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2472874 No.2472874 [Reply] [Original]

So, how does it feel like that skirts are on the decline in Japan, with more and more Japanese schools replacing skirts with slacks?

>> No.2472885

I always liked pants on girls more than short skirts.

Ground-length skirts are best but nobody wears them nowadays anyway.

>> No.2472894

I applaud the idea of equality between women and men.

Now, if laws would change to make EVERYTHING equal for both, I would be very pleased. This includes fairness for men too.

>> No.2472901

That's taking it too far. I prefer somewhere between the lower thigh and the calf, personally.

>> No.2472899

Given that I don't live in Japan, it's not something I have to worry about

>> No.2472907
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In OP's picture, those models are actually attractive. Sadly, most of the slacks people look like this.

>> No.2472908

Who cares?

>> No.2472923

A uniform's a uniform, whether slacks or skirt.

I'll live.

I was more upset about the disappearance of bloomers.

>> No.2472924

Suit on a woman is fine too.

>> No.2472936

Feels bad, man.

>> No.2472942

Bloomers were only popular for gym class because in the 60's, they were standard uniform for women's volleyball. The Japanese women's volleyball team won the gold medal and the bloomers became fashionable. However, by the 90's, they went out of fashion and were replaced by gym shorts.

>> No.2472949

Who cares? 2D will still wear sailorfuku, sukumizu, and bloomers.

>> No.2472953

Thanks for the impromptu history lesson, but I don't see how that changes anything. Bloomers are still for the most part extinct, no matter the reason.

>> No.2472955

I don't really care (3d pig disgusting is 3d pig disgusting), though it'll be interesting to see this pop up in animu/mango/VNs and the like.

>> No.2472966


>it'll be interesting

No it wouldn't.

>> No.2472980

Why must women's outfits be de-sexed?

>> No.2472990
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Fuck pants! Everyone should wear long skirts LIKE THEY USED TO IN THE OLD DAYS!

>> No.2472993



>> No.2473005

Skirts are old-fashioned and outdated. We have to prepare our children for the workforce. Therefore, girls should wear trousers.

>> No.2473031
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>> No.2473035

PROTIP: Those aren't skirts. They're called hakama.

>> No.2473038
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Speaking of Bamboo Blade and uniforms, I've always been a fan of Muroe High's

>> No.2473047
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never forget

>> No.2473054
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>> No.2473081
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kyrie and eva wear pants

therefore, pants and milfs win

>> No.2473102

Well, men's outfits does not expose a man's muscles usually, now does it?

A "woman's" outfit, so to speak, has her exposing her breasts and legs, wether she feels comfortable about them or not.

And dont even get me started on the whole makeup business. They are a mistake at best. Women CAN look good without it. The more they use it, the more they ruin their skin, and the faster they age. I mean, look at most men. They look fairly normal and they don't need tons of paint to do so.

>> No.2473117

Hahahaha no more zettai ryouiki

>> No.2473164

They know the current high school girls won't wear slacks, so they're issuing slacks to younger girls (elementary and middle) and will soon phase out skirts completely by 2015.

>> No.2473193

Fucking this. I don't understand why most girls push themselves into that shit so early. It gets to the point where they can't even stand looking at themselves without makeup on.

>> No.2473198

A woman isn't a woman unless she is pretty.
A man isn't a man unless he's ugly.

It's a man's world. Take that to your advantage and work the system instead of trying to change the world. Trust me, it's easier. If you are some kind of queer guy you should move out because your mom is effecting you.

>> No.2473227
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The only good thing about the country is being taken away???

>> No.2473249

I wish girls wore more skirts and dresses. Fuck everywhere I go its jeans jeans jeans. I don't give a shit if I can see your fucking clit through the pants. That won't change the fact that you are wearing men's clothing. A woman in a skirt becomes far more attractive than a woman in jeans(throw in glasses for godly win).

>> No.2473255

Oh god that face. I can't even get a boner....

>> No.2473268

But most women DO NOT look good without at least some make up. You say they do but I don't think you have seen too many women that walked out of the house without any type of makeup. The ones you think did are just good at using it so you can't tell.

As for clothing. If you feel fat, don't wear that revealing top. Just know that you start to look like a man and are thus less appealing to the opposite sex.

>> No.2473295
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>Just know that you start to look like a man and are thus less appealing to the opposite sex.

I don't know where you got that crazy idea.

>> No.2473304

>If you feel fat, eat less McDonalds.
Fixed. Rather than disgusing the symptoms with "slimming" apparel, ugliness should be dealt with at the source.

>> No.2473306

There clothes for men and clothes for women. The slacks may keep a dozen perverts away, but at the cost of a already-traditional clothes fashion.
I may sound shallow, and maybe I am, but my point stands.

>> No.2473322

Only in 2D.
Her authoritarian look is what you find appealing, not the god awful pantsuit. Women should wear skirts and dresses because they look better in them. Instead they only wear them on special occasions and they always look like fuckign strippers with all these fucking sparcles everywhere.

>> No.2473354

I find the suit plenty appealing too, just saying.

>> No.2473360

I still say its the fact that she looks like she could dominate you. The suit just puts her into that setting. A normal woman trying to be normal attractive in a suit just doesn't work the same.

>> No.2473366

Where do you live? I've been living here for years and never seen a girl in slacks :/

>> No.2473489
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ITT awesome school uniforms.
pic related.

>> No.2473518

People say sailor uniforms are rare these days, but I saw a bunch in Ikebukuro.

>> No.2473532

Ideally tartan skirts with sweater vest and blouse is the best combo.

>> No.2473551


Man, that show sucked.

>> No.2473819
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>> No.2473841
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>> No.2473910
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>> No.2473913


What? It was terrible and you know it. I even forgot the name. Tora- something or other.

>> No.2473917

3/4 length pants would look cooler

>> No.2473927

Toraianguru Haato?

>> No.2473928

Show was hyakko.
Although I can see why you got it mixed up with another show like toradora.

>> No.2473965

Protip: It's because the main characters name is Torako
