rest though because I haven't watched them all but the ones I picked were very fun

>Oku Hiroya
>Fukumoto Nobuyuki
Gin to Kin
>Hanazawa Kengo
Boys on the Run
I am a hero
Hajimari no Hi
>Yamamoto Hideo
Ichi the Killer
Stop the Bitch Campaign Again
>Taiyou Matsumoto
Blue Spring
Ping Pong
>Furuya Minoru
>Asano Inio
>Furuya Usamaru
Ichiban Kirei na Mizu
Raichi Hikari Club
Teiichi: The Battle of the Supreme High
>Manabe Shouhei
Yamikin Ushijima-kun
>Oshimi Shuzo
The Flower of Evil
Drifting Net Cafe
Sweet Poolside
Boku wa Mari no naka
>Yamamoto Naoki
The Last Days of the World
Adatte Dansu
Kimi to Itsumademo
Nonki na Neesan
Unholy Women
>Mochizuki Minetaro
Dragon Head
Shark Skin Man and Peach Hip Girl
Bataashi Kingyo

>> No.25273186

The flower of evil as in aku no rotoscoping?

>> No.25273333

75% of these are bad and the rest just don't tell the story as well as the manga. It's fine to enjoy them as a peculiarity but you're deluding yourself if you think these are any good.

>> No.25273452

Dunno what that is
I don't read manga or watch anime, I just randomly picked titles from this list and watched them, I enjoyed them more than Bleach, Attack on Titan, Gintama, Tokyo Ghoul, etc.
They might be not as good as their source material but we're discussing movies here not anime or manga.

>> No.25273524

the live action movie is actually pretty good, although it changes the ending and omits Sawa's answer to why she pushed him off the float.

>> No.25273615

Well we're still talking about movies/tv within this context and those adaptations are bad. I'm just trying to let people know before they jump in since newcomers tend to gravitate towards what they know. I myself got started with the 90s GTO live action, after all.

>> No.25273683

Who do I believe now? Should I watch them or should I not watch them?

>> No.25273726

Read the manga instead and watch real movies with original script or novel adaptations

>> No.25273727

Watch them because another person can't know what you'll like or dislike. Some of them are good, some bad, no different from anything else.

>> No.25273801


>> No.25273878


>> No.25274281

From what I've seen anime live actions of the popular stuff like gintama, ass class, Tokyo ghoul etc are meh at best. Even if they're good the manga and anime are often better for obvious reasons. Even a decent live action doesn't add much and a lot of times are just the anime but with real people. Live actions work better with material that doesn't need CG or have fights/powers/power levels like romance, comedy just shit that's about human relationships/hardships etc.

>> No.25274517

It's really subjective. I was like every other /a/utist a year ago; live action adaptations are shit by default with no exceptions. But after getting into Takashi Miike films I stumbled upon Mugen no Jūnin and I loved it. Same with BLEACH, which I watched shortly after, and unlike the former movie I was very familiar with the source material and anime, but it was excellent. What I'm trying to say is do your research, pick one that looks good and don't expect it to match the anime/manga shot for shot. You might not love them but you'll probably enjoy them nonetheless, and if you're lucky enough you might find one that's better than the anime, like Rurouni Kenshin and Tokyo Ghoul were for me (not that beating the anime in quality and being more in-tune tonally with the manga was much of an achievement for the later)

>> No.25274788

You will probably like them if you casually like watching doramas. These movies are mainstream productions after all. I watch them because they have some specific actor I would like to see or the story seems interesting for me. I rarely watch anime of manga anymore, so I don't care if a movie was adapted from x or y.

>> No.25276878 [SPOILER] 
File: 64 KB, 750x755, 1596854714056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, the live action of grand blue is coming to the theaters in japan and theres a whole controversy over it on jap twitter because of obvious reasons
the other half says there's nothing wrong with this and it's peak comedy

what do you guys think about it?

>> No.25277568

I don't watch manga adaptations so I don't care.

>> No.25279161

Just because they're adaptations of cartoons and comics, doesn't mean they're inferior. Just a different interpretation. That's your PSA for the day.

>> No.25279580

They kinda are with their track record. The very few that aren't and are different interpretations, tend to waver on mediocre when considering its own merits as a film.

>> No.25279640

I should also add, just because they're bad it doesn't take away how much fun you can have with them. Everybody needs comfort food but it's in no way good for you.

>> No.25280095

Patricians will now the best manga adaptation is The Cherry Orchard (1990). Our Little Sister being a close second.

>> No.25280190

That's only true with sci-fi (that Terraformars live action was just awful.). Everything else has potential to be as good or surpass the original.

>> No.25280310

>or surpass the original.
That literally never happens.

>> No.25284867

You're right. Apparently the line was ad-libbed and Sakai Masato laughed his ass off right after.

>> No.25286351

>Are any of the live action anime adaptations any good?
I think you mean manga. But that said, are there any live action adaptations of anime original material?

>> No.25286464

>read manga
>watch novel adaptations
Never take these people seriously

>> No.25286744
File: 162 KB, 725x597, Anohana-SP-2015-p02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For one, anime originals aren't that many to begin with. Shinkai's, Miyazaki's, tons of Case Closed movies, and what?

>> No.25287151

9 souls went from funny to sad.

>> No.25287854

Novel adaptations are better than manga adaptations

>> No.25288098

Have there been live action game adaptations? I'm not expecting anything, but I am curious.

>> No.25288228

Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Love Live.

>> No.25288399

Oh I forgot about this one, and I've even seen it too.

>and what?
Plenty of more. Usually a handful each season. But yeah, not as much anime original content comes out as compared to things like manga and novels.

>> No.25288725

Ryu ga Gotoku and Gaykuten Saiban by Miike Takashi.
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni but it's a disaster and you should just play the legendary original sound novel instead.

>> No.25288727

>Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat
All I know were pig gaijin adaptations. Don't tell me there was a Nippon version of these two.

>Love Live
Is it anything like the Korean IM@S adaptation?

>> No.25288863

>Is it anything like the Korean IM@S adaptation?
Nevermind, I was fooled by April Fool's article. Please ignore that (and if it's ever made, does it really count?)

>> No.25289276

For what it's worth Strawberry Shortcakes is way better as a movie than a manga

>> No.25290496

I wanna watch the bloody Monday live action tv drama and I downloaded season 1 off of nyaa but it doesn't have subtitles even though it's in the English subbed section. Anyone know where I can find a version with subs

>> No.25290555


>> No.25292370

I recommend Ping Pong directed by Souri Fumihiko based on the manga by Matsumoto Taiyou.

>> No.25294764
File: 70 KB, 506x432, 1591319038168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've fallen for Gakki bros.

How do I cope?

>> No.25295935

jack off

>> No.25296109
File: 27 KB, 542x720, 90884833_1815330985269912_635508813092356096_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wondering, i have been learning a lot of japanese.
I cannot get into anime but i do like their plots and character, i found myself super into Live Action Anime adaptations, is there a name for this in particular?
I just happend to find some in a blog somewhere, but looking for a specific name

>> No.25296762

Man, I just finished watching CRISIS. That ending hit me like a rock, what the hell man? Everyone got broken that and my man Inami got shatfed hard. Other than that, I really enjoyed it. The action was pretty good and I liked every character, as well as the central theme of a corrupt government trying to clean up its own mess by using people that think they can do the best for their country by working with them.

Also low-key Tamaru going for the netori.

>> No.25296938
File: 142 KB, 1024x512, Ghost of Tsushima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good films/tv shows like Ghost of Tsushima?

>> No.25297329

>Live Action Anime adaptations
No there is no specific name for that. People do not distinguish them as separate entities from japanese live action productions.

>> No.25301510

That was ad-libbed? Good thing he managed to hold off then. Reminds me of the "making of" clip showing an idol falling on her own in the midst of a fight scene and continuing after standing up. It was actually usable since it was off screen.

>> No.25302813


>> No.25308012
File: 2.75 MB, 854x480, [NGT48] Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni Kai (TV Drama) - 03.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls bring back these p.e. uniforms

>> No.25311075

Hanzawa's up on the usual places, although I'm waiting for the other guy who uploads it with subs because it's too easy to miss some retarded business words otherwise. It sucks that it takes 3 hours for someone to upload the show, but I guess they're all jerking each other off on private trackers or something.

>> No.25311859

Has anyone watched the Uroboros drama? How is it compared to the manga?

>> No.25312919
File: 248 KB, 1200x1712, from-truant-to-anime-screenwriter-my-path-to-anohana-and-the-anthem-of-the-heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear to god I can't find the live action version of mari okada's autobiography
学校へ行ってなかった私が seems to be the title but I can't find it subbed anywhere. can anyone help?

>> No.25314930

Any good ww2 movies?

>> No.25315502


>> No.25316627
File: 934 KB, 1920x1080, Angry Former Banker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Swerve after swerve and intense scene after intense scene
This week's episode was the best so far. Knew this was coming but my God how perfectly they executed it.

>> No.25316676

I didn't like the 10 minute intro to the next arc, I get that they had to keep people watching for next week but it felt a bit weirdly tacked on. Everything until that point was solid gold, though.

>> No.25317214

Watched Kingdom movie based on the manga of the same name. Thought it was kinda good, nothing ground breaking but very watchable, didn't find myself bored watching it. Director did a good job adapting the manga to film. Seems the director is the go to guy to adapt manga to film and do a good job at it.

>> No.25317381

I highly appreciated those last 10 minutes, it was great. I understand how some people would hate it because it was so fast paced as we just wrapped up the first arc in such an intense fashion but I felt it was appropriate to make us ready for what's next. I'm not sure if the viewers' ratings will plummet now that Isayama's arc is finished but for me I couldn't be more excited. I love Japanese politics and the next arc has this "big match" feeling surrounding it, gonna be exciting to witness how Hanzawa gonna overcome the odds.

>> No.25317499

It's gonna have a sequel because it made well.

>> No.25317611
File: 1.26 MB, 1920x1080, Hanzawa.Naoki.S02E04.1080p.HDTV.AAC.x264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's her endgame, lads?

>> No.25317627

I love this Zainichi milf like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.25317679


there's a ton, usually artsier/seinen stuff.

>> No.25317711

>The Flower of Evil

this was fucking awful though and I didn't even read the manga, which I presume there was one. that ugly fucking whitoid actress and all the stupid "edgy coming of age" scenes went on too long. is annoying. but I did like that they used Regal Lily's music,

thanks for the list though

>> No.25318097

Like what?

>> No.25318129

Like these >>25273164

>> No.25318852

Man, the entire conference felt awesome, from the interruption to the ending.
Yeah, it's a bit too separate from the first arc, but I like how they straight introduced all parties. It's also important that it's the first time they put governmental body as opponent, outside of Kurosaki's scenes.
Fuck, out of all possible economic related topics, why airline nationalization? It's too close to home, holy shit. I can already see how it's gonna end.

>> No.25319873
File: 85 KB, 1440x810, nIaGvbf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25319972

She's the PM's sex friend

>> No.25321071
File: 610 KB, 1024x576, ep02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This scene reminded me of Kuru / It Comes. lol

>> No.25322527

wut? is she really korean?

>> No.25322614

Didn't the 1st arc from the 1st season take 5 episodes? Will they shorten this to 8/9 episodes like BG due to Corona?

>> No.25323105

She is. It's old ass news, man.

>> No.25323326
File: 183 KB, 1920x1080, EfBy-OYVAAA5mi9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*blocks your path*

>> No.25323656

I just watched the Fable and it's probably the best manga adaptation I've ever seen. I don't think it would be this good

>> No.25323747

It was great. It's like some toned down campy Miike action movie.

>> No.25323952

I don't watch many Japanese movies or tv that aren't anime or anime live action adaptations. I was surprised at how violent some scenes were. I don't know much but because it's Japan I assumed the violence would be toned down but it wasn't. Also some of the action choreography shocked me with how good it was. The guy playing fable and the lady playing youko even looked like them it's crazy. I gotta go catch up to the manga

>> No.25324004

I wonder. It did seem kinda rushed to me tbqh, I hope they’re not cutting it short.

>> No.25326552

What are some good romcom series/movies to watch? probably year 2018 and above

>> No.25327705

there's that 50 first dates remake with Masami Nagasawa, nothing incredible but it's a nice watch if you're in the mood for something romantic. Called 50 First Kisses

>> No.25329110

fuckin kys lol

>> No.25329152

To be fair, Japs do need some "okay, bommer"-isms

>> No.25329231

We've already done enough damage with cultural imperialism. Best they do things their own way.l

>> No.25329787

Nice was on my watchlist.
Didn't even know it was a manga adaptation. Should I read it before?

>> No.25334543

I watched the special episode zero "Lost Password" of Season 2 and it was probably the cheesiest and cringiest thing, to the point it make you laugh. Is the whole series of the same note?

>> No.25334730

So you watched the SP which doesn’t have a single original actor from season 1 before season 1? That’s one big brain you have there, bud.

>> No.25334751

Will you answer the original question though?

>> No.25334771

Will you watch season 1 first like any human being with a brain though?

>> No.25334925

No I dont think I have the time , that why I am asking, what I watched and what was hyped up is very different, I just want learn if the rest is the same.

>> No.25334998

>what I watched and what was hyped up is very different
Because what you watched isn't what was hyped up.

>> No.25335168

If you weren’t a drooling smooth brain you’d realize that watching an SP episode that came after the first season before the first season isn’t the right order to watch any drama.

>> No.25335228

The SP was fairly poor and I loved both S1 and S2 so far. How fucking stupid do you have to be to watch that shit first, anyway? I'd recommend pretty much everyone skip it, I don't know if the story was TV original or what, but it feels nothing like the actual show and has very little to do with it other than being a weird intro to S2 you don't need.

>> No.25335257

Good lord how do you breathe

>> No.25336437

You watched what was essentially TV original fanfiction. It's nothing like the actual series.

>> No.25336695

I don't know if this is bait.

>> No.25339107

retards that cant answer a simple question shouldnt call other retards, I was hyped up for the SP and I watched the SP,i dont know what I watched thus I am asking if its the same as the main series.
Finally 2 people without their head up their asses, thank you very much for the answer holy shit.

>> No.25339136

And since its different I might try watching the main series now or at least 1 episode.

>> No.25340338
File: 53 KB, 947x590, A_Story_To_Read_On_The_Day_Youve_Fell_In_Love-p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you seen this one or last season's Koi wa Tsuzuku yo doko mademo?

>> No.25340641

Don't bother.

>> No.25343006
File: 178 KB, 1920x1080, mpc-hc64_2020-08-11_01-52-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*blocks your path*

>> No.25349268

Haru Kuroki is so damn cute in Nagi no Oitoma. Always had a thing for her even though she's pretty far from usual japanese beauty standards.

>> No.25349423

Anyone watching L(Heart)DK? How is it?

>> No.25349632

It's okay. Watch the sequel afterwards.

>> No.25350608
File: 57 KB, 731x1024, A_Bride_for_Rip_Van_Winkle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has a godlike profile

>> No.25350664

Meh 4/10

>> No.25356277 [DELETED] 

I haven't read Kaiji in a long time, but was he ever supposed to be as smart as Light Yagami?

>> No.25356318
File: 2.86 MB, 1146x480, Kaiji.Final.Game.2020.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't read Kaiji in a long time, but was he ever supposed to be as smart as Light Yagami?

>> No.25357399

Always wanted to watched Kaiji but haven't read/watched the manga and anime.

Bad idea to jump straight to live action?

>> No.25357416

The art style is part of the charm. Live action didn't translate well at all.

>> No.25357479

The manga is WAY better. Like this anon said>>25357416 the art style is part of the charm, it’s part of the general experience too, i recommend reading the manga first.

>> No.25357585

>but haven't read/watched the manga and anime
Dude go watch the anime. Right now. It's one of the most entertaining things I've seen. I disagree with the other anon, the manga isn't nearly as good and has become one of those endless things (70+ volumes).

>> No.25358129

The movies are so-so. I just watch em because Kaiji is really a nice story.

>> No.25358549

Just watch the live action Liar Game adaptation.

>> No.25362016

Was about to watch the movie version of Crying Out Love, in the Center of the World and realized there's also a TV series.

Which one is the best?

>> No.25363406

You guys know any good non-comedy ninja films? Is there a ninja equivalent for Kurosawa's movies? Please post non-Japanese ones, too.

>> No.25366838

Started watching Ryu no Michi, I don't get what happened to the Yoshie's company.

>> No.25367311

Is it good?

>> No.25370094

Yeah, it's good. I recommend it

>> No.25371521

Hostile takeover by the villain probably. Now there's two more naokis baigaeshing.

>> No.25371983

Haven't seen the tv show but the movie has Masami so it probably wins by default.
