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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2477188 No.2477188 [Reply] [Original]

How does asia get to be so xenophobic and racist and get away with it whereas the same views are demonised in the west?

As an example I'm friends with some immigrants from Hong Kong who own a Chinese takeaway over here. They admittedly call the food they serve only 'fit for dogs' and it was only until I went to Hong Kong and immersed myself in the culture that they deigned me worthy of sitting at the table and eating their 'proper' food with chopsticks, whereas before I was resigned to sitting on the couch and eating their 'dog food' with western cutlery.

I've also heard Japan is notoriously elitist and openly call for 'keeping Japan for the Japanese' Any politician here in the west would surely be committing political suicide if they were to espouse such views over here. Japan is generally thought of as a 'backwards' society (nor particularly Hong Kong) so how do they get away with such blatantly racist/xenophobic views without demonisation?

>> No.2477203

Is that Hoshino Aki?

>> No.2477207

/jp/ - R9K/General

>> No.2477213

Is this really true of the whole 'west'? I know USA is this way because it is a country whose foundation is immigration. This is why these views are prominent in the US.

I can't comment if or why these views would exist in western Europe, however.

>> No.2477208

That's goddamn cheating. Unless it's a woman's league, the batter is going to be too distracted to keep his eye on the ball.

>> No.2477210

Probably because you're comparing to Japan of the 21st century (not really saturated with immigrants) to the west which by now is a lot more diverse. Of course you can't say negative things now (when most of your voters are ethnic) but it's not like everyone in the west has always been open to (or still is) having an influx of people from other nations in their country.

>> No.2477219

Because it's an ethnically homogeneous country, so there's not really that many minorities around to care.

Now shoo.

>> No.2477225
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The only racist people I met in Japan were westerners.

>> No.2477226

I've had it with fucking /n/.
I don't care about racism, god damnit.

>> No.2477230

You'd probably get away with it a lot easier in the US if the voting populace was predominantly one race as it is in Japan. Ultimately though, it's about catering to your voters. If your voters are a bunch of xenophobes it's a lot easier to get away with.

>> No.2477242

So, is it Hoshino Aki or not?

>> No.2477246

No, her name is Titty-chan.

>> No.2477271

Your friend is a jerk. Also Western culture Asian/random minority club=A-OK, White clubs=FFFFFF RACISM

>> No.2477287

Then it is definitely her.

>> No.2477363

Yeah, it is.

>> No.2477759

The very fact that something as retarded as racism even fucking exists is further proof that the human race are nothing more than a collection psychotic and delusional apes, that fight and kill each other over the most trivial bullshit.

>> No.2477767

I like the sarcasm on your post.

>> No.2477773

this man speaks troof

>> No.2477780

Tell us how you really feel...

>> No.2477801
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>I've also heard Japan is notoriously elitist and openly call for 'keeping Japan for the Japanese' Any politician here in the west would surely be committing political suicide if they were to espouse such views over here.

>> No.2477807

I was treated badly when I was there
Also I heard that they're mean
Why all of them are such faggots!


>> No.2477821

because every single japanese man, woman and child shares the same views

right? right?


>> No.2477828



>> No.2477834


I'm guessing you know next to nothing about Japanese society. Much less Asian society. So I'm going to sage.

>> No.2477844


On the inside, maybe not.

But on the outside, yes.

Honne and Tatamae google it fucker and stop bumping this retarded shit

So long as you idiots aren't going to learn about Japan don't fucking come to /jp/

>> No.2477889

>They admittedly call the food they serve only 'fit for dogs' and it was only until I went to Hong Kong and immersed myself in the culture that they deigned me worthy of sitting at the table and eating their 'proper' food with chopsticks, whereas before I was resigned to sitting on the couch and eating their 'dog food' with western cutlery.

Chinese dog food = Made with cow
Proper Chinese food = made with dog

>> No.2477900


>I'm guessing you know next to nothing about Japanese society.

Wow, you probably think you're hot stuff, eh? Jackass. No one gives a shit if you "know" about Japanese society.

>> No.2478069

Protecting the people of your own country is a bad thing now?

>> No.2478725

>As an example I'm friends with some immigrants from Hong Kong who own a Chinese takeaway over here. They admittedly call the food they serve only 'fit for dogs' and it was only until I went to Hong Kong and immersed myself in the culture that they deigned me worthy of sitting at the table and eating their 'proper' food with chopsticks, whereas before I was resigned to sitting on the couch and eating their 'dog food' with western cutlery.

Actually, this is more likely due to the fact that Americans like food they would consider "fit for dogs" way, way more than anything they would consider decent.

It's not that they decided you were "worthy" of anything.

>> No.2478741

Why do people care if Japan is racist or not?

>> No.2478773

Some people might actually want to go over there someday, regardless of how weeaboo it is to want to do that.

>> No.2478789


Japan isn't racist though. Foreigners just don't know their place.

In America, it's racism. In Japan, it's reality.

>> No.2478791

>So I'm going to sage
I'm guessing you don't know much about "sage," so I'm going to point something out to you: it's just a fucking command that lets you post without bumping the thread; for instance when your post doesn't contribute anything to the thread. That's it, there is no hidden meaning, no "oooooh, that guy got saged HARD!" It's just there so you can use it and not bump the thread with your trivial bullshit.

>> No.2478801

but we used it that way back before moot graduated

>> No.2478814

And? It's not like they're going to be burnt at the stake or something. As long as they are decent people they should be able to make friends and be alright. They'll just need to accept that some people won't like them, big deal.

>> No.2478815


Well, there isn't anything to contribute really. People think Japan is racist/xenophobic and like to complain about it. If they spent a minute to understand why, they wouldn't complain so much

>> No.2478816

You forget that a lot of Americans are Xenophobic.

>> No.2478827


More importantly, they need to realize that they are NOT Japanese. They are foreigners in Japan. When they understand that, they will be humbled, and they will not give off the "bad American image" that has created the xenophobic attitudes in the first place.

>> No.2478835

Announcing a sage is the same as announcing that you're a dumbass. I'm just saying.

>> No.2478843

Even in the U.S. many people are racist and anti-immigration.

The thread is about Japanese society, so it helps to know what you're talking about. Oh wait, I forgot I'm on /jp/ where no one knows anything about Japan and just repeats stereotypes they read somewhere on the internet.

>> No.2478856

Thread a ya'll troll in niggas postin

>> No.2478854

My thought on why they are like that is because of western colonization on the east. It's like you break in someone's houses and sit in their couch minding your own bussiness. That's why they hate western people

>> No.2478862


Agreed. /jp/ only really knows VNs and Doujin culture. Actual japanese culture is pretty much off-limits. I'd love to talk about it, but the people here are so ignorant I'd rather get the intelligent discussion elsewhere and just laugh at how pathetically uneducated the new generations of 4channers and otaku in general are.


Well yeah, I mean...you can look at the email field, but how many people do that? Majority v.s. minority, so probably not many right? If I make the 'sage' visible, it incites guys like you to waste your time posting about it.

>> No.2478864


>The thread is about Japanese society

Not /jp/ related, also it's an obvious troll. Jackass.

>on /jp/ where no one knows anything about Japan

Why do you keep forgetting this? Are you stupid? Nobody here even likes Japan.

>> No.2478861

They don't just hate western people, though. The Japanese hate us, the Koreans, the Chinese, the Filipinos, the Vietnamese...the list goes on. Their hatred knows no bounds.

>> No.2478880


Think about it...WHY?

Instead of letting them be their little island-nation forever, we wrecked their shit and made them integrate with the rest of the world. Their entire society operates off of the "this shit is tiny as fuck, lets work together and not fuck each others' shit up" mentality. It was essential to survival.

America was founded on a "I don't like this shit, lets go do our own shit" mentality.

These two mentalities are in COMPLETE conflict with each other.

And thus, Japan hates America. If the entire world worked off the Japanese mentality, we'd be better off. But we don't mostly, and so Japan is butthurt and gets to live in their dying economic wonderland of personal boundaries and honne/tatamae inside group/outside group ethics.

>> No.2478892

I bet you think even your mother hates you.

>> No.2478924

>Not /jp/ related
I never said it was.

>also it's an obvious troll. Jackass.
Yes, the OP was, but the people who reply to these threads are idiots who actually believe the ignorant shit they post.

>Nobody here even likes Japan.
Just a line to discourage /trv/ bullshit. We clearly spend all of our time consuming Japanese media, which counts for something. Take your weeaboo denial back to /a/.

>> No.2478954

I take back all the praise I've said about you.
You'd have been fine sticking to learning the language, but you've honestly half the idea you make out you understand. Rather it sounds like you're just repeating the generic lesson they teach in text books.
You think equality would create a better world? That's the most disgusting phrase I've heard today. You are expecting managers to make near the same amount as accounting?
Then going ahead with your poor grasp of economics. You've no idea how Japanese economics works it looks like.

>> No.2478978
File: 168 KB, 600x315, 1222289043180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2478987

No idea why the Chinese and the coreans are like that since they seem to prefer remaining completely backwards over admitting any bit of inferiority, but the Japanese actually have consistently made strides to develop their country at the cost of their own culture so I suppose they do have some right to believing that they are better.

>> No.2478997

they are all brainwashed living in a closed society. simple as that.

>> No.2479000

is dat sum communist vs capitalism argument!?

>> No.2479008

I don't know how you would get an argument for economic market structure out of that. I'm talking about the willingness of the Japanese to adopt and adapt different parts of various cultures to suit their needs versus the Chinese and coreans who would rather remain underdeveloped than give leeway to anything foreign (in this case referring to external, not foreigner foreign).

>> No.2479010


HAHAHAHAHA Where the hell did you get that idea? We aren't all equal at all. Did you even read my post?

I meant in society, having a Japanese sense of ethics will cause less conflict. This applies to Japanese business, too.

In a group setting, like with friends at a burger shop, in America this would be ok:

Dude1: "Dude, you eat cheeseburgers? Fuckin gross"
Dude2: "Fuck you, cheeseburgers fuckin pwn"
Dude1: "Fuck you asshole, I'm outta here"

versus in japan...

Dude1: "Dude, you eat cheeseburgers? (fuckin gross)"
Dude2: "Oh yeah dude, it's really good if you put a lot of black pepper on them (i know u hate cheeseburgers so maybe you'll see why i like them)"
Dude1: "No shit? I'll have to try that...holy fuck, its good (im hesitant as fuck, but maybe ill try it...oh shit, its good)"

>> No.2479015

wow, what a delusional post

>> No.2479021
File: 441 KB, 1071x889, 1239661972576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is what I call a real troll. You don't see these guys anymore, wow, where the fuck is my pokeball

>> No.2479026


Why do you think there are hikkikomori in Japan?

It is a direct result of the influence of capitalism and the inability to cope with honne and tatamae

>> No.2479031


Also I guess I was wrong. Here I was thinking someone just taught you wrong, but it just looks like your entire argument is off stereotypes. I guess because black people made rap music all black people like rap.

You are choosing the wrong idea to blanket society.
I could say all black people like chicken, because it's a blanket that has very little argument. But what you're saying is applying to society TWENTY FUCKING YEARS AGO. Christ are you wrong.

>> No.2479037

Japanese racism is subtle and polite. Its the lady in the store that says excuse me and walks to the other side of the store when you come in. It is the guy that graciously apologizes when he closes his shop for no particular reason when you walk up. They won't really come out and call you a dirty gaijin to your face like an American racist would. Counter culture for them.

>> No.2479038

Now you're just being fucking stupid. Shut-ins and deviants are signs of a good social structure with ample productivity. You've no idea how economics works, you should shut the fuck up before I think you're just trying to troll.

>> No.2479044


haha oh what?

im actually saying that people shouldnt get so butthurt if they observe something about a group of people and it happens to be true of a lot of us but not ALL

for example...this is fucking /jp/. where are all the virgins at? fucking right here, baby.

now, it may not be true, but what is and isnt true has nothing to do with what i just observed.

this is the nature of the universe, and japan has embraced it. why do you think they got away with saying the obama-monkey commercial "wasnt racist", and yet the ENTIRE WORLD threw a bitch fit over it. japan removed it, and apologized, but they totally said "we had no racist intention behind the commercial"

does that make japan backwards?

>> No.2479051


EXACTLY!!!!!! This is how society should work. Polite exterior, rude interior. Avoiding conflict by any means necessary.

>> No.2479086
File: 24 KB, 387x259, facepalm laptop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>racism... lady in the store that says excuse me walks to the other side of the store when you come in


>> No.2479100


*young gaijin comes into store*
*old jap woman chillin, sees this dude*
*she HATES gaijin, and she hates kids, and this fucker is both of em*
*so, she decides to stay out of his site and thus out of his notice*

in japan, when you dont like something, you dont deal with it

>> No.2479119
File: 39 KB, 148x168, 1239484779090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread...

>> No.2479132

Lelouch look out!!!

>> No.2479182

Thats the point asshat. They are xenophobic and would rather not be around a foreigner but they won't yell at you or call you a slur to your face. In fact they would probably treat you normally on the surface. Still they want little to do with you so you can make acquaintances but few friends.

>> No.2479231

It's just like you feel uneasy when some foreign guy wearing a turban comes up to you.

>> No.2479277

dirka dirka muhammed jihad :D

but srsly, in all respects, if you go to japan (or any country for that matter), your a guest, like if you go to your girlfriend's house (which is inhabited by a former navy seal whos really good with a knife). dont fuck up, and you wont get your balls cut off. agreed? you see, when most ppl go there, they act like they're family and their not, then they fuck up and the natives go "wtf? RESPEKT OR GTFO" but being the ignorant motherfuckers foreigners are, they dont know the language. (most of the time) its the same here, if some foreigner were to come heere and pulled the shit we(foreigners) pull over there, im prety sure we'd be as xenophobic as they are. the cure for this is, HAVE SOME RESPECT OVERSEAS.

btw, i like OP's pic, very nice shot, love to find out her fastball speed.

>> No.2479292

forgot to add, racism is a sever case of stupidity combined with a bit of impitancy

>> No.2479303

Its only racist when whites do it. Sad but true.

>> No.2479305

Agreed. Give it another 50 to 100 years and humans will be extinct anyway.

>> No.2479569

Bro. Every country in the world is xenophobic. They're always xenophobic.

But if we're going to talk about the most xenophobic country in the world contest, North Ireland takes the cake.

>> No.2480714

ITT: We know about Japanese culture

Seriously, you're acting as if like Gaijin get murdered. People probably don't care.

>> No.2481061 [DELETED] 


>> No.2481103

The ignorance ITT is astounding.
