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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 75 KB, 600x400, Oslo Sentrum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2465411 No.2465411 [Reply] [Original]

I live in Norway, and I hate every fucking inch of it. Yes, the wages are high, the welfare system is functioning really well, and crime is low.

But it's boring as fuck here. Stores close at 18-00 on saturdays, everything is closed on sundays, weather is shit, food is shit, TV here is shit, we had one TV channel until 1992, and being one of the least densely populateed countries in the world you can imagine how many fun and exciting people there are here....

tl;dr - Norway is the world's largest suburb.

Pic related: Oslo downtown, you can practically count all the people you see outside our two biggest malls on one hand...

>> No.2465417
File: 7 KB, 180x177, hey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IF you want to move from your country to Japan post here
hurf durf

>> No.2465420

I don't want to move to Japan. Not permanently.

Every place everywhere is boring if you don't know how to make it fun for yourself.

>> No.2465422

smash thread

>> No.2465425

I'd rather be a majority in my shit hole of a country than a minority in their shit hole of a country.

>> No.2465427

Oh god what i'd give to live in a country with
>Yes, the wages are high, the welfare system is functioning really well, and crime is low.

I'm afraid of walking 20 meteres form the road outside of the city because the forest is full of fucking mines and traps.

>> No.2465428

So you're telling me you could have a lot of fun in Darfur? Or a remote Norwegian town with 200 citizens?

>> No.2465432
File: 7 KB, 269x215, vargsmirk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone say Norway?

>> No.2465434


>So you're telling me you could have a lot of fun in Darfur

If you're a mercenary, yes.

>> No.2465436

Yes just get a PSP or NDS and you'll have loads of fun if you have a flashcard and 8gb of microSD.

>> No.2465438

If you're an autistic, sure....

>> No.2465439
File: 31 KB, 207x175, nuclear_fireball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IF you want to crush Japan post here

>> No.2465441

That depends: am I the one doing the raping or am I the one being raped?

Both have their benefits.

>> No.2465447

Grab a gun, convert to Islam, go wild.

Works in both locations.

>> No.2465458

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>> No.2465462

You should go and stick up signs everywhere which say, "This country, Norway, is boring! Looking for someone who isn't a slug to have fun with!"

then post your contact information. i think your problem will be solved rather quickly.

>> No.2465467

>Stores close at 18-00 on saturdays
>everything is closed on sundays
Plan ahead, and buy what you need before the weekend.
>weather is shit
Cold weather > Hot weather. Seriously, summer is a fucking pain. It's only popular because people can't distinguish between the romanticized media images of summer days and reality.
>food is shit
I don't really know what food is like in Norway, so I can't comment here.
>TV here is shit
TV is shit.
>and being one of the least densely populateed countries in the world you can imagine how many fun and exciting people there are here....
Signal to noise ratio is still the same as it is everywhere. If you live in somewhere densely populated, you'll be a slightly shorter long distance from anyone with a morsel of intelligence or identity which isn't a group identity. But you will be surrounded by far more faggots who are noisy and make your life a general hell.

Judging by what you count as being good, I suspect that you are a typical normalfag.
From your description, Norway sounds quite appealing to me.

>> No.2465470

cool story Smash.

>> No.2465484

You have internet, what else would you want?
Be content your country has money to give to workers and think about those countries that are fucking broke and whose citizens don't feel safe even in their beds.

tl;dr no u, suburbs are good

>> No.2465488

is this thread a response to this article?


>> No.2465492

Norway has some faults, but compared to many other places, it's a pretty okay place to be. OP is just butthurt because people don't want to accept Arabian immigrants who are unwilling to adapt to the culture of the place they're living in.

>> No.2465493

I bet you're one of those VN-fags who don't like people, and want to reach his goal of welfare benefits so that you can live alone playing shit games for the rest of your life. Id I'm right then sure, Norway is the best option for you. Getting lonely here is really easy, people are just as uncomfortable approaching others here as in Japan.

>> No.2465497

It's funny because the weather in Japan is shit, the food can be bad if you don't know what to eat, and Japanese TV is not known for its quality.

In short, OP's a whiny bitch that doesn't know how good he really has it.

>> No.2465500

dam noway sounds cool do u have to speak norwegian?

>> No.2465504

Anime and schadenfreude gameshows, Japanese TV > all other TV

>> No.2465506


>> No.2465507

I think we all agree Norway is super advanced and has one of the highest standards of living in the world and surprisingly happy people too. You can afford everything to make you happy. A good PC, HD TV so you can watch animu and play VNs on it, you can guy every single console and you probably have 20+ Mbit internet. WHAT MORE WOULD YOU WANT!?

>> No.2465508

Moving up to Canada ~♪
No more third world ~♪
Fuck this forsaken shithole ~♪

Thought about studying in Japan. But when I thought about it, I didn't really want to go live there. More like visit, visit some temples, see the country through a train's window. I can still do that in some point. Right next to my halfassed plans of taking a trip from coast to coast and see the USA as it is, not the media image. Or going through Europe, hoping from train to train and breathing in human history.

Every place has the potential of being godawful, so it depends on your viewpoint. Traveling can expand that point of view beyond the pictures and tourist attractions. The small things that you can find. And those snapshots of experience you can look back and enjoy.
And I just plain like the idea of trekking the world and collect life events. One of those dreams that just won't die.

>> No.2465510

Erm.. That might be me, if you're talking about a specific person who made a specific thread about that around a month ago.

I kinda gave up on the idea since it seemed very unrealistic when no one could give any decent information on how you manage to get welfare. Instead I can look forward to quite a few more years in education before ending up with a very useless degree and a huge debt.

>> No.2465512

Japan's weather is great. I love humid and hot summers. And I've been a fan of Japanese TV since the early 0s when they started showing Japanese shows on Arabic TV.

Hold kjeft a! You don't know me. I still have to meet anyone who sees me as a foreigner. I speak Norwegian fluently, I act like a Norwegian, and I'm not a muslim. All my girlfriends have been Norwegian or part Norwegian. So shut your whore mouth bitch.

>> No.2465513

Japan is awesome. Arcades are bustling daily, doujin stores have everything, commercials are hilarious, internet is godlike, nature is amazing if you step outside the city, the malls are something you've never seen before in your life, cities are active, street performers are entertaining, food ranges..you can get the best or the cheapest, electronic stores are 10 floors high, transportation system is godlike in urban areas. Government is terrible, judicial system is terrible, medical/dental system is subpar, educational system is garbage at higher levels, weather is not very good but is beautiful during spring and autumn.

>> No.2465521

Smash, stop posting that thread every other day.
Why every person living in norway wants to go to japan is becoming suspicious.

>> No.2465526


>coast to coast and see the USA as it is

God no don't do that. Pick a coast and go there. Avoid the middle at all costs.

>> No.2465669

Wait, wait wait. Jump back funky cat. You're telling me you would rather give up hot, barbie perfect blondes for 'all rook arike' cut and paste asians? If so, then that's cool. Can I have your citizenship in norway then?

>> No.2465673

Move into your next door neighbor, Sweden.

>> No.2465680

>barbie perfect blondes
>barbie perfect
Why would you want that in the first place?

>> No.2465685


Your reverse psychology won't work on me.

>> No.2465718

I might move to Japan one day, now that I went to all the effort of becoming good at Japanese just so I could increase the amount of little eroge girls I could dote on in my basement, it seems kind of wasteful not to use it for any other purpose. Plus it would be an adventure I guess. If its shit I'd just go home and return to basement dwelling.

>> No.2465730

>and being one of the least densely populateed countries in the world you can imagine how many fun and exciting people there are here....

Conversely, this also means there aren't many retarded and otherwise undesirable people in Norway.

I'm so there.

>> No.2465738

meh, I guess I've just gotten used to western porn types too much to want any other type but a barbie. Asian porn always seems so much like punishment.

>> No.2465743

>I don't want to move to Japan.

oh good, one less retarded annoying useless piece of shit tripfag that I will most probably never meet.

>> No.2465751

Don't care if it's Japan or the US, I just need to get out of Europe fast. Fucking shithole of a nanny-continent.

>> No.2466290

I'm just happy I'm not condemned to a life in Ethiopia.

My parents and I were first-generation immigrants from there (although I was only a few months old when we got to the good-ol' U.S. of A.). I came damn close to growing up with in a third-world country, in every sense of the word. America might be a bit bad, but its miles ahead of any country in Africa, bar none.

I missed out on having a maid though. My grandma has one back in Ethiopia. Probably not worth dying of AIDS.

>> No.2466301 [DELETED] 


nigger, nigger, nigger

>> No.2466309

Someday I'll live in SAITAMA.

>> No.2466320

reported for racism

>> No.2466322


>> No.2466425

You know what they say about the 'grass looking greener on the other side'...

It's FUCKING TRUE. I'm here in Seattle with my greener grass laughing at your pathetic European ass. This city rules. My school is full of delicious asian exchange students who are hungry for foreign cock, the weather is never humid and there's always something interesting happening. Get your ass over here to the greener grass, eurofag.

>> No.2467276


>> No.2467339

Seattle: where a bag of dick's marks the end of a good day

>> No.2467444

Swedfag reporting in. Id like to visit Japan but I can't see myself living there. It's a shit country to live in.

>> No.2467467

While your logic might be flawless, we Europeans invented green grass.

>> No.2467501

Fucks sake, not another one.

Dick's jokes never get old.

>> No.2467506

Enjoy your ugly STD-ridden sluts.

>> No.2467512

>we had one TV channel until 1992
whoa just liek iceland, except here twas 87

>> No.2467588

Eh again Japan bashing from people who never even went there once. I have friends living there, I know a white family living there for years, I know a white girl that was born and rised there and one of my friends is half-japanese.

It's a great place to live, one of the best in the world. Much better than America and most european countries.

>> No.2467611

Do you miss Blár Opal too?

>> No.2467635

god yesss
luckily there is still kók og prins póló

>> No.2467644

Prins póló, oh man... it's been a while for me.

>> No.2468280

I live in Finland so I know what you're talking about.
Thing is, I fucking LIKE it here. I'm pretty sure there aren't that many countries out there whose government pays me a monthly wage of 500 euros just for passing courses in university.
And since when was less people around = bad? More like the less, the better.

>> No.2468311

Seconded, although I live in Denmark, but I guess the systems are similar.

>> No.2468325


that 500€ isnt nearly enough for all my figure needs

>> No.2468614

I'm a Finn who lived in Japan for 2 years.

Loved the people and the social life there, but holy shit at the work life. Blue collar life is way easier here than it was there. Fuck those 10 hour workdays with a shitty wage.

>> No.2468646

As an american I say don't go, you niggers have it good.

Smoke a bowl and calm down.

>> No.2468690


>> No.2468780

I feel almost exactly the same way about Finland. Well, except the wages aren't nearly as high as in Norway. And the welfare system seems to be functioning well mostly for people who don't use it. And crime isn't all that low anymore thanks to the growing amount of Somalis.

>> No.2468953
File: 41 KB, 400x405, 3534654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sorry thing is that, although Japan certainly has it's problems and certainly isn't the best country in the world, the folks in this thread claiming it's some sort of horrific dystopia based on anecdotes and stereotypes are just super-weeaboos trying to bring their power level down a notch.

Japan's a country like any other country, know what you need to know if you decide to move there but don't expect a techno nerd utopia. That won't exist until the population continues to fall, while immigrating foreign otaku-types continues to increase.

Also, if you get bored ANYWHERE you're probably a boring person. Fun can be had anywhere, with just a little imagination. Pic related.

>> No.2469005

I would like to move to Japan.

>> No.2469043

OP is stupid and doesn't know how to spot the fine things around him. I swear a shitton of Japanese would want to move to Norway.

>> No.2469069


I seriously doubt Japan will ever introduce mass migration policies (and I hope will never happen as well) no matter how hard their population drops. They are doing the right thing by protecting their ethnicity and pretty much saying multiculturalism is BS.

>> No.2469088

>Moving up to Canada ~♪
>No more third world ~♪
>Fuck this forsaken shithole ~♪

Anyways OP is smash
Go die smash

>> No.2469167

Oh, another Dane. I thought i was the only one on /jp/.

I like living in Denmark. Nothing really happens here, but that doesn't matter that much since i never really go outside that much. We have some of the best welfare in the world, so if you've got any problems you will be given support. Today i met an aquentance of mine who's not right in the head. He's a slittle slow, a little stupid you can say, but he's still able to talk almost normally and think rationally. He's got a disability pension where he gets 11000dkr(1912.01USD) each month. I wish i could get a pension like that.
But I already have a chronic disease, so i might be able to get something similar in a few years, hopefully.

>> No.2469508

The most racist people you will ever meet in Japan are other white expats who emigrated there.

>> No.2469526

Actually, for all the talk about how shitty of a place it is to live, few nips show any particular desire to emigrate.

>> No.2469543


No it isn't, Smash isn't that literate, and he would NEVER badmouth Norway like that. He made several retarded posts in /a/ about how much better Norway is than Japan. Also, if it was really him the OP picture would be some Japanese male model.

>> No.2469556
File: 222 KB, 600x480, 567577_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I originally wanted to go to japan for its arcade scene but then I realized Im not a faggot and instead decided to bring the arcade scene here.

time to buy/build some fucking cabinets.

>> No.2469559

And you have good beer, can't forget that.

>> No.2469576


Also, not a single mention of GDP per capita statistics.

>> No.2469678

Goons and 4channers are the only people with this virulent anti-Japan rage (because they're embarrassed to admit they liked anime when they were younger or something so they go into a disingenuous fit of rage every time someone mentions Japan)

Like your average person might not enjoy anime but still won't start flipping out in disgust whenever Japan comes up; that's total goon behavior.

>> No.2469787

In other words.


"I-I just like some of your videos games and speak your language and all, i-it's not like I l-like you or anything! B-baka!"

>> No.2470042

Well, where I live the wages are low, the wellfare system sucks and crime is so high that at least one hundred people die every weekend by GSW, wanna trade? ¬_¬

Enjoy your country, idiot.

>> No.2470116

I know OPs feelings. I live in Denmark, a shiity country placed conveniently south of Norway.

Life here is dull as fuck. Things to do: Drink beer, watch TV.
TV is utter shit, boring channels, boring shows(Also 9000th time rerun of Mythbusters, scrubs, or simpsons.)
People here are mostly annoying, getting anything apart from beer or food is a pain...

>> No.2470126

I don't understand why you even care.
You spend most of your time in your room playing porn games.
It's not like you're always watching TV with friends.

>> No.2470151


I still need my anime, figs, and games!
And I still like discussing the anime, with my friend.
Thou I may not sound like it I have something that does at least look like a social life.
At least I dont have a girlfriend...

>> No.2470152

You disgust me.

>> No.2470178

You cant really buy figs anywhere outside in Denmark, though. The only place is maybe that Gashapon shop somewhere in Jutland.

>> No.2470192

>TV is utter shit, boring channels, boring shows(Also 9000th time rerun of Mythbusters, scrubs, or simpsons.)
That's what television is like everywhere.

>> No.2470198

That's why people who like TV are like zombies, they are conditioned to like boring stuff.

>> No.2470206


Faraos cigarer. Probably the best, if you ask me. Though they dont sell posters.
Good thing I know a printshop. Ive got like 6 touhou posters...

>> No.2470218

Norway sounds pretty awesome to me. Have you BEEN to Japan? It's a massive shithole.

It's been a while since you've answered me. Will you go out with me?

>> No.2470256

They sell figs as well? Too bad i don't live in Copenhagen.

>> No.2470264


this is pretty much because TV channels realized they have to focus their broadcast on the ignorant people who cant turn a computer and realize you can find better entertainment on the internet.

I havent sit down and watched TV in 2 years and counting. (Obviously without counting playing the vidya)

>> No.2470271

you really need to get some perspective if the only reason for wanting to move out of your current country of residence is boredom.

>> No.2470273

>Will you go out with me?
Why do you want to go out with ugly fatty who used to be a guy?

>> No.2470289
File: 191 KB, 640x540, 19_comeback_v2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2470293

Only thing stopping me from moving to Crapan is their shitty healthcare and shitty criminal justice system.

>> No.2470298

I still watch anime but it's been about 2 years since I've watched American television.

>> No.2470309

I don't, I'm just giving the dumb whore the attention she so desperately craves. Trying to be nice here bro.

>> No.2470312


Drop them an email with your order, I have just gotten my stuff after waiting 1 day.

>> No.2470326

So i don't have to go outside after all, eh?
Are their prices decent, or are they overpricing like everyone else?

>> No.2470329

Not the OP, but I've been to Japan twice.
It was a blast but I can't imagine living there without certain connections.

>> No.2470340

99% of the stuff you like about Japan can be enjoyed over the internet and by importing stuff online.

>> No.2470345

Go work part time at tokyo disney world.

>> No.2470347


They could be alot worse...

They are pushers when it comes to new DVDs. 229 DKK for Hellsing vol. IV, fuck. Series are OK price wise, then again you cant compare a Merchant of used to high prices...
Denmark with the Americans. The Danes are Figure prices has a wide range, and they have OK stuff.

>> No.2470348
File: 379 KB, 489x557, 19_playingmypart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't want it. There's a reason I ignore you most of the time.

>> No.2470359 [DELETED] 

Just wanted to get that faggot less interested. Sorry.

It's only idiots like you that want to bring up her gender. Fucking trolls.

>> No.2470381

I want to move to Japan because they are polite and don't throw trash allover the ground.

Living around Americans makes me want to rip my eyes out. They always are yelling, throwing trash out car windows, and throw a fit if something doesn't go their way or if they are in a hurry.

>> No.2470393

It's pretty nice here in the Netherlands, I see absolutely no reason for me to move to Japan.

>> No.2470403

If you hate 99% of all the people you have met in your country should that be a good enough reason to leave?

>> No.2470411

You'll probably hate 99% of the people in any other country, tho.

>> No.2470412

That's why you go around telling everyone you're a girl all the time, right? Not to mention, you keep using a tripcode with a negative connotation attached to it. You're worse than ISM.

>> No.2470421

I'm sorry. ;_; Didn't mean it, really.
She said she doesn't want attention. That means she really doesn't want attention. Is it that hard to understand?

>> No.2470545
File: 173 KB, 585x578, 19_colorform3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>negative connotation
Well, that's a little stupid.

>> No.2472409

Right here

>> No.2472481

There is no motivation to post with a tripcode except the desire for attention. Anyone who denies this are lying to themselves.
