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File: 178 KB, 803x841, 1239420660141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2474648 No.2474648 [Reply] [Original]

"All those things like reasons and plans, those bothersome stuff, should be left for future historians to find a reason to give me. Heroes like us only need to obey our hearts’ desire, and gallop along the battlefield with our boiling blood!"

- This is so fuckdamn true to Alexander the Great.
Historians actually don't even know why he suddenly decided to conquer the world.

Iskander thread.

>> No.2474654
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>> No.2474657
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>> No.2474661
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>> No.2474659

1. Genghis Khan (1162-1227) 4,860,000

2. Alexander the Great (356-323 B.C.) 2,180,000

3. Tamerlane (1336-1405) 2,145,000

4. Cyrus the Great (600-529 B.C.) 2,090,000

5. Attila (406-453) 1,450,000

6. Mahmud of Ghazni (971-1030) 680,000

Too bad.

>> No.2474663
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>> No.2474666


Those numbers are square miles they conquered. Alex didn't even conquer half of what the top guy got.

>> No.2474664

He wanted to forge an empire (and succeeded despite its fragmentation) and to show great combat prowess like his idol Achilles did in the Illiad.

>> No.2474670
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China never existed.


Waver in a skirt canon-omake

>> No.2474671
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>> No.2474673

Alex was also more than a thousand years before him. Times change.

>> No.2474676

fuck yes iskhander you are one gar ass mother fucker.

where's my VN

>> No.2474679
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So, held the record for a millennia and has only lost 1 rung since.
Still an accomplishment.

>> No.2474680
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and only Iskander could turn that boy into this

>> No.2474685

Interesting. Never knew that Katawa Shoujo reject conquered that much.

I liked how he took this one fortress, though. He promised no blood would be spilled if the fort surrendered. Knowing they had no chance, the defenders put them to his mercy, where he proceeded to bury all of them alive. What a dick.

>> No.2474688


Does that first line read "Professor Charisma" or am I reading that wrong?

Because that is AWESOME if I'm right.

>> No.2474695
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>> No.2474702
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>> No.2474710
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>> No.2474712
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>> No.2474714

Needs more RiderxWaver tender manly hugs.

>> No.2474720
File: 735 KB, 3000x2340, gil vs rider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gil was here, Alex is a loser

>> No.2474722


>> No.2474728
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I blame the language of the sand people

>> No.2474734
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>> No.2474738
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>> No.2474745

No one fucking cares about you, Gil. Fuck off.

>> No.2474746

Not to mention that Ghenkis Khans method of "Conquering" was running in, killing everyone who could declare otherwise, claiming the land and moving on.

>> No.2474744
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>> No.2474747
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>> No.2474754

It's "Rushing in before the enemies even had the chance to raise an army" and "force them into hiding behind their walls and starve them to death".

>> No.2474756
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>> No.2474762

I really hate his character design. It looks nothing like the actual Alexander.

>> No.2474765
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>> No.2474771

Interestingly enough, despite people saying that Alexander = Sandnigger's Iskander, their Iskander is more likely to be Cyrus the Great, not Alexander. The confusion seems to arise from how Alexander and Iskander sounds way too similar.

BTW, Iskander in sandnigger's language means something like "Two horns holder", probably referring to the control over both the land of the West and the East. Alexander does fit this description, but so does Cyrus. And apparently one of the monument dedicated to Cyrus depicts him wearing a helmet with two horns.

Just a random trivia, if it's even true.

>> No.2474773

That is why he failed. Real faggots enslave a tribe and make them work for them by selecting out their elites and take them into the family like in ancient times in Babylon or later with Rome.
Just like in the latest phase of world domination aka globalization or multi-culturism

>> No.2474772

I liked it. His face is pretty lion-like, which fits the historical depiction of Alexander wearing a lion-shaped helmet.

>> No.2474769
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Some sort of Alexander-Ganondorf hybrid?

>> No.2474768

same applies to all the other heroes from legend featured in fate

>> No.2474777
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More like this.

>> No.2474779
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>> No.2474782
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just be grateful it wasn't anything like this

>> No.2474787
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dude received the manliest booster shot ever

>> No.2474791

That looks like the aborted fetus of Aeon Flux.

>> No.2474795

The tribal nature of Mongols is simply not meant for ruling gigantic empires.

>> No.2474799
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>> No.2474802
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just my luck. I recall having a page from a doujin where waver is being sodomized by rider, but I can't find it

>> No.2474818

it should, same people and all that

>> No.2474833
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>> No.2474842

THAT'S future Waver? By Gods, Alexander, you've succeeded. You've made a man out of him.

>> No.2474846

Why does Iskander look like he's in his mid to late thirties? As far as I know he died very young, unless there's some untold real version of history where he continued to live on to his old days!?

>> No.2474855

War changes people. He could just simply look older than he really is.

>> No.2474859
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"On the afternoon of June 11, 323 BC, Alexander died in the palace of Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon. He was just one month short of attaining 33 years of age. "

So he looks maybe 5 years older than he should be.

>> No.2474862

Khan mostly conquered and left, Alexander also established proper rule and affected civilizations.

>> No.2474864
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the same reason why the once and future king is so adorable

>> No.2474866

He didn't die of poisoning. He went on fighting in Carthage and in Rome until he got killed roughly a decade later.

>> No.2474869

He died in his EARLY thirties due to an illness.
The guy rode into countless battlefields and survived.
Even HIS FUCKING horse survived it all and died of old age.

>> No.2474875
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>> No.2474876

Funny, believe it or not there ARE alternate tales of Alexander not dying of poisoning. He went to India and then to Southeast Asia, married the local princesses and produced heirs that become rulers of the Indonesian kingdoms.

>> No.2474878

The point is, these are TALES.
There are historic cross-checked accounts concerning Alexander, he wasn't just a legend.

>> No.2474888

I'm sure this is what South East Asians would like to believe.

>> No.2474890

Which Rider would you pick to fuck you in the ass? Honestly?

>> No.2474900


[X] Massive burly manly man
[ ] Petrifying snake whore

I can take it.

>> No.2474902
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May my great forefather excuse me...

>> No.2474910

Some Greek you are.

>> No.2474912 [DELETED] 

If I can get results like Waver, the choice is obvious

>> No.2474917 [DELETED] 

Gorgons are GREEK monsters, so fuck you.

>> No.2474922 [DELETED] 


medusa. without a doubt.

>> No.2474933 [DELETED] 

same with king Arthur, he's based on a number of historical figures but the important thing is his legend.
He is named Iskandar because Persia is where he was worshipped the most and where his cult as a supernatural being originated from (the Two Horns were supposed to be an omen of vistory, much like Genghis Khan's blood clot). The legend surrounding him counts more than history, probably.

>> No.2474935 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 800x600, Fate Hollow Ataraxia 269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


tentacle rape end

>> No.2474937 [DELETED] 


THAT'S Medusa EX?


>> No.2474941 [DELETED] 

she's so kawaii!

>> No.2474953 [DELETED] 

In Alexander's case, it shouldn't...
But this is the universe where historical figures have supernatural abilities either way, so I guess it doesn't matter that much.

>> No.2474957 [DELETED] 
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Looking kind of Kouma there, Iskander.

>> No.2474959 [DELETED] 

The difference is that both possible cases of Artur are not even close the time period the legends depict him, and his achievements are obvious bullshit.

>> No.2474998 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 664x420, akibakko-118040464618870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

between lancer and rider, who's the ultimate bro?

>> No.2475108 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2475119 [DELETED] 


I don't like the way Uryuunosuke is looking at me...

>> No.2475127 [DELETED] 

Genghis Khan conquered fucking deserts in china and mongolia, way to go.

>> No.2475130 [DELETED] 

oh come on now, he looks like a nice enough guy

>> No.2475157 [DELETED] 

5th Lancer = 4th Rider
4th Lancer = 5th Assassin

>> No.2475158 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2475178 [DELETED] 

>conquer the world

It's amazing how fucking stupid westerners are

>> No.2475230 [DELETED] 


What he THOUGHT was the world, idiot.

>> No.2475254 [DELETED] 


It's amazing how fucking stupid westerners were

>> No.2475258 [DELETED] 

there's a difference between stupidity and ignorance

>> No.2475284 [DELETED] 

And the entire Middle East, Russia and Mediterranean. Europe was spare because out of all the areas the Mongols have conquer Europe was one of the poorest area. Middle East and China was where it was at.

>> No.2475285 [DELETED] 


Japanese thought the world ended to the east.

>> No.2475350 [DELETED] 

Not bad, but could be better.

>where's my VN
Just after Tsukihime 2. I.E. never.

>> No.2475398 [DELETED] 


Man, the 4th Caster really was DERP...

>> No.2475420 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 608x768, fatezeromaterial061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also helps that his master was insane
