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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2473945 No.2473945 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is dedicated to our love of Japan.

What do YOU like about Japan?

For me, the lack of American-style puritannical "SEX SHOULD ONLY BE FOR REPRODUCTION, THE FEMALE BODY IS DISGUSTING. COVER IT UP!" religious mindset. People like sex and naked people, Japanese people accept that for what it is.

And common rational sense (something that America lacks) is something that I can respect.

>> No.2473947

how can you bother to keep this pretense up, I mean really

>> No.2473948

>†Invisible Sky Magician†

>> No.2473949

I like China.

>> No.2473963
File: 43 KB, 635x358, japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Japan, period.

>> No.2473976

intentional logical fallancies GO!

>> No.2474003


>> No.2474006

I love anime. And manga. Oh, and DDR. Also imma gay.

>> No.2474014

Politeness and extraordinary manners.

It's like a goddamn disease over there.

>> No.2474035

i like how america hates nudity but does not censor their porn


>> No.2474048

Eastern occult styles are an incredible opposite to(what the many sees as) western occultism. A classical paradox -eastern styles can gain incredible spiritual power but are forbidden from using it. It's an admirable path.

>> No.2474051
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I love lolicon.

>> No.2474053

I actually hate DDR.

And Smile.dk.

I prefer Drummania.


>> No.2474056


That's your filthy Christian mindset. Learn2religion.

>> No.2474057

i like how japan got nuked in ww2

>> No.2474062

>People like sex and naked people, Japanese people accept that for what it is.

lol wut

>> No.2474065

I like how Japan mirrors the ancient Greeks when it comes to homosexuality. Lesbians, gays, bisexuals, all very much welcome!

>> No.2474063

The only reason Japan is better is because the feminists haven't gotten anything done over there yet.

>> No.2474060

Shibuya Kei.

>> No.2474075

That's because women in Japan don't have to work and can have all the fun while their husbands work their asses out like slaves.

They have it too good to fight for more.

>> No.2474076


No, Japan actually is more disapproving of homosexuals in the long run. They feel that kids can fool around with it and be kids but it's their job to grow into responsible adults who take their gender and family roles seriously.

>> No.2474081

That was 20 years ago.

>> No.2474095

Considering the amount of girls that I used to see dressing like sluts, you really don't have any ground to stand on. Unless you are talking about the "no nudity on TV" in which case you might have a point. However, most of the world lets nudity on TV. Also, they really do lack a lot of rational sense over there. Go visit and find that out first hand. Sorry to shatter your dreams.

Anyhoo, what do I like about Japan? The countryside is rather nice. Yeah, I think that's about it.

>> No.2474204


America is to fault for the censorship.

>> No.2474209

>For me, the lack of American-style puritannical "SEX SHOULD ONLY BE FOR REPRODUCTION, THE FEMALE BODY IS DISGUSTING. COVER IT UP!" religious mindset. People like sex and naked people, Japanese people accept that for what it is.

What? You know you're talking about a country that outlaws genitals, right?

>> No.2474221

America is a terrible comparison. Everyone's better than America so there's no point.

>> No.2474222

not to mention he's talking about America as if half the girls don't dress like trash and act like sluts. I want some of what he's having or would like to know where he lives. Sound interesting.

>> No.2474234

ISM has clearly never been to Japan. Despite what the the media likes to portray it as, Japan has a very conservative society compared to the West.

>> No.2474244

Have you even been to Japan? And if you have show some proof to show you aren't just lying.

>> No.2474268

>a country that outlaws genitals

No, he's talking about a country that had a law that outlaws pubic hair forced on it by dumb American occupating forces and responded by drawing all of their genitals without any hair whatsoever.

>> No.2474266


America is better than China.


>> No.2474282

How can you talk about a country you haven't even been to, that's like describing what flying feels like without ever being in an airplane.

>> No.2474294


There are things called books and internet.

But I can't expect a redneck living in a rural shithole such as yourself to know that, right?

>> No.2474297

I like that Japan is isolated on an island.

>> No.2474323

No, but you certainly like to assume everything, like things you read are hard fact, and that I'm not a Slav posting from Germany. Hey, you may as well say Invisible Sky Magicians exist.

>> No.2474328

No it's genitals. This is why genitals are censored and not hair. You can't even say the real words for penis and vagina in legitimate media.

>> No.2474331

nahh, he's just an asshole who needs to go away or stop tripping.

>> No.2474335

Because its the only place I can die a peaceful death.

>> No.2474341

>No, but you certainly like to assume everything, like things you read are hard fact, and that I'm not a Slav posting from Germany. Hey, you may as well say Invisible Sky Magicians exist.

Following that logic, I might as well say Japan doesn't exist since I only read about it and have never been there before.

How about you just get the fuck out and stop being stupid?

>> No.2474388

I never though it would be possible, but I think the people who post in /jp/ have even lower IQs than /r9k/.

>> No.2474391

>>This thread is dedicated to our love of Japan.
>>What do YOU like about Japan?

>>I only read about it and have never been there before.

Oh you culturally learned person you.

>> No.2474403

Then don't bother posting here, in fact stop posting on 4chan at all. Oh wait you can't because you're only trollan, And I can't wait to be proven right by seeing you post only more on 4chan.

>> No.2474407

>I might as well say Japan doesn't exist since I only read about it and have never been there before.
You might as well, seeing how the only thing that matters is what you say, because obviously you already knew I was some American redneck, and you already know there's no such thing as an Invisible Sky Magician because you have hard facts to prove it, and obviously you know all about Japan even though you've never been there.

>> No.2474412

You can't really like anything about Japan with out going there.

Sure you can watch anime or play VNs over here in your parents basement and say you like Japan, but thats kinda like smelling coffee and saying you like drinking it.

In general, the people of the cities are too busy to give you the time of day. I found the general atmosphere of the cities I visited to be rude and rushed, however everything moved like clock work. I hated it. The countryside however was far more laid back, slower paced, and peaceful. People were a bit more polite, and were actually helpful. This actually isn't really unique to Japan, this is pretty much the same the world over. The only thing that ever really changes is the culture, and to best experience it you have to actually go there and see it in person.

>> No.2474424


How about someone goes to Japan, experiences culture, writes a book about it, and then I read it?

>> No.2474433

>there are things called other people's sources.
We are other sources, perhaps you are too selective.

You give off a brown color to me. It's all around us, but nobody cares, and no-one appreciates it, because it doesn't deserve any. Hope everything is well in your life though.

>> No.2474434

Doesn't work that way. You can't form your own opinions properly that way. You really do need to immerse yourself as completely as possible in it. Helps for learning languages too.

>> No.2474441

That's second hand experience, you can't be counted as a reliable without actually going there. Just like you can't be considered a credible source about the surface of the moon compared to a person who actually went there.

>> No.2474462


What about if a significant sample size say 500 people, go to Japan, and write about their experiences in Japan?

Then I read their books and watch their videos?

Starting to sound awfully Chinese government in here.

>> No.2474472

In the end you're just reading a book, not having the same experiences as those people did.

>> No.2474477


If they wrote about their experiences in great detail, what difference would it make if I went there myself?

>> No.2474482

NO! Quit being a lazy fucker. Get out of your basement and experience culture as it was meant to be experienced. Hell, go to a museum if you can't be assed to go to another country.

>> No.2474488


You're kind of dense, aren't you?

>> No.2474490

It will never be the same. You will not have the emotions nor will you notice the same things.

>> No.2474498

Because it's what you read, not what you saw smelled tasted or felt.

>> No.2474509


Ahh.. emotions is it.

Nah, I think emotions are for fags and women.

I'll pass.


I'm sure people can recreate the smell of a Japanese pussy without needing to get out of the basement?

>> No.2474518

hurf durf culture sucks. for Japanese pussy smell I'll just fry up some fish ...

Seriously, dude, get out more.

>> No.2474519

Still not the same thing.
You can cover a turd in gold, but it's still a golden turd, not gold.

>> No.2474531

Japanese people are very polite and friendly.

My Japanese teacher gives all 16 of us candies at the end of every class, so that's awesome.

>> No.2474549

>Seriously, dude, get out more.

I'm already a wage slave and give my labor time to corporations.

The last thing I want to do is give my hard-earned money as well to the Airline Cartel just to experience some faggy emotions.


What if you take the gold off and separate it from the turd?

Then give your turd to someone who wants it while you keep the gold.
