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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 641 KB, 1920x1200, 1200054883475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
246274 No.246274 [Reply] [Original]

Maybe you'll think of me when you are all alone.

Maybe the one who is waiting for you
will prove untrue, then what will you do?

Maybe you'll sit and sigh, wishing that I were near.

Then maybe you'll ask me to come back again
and maybe I'll say "maybe."

>> No.246278

Now you're thinking with portals.

>> No.246280
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>> No.246294

The Large Hadron Collider can run Fallout, apparently.

>> No.246301

so 30% chance the LHC does what?

>> No.246317

30% chance you'll survive your first day in Gensokyo.

>> No.246318


Makes some higgs-bosons.

>> No.246321


>> No.246322
File: 151 KB, 743x1163, 1205894511206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will find the god partial.

>> No.246334

I hope the LHC throws all of humanity 100 years into the future so I can play Fallout 3 in my flying car on the way to the MOON.

>> No.246335

Seriously, why does the LHC look like a giant laser cannon?

>> No.246336
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, 1205894638423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I now have an incredible urge to play Fallout.

Thanks OP.

>> No.246341


It's not a laser cannon, silly anonymous. It's a railgun.

>> No.246348


If I mentioned, for example, penises, you'd want to play fallout 2.

>> No.246352

Now it looks like a giant pencil sharpener.

>> No.246378


>> No.246389
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Hey Beamspam McMuppet, what does the spiral energy gauge say about his power level?

>> No.246406

the last time I heard, its was a Large Hakkero Cannon.

>> No.246397


>> No.246401
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>> No.246417
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Bollocks. It's clearly a light hawk wing.

>> No.246422

You know, I was hoping that somebody would post a .gif of the Arc-en-Ciel firing.

>> No.246424

Anonymous will write their own code to perform further analysis of objects, searching in the pattern of detected particles for particular physical models or hypothetical particles.

>> No.246438
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Would you settle for an ION Cannon?

>> No.246441

Let us herald the LHC's activation! It'll break space and time, and then anon can go

>> No.246456

I can't wait for the end of the world. I think I'll drop acid on the day they activate LHC just for kicks.

>> No.246463


>> No.246466
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Interesting stuff. Soon we will know what runs the Universe and why.

>> No.246468
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Because she feels like it.

>> No.246474


>> No.246478

This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a fap

>> No.246482
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Listen, it goes like this. One day, some giant naked chicks made everything. That's just about it.

>> No.246494
File: 192 KB, 536x379, 1205895857153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then they left, but they crashed into each other en route or something and left some magic triangles.

>> No.246503
File: 120 KB, 600x261, 1205895957039.jpg [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So everyone was fighting for the magic triangles, right? Since they had to be good, being made by gods and everything. So lots of people die, right?

>> No.246506

Faggot, that's not how it happened. First there was nothing, then that gave birth to itself and fucked itself and made the Gods. No, wait, that's Roman mythology.

>> No.246516




>> No.246519
File: 170 KB, 550x702, 1205896035841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So these seven sages decide if they just wait around everyone is gonna kill each other, so they put the magic triangles in another dimension and seal the whole thing up.

>> No.246527


>> No.246538
File: 89 KB, 600x315, 1205896172831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So everything's cool for like a couple thousand years, right?

Then this douchebag wizard decides he wants the magic triangles, so he starts trapping the descendants of the old sage dudes in ice a la Cirno so he can weaken the seal, and he's being kind of a jerk to everyone else too.

>> No.246539

You're thinking of the Dunton's smoked meat.

You knows, I've never gone into the locked room in their house. Every time I've played, by the time I've gotten the explosives or lockpicking skill to get in there, I just forget about it.

>> No.246542

Then mankind's ascension to godhood will be complete.

>> No.246547


Nope, but fuck, now I can blackmail the bastard.

>> No.246551
File: 155 KB, 600x485, 1205896271935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So they're down to one decendant, if she gets frogballed it's game over, man. So she uses jedi mind tricks to tell this elf thing guy that he has to cowboy up and save the world, because his fat Uncle got himself killed by the first trash mob.

>> No.246552
File: 155 KB, 600x485, 1205896299726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So they're down to one descendant, if she gets frogballed it's game over, man. So she uses jedi mind tricks to tell this elf thing guy that he has to cowboy up and save the world, because his fat Uncle got himself killed by the first trash mob.

>> No.246564
File: 95 KB, 500x502, 1205896382952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and some fag with an ocarina was there too, but he turned into a shrubbery or something and no one cared.

>> No.246580

So I ride the 4chan
like a wet, oversize coat
that only
burdens the bearer
who tries to figure out
what the hell happened
as it drips of stigma
and hangs of stereotype
and stand on
only this one belief

>> No.246586
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>>some fag with an ocarina

>> No.246601

>>Oh, and some fag with an ocarina was there too, but he turned into a shrubbery or something and no one cared.

Wait, so now you're talking about Majora's Mask?

>> No.246605

...Is it strange I find the whole Zelda creation myth just as plausible as some actual religions, and moreso than others?

>> No.246620
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I'm a tree!
I'm a tree!
Fuckin' bombs out of nowhere!
I'm a treeeeeeeeee!

>> No.246639

Its not that hard to write creation myths. Here, I'll make one up.

In the beginning of the world there was only water, a great sea. God filled this sea with life and took the form of a great fish. Eventually this fish died, its huge body becoming the land. Because it was the body of God, it contained the essence of life, and soon all species of plants and animals sprang from it.

There, easy.

>> No.246642


In a world where scientology is considered a religion, not at all.

>> No.246651


I think that one's already taken.

>> No.246659

Is it? I might just be remembering something and forgetting where it came from.

>> No.246674

Best creation myth ever: The Game.

>> No.246691
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21st century poem

>> No.246731

Fuck, Ink Spots in my head.

>> No.246733
File: 235 KB, 1000x1000, 1205897653888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My theories.

>> No.246736

Reminds me of the creation of Tellius.

In the beginning, the world was a great ocean. One day a girl was born from the ocean. The girl created land, plants and animals. The animals eventually evolved to become similar to the girl, sharing her shape and being able to communicate with her. These new people created conflicts which divided them and they warred. After watching them kill each other, the girl became emotional, and her emotions flooded all the land in the world, save Tellius.

>> No.246744


You forgot the "SCIENCE!" ending.

>> No.246771

I think thats the one on the bottom.

>> No.246794

>There are three possible things could happen

>> No.246801


That's more of a "...science."

>> No.246842
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Did someone say Armageddon?

>> No.246911
File: 275 KB, 640x512, 1205898650031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oooh, so more like this?

Nothing says science like riding a rocket-bathtub through a wall.

>> No.246939
File: 71 KB, 1142x306, 1205898766817.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Exactly! Robot clones are also SCIENCE!

>> No.246942

A close friend of mine actually did some research for Cern on whether expanding the LHC further was necessary, arriving at the conclusion that it was. Now before we go trashing science for this, let's take into consideration that he is christian. It seems they were behind this the whole time. :P
No another note, not even he is completely certain that the LHC won't destroy earth. I agree with him that it's unlikely, but you can't gamble the whole earth on some scientific theory being right, judging by how many times it has been wrong in the past.

>> No.246958

smooth; Creation AND Armageddon.

>> No.246967
File: 73 KB, 747x744, 1205898920589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rocket fairies are science!

>> No.247052


the worst thing is that if it REALLY fucks up, it may wind up wiping out the universe in an instant. think about it, one moment you're laughing at a Nasu h-scene, the next you've stopped existing so fucking hard that you actually never existed in the first place.

>> No.247081

Lets all just hope really hard that Hawkings Radiation really does exist.

Or, falling short of that, that one of the religions with a friend view of the afterlife is right.

>> No.249146

LHC awesomeness

>> No.249159

Wait, shit.

>> No.249200

Is it wrong that I hope the LHC messes with reality and turns the world into a hallucinatory, post-modern lucid apocalypse land?

Because that would be awesome.

>> No.249215

Why so many people talking about the Hadron collider? God particles aren't that interesting.

>> No.249217

i hope it does anything.
at all.

>> No.249238

Even if it messes up the LHC won't do anything all that great. More electricity won't change anything, to little electricity just means the two particles collide slower. Your all fucking idiots if you think anything global is going to come out of it.

>> No.249243

one can always hope...

>> No.249253

Do you people even realize theres another collider, much like the ones your sitting there being all sci-fi about that been operating for years and hasn't killed us yet?

>> No.249257
File: 374 KB, 800x1200, 1205929573338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, for one, came to /jp/ to read about the LHC.

Mods, sticky please. Archive too!

>> No.249258

I bet it can make very good cheese.
