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2467314 No.2467314 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you guys like Saber so much when she probably wants to slaughter you lazy, parasitic sacks of shit?

>> No.2467321
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because she loves

>> No.2467322

I fantasize about Saber strangling me until I run out of breath and bust my load all over her face.

>> No.2467325

never said i liked her. i like rider more

>> No.2467328
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because she loves, but isn't permitted by the writer to have him

>> No.2467333

I don't like Saber. I can't stand Lawfuls.

>> No.2467334

Why OP keeps trying to pull this troll when everybody knows that Saber is the worst wife and husband AT THE SAME TIME?

>> No.2467340

her heart belongs to shirou

>> No.2467355
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Gradriel = Lenneth > Agrias > every other armor wearing female character >>>> Saber

>> No.2467365

I have newfound respect for you.

>> No.2467367

Sader > Gradriel = Lenneth > Agrias > every other armor wearing female character >>>> Saber

>> No.2467375

>Saber is the worst wife
You are a faggot.

>> No.2467397

What's the matter, kid? Too TRUTH for you?

>> No.2467405

too much BULL

>> No.2467442
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I prefer the Queen of Heroes

>> No.2468475


>> No.2468506

Saber could have been an awesome character, but since the main character was Shirou she had to be dumbed down.

>> No.2469164

> Why do you guys like Saber so much when she probably wants to slaughter you lazy, parasitic sacks of shit?

Naw, she just wants to die for her honor. Saber is a drag.

>> No.2469234

The only reason I like Saber is her armor actually makes sense. Its one of only a handful of fantasy armors that do.

>> No.2469256
File: 42 KB, 800x600, Fate Stay Night 003a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like her gauntlets most of all.

Right hand has a lot of joints for fine movement (as she's most likely right-handed), left only has movement for gripping the sword. The right gauntlet is smooth, while the left is heavyset for using as a shield.

>> No.2469263

Huh. I never noticed that. But the picture there has the jointed gauntlet as her left hand. Does that mean she's left handed?

>> No.2469274
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well, they didn't much care for practicality and made saber lily.

not that I'm complaining or anything

>> No.2469275
File: 45 KB, 800x600, Fate Stay Night 004a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Learn left from right.
Her left hand has only 1 finger, the other 3 are in a mitten-style cover. Hard to see in >>2469256, though.

>> No.2469283

Not necessarily. She would have been trained to fight right handed.

>> No.2469286

Ah. The small plating did not show up on the right hand in the original picture since it was turned away, so I assumed the plating on the left hand were the joints.

>> No.2469293
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>> No.2469300

>Pic with a character in a rather unimaginative outfit, impractical armor that doesn't fit the clothes least bit and a typical shounen cliche huge animu sword.
Yeahhhh, your creditability about armored charas kinda went down the drain there bro.

>> No.2469318

>doesn't recognize the character.
Just......stop posting.


>> No.2469335
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>> No.2469340

Fucking loved F/SN from the moment I set my eyes on Saber because she's one of like 5 characters ever in weeaboo culture whose armor actually looks practical and wields a non-katana sword that looks realistic.
Say what you say about Takeuchi sucking with anatomy and Nasu's plot gimmicks but the designs Type-Moon does are godtier.

Also the lawful female type in armor always appealed to me, especially with blonde hair. Saber is an awesome moeblob besides, can morph into a really serious character to make me go awesomesauce, Saber Alter is an evil version who's actually evil and not "baaaww-nobody-likes-me-so-I'll-become-an-evil-machine-of-death-and-turn-good-in-the-last-episo
de" and finally Saber Lily has THE best armor design ever anywhere, fuck practicality if I can get her.

>> No.2469342
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Superior armored chick

>> No.2469347

Go away, Cecile. Nobody used you anyways.

>> No.2469353
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how do other armored characters from the nasuverse stack up in regard to practicality?

>> No.2469358

If the other desings in whatever work is the original are as bad as that too, I don't particularly care to recognize her either.

>> No.2469374
File: 233 KB, 700x723, 1235328931287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gilgamesh's armor is good excluding the FUCKHUGE shoulder plates, Archer's form-fitting future armor is pretty good too.

5th Lancer's FUCKHUGE shoulder plates are awfully out of place, though, and 4th Berserker's full-plate is absolutely fucking ridiculous.

>> No.2469375

Saber Lily design isn't that good, but I get why Saber appeals to you.

>> No.2469385
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when it comes to armor, gil is a brilliant motherfucker

>> No.2469388
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>> No.2469390
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Well, there's still some ridiculous parts to Gil's suit too.

I mean, what the fuck is up with those back-of-the-knee-spikes?

>> No.2469401

After carefully thinking about it, it would work pretty well. Lots of places to deflect shots into and damage a blade. No real places that you are going to deflect a blade into yourself from many different angles (the reason you mold the chest as one piece and not separate breasts for females). It covers, very well, all of the vital areas and deflects them into other parts.

>> No.2469406

They are actually on the die of the knee(not in the joint).
Also, Gil's armor is mostly Ornamental, hence the gold.

>> No.2469408


But how does he MOVE?

He shouldn't even be able to TWITCH.

>> No.2469413

Well, this is HEAVY riding armor, not light infantry armor. Its possible to have flexible joints, but the weight is an issue.
You can move, but it would require extreme strength.
But the guy is a Servant, so that is covered.

>> No.2469416


>herp durr physics in anime/manga/visual novels


>> No.2469422

Even from a realistic standpoint those could be just for decoration.

It's not like he'd ever actually need his armor anyway.

After all, not a single mongrel can lay a blow upon his person.

>> No.2469423
File: 224 KB, 1112x800, 800px-FZ_v01_09-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5th Lancer's FUCKHUGE shoulder plates are awfully out of place

one of the reasons why I like fate/zero's lancer a lot. If lancers are the fastest of all the other servants, they don't really need that much armor if they're just going to dodge

>> No.2469427

I just assume the band looking thing is something similar to padding or maile that you normally put under armor and went from there. It is a fantasy thing, and I did give the artist that much credit. Otherwise you are right, you can't move at all.

>> No.2469435
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and even if he decided to move, he can just remove the bulk

>> No.2469436

if you're allowed to start a discussion about a Castle being a teleporting Golem fortress I don't see why other people can't discuss physics if they want to.

Bloody hypocrite.

>> No.2469437

Even heavy riding armor isn't that bad to move around in. It just REALLY sucks trying to get up so getting knocked over is a bother.

>> No.2469439

If they wanted to just make everything ridiculous and not caring about pre-established context, the series would be VERY different.

>> No.2469441

That's why you have a squire. To help you up and remove you armor, among other things.

>> No.2469451

His armor is all interlocking plates and joints, it's not like it's a fullplate made mostly of solid pieces of metal. Sure it should be clumsy but that's what you get for wearing armor generally.

>> No.2469458
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>> No.2469472 [DELETED] 

ITT: Plate armor myths.

Full plate was lighter than a modern infantry loadout, and more evenly distributed over the body. Athletic people can easily run/jump/get onto horses/etc. in full plate. Even swimming in full plate is possible.

>> No.2469475

Full plate was lighter than a modern infantry loadout, and more evenly distributed over the body. Athletic people can easily run/jump/get onto horses/etc. in full plate. Even swimming in full plate is possible.

>> No.2469477
File: 638 KB, 800x600, 1234640143984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you not HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG at this?

>> No.2469478 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2469480
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>> No.2469484


Is one of those swords Arondight or are they just random blades he nicked from Gil?

>> No.2469486

Yeah, it was like 20kg.

>> No.2469489

While, yes it is possible to swim with armor on, it still sucks. Just like swimming with your shoes on does. It also takes a long time to get into the armor in the first place, and you do need the squire to help.

I prefer my hooded hauberk over plate armour any day. Oddly though, the hauberk feels heavier.

>> No.2469494
File: 44 KB, 607x768, fatezeromaterial125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you tell me

>> No.2469500

Zero Berserker can do whatever the fuck he wants to.

>> No.2469503


>> No.2469504

>hauberk feels heavier
That's because it's not rigid and just hangs off your shoulders.

>> No.2469511
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I can submit to that.


>> No.2469515

I know, and its also not a balanced load.
I was more saying it to point out how easy plate armour actually is to wear than the alternatives.

plate - 20kg (nicked from another post here)
my hauberk - 12 lbs

The plate is easier to move in, wear, and do most activities. The only real problems are getting up (such as off your ass), getting it on (its a 2 man job), and the price).

>> No.2469521


you know what they say about sluts

>> No.2469525

fucking slut.

>> No.2469530

It's more that she's being violated...
Also, Berserker is FUCKING EVA 01

>> No.2469564
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>> No.2469849
File: 361 KB, 800x600, saber-lily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The armor is made that way to differentiate with Outer and Alter Saber's armors. If rumors are to be belived, she's so fucking overpowered in combat that an extra opening in her armor doesn't even matter.

>> No.2469905

What is the problem that people have with this armor anyway? It still covers up the most vital hit areas. It also doesn't direct strikes back into vital areas. I'm usually one of the first to bitch about fantasy armors and I find nothing wrong with this.

>> No.2470757

I don't understand either. The only bigger flaw it has is exactly the same as normal Saber armor, no shoulder pads (This actually always bothered me). But it's a lightweight armor, covers forearms, the highly vulnerable(or more like easy target) chest, hips and most of her legs. Moving should be pretty easy as long as she has strong legs(lol Saber with her mana dashes) and she can probably dodge a lot. Besides the leg armor looks very well jointed so it shouldn't hinder much. Fighting with the sword in a high position will make up for the lack of shoulder pads a bit too.
tl;dr It's a fucking good design for a fanservice armor that essentially has bare shoulders, armpits and zettai ryouiki.

>> No.2470780

I just don't like it Aesthetically, Silver/Whit is not a nice scheme, IMO.
And this kind of ponytail doesn't suit Saber much.

>> No.2470793


We don't, you lazy, parasitic, sack of shit.

>> No.2470797

Well I guess if the color scheme doesn't suit your tastes other points are kind of invalid. I happen to like silver/white/black too.
It'd be pretty awesome if we got Saber with a red/gold/black colorscheme though.

>> No.2470819

>her armor actually makes sense


>> No.2470835


They cover vital and usually-targeted areas, as well as smooth surfaces for redirecting attacks don't lead into vital areas.

Also, >>2469256. Smart gauntlets.

>> No.2470876


It makes anime-sense. Not that much irl-sense because of the plate skirt.. But yes, there are more impractical animu armors.

>> No.2470888

She's exposing all major arteries but the wrists.

>> No.2470897


Actually, it explicitly doesn't need to make sense in-universe, as the vast amount of attacks Servants use will completely bypass armor.
The only real use Saber's armor has ever been for would be repelling Gae Dearg.

>> No.2470902


Gae Buidhe Gae Buidhe Gae Buidhe Gae Buidhe Gae Buidhe Gae Buidhe Gae Buidhe Gae Buidhe Gae Buidhe Gae Buidhe Gae Buidhe Gae Buidhe, it's worth absolute shit against Gae Dearg.


Artery damage doesn't harm Servants (except attacks from Gae Buidhe, ironically).

>> No.2470904


Wait what rumors

>> No.2470919

Yeah, but isn't she wearing that armour in the flashbacks?

>> No.2470925


90% of the time she was fucking AVALONVINCIBILTY.

Then when she wasn't she DIED.


>> No.2470929


>> No.2470934

She only died because her opponent attacked her AFTER he had died.

>> No.2470941

She also fought like 200+ opponents on her own, and she was a human...

>> No.2470943
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Certainly not unheard of.

Battle Continuation EX? Able to keep acting even after death until battle is over. Berserkergang style.

>> No.2470966

T'is only a flesh wound.

>> No.2470974


No, it was because he had a cursed sword that attacked after he died.

>> No.2471013


Well that's just cheating.

>> No.2471026


Indeed, she had already slashed as skewered the guy, then the sword moved on its own.

>> No.2471061
File: 108 KB, 850x850, Lancer12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone read Lancer's actual story? Fighting 200+ people the same time is nothing.
This guy fucking threw a children's ball through Ireland's largest mastiff so that its innards trailed out from its ass and then grabbed it by the legs to smash it to bloody pulp against a stone (wall?) at the age of FIVE.
Lancer needs his own visual novel. He actually deserves a harem around him.

>> No.2471119

He needs a harem of yanderes...

>> No.2471148

I enjoyed Saber, but she was reduced in FSN where she was shoehorned into acting all moe and waifuish for the sake of the route. She is -way- better in Fate/Zero where there's no stupid Shirou to fucking things up.

The Gilgamesh/Saber hatepairing is far superior.

>> No.2471184
File: 91 KB, 1024x768, 1218730631776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cuchullain Ulsterinhurtta - the second baddest motherfucker in all of pagan Europe. Easily most underrated FSN character.
His other heroic feat include but are not limited to:

Singlehandedly getting his king out of a blood feud by killing off the heirs of the rivalling clan at age 5, just prior to the hound incident.
Jumping from Scotland to Skye as the bridge wasn't helping.
Taming a possibly "the king of horses" dragged out of a well (why no Riding skill? Liath Macha is just as legendary as Cuchullain).
Fighting all of Ireland alone. No comment.
As a corpse, maiming the guy who cut off his head.
Actually having a harem of yanderes if you count all the psychotic girls he was involved with. And lived.

>> No.2471193

He survived Scathach.
That alone is enough.
...Who do you consider top motherfucker though?

>> No.2471201

Cu Chulainn more or less sleeps with every girl and women he comes across. And a Goddess of Death is tsundere for him.

>> No.2471216

Since this thread is now about Cuchulainn...

Who else thinks he would've been better as a Berserker?

His Battle Fury is as close to his legend as Excalibur is to King Arthur. It'd be a much more powerful Noble Phantasm than Gae Bolg.

>> No.2471229

Almost NOTHING Waifu-ish about her, and her few cute moments are so few and nearly non-existent in her own route.

>> No.2471235

That would've been plain cheating. No one would've been safe from him.

Hell, he could've been Rider or Caster depending on how skilled he was at runes in the Nasuverse legend.

>> No.2471238

In theory, you don't suddenly lose skills when entering another class.
He should still be able to enter fury mode. I guess he doesn't like having his skin turning inside out.

>> No.2471242


Pretty sure a fanfiction covered this.

>> No.2471259

Is Cu Chulain related to that "Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog" thing?

>> No.2471275
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>...Who do you consider top motherfucker though?

Counting the whole of all mythical cycles, Sigurd has left the biggest impression in the long run. But in 50 AD, Scáthach is War Itself.

>> No.2471287

No, but that does appear to be loosely based onthe Ulster Cycle which is the series of myths where Cu Chulainn is from.

>> No.2471289

I still want Girl Shirou.

>> No.2471319
File: 242 KB, 1400x1010, baby10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about a regular money grabbing fanartist that draw sstatic like porn drawing of girl Shirou about to be molested by Ayako?

>> No.2471326

And yet all these heroes didnt help the irish when Strongbow game and stole thier land

>> No.2471333

Sigurd is just a myth, though he may have been modeled after Arminius

>> No.2471349

Almost every hero is embellished wildly by myth and retroactively placed in different time places and given ridiculous powers and battle feats.

Except for Alexander the Great, he didn't need to have anything embellished.

>> No.2471353


>> No.2471392
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Although the size is a bit off...
Perhaps it differs between translations of the legend, but the one I read described him as "a small beardless man". It seems he barely finished puberty, then magically looked the same until dying some 10 years later.

Although the same translation also describes him as having 14 fingers, 14 toes and 14 pupils.

>> No.2471412

Lack of scotch can be a deadly thing to an Irishman, regardless of hero status or divinity.

>> No.2471416


Post more Archerko.

>> No.2471435
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>14 pupils

That would look awesome.
7 dots to each eye.
So long as they're in this arrangement.

>> No.2471448

Yeah, I noticed that as well while reading the legend. It also said he had seven dimples on each side of his mouth and jewels in his forehead so...

>> No.2471481


Ah yes, those.
The jewels are explained later as being a metaphor. "His brow is the meeting place of many virtues".
As for the dimples, those are still a mystery. Sometimes children have dimples that disappear with age - perhaps it's a reference to him growing up quickly but never aging?

>> No.2471593

Ah, thanks for clearing that up.
