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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2469587 No.2469587 [Reply] [Original]

So do you always play as the little girl if you play a MMO or some RPG that you can make a character?

>> No.2469589

Most RPGs where you can make your own character don't let you play as little girls, so no.

>> No.2469595

I just want to be a little girl and have my head stroked my a loving onee-sama.

>> No.2469598

If I have the chance then yes. I think the last time I made a guy character was way back when I was playing RO in Freshman year high school. But after I made a female priestess, I've been making girls ever since.

>> No.2469611

Females have better dialogue options often (see: Fallout).

>> No.2469612

I like getting free stuff from desperate guys.

>> No.2469621

I like playing as a Bard in RO, so... not always.

>> No.2469624

I usually play the tank and if I chose a girl I imagine her being buff as hell.

>> No.2469631

It still annoying that the age minimum was, like, 16 or so. I wanted to play as a 12 year old girl, damn it.

>> No.2469637

Yeah, but IIRC if you go below 18 you can't use the options that would help anyway.

>> No.2469669

consider this: would you like to stare at a girl or a guy

>> No.2469692


>> No.2469702

All my WoW characters are female.

>> No.2469746
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Depends on the girl and guy in question. For example would you rather stare at some ugly old hag, like that Laura Croft, or Bridget?

>> No.2469750
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>> No.2469754

post more bridget

>> No.2469755

I always play as a guy, especially in RO

Girls are cute and all but they attract men so, no.

>> No.2469757


>> No.2469945

Yes, ever since I started browsing /jp/.

>> No.2469986

Realistic art style = Male
Cute animu style = Girl

>> No.2470162

Usually play as a guy unless i have to play as a girl (class restrictions ect.)
One exception is that if the male characters look gay for whatever reason, in which case i play a girl. Rather stare at a cute girl's ass then a gay man's ass.

>> No.2470170

The "staring at ass" argument is the stupidest reason I have heard for picking one gender over another.

I always look at overall character designs to determine whether I play male or female but I mostly play male. Some classes are better female though.

>> No.2470172

I used to play as guy characters but ever since I started playing with /v/ and /jp/ it feels wrong not to make a girl.

>> No.2470175

I always pick female, because I get freebies.
And they look nicer.

>> No.2470176

I play whatever looks better. Which is usually the girls.

>> No.2470181

i agree, i just tossed that in as a joke. some male characters just look to... gay-ish for me to tolerate much. so i avoid them even if it means playing females.

>> No.2470183

Nobody has ever given me gifts or anything, maybe it's because I act like a complete asshole to the kind of suckers who would do that.

>> No.2470185

I play as a girl because I wish to be the etcetera etcetera.

>> No.2470188

I always play the giant muscular bearded man. And almost always a tank too.

>> No.2470197

you sure you in the right place mon?

>> No.2470213

When I was 14 I used to cyber with guys on WoW

>> No.2470225
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>> No.2470231

How old are you? 16?

>> No.2470234

When i was 17 i used to have a harem including both guys and girls in RO, i played a male knight.

>> No.2470235

That was clever.

>> No.2470240

so... do you regret it?

>> No.2470250
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I only pick the girl if the game I am playing is not multiplayer. If it is, I always pick a male.

I'd rather look at a female avatar than a male one, but what other people see influences how they behave towards me, whether they know my real gender or not.

>> No.2470249

Fun stuff, why should he.

>> No.2470247

But WoW is over 4 years old.

>> No.2470258

18, this was when WoW first came out mind you.

Not really. I would probably do it again if I hadn't sworn to never touch an MMO again.

>> No.2470274


>> No.2470292

sure is gay in here

>> No.2470297

Why wouldn't I be in the right place?
I want to possess and protect fine women, not be one.

>> No.2470304
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Working as intended.

>> No.2470305


>> No.2470315

Yuri on the other hand is shit.

>> No.2470320

/jp/'s intent is to protect cute, beautiful, fine women, indeed, but AS a cute, beautiful, and fine woman!!

>> No.2470324

And suck dicks.

>> No.2470331

I spent the better part of 3 years pretending to be a girl in Everquest. Shit was pretty gay on hindsight, but I suspect people liked me better then if I had been a typical awkward teenage boy. The most amazing part was how well I kept the facade up for that long.

I still play girls in such games, but I do it now mostly because I'm a troll.

>> No.2470335

among other things.

>> No.2470338

well that goes hand-in-hand with protecting

>> No.2470343

After discovering that Samus was a girl in Metroid 1, I have always gone for either a full girl team, or a girl character. Always. Be it RPG, Fighting, Adventure, etc.

Or I go out of my way and get mods so I can alter my character to look like a girl.

>> No.2470354

I make absolutely atrocious manly men whenever I play RPGs. Only ugly men fight and I hate it when I see a female fighting because they are only good at being in the kitchen and I'm a fag for realism. Then again I don't play JRPGs...

>> No.2470370

At fist i never played male chars because usually they're models suck ass, but i do play males in stuff like RO or any other MMO that has decent male looks.

>> No.2470373
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I always play as a guy.

>> No.2470383

>I'm a fag for realism.

what are you doing online again?

>> No.2470472

Damn, now i want to play RO again and find girls to cyber. don't care if they are traps, as long as its fun.

>> No.2470484
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You know, I actually love my Stalker's ass.

>> No.2470487


It's even better when they pretend to be lolis!

>> No.2470488

I always try to play as a sneaky thief guy.

Who better to sneak into women's rooms and steal there underwear as than a perverted thief?

>> No.2470489

Do you have any recommendations for a good RO private server?

>> No.2470495

earthbound is pretty good.

>> No.2470500

I play as the gayest/fruitiest thing there. If that happens to be a chick then alright.

>> No.2470507

no, i feel awkward playing female characters, will only do it if i know it'll get me free equipment and the like

>> No.2470510

I'm currently on MicRO. It has around 350~450 people online, no donation items, 50/50/20 rates with 99 as the maximum level, all your custom NPC needs and x100 quest exp for this week.
Even though I suck majorly and all I can do is complete the buffed up quests (especially the repeatable ones) to get high level characters quickly.

>> No.2470508

Only if I can't make a badass male character. Also, depends on the type of game. If it's an MMORPG grindan gaem I'll probably make a male character if they look good.

>> No.2470533

actually scratch that.
doing it with traps is even better than with girls, they tend to behave even more "girly" and cutesy than most girls.

>> No.2470580

how can you not be 99 in 2 days at that rate.

>> No.2470588

You dont play it 24/7 you play it a few hour a day?

>> No.2470614

but why would you do that :(

>> No.2470625

I have other games i want to play like Avalon code or L4D

>> No.2470632

I usually play a girl (not necessarily little), but naturally I check whether I'm penalized for my gender choice. If the game mechanics assign lower strength to females then naturally I choose to be a male warrior.

>> No.2470651

I always play a girl with a magical class and with white or red hairs, I don't know why.

>> No.2470704

Man, I miss RO.

...So, to those still in the game, how's the new content? Is it good?

And what's the news with RO2?

>> No.2470709

It's been like what 3 years since i played the Korean beta, and guess what it's still here the beta. You better forget about RO2.

>> No.2470729

Gravity is more interested in RO rather than RO2.

>> No.2470731

The RO in my country is in it for the worst, A customer care that doesn't care and dupes once in a while

Also, Rampant botting.

>> No.2470742

Ever since SMT. I still check the customization for both gender. If the female looks bad then I would go male, vice versa.

>> No.2470761

I played the WoW trial and god damn shit blizzard has no idea how to make pretty females. And all the males look like 40+.

>> No.2470764



>> No.2470774

Varies. If its a single player RPG and theres a romance option I'll generally play a guy because the females seem to wind up with really shitty dating options (seriously, Anomen? Blech.). Otherwise its mostly female.

>> No.2470792

I'll ask here since it's on topic with MMO. Will /jp/ still be playing Luna after CB? I don't feel like playing anymore since there will be a wipe when OB starts.

>> No.2470796


>> No.2470799

As in having secondary sexual characteristics?

They all look like fully grown women. Even the dead ones.

>> No.2470830
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No. The concept is horrible and the whole visual moe moe shit is unappealing for my grimdark tortured soul.

>> No.2470839

Problem is they look like fully grown AVERAGE woman. I don't want average in my fanatasy world i want super pretty everything and super ugly/terrifying monsters.

>> No.2471038

I usually play as a guy. I can't stand all the attention that playing as a female generally warrants...

>> No.2471094
File: 76 KB, 574x661, 001a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always play females in (MMO)RPGs if possible, but never a loli. (I'm not a fan of DFC)

>> No.2471142
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>not a fan of DFC

>> No.2471466
File: 77 KB, 600x833, 17816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the wrong kind of sick bastard. I like Healthy (in the missionary position), not Loli.

>> No.2471479
File: 62 KB, 357x348, 1232713421476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a normalfag.
Sure bro.

>> No.2471480

Are you saying lolis aren't healthy?

>> No.2471569
File: 323 KB, 1080x700, 19949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Healthy" basically meaning having a glamorous body type.
Yeah, that's about right.

>> No.2471624

By healthy, he means tons of fat, mostly in the chest and ass.

>> No.2471751

i like fat in food heh

anyway i always play lolis in mmorgpspspsps

although tis ackward as hell at times
but feck tis sexay as hell yahhh

>> No.2471902

I usually play as a full-grown woman in MMOs, mostly because I like their designs and stats better, and stuff. I don't pretend that I'm a female, though, and I just play completely by myself in MMOs so the whole "how people treat you" thing doesn't apply to me because I don't say a single fucking word to anyone unless if I have no other choice. She isn't me, she's just a minion, a puppet...

>> No.2472037

Let's not forget child-bearing hips.
