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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2467002 No.2467002 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2467014

What's wrong with it?

>> No.2467019

stop wasting moot's bandwidth

>> No.2467024

The only thing that truly makes me go "what" is your W.

Seriously, what the fuck. That shit's crazy, man.

>> No.2467030

Do you mean the hands? If so, yes, they look like shit.

>> No.2467034

...I dont get it. Because her arms look tiny? Not everyone has huge arms Anon. Especially a womans. There's nothing to fix.

>> No.2467039

That's the weirdest W I have ever seen.
Looks like an X with wings.

>> No.2467041

Her breasts are too large, right?

>> No.2467044

There's a whole mountain of things for them to fix though.

>> No.2467047
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as long as the feet look good, Im ok with it

>> No.2467051


>Do you mean the hands? If so, yes, they look like shit.
>Burn victim.


You'll hurt her feelings!

>> No.2467073

Actually, I was talking about the arms.

>> No.2467074

Twig arms?

>> No.2467086

What's the matter, too T-REX ARMS for you?

>> No.2467085

She is very slim(the girl next to her has slim limbs too), and the PUFFY SHOULD PADS create a huge contrast.

>> No.2467101
File: 449 KB, 864x1100, prep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brady Bunch the visual novel

Enjoy your story about white upperclass Christian values. Katawa Shoujo's too white for my taste, it's like pre-segregation white.

I'll go and create my own Katawa Shoujo with retard rape, blind girl molestation, and yandere blackmailing. Have a nice day sir.

>> No.2467103
File: 10 KB, 320x240, vlcsnap-515362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2467117

I havent laughed like this in all day. Thanks.

>> No.2467117,1 [INTERNAL] 

Small arms and elbows are small.

>> No.2467117,2 [INTERNAL] 

long cat is looooong ^_________^

>> No.2467376

I must agree, this really, really bugs me, especially as an artfag.

>> No.2467376,1 [INTERNAL] 

No need to get offended, bro. Take criticism like a man.

>> No.2467376,2 [INTERNAL] 

I'm actually mocking you.

>> No.2467699

I'm too busy looking at her moe moe face to notice her arms

>> No.2467376,3 [INTERNAL] 

But I'm not >>2467117,1 ...

>> No.2467376,4 [INTERNAL] 

It took you long to think that.

>> No.2469199

WTF they really do this game!? I remember the discussion from like more than a year ago when this one page was floating around. Not bad, you actually get your ass up

>> No.2469209
File: 236 KB, 921x1394, 1215707073993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I forget the name of the guy who did the actual page, but he has no real relation to the group doing Katawa Shoujo.

I want to hug Hanakers.

>> No.2469224


>> No.2469230

Can't wait for a CG where we see the right (left for us) half of her face.

>> No.2469238

Scar girl is my favorite so far. I want to hug her and lick her scar.

>> No.2469245


Her name is Hanako.

We all love her and want to lick her scars gently.

>> No.2469251


>I want to hug her and lick her scar.
>want to lick her scars gently.

Enjoy your tongue infection.

>> No.2469265



>> No.2469272

Why some countries on that map are in different colors? Red for bloodshed? White for...snow? in before white=cum

>> No.2469642

The scar is the cleanest part of the body!
Or wait, am I getting my myths confused again?

>> No.2469664

what, why would the scar be dirty if its already healed?
Saliva (from someone with good hygiene) would disinfect it anyways

>> No.2469668

>Scar girl is my favorite so far. I want to hug her and cum on her scar.
Fixed for accuracy.

>> No.2469674

magic semen will heal her wounds

>> No.2469695

>Scar girl is my favorite so far. I want to cum on her scar and then lick it clean.


>> No.2469714

Spoilers, the VN is actually set in an alternate history with an ongoing cold war between two different blocs. Half-way through the story, nuclear war and the story will shift from moe highschool to survival drama.

>> No.2469735
File: 53 KB, 455x600, Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's also what you said about this, Anonymous.

>> No.2469759
File: 117 KB, 400x476, metal-gear1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Like this right? The greatest VN series ever produced.

>> No.2469775

Rin could be a Thalidomide baby, firmly setting this in the 60's-70's.
Plus, that's the USSR...

Sign me up for alternate history. It could be amazing

>> No.2469777

Now I'll never be able to ignore it.

>> No.2470980

If you changed the first trip, why bother with that damned secure trip?

>> No.2471036

I call her Two-Face

>> No.2471074

I'm more worried about how the girls are going to look in the diaper scenes

>> No.2471078

I call her ugly.

>> No.2471087
File: 20 KB, 392x560, bat girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2471098

Why is this still alive?

>> No.2471111

I don't get it.

>> No.2471133
File: 90 KB, 507x600, 1234282651359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are crippled girls and you get to lust after them. That's it.

I do hope Fox News does another troll reporting about how vile the japanse influence is. They are the best (to laugh at)

>> No.2471227
File: 85 KB, 812x1200, TOKYO-RED-HOOD-01-077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you mean jailbait/lolis.

>> No.2471251

op here
no idea

>> No.2471277
File: 37 KB, 1280x800, 1217264664016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wanted to say they I will sabotage this retarded idea called game when it should ever come out on my /jp/
Crippled moe is not moe and therefore cancer. We will see who is gonna to win this one

>> No.2471310


what about glasses moe, shy moe, and nya-moe?

>> No.2471331

Now, don't be silly, if you're not fond of the idea, no one is stopping you from hiding the thread. There's no need to ruin it for everyone else.

>> No.2471506
File: 427 KB, 1000x959, 3139462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I was thinking about how they would say that this game is nothing more than a politically incorrect game that demeans disabled people.

>> No.2471525

The point is not just moe, rather the special circumstances concerning the setting and interactions...
But I guess retards have to waste time somehow.

>> No.2471544

Don't worry /jp/, this game will be under development for the next 70 years, and then when we release it, you've been trolled hard.

>> No.2471579
File: 76 KB, 450x600, 2812425.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You say it as if we don't already know this.

>> No.2471693

Shut the fuck up, Roll. No one likes you, not even the robo-dog.

>> No.2471843

My anatomy senses are crying. Especially if we have to look at that sprite a lot.

>> No.2471855

Considering the animu style, your anatomy senses have to be already biased and selective, thus useless.
Also, the girl next to her also has slim limbs, you just think it's weird due to the pronounced puffy shoulders.

>> No.2471857

His NAME is Rush!

>> No.2471867
File: 236 KB, 773x610, 3056579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a fat, ugly pedophile, so this might actually be a good thing.

>> No.2471870


The only way I can accept this is if she's REALLY thin and her shirt's just baggy/PADded.

>> No.2471873


Roll is/was always awesome. Go to hell.

>> No.2471883

I was posting from my DSi, I got the first trip wrong.

>> No.2471890

So tsundere. I know you just want anonymous's dick.

>> No.2471891

Look at those DAMN SHOULDERS.
And yes, she is skinny.
Look at her figure.
The girl on the left is overall thin, and the girl on the right is childlike.

>> No.2471905
File: 98 KB, 480x669, noda_roll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry dude. She is already dating somebody.

>> No.2471912

Roll is my dream imouto.

>> No.2471934

compared to the size of the torso, the arms are way thin. and the elbows are drawn strangely. the folds of the fabric make them look even thinner, too.

>> No.2471956

I can't believe you guys really think this is an actual game. The whole thing is supposed to be a joke. What the hell.

>> No.2471963

Wait so this is actually real, I know I haven't been around a for a long time, or anything but this is real....huh.

>> No.2471989

What's with this trend of posts lately?

>> No.2472002

Sniper Joe is dead.

>> No.2472024
File: 59 KB, 598x779, virgin-mary-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have lost their faith.

>> No.2472040

An influx of people who haven't been around long enough to have followed the KS develepment.

>> No.2472105

At least the bible makes an okay story.
