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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 11 KB, 231x199, japan..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2475329 No.2475329 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is about our love for all things Japan.

I'll let the good citizens of China-oppressed Taiwan to speak:

>Japan is the foreign country enjoying the highest popularity among Taiwanese, most of whom are fascinated by the country's culture and natural environment, according to the results of a survey released Tuesday by Japan's Interchange Association.
The survey found that when asked to name their favorite foreign country, 38 percent of respondents mentioned Japan.


>> No.2475342

Please /jp/, just don't bump threads like this one.
Please use sage if you really need speak something


>> No.2475346

Your OP image is misleading.

>> No.2475341

I love sushi.

>> No.2475353

Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

>> No.2475360

I'll start.

In Japan, women still dress like women.

Not whores, not like men. That's what makes me like japan.

Also: they're a conservative nation, but not religious.

>> No.2475374
File: 92 KB, 469x700, 03-10-09-08-01_01-thumb-469x700-10592.jpg..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not good to make such large generalizations!

>> No.2475375

>China-oppressed Taiwan

>> No.2475394


Pointing a collection of missiles at Taiwan and threatening them is a form of social oppression.

Although they wouldn't use it, I would still think that the Taiwanese people would prefer to live in peace without anything being pointed at them.

>> No.2475396

You rule ISM. Age.

>> No.2475402


OH DOHOHOHOHHOHO. What makes you think they wouldn't use it.

>> No.2475408


And about the reunification issue, if China is as great a country as they say they are, then Taiwan would reunite with them voluntarily.

The fact that they don't want to speaks volumes.

>> No.2475413


The reason for that was that the Japanese occupation of Taiwan was an unusually happy one (although there were still comfort women). Compulsory education, public clinics and other infrastructure etc were all introduced. After WW2 the island was handed back to the KMT who behaved like asshats. As a result some of the old folks have some fond feelings for the occupation, much to the disgust of mainlanders.

>> No.2475428


According to what I read on the internet from Chinese nationalists, they tend to view Taiwanese people as "our brothers and sisters" etc...

This is different when they talk about other races, instead using words like "nigger", "albino monkey" and "honkey"

Then again, China is infamous for oppression of its own citizens so perhaps Taiwanese people shouldn't become ONE CHINA Chinese perhaps?

>> No.2475440


Because they are recipients of Taiwanese FDI.

>> No.2475443


Old people that like Japan?

Well, I'll be damned.

Certainly makes a change from the usual "FUCKING JAP SCUM" rhetoric from American war veterans and butthurt Chinese nationalists.

>> No.2475451


The Japanese occupation didn't do a whole hell of a lot for them, by the end of WW2 it was still a shit poor country with an economy on par with an African country. The ones who industrialized the place and gave it an economy on par with Europe was the Kuomintang that arrived from China.

>> No.2475473

>>"Many of my elders liked to say that under Japanese occupation, Taiwan was a 'paradise.' There was almost no crime. If somebody left home for twenty years and left his door open, everything remained untouched after he came back. There was no corruption at that time. My father told me once that if a person brought some fruit with him when on a visit to seek help from a friend, his friend would feel insulted and angry and then ask him to leave his home immediately, thinking this was a kind of bribery. However, the Chiangs brought the habit of massive corruption to Taiwan.

>>"The Japanese sincerely tried to plan Taiwan as a wonderful place. They put up many buildings, train stations, schools, and universities. They had good plans for beautifying the streets of our towns. Many present-day architects give credit to the Japanese for having had long-term plans for Taiwan. However, the Chiangs destroyed everything and did very little development. It is understandable. . . . They were thinking that one day they would go back to occupy China again. Taiwan for them was a temporary small hotel."


>> No.2475504


Ranking of Asian Women:

Top tier: Japanese - have contempt for everyone because they're the best and they know it. They also have the whitest skin.

Second tier: Taiwanese - they're the descendants of the Chinese elite and bourgeoisie. As such, their women are generally better-looking and more refined.

Third tier: Korean - integration of plastic surgery into mainstream culture has greatly improved their looks, but there isn't much substance to fake beauty.

Fourth (mid) tier: Singaporean - similar to the Taiwanese, though there are also dark-skinned niggers from South-East Asian swimming around in their gene pool.

Fifth tier: Chinese - mostly the descendants of peasants who make up the majority of the 1.3 billion population. That's a lot of butt-ugly people. Poor nutrition and questionable hygiene in recent centuries have resulted in a beating from the ugly stick and many malformations during child development. Mexicans of East Asia.

Sixth tier: Indonesians and most minority groups (Laos, Hmongs, Tibetans, etc.) - mostly devoid of looks and refinement. Peasants, all of them. Generally tend to have darker skin.

Bottom tier: Filipinos - the niggers of East Asia. And with the nigger culture to boot (rap, ghetto-slang, etc). Was also raped repeatly by spics in its history. A pure combination of failure.

Lower-than-bottom tier: Indians - self-explanatory.

>> No.2475562
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Many Taiwanese also joined the Japanese army to aid in their military campaigns against China. >>Many Taiwanese units, alongside the regular Japanese army, took part in some of the most noteworthy campaigns of that time against China, including the Rape of Nanking.

>> No.2475563


I really don't understand 2nd tier. So the KMT party were elite and bourgeoisie.

>> No.2475576

I don't like you ISM but this is, for one, fucking correct.

>> No.2475606

shit tier; real women
top tier: anime waifus

>> No.2475640


agreed altho the reasoning behind number 2 is still wtf to me

>> No.2476011


>> No.2476031


The moral of the story is you do not get chinks to do a japs job.

>> No.2476052
File: 10 KB, 231x199, korea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is now about our love for all things Korea.

>> No.2476082


>> No.2476090
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>> No.2476123



>> No.2476134
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>> No.2476135


Romi Paku
