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2467604 No.2467604 [Reply] [Original]

Guys. I need a final paper topic for Humanities, yet I need one I'd be familiar with. I pretty much have free range. Help me out here.

>> No.2467608

Topic: Why a degree in a Humanity is about as worthwhile as an equivalent amount of toilet paper.

>> No.2467613
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/jp/ - Personal homework help board.

>> No.2467615

Another faggot choosing an useless career, eh?

Go for King Arthur. He didn't exist, but his legend does.

>> No.2467618

Actually, its a general University requirement.

I'm an IT major.

>> No.2467619

>an useless career

>> No.2467621
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You'll have no regrets.
This is the only path.

>> No.2467643

oh man..
