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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 554 KB, 1111x1600, Rinoa-chan's First Time_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2487195 No.2487195 [Reply] [Original]

What does /jp/ think of the artist 'Inuboshi'?

>> No.2487197

He's a creepy paedophile and should be jailed.

>> No.2487200

I have no opinion on the matter.

>> No.2487205

for drawing pictures? it's not like he rapes the kids, then draws stuff from that.

>> No.2487207

It's a gateway drug

>> No.2487210

link to some Inuboshi stuff

>> No.2487215


>> No.2487243

He's great, I love his art. Don't think I have that doujin yet. Mind providing a link?

>> No.2487268

>Rinoa-chan's First Time_04.jpg

>> No.2487272
File: 425 KB, 1104x1597, ema18cleanfix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2487284

Thanks, I saw that but neither google nor /rs/ gave me something. Before actually trying harder I thought it'd be quicker to just ask.

>> No.2487320

For some unfathomable reason I confuse him with Nekogen.

>> No.2487373
File: 329 KB, 1244x1556, 55fc3040ee99acb9c242dd7c6d1e97f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fap to Inuboshi's stuff regularly. it's really good

>> No.2487747

Ah, I want to fuck a gradeschooler...

>> No.2487783

Oh ho, why not whore ourselves?

>> No.2487824

Probably my favorite loli artist. His mangas are always cute and arousing, like all loli porn should be.

>> No.2487889
File: 286 KB, 1054x1522, [2008-07] COMIC_LO Vol.52_038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know the name of this artist? People who download comic LO will probably recognize the style.

>> No.2487999
File: 317 KB, 1140x1700, nendo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>2487889 was me. Had cleared Firefox private data and forgot to type in the name again.

Got some help on the IRC channel. The artist's name is nendo (ねんど)


>> No.2488320

little drawn girls want cocks

>> No.2488644
File: 309 KB, 539x492, postcoital.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong artist you fucktard.

>> No.2488669

See >>2487320.

>> No.2489124

I quite enjoy his work.

>> No.2489135

Only guy I actually have all the doujins of, love the nigger.

>> No.2489152

All of them? Upload, please.

>> No.2489193
File: 434 KB, 1110x1600, My Sister's an Idiot_09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2489213
File: 41 KB, 290x192, WHOREvulgarities.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really hard to tell them apart actually. Nekogen usually have angsty-looking lolis most of the time.

>> No.2490179
File: 339 KB, 1096x1600, 1197344092015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And angsty-looking tsundere moms as well.

>> No.2490308

see >>2489675

>> No.2490388


>> No.2490411

It's a shitty artist. Can't draw right yet. This story was another good example again. Shitty small breasts. Why can't he learn to draw delicious flatness already or just go for big tits or something?

>> No.2490420

Inuboshi is awesome because he always (almost always) has a blowjob scene.
If there's one thing a young girl is superior at, it's fellatio.

Also, i don't think he's ever done a real rape/non-consensual sex scene, which is awesome.

>> No.2490476

need sauce on this

>> No.2490483


Do you have a favorite?

>> No.2490512

You're a dumb troll.

>> No.2490528

Nekogen. Read the thread.

>> No.2490529

I'm not a troll. I just don't like the shitty small tits of this crap artist. I'm also tired of the obsession of translators over this crappy artists while there are better artists out there that can draw delicious GOOD-LOOKING lolis. Unlike you I have some standards for my lolis.

>> No.2490534


which one, asshole?

>> No.2490581

What are you, stupid? Budding breasts are better!

>> No.2490597


Who are some good loli artists?

>> No.2490612
File: 383 KB, 984x1408, 鬼_027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be kidding? The best is when it's like a little boy's chest. That's why some people think we are fags.
Pic related.
In before BAWWWWWW from people who dislike rape.

>> No.2490620

I'm with this man. Breasts are at their best when they're big enough to be visible naked, but not when clothed.

>> No.2490623

Fuck if I know.

>> No.2490630


I'm with the raging anonymous. Flat chest are the best.

>> No.2490629


>> No.2490640

I somewhat prefer budding breasts as well, but a real lolicon can appreciate both.

>> No.2490645

Lolicon > toddlercon

>> No.2490644

You are not completely taken by the loli side yet. You are BAD BAD man. Wait or was it the opposite?

>> No.2490652


Flat chest in lolis. Although flat chest in some toddlers is also fine. Then, I'd place budding breasts. In last place, breasts.

>> No.2490654

Nobody is saying anything about bay fat.
Also, fucktards. All of you.

>> No.2490660

Okay then. "8-12" > "<8"

>> No.2490664

You don't need to like the borderline loli stuff to be a lolicon, you only need to like the loli stuff.
Girls below 12!=toddlercon. I find your comment offensive.

>> No.2490675

itt actual pedophiles

>> No.2490676

8-12 don't have budding breasts. Budding breasts only happen when the girl hit puberty. This only happen in AMERICA because all girls are obese or fat hence puberty starts earlier.

>> No.2490682

I actually hate the real stuff and will report it on see. Thanks for your attention.

>> No.2490685

comic lo will be remembered as the magazine of human decadence.

>> No.2490690

Puberty in girls hits early, around the 8-10 mark. It's boys that don't get it until 12-14 or so.

>> No.2490694

And you won't be remembered for anything. Your point is?

>> No.2490695


Why, yes. I do know it's wrong and control myself, though.

>> No.2490705


I won't be used as an excuse for aliens to glass the planet.

>> No.2490715

>8-12 don't have budding breasts. Budding breasts only happen when the girl hit puberty.
But 8-12 is when girls hit puberty.

>> No.2490716

Worst comeback ever.

>> No.2490723

Weird thing is, I find the more "realistic" loli like Hikari Hayashibara's work kinda gross, but the more stylised stuff by artists like Inuboshi or Nekogen or Yaya Hinata is remarkably boner-inducing.

Real kids do nothing for me either.

>> No.2490726

lol u mad?

>> No.2490730
File: 20 KB, 270x259, dalegribble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2490753

That's because you live in America where they're all either fat or obese which makes puberty happen earlier.

>> No.2490757

How can somebody be mad at something that doesn't makes any sense?

>> No.2490764

Girls who aren't fat don't hit puberty at 8. Trust me.

>> No.2490778

Actually I don't. I live in New Zealand where we don't have much obesity at all.

>> No.2490780

In Mexico, almost all lolis are fucking ugly.

>> No.2490785

[Insert joke about sheep genes passing into the girls here]

>> No.2490789

Then you should know that already.

>> No.2490795

You think I spend time doing surveys on the breast-sizes of under-aged girls? Fuck no, I have more important things to do. Like fap to drawings of under-aged girls.

>> No.2490796


Uh, what. NZ's obesity rate is something like 69%, due to all the Samoans, Maoris, Tongans and general fat white people. It's actually pretty fucking high for a country which consists of about 5 million people.

>> No.2490828

Japanese is idiot's


>> No.2490845

Is it possible/advisable to get a subscription to Comic LO in the USA?

>> No.2490852
File: 301 KB, 977x1399, misaki02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Inuboshi well enough

>> No.2490864





Nope. Land of the free, huh?

>> No.2490877

Same here.

9-14 is the average age. That still covers most of the 8-12 range, and then there are always outliers.

>> No.2490879

What turned that comic from an above average fap to a great fap was the page of dialogue that went thusly:

Ken: Misaki-chan... maybe we shouldn't...
Misaki: Ken-chan! Aren't you going to put it in here?
Ken: Ehh?
Misaki: If you're going to do dirty things, do them properly all the way to the end!
Ken: But me doing this to you is kind of...
Misaki: You said you loved me didn't you? If the love is mutual, then there's no problem!

I'd post the picture but it's not exactly work-safe.

>> No.2490909

Damn. I guess I'll just stick to my scans.

>> No.2491203

I loves me some consensual lolisex. Rape is okay I guess, but it's so much hotter if the loli is into it too.

>> No.2491229

That's not average, that's what you'd usually see at most. The average would be the middle: which is 11-12. It can go either way if the girl is fat/obese or doesn't eat enough or does labor work/lots of sport.

>> No.2491327

You must be kidding? That's one of the worst artist in all of LO. Can't draw shit. I always delete his stuff on sight when I go through a new volume of LO.

>> No.2491355

0/10. That's like one of the only good artist left on this Comic LO. But even with that I've just quit wasting my bandwidth downloading Comic LO. Seriously if you're gonna troll, I dunno say something less obvious, like we're all pedos or something.

>> No.2491365

No anon, you're the troll. I was 100% serious. I always delete the pages with that artist as soon as I see them, just like I delete 98% of the rest.

>> No.2491473

tldr: you delete everything off Comic LO. Why the fuck are you downloading it then? But still you have bad tastes if you don't like this delicious artist.
