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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2484776 No.2484776 [Reply] [Original]

I don't understand it, why do Koreans love Starcraft so much, but the Japanese don't? Is there some cultural thing going on here with the Japanese vs Korean mentality on RTS games that I missed?

>> No.2484779

RTS is too competitive. Let's take it easy and play some turn based vidya instead.

>> No.2484785

I had no idea they disliked it. Isn't it more of an individual thing of what someone likes/dislikes.

>> No.2484786

only nerds have computers in japan

>> No.2484787


Every otakus need a computer to play eroge

>> No.2484790

Too low difficulty for most Japanese gamers.

>> No.2484791

But the Japanese love Fighting games.

>> No.2484796

They do - in arcades. Starcraft isn't an arcade game.

>> No.2484800


>> No.2484802

Ah ha. No.

>> No.2484805

>"Why do the Japanese..." post
Go away.

>> No.2484807

It's not just Korea, everyone except you retards hate Japan.
And for a good reason, they're elitist bastards who just can't stop thinking for a second about how GLORIOUS NIPPON is, and they still steal everyfucking piece of technology they see, make some shitty adjustment and claim it's their own.
I hate them so much.

>> No.2484808

Games in Japanese otaku minds: RPG, Fighting, Shoot'em up, visual novels. No FPSes, no simulations, no RTS/TBS/RTT or other western shits.

Otherwise, it's belong to /v/

>> No.2484814

>no simulations
Are you fucking kidding me?

The Japanese are gay for train simulators.

>> No.2484822

It's because someone picked up on it in korea and started marketing it hardcore.

I think you can make this argument about all video games. They're just not as popular in Japan as Korea.

>> No.2484852

Japanese gamers usually play memorizing games or reflex based games examples being fighters and touhou. I dont really understand what they have against RTS and FPS. I guess it's the mouse and keyboard they dont like it. I mean look at the games they play all of them are arcade stick+buttons or gamepad. Guess games with more then 8 buttons is too much for a Japanese person.

>> No.2484890

FPS gives them motion sickness. I don't know about RTS. TBS is better, anyway.

>> No.2484913

But Korea is not huge on other RTS games, save maybe some Warcraft 3 tournies. They love their MMOs, but that's pretty obvious.

>> No.2484920

It's a PC game and PC gaming isn't as big in Japan as it is in Korea.

>> No.2484922

How do you Amerifags, the center of capitalism, not figure out the fucking idea that someone marketed shit and it got popular when that happens every day to you? Is it a cultural thing that you guys are morons?

>> No.2484924

Japanese males don't give a fuck about RTS. They are a social people that prefer being lonely and posting video game plays or going onto MMOs with little girls and pretending to be little girls themselves.
The Japanese gamer is either an arcade fag, console fag, or MMO fag. RTS only has place with the older guys and for korea all the little shits are into RTS. Like brazillians, they feast off the slight victories they can get.

>> No.2484939

Who in here is still watching the Averatec Intel Classic tournaments, I still have a massive erection over July's game a couple of weeks ago.

/v/ was following season one over a year ago last I checked but they like spamming catchphrases and are incapable of holding a good conversation over anything.

>> No.2484941


That's nice, dear.

>> No.2484948
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>> No.2484955

AoE2 != Starcraft

>> No.2484954
File: 83 KB, 595x300, lynmoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

warcraft here

fuck japan

>> No.2484966

But still a RTS.

>> No.2484970

Korea only likes starcraft, and MMOs
Japan likes single player console games

>> No.2484973


Makes sense that the RTS that does have some sort of japanese following happens to be an unbalanced piece of shit.

>> No.2484989

jaedong, flash, and nada in 24 hours

>> No.2485005


Is there more?

>> No.2485010


Who's the 4th I haven't been following since July's game due to other stuff.

>> No.2485031

pure vs flash
protoss vs hiya
falcon vs nada
movie vs jaedong

>> No.2485053

I recommend baby vs jangbi s3

>> No.2485277

capcom localized diablo2 and starcraft I think.

>> No.2485282

Man, I haven't been following GomtV s3 at all. I've been watching the proleagues on the VioleTAK account on youtube instead. Tastless is fun, but the commentators on youtube are better overall, IMO.

>> No.2485316

because starcraft is a shitty game

>> No.2485327

GomTV is a lot more fun to watch if you do it with other people

Come to #plott on Rizon when it's on or even the /v/ threads

>> No.2485335


I used to hang out in #plott during season one but the spam in it was annoying.

>> No.2485371

Maybe the Japs just got bored of it. I mean, it's an old as hell game.
I used to be a tourneyfag and played starcraft for several years pretty seriously, but even I got sick of it.
Koreans seem to be immune to boredom. Prolly that's why they play the same game for years, like starcraft and infinite grindan mmorpgs.

>> No.2485401
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>> No.2485405
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I shat brix.

>> No.2485417
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time to declare holy war on corea

>> No.2485501

Why would they want to play this when they have such a large selection of home grown stuff?

>> No.2487491

These. Koreans LOVE repetitive games; why else would they make all those MMO's that require you to grind endlessly to progress? And Japan tends to be a bit snobbish about games that aren't made in Japan. Not to say that foreign games can't have some success there, it's just harder to market them.

>> No.2487531

I totally forgot the name of that manga even though I put it on the PS3 a week ago... Rosa Chinensis' Yuri's Megapack is to big to remember everything...

>> No.2487536

Koreans don't only play RTSs.
They play FPSs and Fighters too.
Also, some of the best players are koreans.

>> No.2487699

Koreans love Go (known as Baduk) too. There's an entire channel devoted to it there.

>> No.2487909

>I hate them so much.

And yet you post on /jp/?
Seems like someone here is Tsundere

>> No.2487923

>Also, some of the best players are koreans.


You guys don't know Umehara and his blocking techniques
